Read Sweet the Sin Online

Authors: Claire Kent

Sweet the Sin (23 page)

BOOK: Sweet the Sin
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Kelly exhaled deeply and tried to relax. He was slow and gentle—unusually so—and soon her body was reacting the way it always did when she let herself enjoy his touch.

He hadn’t tried to move lower than her belly button, so Kelly didn’t tense up when he mouthed her shuddering belly, his hands fondling her breasts as she arched up into his caress. She was deeply aroused, and overwhelmed by far more than the physical sensations.

Caleb’s lips trailed even lower, until they were brushing against the delicate skin just above the trimmed strip of hair between her thighs. He glanced up, giving her a questioning look.

She nodded mutely, her throat too constricted to speak.

He nudged her thighs open a little wider, and Kelly bent her legs and drew them up toward her body to give him better access. She felt oddly vulnerable in this position, which was ridiculous. Countless men had seen her pussy over the years, most of them strangers and none of them trying to please her as Caleb was now.

She stretched her arms out beside her and clutched again at the duvet, staring down at Caleb’s head between her legs.

He kissed the skin of her inner thigh, making her shiver. Next, he stroked her belly in a firm, warm massage. He shifted on the mattress, and licked a light trail along the inside of her other thigh.

His eyes were still on her face, even as he was pressing a wet kiss on the crease where her thigh met her pelvis. He seemed to be breathing deeply, and she saw something ignite in his eyes.

She had to look away. Didn’t want to think about what that might mean—that he’d picked up on her arousal.

“Tell me you want me this way,” he said.

“I do. Caleb, I do.”

He started nuzzling her gently.

Kelly gasped at the first contact, but kept her thighs open for him. She breathed as deeply as she could, and forced her mind away from who was doing this to her. She gasped again when Caleb licked a line along her warm flesh, and then held her open with his fingers. He dipped his tongue quickly into her channel. Discovering the moisture pooled there, he flicked up a little higher, finding her clit, and jostling it a few times with his tongue.

At the direct stimulation, Kelly felt a jolt of urgent pleasure shoot through her. Her back arched up off the bed dramatically, and she cried out with an incoherent sound.

Caleb turned his head to the side and mouthed her inner thigh again. Moved his hand back up to rub her lower stomach. “Don’t fight it,” he murmured. “Just let go.”

He nuzzled her again until he’d parted her open once more. Licked a long line along her aroused flesh before returning to her entrance. This time, he spent more time sliding his tongue inside her. Fluttering it. Curling it.

The sensations were unlike anything Kelly had ever experienced before, and the ache of arousal immediately deepened, causing her to clutch even more desperately at the covers. She wanted to squirm her hips, wanted to buck up into his mouth to get more intense stimulation. But she held herself still and tried to accept the growing pleasure.

She was panting loudly now, and occasionally making silly moans or whimpers. And she couldn’t seem to keep track of the movements of Caleb’s lips and tongue—which is why it surprised her when he suddenly flicked his tongue over her swollen clit again.

Her body jerked spasmodically, and she cried out. His fingers were holding her open and stretching out her moist flesh, intensifying the feelings even more. He nudged at her clit again. This time, as she cried out, her pelvis bucked up uncontrollably.

Kelly’s arms flew up until she was gripping the top of the pillow beneath her, her elbows bent on either side of her head. Her body was screaming for this now, shamelessly rocking beneath him in an attempt to find a satisfying rhythm. Her mind was a chaotic whirl of fear and pleasure and need and something else that was still making her gut clench. “It’s good,” she mumbled, tossing her head restlessly. “I want you so much.”

His mouth never stopped working, and Kelly started whimpering in growing need.

She needed the release that she was mounting toward, but she didn’t know how to just lie there and accept it. She also needed to be doing something, acting, making this happen. No one had ever given anything to her without taking back.

Her hands were fumbling around now, above her head, on the headboard, on the duvet beside her, on her own breasts. And her whimpers had turned into frantic, wordless pleas. She hooked one leg over Caleb’s shoulder and grabbed her other knee and pulled it farther back.

He lowered his face once again. She was holding her thighs wide apart, so she was utterly exposed to him. He returned the fingers of one hand to hold her open, and then he moved the other hand even lower to slide two fingers inside her.

Kelly choked on a cry of pleasure, feeling her orgasm starting to take shape as he fucked her with his fingers. Her head was tossing wildly, but she couldn’t seem to keep it still.

She felt Caleb’s tongue on her clit again, the jostling combining with his fingers thrusting inside her. It felt like her head was exploding, like she wasn’t capable of handling this.

She couldn’t do anything, could only just take it. Accept it. Feel it.

And then he started to suck.

She choked on a wordless sound, half sob, half scream, and there was no way she could force it back. And then she was coming. It was swallowing her. She arched off the bed one more time, her mouth open wide in a silent scream of completion. Her inner muscles were clenching around Caleb’s fingers, and then her entire body was convulsing as she rode out the lingering spasms.

She was still gasping when he lifted up and moved higher up her body, claiming her mouth in a hard kiss.

She kissed him back, tasting herself, nothing held back, and she fumbled with his trousers so she could feel him more, harder, even deeper.

Their embrace had suddenly become so urgent that they almost forgot the condom, but he remembered at the last moment and took a minute to roll one on.

Soon he was entering her, filling her, and she cried out in satisfaction—even as a few tears still streamed down her cheeks. They rocked together in an instinctive rhythm, and it soon became fast and urgent.

“Kelly,” Caleb grunted, adjusting his knees to give himself more leverage as his hips began to thrust harder.

Kelly forced out a wordless sound of response, squeezing him between her legs and fisting her hands in the pillow to keep herself from squeezing him with her arms too. Another orgasm was swelling up, and it felt like it was going to be powerful.

“Kelly,” Caleb rasped again, ducking his head down, his eyes never leaving her face.

Her hips were bucking up in clumsy jerks, bumping against his pelvis as she loosened and tightened her legs—her body so eager for her approaching orgasm that she was almost clumsy.

“Kelly,” Caleb muttered again. This time he seemed to be trying to get her attention. “You want this?”

She would have thought he was crazy—since she clearly wanted this so much she was about to scream—but she knew what he was asking.

If she wanted him. All of him. All the way.

“Yes.” The sensations bombarded her but refused to release themselves. “I want you. I want you.”

Caleb made a guttural sound. “I want you too. All of you. All of you.”

She turned her head to the side when a sliver of fear overwhelmed her. She squeezed her eyes shut. Squeezed her legs around Caleb’s middle, her heels digging brutally into the small of his back. Felt her entire body tightening in torturous anticipation.

It was still so wrong to want him this way.

“Kelly,” Caleb choked, his body just as tight as hers was. “Kelly, look at me.”

She didn’t want to, but couldn’t help herself. Her eyes flew open at his thick words, and she turned her head to stare up at his handsome, twisted face, at the inexpressible look in his eyes.

She whimpered, in desperate pleasure—and in something else.

“Kelly,” Caleb grunted again. His hand was still curved around the back of her head, and sweat was dripping down the sides of his face. His eyes were mesmerizing, demanding, and almost helpless, and Kelly just couldn’t look away from them, the intensity distracting her momentarily from the momentum of her orgasm. “Kelly,” he choked. “Say my name.”

It was more a plea than a demand, and something clenched hard in Kelly’s chest at the knowledge.

She couldn’t have resisted, even if she’d wanted to. Holding his gaze with her own, she gasped. “Caleb!”

At the sound of his name on her lips, her whole body began to shake, all of the friction of his pumping cock inside her and his rocking body above her finally pushing her to the limit.

“Again,” Caleb demanded thickly. He looked like he could swallow her, devour her, drown in her.

“Caleb,” she cried, her voice almost strangled by her impending release. She could feel the pressure finally coalesce into one overwhelmingly powerful peak. Forcing her eyes to remain open so she was still meeting his gaze, she sobbed out “Caleb!”

Her muscles began to clench ruthlessly around the pumping of his cock. Her body spasmed helplessly beneath him as she tried to ride out the waves of radiating pleasure.

Caleb was still trying to push inside her, but mostly he was trapped, by her contracting muscles or by the power of his own climax. His face contorted as he reached the limit of his control, but his eyes never left hers, not even when he grunted out a final, rough “Kelly, blossom,” as he came.

She started crying for real.

His weight rested on her afterward for a minute, his face buried in her hair, just above her shoulder.

Kelly accepted his hot weight. She tried to unwind her legs and wiggle some circulation back into her toes. She tried to stop crying.

But she couldn’t. Not really. She kept hearing Caleb murmuring to her, against her neck, “Oh, fuck, Kelly, blossom. I want everything from you too. You don’t have to hold anything back from me anymore.”

He was expecting her to calm down and be happy, but there was no way that was possible.

Her plan had worked. Caleb was vulnerable. Completely at her mercy.

He was hated. And not hated.

And her father was still dead.

She might have surrendered far too many parts of herself to Caleb, but her surrender would never lead to light.

“Kelly?” he prompted, after a couple of minutes, when she was still shaking in his arms.

There was no explanation she could give him. Nothing that would even come close to answering his unspoken question.

No lie she could tell him.

She had to get away. Right now. Before she broke down even more—shattered everything—even more than she already had. Before she blurted out the final truth.

She couldn’t stay here and be held by Caleb. Couldn’t stay here with him at all. She couldn’t stay and be who she’d been in his arms.

But she couldn’t get away without an explanation. “It was—so good,” she gasped, praying that he’d find it convincing. “Sorry about all the crying. It was—overwhelming. After all the angst and having to admit that and everything—the release—just did me in.”

He didn’t speak for a long time, and she had no idea if he believed her.

Finally, he said dryly, “If you keep crying every time I have sex with you, I’ll eventually start to wonder about my performance.”

The humor was so unexpected that Kelly choked on a real burst of amusement. But then she just choked. And panicked. It hit her so hard and so quickly that she felt the room spinning around her.

“I need to leave,” she said, pulling away from him, sitting up, gasping for air.

Caleb’s face twisted as he dropped his arms to his sides. “What?”

Trying to cling to the remaining control she had, Kelly got up and moved over toward her overnight bag that was tucked in the corner of the room. She started throwing some clothes in it, then realized she was naked.

She limped over to where her bra and shirt were tossed on the floor.

“I’m— It’s too much. I need some space.”

For once, the words weren’t even lies.

“So, you’re leaving? After what just happened?” Caleb demanded. He was angry again, which should have been a good sign. But underneath the anger was an undeniable current of hurt. “After what we just said? You’re leaving me?”

Kelly redressed herself and tried to find the rest of her stuff to throw into her overnight bag. “I’m sorry, but it’s just too much. Maybe we can sort it out later.”

She kept her head hidden from him because, if she looked him in the eye, she would lose it completely.

Caleb didn’t answer. He didn’t try to stop her. She shot him a quick glance and saw he’d clearly pulled in on himself, all of his protective instincts on guard again. He’d made himself as vulnerable as he ever had, and she’d just slammed the door in his face.

Now he just watched every move she made with a cool, penetrating gaze.

Kelly wasn’t sure that she had everything in the bag, but she didn’t really care at the moment. Her purpose for being here at all was nowhere now, and the only thing that mattered was getting away. If she wanted to keep her sanity.

She’d just professed feelings for the man who may or may not have murdered her father. She’d just surrendered all of herself to him—so much more than just her body. There was no way to make sense of a world where that could happen.

So she just needed to get away. “I’m really sorry, Caleb,” she said as she heaved the bag up and started to leave the room. “I mean it. But I just can’t—”

He still didn’t answer. He felt as cold and hard as he’d been when they first met. Caleb followed her out of the room. Out of the house. Down to where her car was parked.

He grabbed her shoulder just before she got into the car Pete had pulled up to drive her home. “Kelly,” he said in a rough murmur. “You’re making a mistake.”

She shrugged weakly, and her voice cracked as she answered, “It’s not the first time.”

She had no idea where to go. Or what to do. Or if she even had any options.

All she knew was that she had to get away.

She fell into a daze as she drove into the city—all her chaotic feelings, all her anger, all her angst freezing into a tight, fragile control.

BOOK: Sweet the Sin
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