Sweet Surrender (38 page)

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Authors: Maddie Taylor

BOOK: Sweet Surrender
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The next blow interrupted her flow of thoughts, as jagged and disjointed as they were and her yelp became strident.

“Are you okay, baby?” he asked without pause.

“It really stings.”

“Good. Remember this. It will be worse if you ever think to run from me again, leaving a note, ignoring my calls, not coming to the door when I come to see you. You’re twenty-eight; I expect you to act like the adult you are, the professional with a shit-ton of responsibilities weighing upon your shoulders, with the lives of patients in your hands. With all that, which you handle adeptly, I expect you to be able to come to your man when something is bothering you. Understand?”

As he’d spoken, he’d laid down a barrage of spanks, the staccato of the brush matching the emphasis of his words. Her butt was ablaze with scorching heat as she called out, “Yes, sir, I understand.”

With four more swats, two each applied to the uppermost aspect of her thighs, where the curve of her bottom began, he was done. She knew this from the clatter of the brush on the nightstand, or the floor. Either way, it was over and his hand returned, the coolness of his skin soothing immediately. He then sat her upright, rolling her onto her hip and cradling her against his chest.

“It’s over,
. All is forgiven and we move forward from here.”

With those words of exoneration, the oppressive, nearly unbearable weight she’d been carrying around for weeks lifted.

“Thank you,” she sobbed.

“Hush now, we’re a team, one of give and take. No thanks are necessary.”

Jessie buried her face in his neck as she hugged him tight, wondering how she could have ever been so foolish to think she could live without him. As she lay against him, his hand gently stroked over her back, his touch soothing and comforting. After several minutes had passed, it began to wander away from her bottom, as it usually did. Instead, it meandered down her side and past her hip, his fingertips also grazing along the outside of the thigh that pointed upward in her side-lying position. With one long glide upward, his hand cupped her breast and stayed there, his thumb and forefinger playing lightly over the nipple, pinching it and rolling it gently until she groaned.

“I need you, Jessie. Now that I’ve given and you’ve taken, how about a little in reverse?” He lifted her off him. “Get on your hands and knees, baby. It’ll be easier on your bottom.”

Her own need, still strong in spite of the serious punishment, had her on her knees in a heartbeat. Something cool and slick touched her burning skin as Marc slathered on some kind of oil. It felt wonderful; she sighed as it eased the sting. As his fingers massaged it in, they found their way to the slick heat between her thighs.

“Spread wider for me,

Her knee moved outward a good four or five inches, allowing his fingers entrance. As they slipped inside, the gushing sounded loud in the quiet room.

His response came out in a growl. “Perfect.”

He played there a moment, gliding easily in and out, adding a finger, then another. With three broad digits plunging into her, she felt stretched full, still she wanted more and began to rock back into his hand. Only two or three glorious pumps occurred before he withdrew, gliding between her lips and painting her clit with her copious juices.

“So wet and tight, my Jessie is. Abso-fucking-lutely perfect.”

He continued on, moving upward until he located the tight wrinkled hole, his fingers slick with her natural essence gliding easily over it. Surprisingly, it felt amazing, as did the fingertip he dipped inside. As arousing as it was, she tensed.

I promise I’ll make it feel good. I can’t wait to see my cock diving in between the flaming cheeks of your ass.”

“Little fire is very appropriate, handsome, considering my ass feels like an inferno.” She choked out the last word as his finger twisted slowly and sank in to the second knuckle.

“Let me help douse the flames a bit.” His words brushed her sensitive skin first; a second later, she felt the long licks of his tongue. It was a bit raspy on her tender flesh, but it felt unbelievable. After licking and laving the heat of her cheeks, his focus moved inward. Her moans turned into a throaty purr when his thumbs parted wide, allowing his tongue to lick between, over her clit, circling and diving into her sopping wet center, and then moving on to the winking muscles of her ass. He tongued the opening and the purr became more of a feline growl.

“I can’t wait, baby.”

He was behind her then and a drizzle of something slippery hit the top of her cleft. It trickled down over her puckered hole until his finger found it and began spreading it and dipping inside. One became two and soon his broad fingers were replaced by the smooth head of his cock.

“Don’t forget to breathe. Bearing down as I push inside will make it easier.”

She did as she was told and the head of his cock slid in easily. Either he’d prepared her well or this wasn’t as tight a fit as she’d imagined it would be. As he burrowed inside, filling her slowly, she felt the stretch. He was patient. There was no pain, only a slight pinch as he slid in to the hilt. When he began to pull out, she waited for the pinch to return, but it didn’t. In truth, it felt good. He slid in slowly again and she groaned; it was amazing, so much so that she begged for more.

“You like it.” Not a question, a statement.

“Yes,” she moaned, panting, “more. Move faster, please.”

“At my pace, baby, I’ll have you in my own good time. Reach down and play with your clit. If you come while I’m in your tight gorgeous ass, that’s all the better for me.”

Two fingers homed in on her tingling clit; as she rubbed, Marc glided steadily in and out of her ass, gradually gaining speed until he really began to move and the skin of his lower abs and thighs meeting the well-heated surface of her ass and thighs with a loud smack every time. The mild discomfort warred with pleasure in other more vital places and pleasure won easily.

She felt the buildup of her climax in her clit and filled ass, and was soon rocking back against him, clamping down on the length of his driving cock. Her cries of pleasure were drowned out by his shout. As if he was in pain, he shouted, “Holy fuck! You’re so tight, like a vise-grip clamped around my cock. So hot and so good, baby, I’m gonna come—”

Before his words were out, he tensed, slamming into her twice more. The heat of his come splashed deep inside her as he shuddered and groaned behind her, his hands rubbing big circles over her ass. As he started to regain his faculties, he eased out, coming down on the bed beside her and dragging her limp body over his.

“What did you think about that?”

“Couldn’t you tell I loved it?”

“I could, but I’d rather hear the words from your beautiful lips.”

“I loved it, handsome.”

His eyes flashed as he captured her face between his hands, bringing her down so that their noses touched, their breath comingling. She could see the intensity of his passion burning in his eyes. “I’ve possessed every part of you now—your delicious mouth, your glorious pussy, and your delectable virgin ass. Every sublime inch of you is mine,
cara mia
. Tonight and forever, I don’t ever want you to forget that.”

“I won’t, every time I brush my hair I’ll remember.” Her gentle tease was acknowledged with a squeeze of her tush from his large hands, making Jessie inhale sharply and squirm atop his hard body. She could feel the liquid heat between her legs begin at the same time his cock began to stir beneath her thighs. Suddenly, he shifted her off him and darted quickly across the room. She rolled to her side, watching in wonder as he searched through his trouser pockets then reached for his jacket, searching there as well.

“We’ll marry as planned and you’ll move back in the minute we get home.”

It wasn’t a question, but she gave her affirmation anyway, albeit more subdued than the first time when he had asked her.

Having found what he was searching for, he turned back. “I’m so sorry, Marc,” she said.

“I’ve already said you’re forgiven, baby,” he said as he crawled back into bed. “It may take a while to forget though. I’ve ached for you this past month and I’ll want you close as reassurance. If I act possessive for a while, like when I locked you in the car, you’ll have to overlook me.”

“I feel the same way, so if I’m clingy, if I turn into a puddle of tears, or if I beat that bitch Christina Barlow’s skinny ass the next time I see her, you’ll have to overlook me too.”

His eyes flared wide for a minute, then he burst into laughter. “Now that I’d love to see. She needs to have her puffed-up ego deflated of some of that self-important hot air. I’m glad you’ll be around to protect me. She hounded me like a bitch in heat as soon as she heard of our breakup. I sat next to her at that meeting and she had her foot up against—”

Marc stopped abruptly, apparently realizing that disclosing that little tidbit with his newly re-affianced fiancée might not be a good idea; however, Jessie wasn’t about to let it slide.

“I see a definite beat-down in her future. I might be shorter, but I grew up in a trailer park, which means I’ve got street smarts and her ass is grass.”

“Mm…” His smiling lips nuzzled her neck. “Such passion,
I like it, even so, I’d prefer you save that fire for me in the bedroom.” He rolled her to her back, his knee insinuating itself between her thighs, the hair on his leg abrading her still tender and sensitive skin. “Give me your hand.”

She lifted her right one.

“No, baby, I want the one where this belongs.” He held up her engagement ring. In an instant, it was back on her finger and he was kissing the back of her hand.

“I won’t take it off again, ever,” she whispered, clenching her hand in a fist, for emphasis.

He leaned down to capture her lips. “No more tears or apologies tonight, okay? And no talking about bitches and beat-downs either. The only thing I want to hear for the rest of the night is the sound of our lovemaking. Your sweet cries and the way you scream my name when you come drives me wild,

“I don’t scream.”

He chuckled. “You totally do. People will be wondering exactly which room belongs to the honeymooners.”

Raising up on an elbow, Jessie glanced anxiously at the bedside clock. “You mean they’re back? It’s still early. Did you hear them come in? If they heard me scream or you spanking me with that brush, I’ll simply die. Good grief, it was so loud and sounded like gunshots. I’m surprised the cops didn’t come bustin’ in.” She groaned. “I’m mortified. Do you think we can sneak out in the morning before they get up so I don’t have to face them?”

Her words stopped rushing out as lips smothered her rambling panic.

“Shh, they haven’t returned. Even if they did, the sounds you and I were making would not be unfamiliar to Jared and Stacy, as you know. Nor to Joanne and Russ, who have been married forever and are not unfamiliar with the crack of a brush from what Jared has alluded to.”

“What? Not Joanne Baker! That woman is a business legend in these parts, a dynamic professional and a very powerful woman; surely she doesn’t allow her husband to spank her.”

“You’re a dynamic professional, yet you let me pull you over my knee and whale away.”

“Joanne Baker…” Jessie repeated, barely able to process it. “Will wonders never cease.”

“Maybe I should get Russ to give my dad a few lessons. Despite his threats, his technique clearly needs work, as evidenced by my mother’s poor behavior of late.”

“She is not going to be happy that we made up.”

“Don’t you worry about that, he’s onto them now and spanking or not, he won’t let that happen again. Neither will I.”

“If you’d like, I’ll buy her a brush like the one you used on me. Better yet, I’ll wrap it up and give it to your dad as a gift. You can include a step-by-step procedure guide in case he doesn’t take the hint from Russ.”
That would fix her,
Jessie finished, but not aloud.

“Your vindictiveness is showing,

“Sorry. It’s warranted though, don’t you agree?”

“Absolutely.” He lifted his head and smiled down at her. “Now then, although you seem to be enjoying the idea of my father wearing out a hairbrush on my mother’s behind, it rather tweaks me, so let’s change the subject.”

“Okay, just remember who brought it up.”

He lightly pinched her rear. “So noted, baby, now where were we?”

He bent his head and licked up her throat, kissing across her chin. He hovered over her mouth, as his cock plunged inside. A cry rose from her lips as he bottomed out in one stroke.

Smiling, he murmured, “Ah yes, now I remember,” before he kissed her and took her to heaven once more.


* * *


Neither Marc nor Jessie returned home on the Sunday morning flight with the rest of the guests as planned. Instead, Marc finagled two last-minute first-class seats on an early afternoon plane on Monday. Jessie called in to the hospital for Monday off, using a personal day, while Marc spent a half hour on the phone with Ben, begging him to cover for him for just one more day. Jessie listened as he’d promised everything except his left kidney before he got the man to agree. Having worked with Ben closely at the hospital, she guessed he was yanking Marc’s chain. Ben was that kind of guy, a nice one, but he was a jokester and enjoyed giving his partners a hard time.

With their bases covered, they had no qualms about horning in on Jared and Stacy’s honeymoon. Although since the house was huge, neither couple seemed to notice. They did emerge about the same time on Sunday afternoon when the beach called to all of them apparently. They met in the upstairs hallway dressed in swimsuits and loaded down with towels and sunscreen. Marc suggested they dig out the beach umbrellas from the garage, in consideration of their fair-haired women with their equally fair complexions.

“There are a few boogie boards and a huge surfboard in there too that the previous owners left,” Marc suggested. “Oh, and there’s a cooler in the cabinet under the sink in the kitchen for cold drinks.”

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