Sweet Spot (4 page)

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Authors: Lucy Felthouse

BOOK: Sweet Spot
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Chapter Six


“Y-yes?” My tone was high, surprised, and I had to resist
the temptation to cover myself up.

“Are you all right all the way over here? You look a little

She was so close now that her right arm pressed against my
left and scorching heat traveled from that spot and zipped through my entire
body. There was no other possible explanation—she was definitely trying to kill
me via random orgasm.

“L-lonely?” Why the hell did she think I was lonely? Because
I hadn’t taken the shower right next to hers? Surely she knew the etiquette? It
was like men in bathrooms—they wouldn’t take a urinal next to another guy
unless it was the only one that was free. It was just the way things were. Plus
I’d been doing a similar sort of thing for months and she was just picking up
on it now?

“Yeah, lonely. I thought perhaps you wanted some…company.”
She practically purred the words at me and I could almost hear the cogs in my
brain turning and clicking into place. Eventually my mind offered up a

She’s coming on to you.

What? No, she couldn’t be. Could she?

When she turned and faced me, pressing her soapy body up
against mine…well, I know it’s a cliché but I thought I’d died and gone to
heaven. I didn’t move though—couldn’t. I didn’t know what the hell to do. It
had taken me months and months to pluck up the courage to even think about telling
her how I felt about her and I still hadn’t quite gotten around to it. And now
she was short-circuiting my mind and body and turning me into a quivering mass
of mute lust.

Christ, Virginia, are you going to keep
stuttering at her or you going to say something remotely sensible?

Clearly not.

“What’s the matter, sweetie? I thought you liked me.”

“I do.” That at least I was sure of and the confidence
finally shone through in my voice.

“Oh good.” She giggled. “I thought I’d gotten it totally
wrong for a second there.” Her hand slipped around my waist and she began
stroking my back, up and down, stopping each time before she got to my
buttocks. I didn’t know whether that was deliberate or not. The whole time, the
water rained down on me—on us.

“No,” I replied, trying my hardest to clamp down on my
nerves. I didn’t want to blow this, not now it was really happening. If it was,
of course. There was always a chance I’d fallen asleep and was having a
wonderful, wonderful dream. I thought about pinching myself to find out, then
decided against it. If it was a dream I should just enjoy it. It would be
fantastic wank fodder down the line. “You didn’t get it wrong. I do like you. A

The hand that had been stroking my back flattened and she
used it to pull me tighter against her. “I suspected as much. I’ve seen you
looking at me.”

“You have?” And there was me thinking I’d been subtle about

“Yeah. Those baby-blues of yours peeking when you thought I
wasn’t looking. Your pupils widening. You pulling your bottom lip between your
teeth and nibbling it… You probably thought I would never notice, sweetie, but
your body gave you away. Every single time. I mean, look at these.”

She swept her free hand down my décolletage and onto my
right breast then tweaked first one nipple, then the other. “They’re like
bullets. Gorgeous pink bullets that I want to put in my mouth. Tell me, honey—if
you liked me why didn’t you do something about it?”

I shrugged then realized that was silly. I could tell her
why. There was no sense in hiding it. “Lots of reasons. I didn’t know whether
you liked women. Didn’t know whether you liked me. I was scared. And then all
that stuff at the Open. I was going to tell you that night, then it all went
wrong…” I trailed off. That was it, really, in a nutshell.

“That wasn’t really lots of reasons, V. Just a few. So did
you give up? Or were you just biding your time?” Her fingers still toyed with
my right nipple, which felt as if it had a light electrical current running
through it. Then she stopped, only to cup my breast, massaging it. The other
one was bereft now and I wanted her to touch it again. But at the same time I
didn’t want her to let go of my back—I enjoyed being pressed up against her
naked body.

“I was biding my time. Just trying to find a good moment.
Probably this afternoon, when we went for a drink. If my nerves didn’t give

Nadia quirked a brow. “Really? So if I hadn’t started this,
then you’d have said something later? Damn. I’d been waiting for you to make
the first move.”

“So…you like me? Or are you just looking for…you know…”

“What, V? Looking for what?”

“You know.” I lowered my voice, despite knowing how
ridiculous that was. There was no one else in the women’s locker and changing
rooms and we’d probably been the only ones there all day. “Sex!”

Nadia laughed again, giving my breast a hearty squeeze and
making my heart pound ever faster. “I know, gorgeous, I know. I just wanted to
hear you say it. And no, this isn’t just about sex. Though I can’t deny how
much I want you.” Now she moved her other hand and covered both my tits,
running her palms over and over the nipples, teasing them relentlessly before
cupping my mounds and pushing them together. Bending her head, she flicked her
tongue around and across each bud in turn, then pulled one into her mouth and
sucked it, gently at first, then harder.

I’d grown steadily wetter—and not just from the shower—the
entire time we’d both been naked, and now I felt a fresh gush of liquid seep
from my core, coating the insides of my thighs. God, I wanted her to touch me
there, with her hands, her lips, her tongue…

Suddenly Nadia pulled away and straightened with a gasp. I
snatched in a breath, thinking perhaps we’d been caught. Wide-eyed, I gazed
around us, growing confused as I saw we were still alone. She caught my frown
and counteracted it with a smile.

“Sorry, sweetie. Didn’t mean to startle you. But I realized
something—I’ve been skipping ahead.”


“I was going to town on your delectable tits and remembered
that we haven’t even kissed yet.” She paused. “Would you like to?”

“Like to? Kiss?” It seemed like such a stupid question that
I couldn’t help repeating it. I nodded frantically.

She moved her face close to mine and said huskily, “I was
hoping you’d say that. Or nod it, anyway.” A short laugh and she was right
there, grown blurry, and I closed my eyes before they crossed and made me look
like a total moron. As a result I didn’t know how long I had until her mouth
touched mine.

It was barely a second. A whisper of breath across the
delicate skin, then soft, wet lips contacted mine. I still wasn’t convinced
that I wasn’t dreaming. Me and Nadia naked and soapy together in a shower…it
was like my favorite sexual fantasies come true.

Then my capability for thinking was removed. Because, at the
same time her tongue sought access to my mouth, her right hand skated down my
body and insinuated itself between my thighs. Working in tandem, her hand and
her tongue teased me, tantalized me, stroking, caressing, penetrating. I was so
bowled over by the situation that it took a while to realize that I was
behaving like a doll—just standing there and letting her do her thing. I
mentally shook myself.
Come on, Virginia, don’t make this smokin’ hot woman
regret her decision to come on to you. You’re not a damn virgin, so get your
head out of your arse and reciprocate, enjoy the moment.

My mind made up, I moved my arms from where they’d hung
limply at my sides and slipped them around Nadia’s body. It was all so new, so
exciting. It wasn’t that I didn’t know what to do next, more that I couldn’t
decide. Did I grab the back of her neck, pull her closer and deepen the kiss?
Or did I get a handful of the buttocks I’d admired for so long and see if they
felt as good as they looked? And what about her breasts?

Spoiled for choice, I knew I had to make a decision fast
before I ruined this seriously sexy Sapphic moment. Finally my brain kicked in
and I remembered that, given I had two hands, I could do two of those things.
Seriously, what was it about this woman that made me into a brainless idiot?
Shifting one hand up her body, I slotted it beneath the thick mane of wet hair
that hung down her back and grabbed her neck, pulling her mouth harder onto
mine. We groaned together, the sound nearly lost in each other and the hot
water that still poured onto us.

I sneaked my free hand eagerly downward, spreading my
fingers wide, ready to grab that gorgeous flesh. When I finally did I thought I
might expire with pleasure. The bum I’d spent a great deal of time checking out
was amazing. Firm and yet not too hard, still deliciously feminine and
eminently squeezable. I wanted to bury my face between those cheeks and

I told myself that there was no rush. She’d said this wasn’t
just about sex, which implied this wouldn’t be a one-off, wouldn’t be a sole
incident that I’d relive again and again while I laid in bed, my hand crammed
between my thighs. I hoped more than anything that she meant it, meant that she
didn’t just want me for sex. Though even if that weren’t the case it was
shaping up to be a spectacular first and last time.

Growing braver, I shifted the hand that was on Nadia’s
buttock into her crack, delving between those perfect globes in search of the
prize. The hot, slick, prize. And God, was it hot and slick. There was no
denying her arousal—my fingertips were immediately coated in her juices and I
wanted more than anything to put them in my mouth and taste her. But that would
mean breaking the kiss. Later—I could taste her later.

Instead I continued to explore her swollen folds, dipping
into her molten core and enjoying the sounds she made and the wriggles that
told me I was doing something right. Drawing more juices from her cunt, I
spread them over her clit, which was distended, making its presence known. I began
to play with it, paying attention to her reactions, figuring out what she
liked, what she loved, what she was indifferent to. Learning her body, learning
what would make her come apart.

Throughout, we continued kissing, her deft tongue caressing
mine, exploring my mouth. Every now and again she would suck on my tongue, my
bottom lip, even give the occasional nibble. I mirrored her movements, aware
that they grew increasingly frantic—our mouths hungrily devouring, our fingers
playing with needy pussies.

She was learning my body too. Her ministrations were
sensual, erotic, yet precise. She’d quickly pinpointed the exact spot beside my
clit that really got my motor revving. But instead of stimulating it
relentlessly until I came, she teased me. Played me. Brought me close to
orgasm, happy hormones rushing through my veins, then moved away, slipped her
fingers inside me. Caressed my G-spot, coaxed more juices from me until I
thought I had no more. Then started all over again. I grew lightheaded,
desperate. Would she ever let me come?

Perhaps if I made her come first, once she’d ridden out her
climax she’d concentrate on me and let me have my own. It was worth a try—and a
damn good excuse to move things on. I could hardly wait to see her orgasm. She
was beautiful already—extreme pleasure would only enhance that.

Pulling away from her lips, I leaned back a little until her
face came into focus once more, and gave her a wicked grin. “Time for you to
come, sweetheart.”

“And what about you?” she replied. I was gratified to hear
that she sounded breathless, lust-drunk.

“After. You first.” With that I gripped her upper arms, spun
us both around and pushed her against the wall, careful to avoid the hook that
held my wash bag. We’d moved mostly out of the spray now, though droplets still
hit the edge of my buttocks, running into my crack, giving a little

Kneeling, I pressed my hands to her inner thighs and pushed
them apart, eager to get to what was between them. I gasped as her cunt was
exposed to me, all pink, swollen and slick with her cream. The gorgeous scent
assaulted my nostrils, pushing my arousal higher. She was wet, she was ready.
And it was all for me.

A whine came from above. “V, please…”

How could I refuse such a plea? Hooking my thumbs into her
outer labia, I gently pulled them apart, baring her most intimate parts, giving
me access.

I couldn’t wait any longer. I dived in, pressing my mouth
against her heated skin, slithering my tongue up inside her. Touching her,
teasing her, tasting her.

She was absolutely fucking perfect.

Chapter Seven


I gave over everything to what I was doing—full
concentration, full effort on making the beautiful woman above me come all over
my face. I couldn’t get enough of her—her heat, her indescribably gorgeous
taste, the way she moaned and bucked her hips, forcing her cunt harder onto me,
all of it. Lapping at her juices, I hummed with pleasure as the flavor coated
my tongue, exploded over my taste buds. Wanting more, so much more, I curled my
tongue up at its edges and pushed it deep inside her, as far as it would go. I
wiggled it, thrust it, tickled at her inner walls until I had to pull away to

Drawing in a deep breath, I immediately continued, closing
my lips around her distended bud and sucking it, lightly at first, then harder
and harder until I suspected that the sensation for Nadia was hovering
somewhere between extreme pleasure and extreme pain. Careful to ensure I stayed
on the right side of that delicate balance I released some of the pressure,
ever so slightly, and focused on bringing her to orgasm as quickly and as
beautifully as possible. I sucked, licked, nibbled and laved at her bud and the
surrounding area, taking immense enjoyment from the sounds she made, the way
she jerked her hips, the free-flowing liquid that trickled from her core. The
only thing that could have made the experience better was her climax, and it
was imminent.

Shifting one of my hands from where it still held her
swollen outer lip, I slipped my first two fingers into her cunt. I moaned
against her clit, the vibrations causing her to do the same, the sound audible
even over the din from the shower. God, she was hot. Literally. The soft, wet
heat of her clenching around my fingers was amazing. With a movement of my
wrist I got my hand into a position where I could finger-fuck her, pressing up
against her G-spot with each thrust.

It worked. As my mouth continued to work on her clit, my
digits played inside her, stretching, curving, stimulating. Her G-spot swelled
and, judging by the way she gasped and growled every time I bumped against it,
grew more sensitive. Changing tactics, I stopped screwing her and started
stroking the spongy bundle of flesh, pressing and rubbing it as I sucked her
clit into my mouth once more.

Seconds later my attentions had the desired effect and she
came undone. Her body stiffened and she fell utterly silent for a beat. Then
she climaxed hard. Her cunt contracted so forcefully it pushed my fingers
almost out of her, followed by a squirt of ejaculate that covered my hand and
arm. Just when I’d thought she couldn’t be any more amazing, she’d gone and
squirted. Wow.

Backing away, still on my knees, I looked up, watching as
she rode out her orgasm. Mercifully, despite her body’s powerful reaction, she
wasn’t too loud. Either that or she too was aware that even though there
weren’t many people about, there was still a chance someone would hear us.

Her back bowed, eyes rolled back in her head, chest heaved,
swollen lips parted. There were spots of high color on her cheeks. Her hands
clawed, scrabbling at the wall behind her. Her legs looked as though they were
working hard to keep her upright. I didn’t think I’d ever seen anything so
beautiful in my life.

Getting to my feet, I was just about to take her in my arms
and continue the fun when we were interrupted. A masculine voice came from a
distance, probably shouting from the door.

“Hey, is anyone in here? Can you hear me? Austin sent me to
look for Virginia Miller. Is she here?”

Even though I knew whoever it was couldn’t see us I sprang
away from Nadia over to the stand and snatched my towel. Wrapping it tightly around
me, I moved to the end of the corridor, staying out of sight of the door, and
called back, “Yes, I’m here. I’m just getting out of the shower. Could you
please let him know I’ll be there as quickly as possible? Is he in his office?”

“Yeah, I’ll let him know. And yeah, his office. Thanks.”

I heard the door close and only then did I peek around the
corner. He was definitely gone. Turning back to Nadia, I saw she’d switched off
the water, moved from her position against the wall and was retrieving her own
towel. “Hey, can we continue this later? I’m on probation—I can’t keep Austin

She nodded. “Yeah, of course. And just for the record, if he
asks me, I’ll be giving you an absolutely glowing report.” Her grin was wicked
and her eyes gleamed. Another jolt of lust tugged at my abdomen, followed
swiftly by frustration. God, I really wanted to touch her again, to kiss her,
to fuck. I sighed. It would have to wait.

“I’m glad to hear it. Christ, I wish we hadn’t been
interrupted.” Popping briefly back to the site of our recent sexy shenanigans,
I grabbed my wash bag. Then I headed toward my locker, opened it and started
pulling my stuff out.

“Me too.” She’d crossed to her locker too and was mirroring
my actions. “But look at it this way. The sooner you go and see Austin, the
sooner you can come back to me.”

“Well, when you put it like that…” I moved over to her,
cupped the back of her neck and pulled her in for a quick yet toe-curling kiss.
Pulling away, I murmured, “To be continued, yes?”

She nodded. “I’ll go and get something to eat in the
cafeteria and wait for you there. We’ll rain-check that drink.”

“Okay.” I returned to the bench holding my clothes and bag
and continued to get ready. “I’ll be as quick as I can.”

Waving a hand, she replied, “Don’t rush. It’s obviously
important for him to summon you specially. I’ll be there.”

Now fully dressed, I stashed everything bar my hairbrush
back in my locker. Stepping in front of one of the mirrors that were dotted
about the room, I began to brush the tangles out of my hair. Given that it had
started to dry a little as I went down on Nadia, it was no easy task. But I
didn’t have all day to mess around with it, so I tugged roughly at the madness
until it resembled some kind of order. It now hung, long and straight, around
my shoulders, but it would have to do. If Austin needed to see me quickly he’d
have to accept that I didn’t have time to blow-dry my hair or otherwise tame
it. He’d seen me in a worse state, after all.

“Right,” I said, shoving the hairbrush in with the rest of
my stuff and closing and locking the door, “I’ll see you later on.” I wanted to
add something else to my sentence but couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t
totally naff or even more pointless, so I flashed her a smile and made for the
door, getting one last glimpse of her delicious semi-clad form before it swung
shut behind me.

Sighing again, I headed for Austin’s office, wondering what
on earth he wanted. I hadn’t even been back at the academy for a day and,
recent shower fun excluded, I hadn’t done anything wrong, so it couldn’t be
that. And nobody else knew about said shower fun, so that was out too. The
thought, however, gave me a pang of guilt that sat cold and heavy in my
stomach. It had been an incredibly erotic, unexpected thing, but what Nadia and
I had just gotten up to was wrong, really. Not the act, but the time, the
place. I was supposed to be getting back into Austin’s good graces, not
screwing another of his players in the shower. If he ever found out we’d both
be in a lot of trouble.

Pressing the button for the elevator, I resolved to speak to
Nadia later about being more careful and keeping our relationship…whatever it
was…private. Yes, it seemed there was something in the water that was making
people in the place pair up, and nobody seemed to mind, but it was different
with me. I had something to prove and I didn’t want anyone thinking I was too
busy trying to get into Nadia’s knickers to train well, to work hard. She’d
understand. And if she didn’t…well, then she wasn’t the person I thought she

When things were back on an even keel between me and Austin
and I’d assured him of where my priorities lay, maybe then we could consider
going public. Providing things went well between us. The last thing I wanted
was to come out as both gay
being with Nadia, only for it to be a
flash in the pan and end before it had really started.

The lift pinged its arrival and I stepped in and punched the
number for Austin’s floor. The doors hissed shut and the metal box started to
move, allowing me to get back to my thought process. Yes, maybe it was a good
thing that Nadia and I would have to keep quiet in the short term. We already
spent so much time together that, provided we were careful, no one would
suspect anything was going on. I wouldn’t have to worry about coming out, about
people disapproving, about them doubting my commitment. In other words,
everything would stay the same except for the fact I’d be getting super-hot
secret sex from a woman I was crazy about.

Perhaps things weren’t that bad after all.

Feeling a little happier, I smiled as I stepped out of the
car and into the corridor. I attempted to make the grin wider, more genuine as
I walked toward Austin’s office. He’d notice if I wasn’t happy and want to know

Standing outside his door, I pulled in a deep breath,
wishing my hammering heart would slow down. It seemed that having smokin’
shower sex then being summoned to the boss’s office was not good for my
circulatory system. I tried to stay positive. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing—not
like being called to a headmaster or headmistress’s office at school. He could
want to see me just to see how I was getting on, or to praise my efforts
earlier on the court. There were cameras out there, after all, and windows in
the academy that looked out onto that area. I needed to calm down. Stressing
out over something that probably wasn’t going to happen was just silly.

Raising my hand, I knocked on the solid wooden door.

“Come in.”

I did just that, closing the door carefully behind me before
crossing the room to Austin’s desk. He sat behind it, with everything as
immaculate as ever. Except for the telephone, which was at an angle that led me
to think he’d just used it, putting the receiver down moments before my
arrival. I tried to assess him, to see if I could figure out his mood, get an
indication of the reason for this visit, but I got nothing. Which wasn’t a
surprise—I’d always found him to be a man who could wear a poker face no matter
what was going on. If he wanted to let you know how he was feeling, he would.

“Sit down, Virginia.” His tone was level but somehow it
still sent shivers down my spine. The echo of when he’d been in my hotel room
the morning after the drunken incident wasn’t lost on me.

I took the seat he’d indicated and waited. I wasn’t about to
rush him, especially since every part of me suspected he was about to say
something bad. Very bad. I clung to the arms of the chair, hoping like hell he
wasn’t kicking me out. Surely he hadn’t changed his mind about giving me
another chance?

“Virginia, thanks for coming to see me so quickly. I’m sorry
I dragged you away from your shower.”

“No, it’s okay. I’d just gotten out. I just had a game with
Nadia on one of the outdoor courts. I won.”

Austin raised an eyebrow. “That’s fantastic, honey—well
done. But I haven’t called you here to talk about your games, your training.
You’re already proving yourself and it hasn’t gone unnoticed. No, this is, I’m
afraid, something much more serious.”

More serious than being kicked out of the academy? I
tightened my grip. Christ, was one of my parents dead? Or both of them? I gaped
at Austin, unable to make myself say anything. I just hoped he understood my
stupid expression to mean I wanted him to get on with it. Spit it out.

“I just had a phone call from the hotel in New York.”

Oh fuck. Would that place come back to haunt me for the rest
of my life?

“And there’s no easy way to say this, sweetie, but they’ve
been investigating a member of their staff. One of the bar staff. It seems he’s
been abusing his position in the worst possible way. He’s been slipping a drug
into women’s drinks, waiting until it takes effect, then pretending to help the
women to their rooms. And, well, I don’t want to repeat the rest. I’m sure you
can imagine.”

A sense of nausea hit my stomach, so extreme, so powerful
that my instinct was to clamp my hands over my mouth. Being sick all over the
boss’s plush carpet would not win me any Brownie points. Pulling in and
releasing several breaths through my nostrils, I waited for the feeling to pass
before I dared to open my mouth and speak.

“Y-you mean, rape? Oh my God. And…you’re saying that’s what
happened to me? But he didn’t… Mitchell and Nadia…”

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