Sweet Is Revenge (18 page)

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Authors: Victoria Rose

BOOK: Sweet Is Revenge
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Okay, maybe the kids could come later, but still. I wanted it.

I'd given up after Beth had left me. She was honestly the only girl I'd been with not for looks.
Because she was not beautiful, at least to everybody else.
I loved her personality though. That's what drew me to her. She was always so happy and bubbly. I needed that in my life as I was going through the vigorous training of the gang. I would be tired and cranky and I would just have to see her and feel lighter, more myself.

Things were going great which is why I didn't understand it when one day she just said we were over. I let my sister think that I was just upset because usually I do the dumping. But I was truly heart broken. I had never been so down in my life.

I started sleeping around, trying to forget about her, but honestly it never happened. I still miss her and she looked too damn good to be walking down the aisle on the arm of her stupid jackass boyfriend. He was old, fat and balding. Honestly, what did he have that I didn't? I'm not a jerk, I mean I can be, but who isn't at times? I'm damn good looking, if not a little pale. I just don't get it.

That's why I told my family I was never getting married. I would never get over Beth, and she would never come back to me. My parents needed to see one of their offspring get married at least. So I pushed the wedding. It was worth it. Seeing my sister even more beautiful than ever, and seeing Beth as well. She didn't speak to me, barely cast me a glance, but at least I got to see her.

So now my sister got her 'fairy tale ending', yeah right, we'll see how that goes. Mom and dad are still happy, only one gang to conquer, Decklin's and ours are combining to make one. If there is any hostility from anyone, they'll just be cut off. Things are looking up…
For everyone but me.

Which is why I decided to grab all the money I had, a few pairs of clothes and some other essentials, strap them to my bike and just ride.
I don't know where I'll end up
I don't really care
. Someday I'll find what I'm searching for. Someday I'll find that completeness, that contentment that those I love have found. Maybe the road will lead me back home, maybe I'll never see that place again that holds everything I hold close to my heart. Who really knows?

All that I can do is just keep the faith and go where fate leads me. And that's exactly what I'm going to do.


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