Sweet Downfall (15 page)

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Authors: Eve Montelibano

BOOK: Sweet Downfall
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“God, baby, you’re so damn wet…”

There was no anger in his voice now.

And then his lips were there, right there where she was shamelessly dripping like an oil well, starved for his attention in so long that every flick of his wicked tongue made her cry out in agonized pleasure. He was lapping her slick, swollen sex like he had not eaten in ages. He plundered her, his tongue delving deeper into her opening while his fingers strummed her clit and she could do nothing but let the storm rage inside her body, savage her, whirl her into a vortex of the most incredible, almost violent sensations.

Oh God, she will shatter any moment! The pleasure was so sharp it will surely kill her soon…now…! Her fingers gripped his hair in her frenzy as she ground her hips harder against his face.

Then he stopped.

She cried out in protest. She was so close! “Jaq!”

“Shhh, I want to be inside you when you come. I want to come inside you while you’re coming all around me.”

Dazed, she watched him frantically untie the drawstrings of his track pants, cursing in his haste. She went weaker when she saw his manhood spring from confinement.

Hard. Huge. Hungry.

Her hand moved on instinct, encircling his shaft possessively as he had taught her. It didn’t seem so long ago. The feel of him, the smell of him, so familiar, as if they had made love only yesterday.

“Yes…Oh God, Angie…yes!”

His own hand covered hers and their fingers moved together. Grunting and groaning, he thrust repeatedly in her hand. She stared between them, riveted by the sight of him, solid, sleek and silky, the rounded crown oozing with the whitish fluid of his desire for her. He was scalding hot and she wanted that hotness inside her, scorching its way all the way to her core.

He removed her hand from his shaft and kissed her fingertips. He bent forward and grasped his member, sliding it back and forth between her moist folds, their wetness melding, the sounds created by their rubbing flesh, so sinfully wicked.

“So fuckin’ sweet…So hot…shit, baby…Did you miss this? Did you miss me?”

“Oh yes…yes! Oh, Jaq…I missed you! I missed you so much!” she admitted unabashedly, lost in the ravenous demands of her body.

He rubbed harder, circling her clit relentlessly and she bit her lower lip at the deliciously decadent sensations savaging her sanity. And then he kissed her, his lips tasting of her essence. She opened her mouth, welcoming his tongue in. God, how she had missed kissing him!

Then he was pushing inside her, his hot, hot fullness invading her snug depths. Her inner muscles protested at the intrusion but her raging need for completion would have none of it. She wanted it…wanted him so badly inside her with every beat of her heart, with every breath that she took.

“God, baby…you’re…so…small…” he rasped in a broken, tortured voice. He lifted her legs higher, his hands gripping the back of her upper thighs hard, spreading them wider. He thrust again and cursed, panting like a hungry animal. She felt him stretching her to the limit… and yet she wanted more of him.

“Dammit, do not resist me!” he growled.

What was he saying? She was open for him! So open and yet he wasn’t moving inward any further. She was suspended on the precipice of release.

She clamped her legs around his hips and tried to pull him deeper. She was impaled and stuffed and yet it wasn’t enough. Even though she was feeling a nagging pain now, she craved for more. The discomfort was irrelevant to the clamor of fulfillment clawing at the very center of her being. Her hands grasped his firm buttocks, her nails digging onto his smooth, moist skin. “Jaq, please, please, please!”

“Ohh ffffuck… you’re so…tight!”

His fingers were on her sensitive nub again, doing their magic. She mewed, gratified as he rubbed her there in an increasing speed and perfect rhythm, his fingers so wicked…mercilessly wicked…so good, so so good…!

He roughly pulled her blouse up her torso, exposing her breasts. He pushed her bra upward and bent to lick her nipples. Like a starving man, he fed on her, alternately sucking the puckered, pink peaks while his fingers played with her below. He was ravaging her, destroying her so sweetly. His voice was so sexy as he crooned to her.

“Come for me…sweetheart, you gotta come for me…you gotta come for me now!” His words were punctuated with the relentless, masterful flicks of his fingers on her clit.

The exquisite pressure in her core shattered.

She shuddered in utter bliss and it went on and on and on. She was only vaguely aware of being suddenly filled to bursting as he surged to the hilt inside of her, for she was soaring in the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced in his arms in so long. She was a mass of exploding nerves and kaleidoscope of vivid colors…weightless... formless…

And as she whirled in the vortex of ecstasy, he took her higher, thrusting inside of her over and over, so hard and so deep until she felt like she had absorbed all of him inside her body. As she floated in the river of her own fulfillment, she saw his face in her hazy vision, beautifully tortured by pleasure, his groans, feral. Tears seeped from her eyes as her emotions overwhelmed her.

“Angie, take me...Fuck, I’m coming…!”

She held on to his powerful shoulders tighter, chanting his name, kissing his lips, holding him so tightly, wanting all he had to give, demanding total surrender.

Right now, he belonged to her. Only to her.

He went rigid in her arms, and then his entire frame shuddered violently. She felt him swelling and flexing inside her, flooding her with his essence. His savage groans of satisfaction echoed like a song around her, sweetly filling the void in her soul.

A few seconds of infinity.

In this little moment of perfection, she was whole again.

It was a long time before either of them could move.

She wished it was all a dream. An incredible, sublime dream that she didn’t have to wake up from.

But it wasn’t a dream.

It was a nightmare. A nightmare of her own doing.

She couldn’t blame anybody now. Not even the man who had caused all of her troubles. She didn’t want to open her eyes and see what she had become in under twenty-four hours. She didn’t want to look at what she had destroyed. Completely, this time. With her own impulsiveness, with her own weakness.

But she had to. She had to leave. But she couldn’t move. He was a dead weight sprawled on top of her. He was still inside her, a part of her. But this was the extent of the connection they would ever have. They were a collision course. Their lives would never meet again in harmony.

She closed her eyes tightly. She didn’t want to break their connection, no matter how flimsy it was. Not yet. Her heart cried in despair at the hopelessness of their situation, at the impossibility of it.

“Jaq…I need to go home.”

He didn’t move, as if he didn’t hear her.


Slowly, he uncoiled his body from atop her. He propped himself on his arms and looked down at her half-lidded, his face softened by satiety, a familiar expression. She had seen him in that state a few times in the past.

Without a word, he disentangled himself from her. She winced at the movement. She hurt all over. Her body, her spirit.

He knelt on the floor and looked at her with concern in his eyes. “Are you okay?”

How could she answer that? She was not okay. There was nothing more painful than the wound in her heart, the wound that never healed, the wound that would probably never heal.

Ignoring his question, she sat up on the sofa.

He stood up and hiked his pants up his hips. She averted her eyes and picked up her tattered underwear from the granite floor and shoved it in the pocket of her skirt. She grabbed her shoulder bag and stood up. She winced as her legs shook. She wanted to lie down again. Ignoring her discomfort, she walked towards the door, avoiding the debris on the floor. She didn’t know how she was able to walk when she felt like collapsing any second.


She paused but didn’t look back.

“Can you handle it? You want me to drive you home?”

He sounded guilty. Yes, he should be. He should be! She shouldn’t be alone in this boat!

Tell me something, Jaq. Tell me you’re sorry for hurting me like this, for destroying my pride, my honor, my dignity. Tell me you didn’t mean it, that you didn’t leak that video, that you were only joking when you said you did, that you still care. Even just a little. Tell me, Jaq, please…!

But he didn’t say anything more.

“I guess we’re even now,” she said lifelessly and quietly went out the door.

Jaq had difficulty taking in what had transpired
in his living room tonight.

It was the last thing he ever wanted to happen between them, for in his heart, mind and soul, the thought of touching her again– the woman he had loved with all the passion and innocence in his young heart, the same woman who had betrayed her in the most cruel way– was simply unthinkable.

Maybe it was an act of nature induced by the combined forces of rage and lust, a quirk in the universal order of things. Whatever it was, it didn’t matter. That shouldn’t matter anymore. It happened.

He had sex with her.

She had wanted it as much as he did during those moments. It was a pure animal mating between two equally horny adults. He’d had plenty of sex with different women after her. Before her. She was just one pussy in the overall count no matter how intensely satisfying that encounter was.

He ground his teeth at the thought. He didn’t want it to be like that, as fantastic, as incredible, as mind-blowing and as gratifying as that. But it was just that. Incomparable.

Dammit, no! She was just a pussy, one of many that went through his dick! Nothing more!

He stood up from the sofa. He needed a shower. He wanted to erase every trace of her from his body, her lingering scent, her sweet taste on his lips, her sticky cream on his cock. He ran up to his bedroom and went straight to the bathroom, hastily taking off his clothes.

He was arrested by the sight of dark red stains on the crotch of his pants.

“What the hell…?” He picked up his pants from the floor and scrutinized the stains.

Blood. It was blood, alright.

Shit, he was bleeding!

He checked himself but found no wound on his nether regions. Not even a scratch. But there were traces of drying blood on his genitals. How...?

His heart suddenly slammed hard in his chest.

Grabbing his pants, he ran naked downstairs and opened all the lights in the living room. He checked the sofa where he had lain with Angie. The upholstery was black, Italian leather. He could hardly see a thing on its surface. With heart pounding painfully in his chest, he dragged his white pants over the upholstery. The cloth came off with tiny reddish streaks.

God, he had hurt her. There was no denying that.

She’d said no, didn’t she? But he didn’t listen. He was too far gone with his desperate need to bury himself inside her. He had drawn her blood. There was no amount of rationalization that could erase the glaring evidence of what he had done.

Angie didn’t want to get up from the bed.
Every movement of her body reminded her of her grand stupidity last night. He breasts felt swollen and between her thighs, she felt sore. Her muscles seemed knotted and her skin, the parts where Jaq thoroughly licked and sucked felt abraded. It was a rough, unbridled mating. He took her like a tramp in his living room, on the sofa, with their clothes still on!

She heard a soft knock on the door.

“Ange? You awake?”

She burrowed deeper under the covers.

The door opened slowly. Damn, she hadn’t locked it last night.

“Sis, you awake?”

She didn’t answer. She didn’t want to see anybody today. Forever!

The side of her bed dipped under Sherry’s weight. “Are you alright, Ange?”

“No,” she whispered.

She felt Sherry’s hand running gently on her back. Her sister was trying to comfort her but no amount of pat in the back could make her feel better today or in the coming days.

“Why is this happening to me, Sher?” she asked in a small voice. Her emotions were so ravaged she wanted to cry all over again but her tear ducts seemed to have dried up. She had been crying all night.

“Oh Ange, I’m so sorry…”

She turned over and removed the comforter from her face. Sherry was looking down at her with very concerned eyes. “I went to talk to him…last night.”

Sherry’s eyes widened? “Him? You mean Jaq?”

She nodded.

“And? What did he say?”

“What did you expect? He hates me.”

“Oh Ange...”

“He didn’t deny that he was the one who leaked the video.”

“Really? Why did he deny it in front of Dad?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know what to believe anymore. It doesn’t matter anyway. The video is out. God, Sher, I don’t know how to face this. I really don’t.” She covered her face with her palms.

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