Sweaters & Cigarettes (8 page)

BOOK: Sweaters & Cigarettes
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But he can't help it. He just really likes
Max. Somehow, he wants him to be part of his life, properly.

He would never admit that, though. Who
knows what Max might do if he did? Given how he seems to view their
relationship (and any other kind of relationship he has ever had), Theo
seriously doubts that Max is into the whole meeting-the-family-thing.

But Theo tries not to think about it. Instead,
he focuses on how
feels, right now. The way Max's body presses down
against his, as he straddles him, that pierced tongue in his mouth, that black
hair against his fingers.

"Fuck, how are you doing this?" Max's
voice is low and rough, as he murmurs against Theo's lips.

"Doing what?" Theo asks, not
opening his eyes or moving his lips away from Max's more than a fraction of an

"This," Max says. "Making
me act like this."

He moves his lips down to kiss Theo's jaw,
slowly, before nipping the skin below his ear gently and smoothing it over with
his tongue. And Theo actually moans. He has gotten more comfortable with that,
now; he's not quite as self-conscious as he was in the beginning.

"I'm not doing anything," he
murmurs, Max moving back up to his mouth.

"You're doing
Max insists. "You make me wanna do all kinds of things to you."

Theo tenses up a bit. He may have gotten
used to Max's way of talking like that, but it still makes him simultaneously
uncomfortable and turned-on.

"I can think of a few things right
now, actually." Max's tone is teasing and hungry, as he smoothes one hand
down over Theo's bare chest.

That Batman shirt was disposed of pretty
much as soon as Theo arrived here, earlier, although Max is still wearing a
black tank top that shows off his tattoos. The wings on his back are hidden;
they're not healed yet, and he doesn't really want to show them off until they
are, as he puts it. Not to mention the fact that his skin is still sore, and
not exactly up for being touched too much.

"Like what?" Theo can't help
asking, half-afraid of the answer. He hasn't forgotten Max telling him how he
would like to
fuck him senseless
, and he can't help but feel nervous at
the mere thought of it.

"Well," Max murmurs against his
mouth. "One thing in particular, right now."

Theo shifts uncomfortably, then.

"Max," he says, slightly
subdued, knowing that Max knows how he feels about that. "Not yet,

Max chuckles, for once without any of the
teasing malice he tends to use.

"Don't worry," he says. "I
wasn't talking about

Theo frowns, confused.

"Then, what?" he asks, and Max
pulls away far enough to look into his green eyes. He half-smiles, almost

"Something else," he says pointedly,
as though waiting for Theo to catch on. There's a kind of impatient hunger in
his eyes, as though he's really reining himself in, at the moment. But Theo
still doesn't get it. He opens his mouth to answer, but ends up just shaking
his head a bit, still frowning. And Max gets the tiniest hint of amused
fondness in his expression, for just a second.

"I'm saying I'd like to go down on
you, Theo," he suddenly says, simply, calmly, with a completely straight

But Theo, of course, isn't quite as calm.

"What?" he sputters, in that
never-failing, eloquent way of his. But Max doesn't seem to mind. Instead, he
quirks a small smile, again, bordering on mischievous.

"I want to go down on you," he
repeats, voice low and husky, moving closer and brushing his lips against
Theo's. "As in, I want to blow you."

Theo swallows hard. He can't deny the fact
that he's getting really hard just hearing Max say that, his heart suddenly

He also notices how Max's way of putting
it sounds just a bit too
to be him, but Theo suspects that he's
consciously avoiding any more direct and explicit terms, at the moment. He
doesn't want to make Theo too uncomfortable, and using words more explicit than
at least right now, would definitely send Theo over the edge.

Max's words are enough, though, enough to
make Theo feel a quiet rush of excitement move through his body. But like
always, just the thought of something like that makes him so nervous it's not
even funny.

"Um," he mumbles, and Max kisses
him, that metal ring hard against his lips.

"You don't want me to?" he asks,
practically purring now, and Theo closes his eyes, breathing heavily. He can
feel Max's breath against his mouth, the heat of those hands as they smooth
over his skin. "It's okay if you don't."

He kisses Theo again, slower this time,
before slowly sliding his tongue along his bottom lip, making Theo's entire
body shiver. There is a distinct shift in mood right now, much hotter and much
more impatient and greedy, than just moments ago.

"But I really want to," Max
whispers, now grinding slowly against Theo, nails dragging lightly down along
his sides. "I've wanted to for quite some time."

Theo makes a strangled noise in the back
of his throat, squeezing his eyes shut. He feels his grip tighten on Max's
hips, as they move against him in a slow, agonizing rhythm.

"But it's up to you," Max almost
surprises Theo by saying, voice still low. "We can do whatever you

He lets out a slow, deep breath, trailing
his lips down along Theo's throat, tensing up as he maps out Theo's bare skin
with his hands.

"Tell me what you want, Theo,"
he whispers, suddenly sounding completely wrecked, kissing his neck and
smoothing over the kisses with his tongue, any trace of restraint gone.
"I'll give it to you."

And just like that, it's as if Theo's
insecurities suddenly just vanish. At least for a split second, because that's
when he replies, with just one word.


It's more of a breath, but it's enough for
Max to stiffen for just a moment. Then he reanimates, moving back up to Theo's

"Okay, what?" he says, voice
still low and husky, but a bit unsure.

Theo opens his eyes, and looks straight
into those deep, dark blue ones.

"Okay," he repeats, and Max just
looks at him for a moment.

"You want me to?" he asks, his
tone just the slightest bit hesitant, as though he doesn't want to risk getting
anything wrong. And Theo just looks at him, before nodding jerkily. His
insecurities are gone, at least for now.

At least, until Max gets some kind of
predatory look in his eyes and kisses him deeply, hungrily, before moving down
along his throat, down to his chest.

It's about then that Theo starts to
realize what's happening, and his heart starts pounding. It's about then that
he realizes what Max is about to do, and he looks down as he feels those sure
fingers tug at his jeans gently, pulling them down a little bit. He swallows

Max's mouth is planting searing kisses all
over his bare skin, over his stomach and just above the waistline of his
underwear, moving further down, while his hand slowly smoothes over the hard
bulge in Theo's boxers. And Theo's throat hitches, one hand instinctively
gripping the sheets, as his whole body tenses up at that touch. He shouldn't be
so nervous, he really shouldn't. He doesn't even have to
except just lie there.

But he
nervous, because he has
never done this before. No one has been so close to him before, not like Max,
and no one has seen this much of him before and kissed so much of his skin and
made him shiver like this. No one has touched him like this before, and the way
Max exhales as he ghosts his lips over the stretched fabric of Theo's underwear
is so deliciously new and amazing, and just the thought of Max actually
this, wanting
, is enough to make Theo's head spin.

Max is clearly impatient, but he still
moves slowly, carefully, as though giving Theo a chance to stop him. But Theo
doesn't, to his own surprise. Instead, he just takes a deep breath, as Max
slips his fingers underneath the hem of his boxers and pulls them down. And
Theo tenses up, heart pounding, waiting, before it suddenly just happens.

Theo gasps.

It's hot and wet and smooth, unlike any
sensation Theo has ever felt before, and after the initial shock, he realizes
that he can actually
that stupid tongue piercing against him. He
can feel it, and he can feel that metal ring in Max's bottom lip, Max's mouth
moving together with the slick swirls of his tongue. It's enough to make Theo
arch off the bed a bit with his hips, only to have Max pin him down firmly with
his hands, causing Theo to quickly start scrabbling pointlessly at the sheets
with his fingers. He squeezes his eyes shut, letting out a deep, strangled

He doesn't know what's happening, he can't
think straight. Everything is suddenly just a haze of pleasure and confusion,
mixed together in the most exquisite way.

Theo knows what blowjobs are supposed to
be like. He has heard it from a bunch of guys, and they all say it's the most
amazing thing. He has always figured they're exaggerating, though; it can't be
good, right?

But, as he lies there, suddenly squirming
and panting and moaning, reduced to nothing but a hot mess under the intense
and eager persuasion of Max's mouth, he realizes that they're really not
exaggerating at all. Because this really is the most amazing thing. Just the
feeling in itself is mind-blowing, and knowing that it's Max... Well, that just
takes it to a whole other level, entirely.

It's when Theo bites out a particularly
load moan that Max moves one hand up and grabs Theo's wrist, and Theo can't
help but look down as Max deliberately moves Theo's hand to the back of his
head. Theo automatically threads his fingers through that black, messy hair,
and as he does, Max moans deeply, causing a vibration that makes Theo tense up
all over, making him grip Max's hair tightly. Max actually looks up at him
then, the equivalent of a mischievous smirk in those eyes, and Theo swallows
hard. The eye-contact only lasts for a moment, though; those dark blue,
black-lined eyes looking at him like that, while Max is doing what he's doing,
is so much more than Theo can handle right now, and he looks up at the ceiling,

Max doesn't seem to mind. Instead, he
keeps going, more intensely now, and Theo finds himself pressing gently against
the back of his head with his hand, wordlessly urging for more.

He's getting close, so close. They haven't
even been at it for very long, but god help him, he's really not going to last,
and he knows he should feel embarrassed, but this just feels so good that he
can barely think.

"Max." Theo says the name
breathlessly, without thinking, and he can practically feel Max tense up
against him. Theo's eyes are closed now, his mouth half-open, as he finds
himself getting closer and closer to the edge. He doesn't know what to say, but
he wants to say something, and Max's name is pretty much all he can think of.
"Oh god, Max."

He says his name like a prayer,
desperately and earnestly, and as though it affects Max in some way he's not
aware of, that grip on Theo's hips tightens, one hand working over what Max's
mouth can't take, that pierced tongue swirling around in the most perfect way.
And in a matter of seconds, Theo just comes completely undone, his breath
quickening to the point where he's nearly hyperventilating.

It's the most amazing feeling. Before he
knows it, Theo suddenly goes rigid, fingers digging into that black hair, mouth
opening in a stuttering groan, as he feels that blissful, white hot release, making
him tense up and stay completely still for just a second or so. Then, his
entire body seems to relax, and he softens against the sheets, his suddenly
shaking fingers absently loosening their grip on Max's hair.


He barely even notices Max lifting his
head and pulling Theo's boxers back up, even zipping up the fly of his jeans.
Instead, Theo just lies there, eyes half-closed, staring at the ceiling, while
Max moves up and lies down beside him, on his back. Theo just keeps breathing,
slowly, simply overwhelmed.

Max clearly notices, because he chuckles.

"You okay?" he says, his voice
sounding just a bit hoarser than before. He sounds a bit out of breath, too.

Theo doesn't move, every muscle in his
body suddenly turned to jelly.

"Yeah," he breathes, swallowing
dryly. He sounds completely finished. "That was amazing."

He didn't mean to say that out loud, not
really, but he can't help it. He feels high, or at least like he's coming down
from being high, and
doesn't even quite cut it.

Max chuckles again, sounding a bit
surprised, this time.

"Thank you," he says, and Theo
quirks a small, exhausted smile. No matter what, Max somehow always manages to
sound confident and downright cocky.

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