Swallow This (31 page)

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Authors: Joanna Blythman

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‘Safe for human consumption at current levels of exposure’: European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Aspartame is safe for general population,
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Chapter 7

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Products that still contain trans fats: Bunge, Product Solutions Information, http://www.bungebiic.com/bakery-applications-lab/downloads/BUNGE-NH-Product-Solutions.pdf

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Oxidised monomeric triglycerides: http://www.dgfett.de/material/recomm.php

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‘It’s a wonder that oils survive at all’: Cindy Hazen, ‘New Generation of Fried Foods’,
Food Product Design
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RBD oils: Edible oil processing, AOCS Lipid Library, http://lipidlibrary.aocs.org/processing/process.html

Oil improving additives: Optimising baking and frying process using oil improving agents, Dr Christian Gertz CUH, http://www.dgfett.de/meetings/archiv/hagen2004/vortraege/gertz.pdf

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NHS butter/spreads advice: NHS Live Well, dairy foods, http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Goodfood/Pages/milk-dairy-foods.aspx

NHS trans fats advice: NHS Live Well, What are trans fats? http://www.nhs.uk/chq/pages/2145.aspx

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Chapter 8

Carotex: Carotex flavours brochure

Flaverco: Flaverco cream and milk essence brochure

‘Masking Stevia, potassium chloride and vitamins’:
Food Business News
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‘Butter Buds®: Making the most of mother Nature’ brochure

Masking tastes: http://www.symriseflavors.com/Symrise_Consumer_Health.pdf

Symrise: Customised masking solutions for tastes you want to hide, http://info.symriseflavors.com/MaskingBannerA.html

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