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Authors: Embracing Scandal

Suzi Love (44 page)

BOOK: Suzi Love
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This tiny despot had forced him into negotiating with her.

“Bart, Thomas. I ask you to leave me to my visitor. Then I’m off to find my bed.”

The busty redhead jumped to her feet, leaned her lush body down his side, and rubbed the enormous mounds of her breasts against his shirt. “Oh no, my handsome one. I made you a promise.” She grinned, exposing wide gaps in her teeth. “To please you all night, remember?”

He pulled some coins from his pocket and pressed them into her hand, calling Perkins as he did so. With a wet kiss to her pouty lips, he tugged together her gaping bodice.

“Perkins, please see my guests out. Also, call the carriages to drive the girls to their lodgings. We’ll conclude our transactions tomorrow, when I’m more awake.”

Amid good-natured ribbing and backslapping, his friends departed.

The girls complained, disappointed not to have confirmation of their positions in his harem. Several made brazen offers, with lurid descriptions of their favored activities, if allowed to spend the night. With a husky laugh, a pat on a bottom, or a caress of a breast, he dispatched them, one by one.

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BOOK: Suzi Love
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