Surrogate For The Billionaire: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance (13 page)

BOOK: Surrogate For The Billionaire: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance
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“It doesn’t matter. I have a personal relationship with
your security guard and he will help me out on this,” Rachel
said with confidence.

“Oh, you mean Dale Winters? I fired him yesterday for
tampering with security footage.”

Rachel’s face went sheet white and she began to shake.

“It’s over Rachel. I’m having you arrested and

She shook her head but didn’t say anything. Five minutes later
security showed up and escorted her out of the office. Bryce sighed;
glad to have dodged the crazy bullet and even gladder his father
insisted on heightened security in the building. He’d have to
thank his dad for that when he visited him next winter; hopefully
with Lateisha and their baby by his side. After finishing up with
security, Bryce headed down the stairs, taking two at a time, hoping
Lateisha hadn’t left the building yet.


“Lateisha! Can I see you a minute?” John bellowed from
his office.

Lateisha looked around frantically. She had to get out of this
building or she was going to lose her mind. Never in a million years
would she have thought Bryce was lying to her. Or that he would be
with someone so manipulative and bitchy. Stalling a moment just in
case John came looking for her, Lateisha turned and headed towards
the double glass doors, glancing over her shoulder as she went.

“Lateisha! Where are you going?” John asked suddenly
behind her.

Where did he come from so fast?

“I was, uh, heading out for a quick coffee. Do you need
anything?” Why did she ask that when she knew she wasn’t
coming back?

“No. I just needed to see you a moment in my office. It’s
important.” He had a strange look on his face and he wouldn’t
meet her eyes.

With a frown she realized she was probably being fired her first day
of work. Nice.

“I’ll be right back. I promise.” Dammit, why did
she say that?

“It really can’t wait,” John said, rubbing his
face anxiously.

John was a rather attractive man, and if she wasn’t head over
heels for Bryce she may have been attracted to him. Maybe Becky would
be interested… No, she wasn’t coming back here ever

“John, er, Mr. Wilson, I really have to run out for a moment
but I’ll be back soon.” Lateisha turned and grabbed the
door handle ready to pull.

“I can’t let you leave, Lateisha.” John grabbed
her arm and a nervous shiver wracked her body.

What was going on? Did he think she did something wrong? Lateisha
turned and looked at his hand on her arm and he moved it quickly with
a sheepish look on his face.

“I’m sorry for that,” he motioned to her arm with
his head. “But well, Bryce asked me not to let you leave.”
A mild flush filled his cheeks and John turned away from her for a

Anger and shame flooded back and Lateisha turned on John. “Oh
he wants me to wait, does he? Tell him I said he can kiss my ass! I’m
not waiting around for shit. Not after what he did to me. I should
have never signed those damn surrogacy papers or moved in with him
and quit my job. Now what do I have?” Lateisha began to sob
uncontrollably, something she could only attribute to pregnancy

“Lateisha,” John said softly. It unnerved her. He hadn’t
done much but yell since she started that morning.

“Just let me leave. Please.” She knew she looked
pathetic but at this point she didn’t care.

Without protest, John stepped aside and Lateisha marched from the
door with her head held high. Once in the elevator the waterworks
began again. This time she was unable to stop them and she wasn’t
sure how she would make it home this way. The elevator jerked to a
halt and Lateisha stepped from it when the doors slid opened. The
lobby was of course swarming with people and Lateisha looked like
someone had just run over her cat. Smoothing her skirt down and
fixing her hair, Lateisha walked through the lobby, ignoring the few
stares and whispers that were following her. A noise from the other
end of the lobby caught everyone’s attention and they soon
ignored her.

“No! Please let me speak to my fiancé. Bryce! Bryce
help!” A woman was yelling at the top of her lungs and it was
echoing in the marble lobby.

Unable to curb her curiosity, especially since the woman was yelling
Bryce’s name, Lateisha stopped short of the exit and looked
back. It was Rachel, she was being escorted from the building by two
police officers and she was fighting them and screaming. Her
perfectly blow dried blond hair was disheveled like a lions mane
around her head. Confusion made Lateisha rock back on her heels. What
was going on? Where was Bryce and why was this woman being led away
in handcuffs? Lateisha didn’t have to wait very long for her
answer. A loud bang from across the room in the direction of the
stairwell made her jump. Bryce came barreling from the door, sweat
dripping from his forehead and his usually perfectly crisp and
pressed suit rumpled, his suit jacket missing altogether. His usually
slicked back, prim and proper hair was wild around his face. Lateisha
was more confused than ever. Was he running to save Rachel from being
arrested? What could have happened after she left the office that
resulted in her being led away in handcuffs? Lateisha watched Bryce
and he caught her eye. Instead of running past her to where a still
shrieking Rachel was being led out the revolving door, Bryce ran
towards Lateisha. He stopped in front of her and leaned over with his
hands on his knees, panting.

“My God, Lateisha. I didn’t think I would catch you
before you left, especially when John called me and said that you
yelled at him and then left the office.” He bent over again,
gasping for air, his face unnaturally red.

“I didn’t yell at him.” Despite what happened,
Lateisha still cared about Bryce and he did not look well. “You
look like you’re going to pass out, please sit down, Bryce.”
She grabbed his arm and led him to a love seat set up in the corner
of the lobby.

A crowd had begun to gather, but the security guards in the front
ushered people away from them. “You have to believe me,
Lateisha. I’ve never so much as touched Rachel let alone was
engaged to her. She’s just my pushy assistant. I thought she
was harmless until today.” Bryce stopped, gasping for air. One
of the security guards handed him a cup of water and he gulped it

“Why should I believe you? She was all over you and she knew
about the baby. She said when you were through with using me for what
you wanted I would be thrown out like the trash.” Rage began to
build in Lateisha again and she stood, ready to leave Bryce panting
on the love seat alone.

He reached for her. “Please sit down and let me finish.”
Lateisha sat. “After you stormed out, Rachel told me she slept
with the security guard, Dale Winters, in order to obtain security
footage of you and me having sex in my office. She wanted to use it
to bribe me and to force you away from me. She thought you and I were
having an affair, Lateisha. That’s what she meant. No one else
besides John knows about our baby. And that’s why I had her
arrested today.”

Lateisha’s mouth gaped open like a cod fish. She was wrong,
about everything. The man she loved wasn’t engaged to someone
else and playing her. He was sitting right in front of her, dripping
wet with sweat and beet red from running to catch her before she
left. The part that made her convinced he felt the same way about her
as she did about him was that Bryce never let down his prim and
proper, raised in Britain, rich boy act for anyone. But here he was,
covered in sweat with wild hair, sitting in the lobby of his own
building, oblivious to those that surrounded him and explaining to
her why she shouldn’t run away from him. Lateisha’s chest
ached with how much that meant to her, and what she did next showed
Bryce exactly how much. Ignoring the periphery of people that
security was holding back, Lateisha scooted closer to Bryce and
wrapped her arms around him, her mouth seeking his and cutting him
off mid sentence. Instead of balking or pulling away, Bryce pulled
her closer, deepening the kiss. That’s when Lateisha knew he
loved her too.

Seven months later...

Ripping the last bit of wrapping paper from the gift, Lateisha
stood, her hand flying to her aching back. She looked down at the
pile of gifts around her and smiled. Her baby shower had been the
best occasion she ever experienced. Besides her wedding. Moving her
hand from her back to her rounded belly, Lateisha stooped to start
gathering the remains of the unwrapped gifts and shoved them into a

“What are you doing?” Bryce asked, snatching the trash
bag from her hands.

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m cleaning
up.” Lateisha growled, snatching the trash bag back from him.

Bryce held up his hands and stood back, he knew at this point it was
better not to argue and let her just continue. “Later, you will
be complaining about your back and don’t expect me to rub it.”

“I do and you will,” she replied with a wink.

Gathering the remnants of wrapping and tissue paper and shoving them
into the bag, Lateisha thought back to the day when Bryce and she
stopped pretending and finally declared their love for one another.
After Rachel was led away and the crowd dispersed, Bryce and
Lateisha, arm in arm, made their way into the limo that was waiting
with Gerry at the curb.

“I’m so sorry, Bryce. I just thought…”

Bryce held up a hand to stop her. “Rachel was a good actress
but she was crazy and luckily for me, my dad wired that office from
top to bottom with surveillance cameras.” Lateisha grimaced
with disgust. “But not the bathrooms!” Bryce added
quickly and her face relaxed again.

“I still want to apologize to you for how I behaved.”
They stopped outside next to the limo, the cool fall air whipping
around them. “I’ll be honest and tell you I was scared. I
wanted you and the baby and it terrified me,” Lateisha

Bryce leaned in and kissed her passionately on the mouth. “I
think I wanted you from the moment you walked into my office in your
cheap pants suit.” Bryce chuckled and Lateisha’s face

“Where do we go from here, Bryce?” Lateisha asked,
anxiety about the future bubbling in her gut.

“We get married.” Bryce said grabbing her hands in his.

Shock made Lateisha gasp. “Are you sure?” She knew she
wanted it, more than anything she had ever wanted before. But she had
to know he wasn’t just doing this because of the baby.

“I’m more than sure. I’m going to call my lawyer
and rip up those damn surrogacy contracts. Then I’m going to
have him get us a marriage license to sign as soon as possible. What
do you think about getting married this week?”

Lateisha’s head was spinning but she couldn’t think of
anything better. “Yes! I’ll marry you this week.”

They stepped into the limo and Gerry closed the door, settling the
partition in place once he entered. Bryce placed the call to his
lawyer and within fifteen minutes he had planned their wedding.

“I never even asked if you wanted a big white wedding.”
Bryce said at the last minute before they exited when the limo
stopped in front of their building.

Lateisha shook her head. “I don’t. I just want to be
with you.”

They took a minute to discuss the few guests and decided they would
wed in the beautiful courtyard behind the Henderson building in two
days. Giddy and floating, Lateisha followed Bryce inside of the
building, feeling as if she were in a dream. Last week she was
worried she would lose him and their baby and now they were getting

They hurried inside, still clutching each other’s hands. Once
in the elevator, Bryce closed in on her, his mouth slamming against

“I’ve been waiting to kiss you again until we got back
to the penthouse but I can’t wait much longer.”

Lateisha moaned as he lifted her up, her legs encircling his waist
and her skirt riding up. She could feel his hard erection pressing
against her thin silk panties, the crotch of which was soaked through
with her desire. They devoured one another with their mouths, their
tongues entwining and sucking, mimicking the motions of sex. It
wasn’t enough and Lateisha wanted more. Her hands roamed down
over his strong back and he turned, pressing her back against the
cold mirror on the elevator wall. His muscles rippled and moved under
her finger tips as her hands made their way to his waistband. Yanking
his shirt free of his slacks, she pulled it up in the back, trying
not to break contact while undressing him. Bryce leaned back far
enough for her to undo a few buttons and pull the shirt over his
head. Before bringing her back to his chest he smirked and then
grasped the lapels of her shirt and tugged, buttons flying

Lateisha gasped. “That was an expensive shirt!”

“Paybacks’ a bitch, baby,” he said, his voice
husky with desire.

Lateisha laughed, but it was soon smothered by Bryce’s mouth
on hers. There were still too many clothes between them and as best
as she could, Lateisha reached down and undid Bryce’s pants
using her hands and feet to push them to the floor. Bryce hiked her
skirt higher, putting a hand between them and in one swift motion
shredding her panting away from her.

“I hope you didn’t have an emotional attachment to
those,” he whispered in her ear.

Lateisha was too turned on to answer, so instead she turned to meet
his mouth with hers. Bryce groaned against her mouth, and with one
hand supporting her body against the wall, he guided himself into her
already dripping wet folds. Lateisha cried out, tossing her head back
as far as the wall would allow. He felt so wide and hard and he
stretched the walls of her pussy to the point that pleasure met with
pain. Bracing a hand on the wall and one under her naked ass, Bryce
began to pump slowly inside of her, the top of his dick hitting her g
spot and the base rubbing her clit. The sensations were too much to
handle and to keep from screaming again Lateisha bit down gently on
his shoulder. She felt his dick twitch inside of her and Bryce
growled so she softly raked her teeth over his neck. It was if she
flipped a switch and Bryce began to speed up, thrusting harder and
faster. Lateisha gripped his hips with her legs, her orgasm building.
Stars burst behind her eyes as she came, sagging against the elevator
wall. Bryce found his release after several more thrusts, growling
out her name through gritted teeth.

BOOK: Surrogate For The Billionaire: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance
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