Surrendering (17 page)

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Authors: Ahren Sanders

Tags: #Romance, #Musicians, #adult, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Surrendering
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Harper screams at me, “No way! No calls!”

“No babe, it looks like Finn is checking to see if everything is okay. I’ll just text him back and be done. If I don’t, he’ll be here in like two minutes.”

“Let him. He’s fine,” Kendall says.

“I agree.” Charlie says with a wink.

“No way! This is for girls only.” Harper warns them.

Ella and Abbi are quiet and keep looking at each other. I get uncomfortable.

“Hey, I’ll get another pitcher ready and call him. You decide on the game.”

I walk into the kitchen and dial Finn, “Hey, Baby Girl, what’s up.” It sounds like he’s at a party.

“Not much, everyone is here and safe. No need to worry about us.”

“Okay, but I’ll be with y’all tomorrow night. I know what’s going on at the club and Kendall has gone viral with the local group. You need to prepare.”

I scream into the phone, “You are FUCKING KIDDING ME!”

“Nope, need to talk to your girl and get the schedule. We’ll all be there. Apparently Adam is spinning all night.”

I’m about to blow up. I look towards the living room and see Harper and Kendall smirking. I’m going to kill them.

“Finn, I need to go. Too bad you took my firearm because I’m going to have to kill these two with my hands.”

He laughs. “Be careful and let me know the details tomorrow.”

I hang up and finish making the margaritas. Then I head straight to Kendall.

“Anything I should know?” The room goes silent.

“Well, RJ, you’ve been so down lately, I thought it was a good idea. And these local clowns think they know how to dance. We’ll join in and show them how it’s done.”

“You didn’t think to ask me about this?”

“Nope. I haven’t met this guy yet, but it seems he’s sent you into a downward spiral. I decided you needed to get out of your funk. Y’all already decided a few weeks ago we were going to the new club in East Nashville. I set us up so we’re dancing tomorrow night at the show.”

“Are you kidding me? I haven’t done a show in almost two years. What have you done?” I ask almost in hysterics.

Kendall looks shocked for a second, but she snaps out of it pretty quickly. “I don’t know what this boy has done to you, and I don’t want to go there, but you are going to dance tomorrow with us. You ARE going to move forward. I love you and we’ll get through this.”

Before I can stop myself I scream out, “FUJIMO BITCH!”

She throws her head back laughing, “That’s what I’m talking about! Now, I think it’s time for a game.”

“What does FUJIMO mean?” Ella asks the group.

“It means ‘Fuck You Jo, I’m Movin’ On!’” Kendall answers.

Just like that, we’re back to normal. I order the pizza and we draw straws to see who will get the door. I lose and smile knowing I’ll shock the shit out of the guy who delivers.

For our first game, we decide on
Truth or Dare
. Since I drew the shortest straw earlier, I also get the first question.

Kendall asks: Have you slept with a guy since leaving Emory?

This is easy.

Me: Yes.

Ella: Charlie, truth or dare?

Charlie: Dare.

Ella: Call the pizza man on my phone and tell him to bring condoms.

Charlie: Done!

We watch as she calls him and asks for the condoms. Her face goes blank as he responds to her request, but then she smiles and tells him to bring extra ribbed for her pleasure.

I howl out loud because I know the guys who deliver to us and they’re usually teenagers.

Abbi: Harper, truth or dare?

Harper: Truth.

Abbi: Do you have a crush on one of the hot-tourage?

Harper (blushing): Who is the hot-tourage?

Abbi: Any of the boys? The roommates, the brothers, or specifically, Gabe?

Oh fuck! I haven’t even asked her that.

Harper: Yes, but I reserve not to answer whom it is.

Abbi: Fair enough!

Charlie: Rave, truth or dare?

Shit! Why pick on me? Abbi has yet to be yanked.

Me: Truth, again.

Charlie: When you say you slept with someone- are you still a virgin?

The room goes still. This isn’t something Abbi and Ella know about me. I gulp my drink.

Me: Yep, still am.

The room erupts in catcalls and hollers and I want to crawl into a small space.

“Raven, you’re the fucking woman! You have the hottest ass around you every day and you’re still holding out. I love you girl,” says a buzzed Kendall.

We keep going with the game, but Ella and Abbi keep staring at me.

“Why are you looking at me funny?”

“You’ve never slept with a guy… I mean, you never had sex with Declan?” Abbi slurs.


The doorbell rings and Ella jumps up immediately. “Let me get it.”

“No way, tradition says the shortest straw gets the door. I’ve never had the chance to see the expression on the delivery guys face before.” All the girls get up and surround me before I open the door.

I yank open the door and freeze. No, I think I almost faint. I feel his arms around me and my body sizzles. I can’t find my voice, but hear voices behind me. I see Ella out of the corner of my eye and she looks scared. He hands the pizzas to someone.

He pulls me towards him, but I stiffen in response. He feels it and loosens his grip, but doesn’t let go.

He growls to Ella, “You and I need to talk. Do you still need the condoms?”

She laughs in response, “No, it was a dare and you handled it awesomely.”

I know Harper and Charlie know him, but I hear Kendall say, “Is this really the pizza guy?”

I don’t move because Declan is still holding me. I catch my breath. I’m wearing barely anything and he is in ripped jeans and a faded t-shirt. He doesn’t have his lip ring in, but he’s wearing a new eyebrow ring. I can’t let go.

I hear a noise behind us and turn to see Abbi. And then I see all my other friends looking at us with questioning eyes.

“You’re not the pizza guy. Are you the one who broke her heart and cheated on her?” Kendall asks as she yanks me to her and I see her hazy eyes.

“No, I’m not the pizza guy; I was Raven’s boyfriend before I screwed up. I’m not sure if I broke her heart, but I know I didn’t cheat on her.”

“You want her back?”

“More than anything.”

Kendall lifts her chin and walks away with everyone else and we’re left alone in the foyer.

“You look spectacular tonight.”

“Well, this is for girls only. You kinda crashed the action.”

“I’m leaving, but I need to hug you.” Before I know it, he embraces me and my arms automatically wrap around his neck.

He loosens his hold and says softly in my ear, “I miss you.” Then he turns to walk away.

Hours later, we’re all completely shitfaced. My sides hurt from laughing and my head is pounding. I know tomorrow morning will be awful. I still haven’t gotten over the fact that Declan delivered the pizzas just so he could see me. When he left, my friends went straight into interrogation mode. I tried to dodge their questions, but after a relentless hour, I finally gave in and told them everything. I mean EVERYTHING…

Our first date with dinner and a movie.

Our endless pillow talk and his dedication to getting to know everything about me.

All his sweet texts and messages the weekend I got sick.

The way he danced with me at The Steamroom.

How he didn’t finish his set the night of the charity gala and how he got us a room just so we could sleep together.

His patience with me and no sexual pressure.

Our fight and finding Sami at his house.

His recent persistence to talk to me and forgive him.

The quotes, the songs, the poems.

The call this afternoon confirming I’ll meet him next week to talk.

I finish and there is shock on all their faces. I don’t expect Abbi and Ella to say anything because I broke down a serious soft side about their brother, but Abbi surprises me. “Rave, he’s crazy about you. I know he hurt you, but he hasn’t shown this level of emotion since our mom died. I know you only dated a few weeks, but he’s been watching you since you moved in months ago. He crushed on you for weeks before he came over for dinner.

“Now that I know all this, I see the signs. He would message us or call to see what we had going on at the house. He would ask if we wanted to all get together for drinks. He asked if you were dating. You had just moved in and I was determined to keep you apart, but now I know he had his sights on you before you even knew it.”

“That’s all sweet and sappy, but let’s gets back to the dance floor. He got you off in front of a whole room of people and you still haven’t slept with him?”

I swat at Charlie. I told her the whole story and all she focuses on is the raunchy and risqué parts.

“I’m just thinking for that alone you should forgive him.” No one else says anything.

“I know I need to talk to him and find out what happened. I miss him.”

Harper is always the voice of reason. “Well, it’s settled. You’ll meet him next week and talk it out. Then you can forgive him and go back to the incredible, steamy foreplay. And then you can text us the details so we know what we’re missing.”

The whole room bursts into laughter. Ella looks disgusted, “No offence, Rave, but I’m not the least bit interested in your foreplay.”

“Wasn’t planning on sharing any more details; this was a one-time thing.”

Someone’s phone dings with a text message. Abbi reaches for her phone and opens it. Van Morrison’s

Someone Like You” comes from her speaker. “Um, Raven there’s a message for you to walk outside.”

The music continues playing through her phone as I walk onto the front porch. I gasp in shock. Our front yard is filled with hundreds of lit sparklers lighting up one by one. When the last one is lit, the message spells
Forgive Me Please.

I break into tears. I look around, but don’t see Declan anywhere. “Abbi, is he still here?”

“I don’t know.”

A shadow comes around the side of the house. “I’m still here.”

I jump down off the porch and run straight to him. He bends down to pick me up and my legs wrap around him.

“You came back?”

“I never left. I’ve been busy here for the last few hours.”

A few tears continue to fall down my cheeks. He reaches to swipe them away. “I know we need to talk and I need to give you a full explanation. But for now, can I kiss you and show you just how much you mean to me?”

I whisper softly, “Yes.”

He leans into me and places his lips against mine with hesitance. I tighten my arms around his neck and pull him in harder. He’s trying to go slow and sweet, but I need something deeper. I suck on his lips and then plunge my tongue back in his mouth with passion. I want him to know I’ve missed him too without words. Our mouths are fused together and neither of us wants to stop, but I need to breathe. As I slow the kiss, I remember we’re not alone.

“Jesus Holy Christ, that was hot. I need a shower- or a vibrator.” I cringe and turn to look at Charlie.

“Really, Charlie?”

“Sorry, it just came out of my mouth. I’m going in now so you can continue to make out in the front yard. See you in the morning, RJ.”

I turn back around and stare into Declan’s eyes. The others say goodnight, but I don’t turn around again. I keep my eyes on him.

“I have to agree with Charlie, that was hot. I’ll be taking a cold shower when I get home.”

I feel him through the lace on my shorts.

“Oh my God, Declan, I don’t have on any clothes. This outfit is practically see-through. Put me down, I need to go inside.”

Instead of putting me down, he moves back into the shadows of the porch.

“One more kiss.”

He kisses me again and then lowers me down.

“I know you’re busy this weekend, but Sunday night you’re mine. I’ll text you tomorrow morning; sleep well, beautiful girl.”

He walks me to the door and bends down to my ear, “I love your outfit.” He pushes me through the door and walks away.

The place is dark and I know everyone has gone to bed. I reach my room and hear Kendall snoring loudly. As my head hits the pillow, I smile. I think I just forgave Declan Collins.


Chapter 20

Hoedown Throwdown

Finn wasn’t kidding. Kendall and Harper’s phones have been blowing up all morning with messages from people that heard we’re dancing tonight. It’s been a long time since we were together and we used to have competitions all over town. I decide I need a new outfit so Charlie gets out of bed to go shopping with me. I need something tight and shiny that has enough give room for me to move. True to his word, Declan texted me this morning.

Declan: Good morning gorgeous, hope you had sweet dreams. I slept better because of you. Will touch base later today.

Me: Slept well thank you~ going shopping now w/ C. We have plans tonight so I will talk to you tomorrow.

Declan: I have plans tonight too. Still will touch base later and R- thank you for being you.

I don’t respond. We still have a lot to talk about, but I know in my own way that I’ve forgiven him.


It’s almost time to leave for the club. We started getting ready two hours ago and I’m still not happy with my outfit. I’m wearing a pair of tight black shorts with fishnet stockings underneath and a tight aqua halter that Charlie says brings out the color in my eyes. I’ve thrown on my motorcycle boots with a low heel. My hair is curled and tied in a high ponytail. It’s teased to maximum velocity for sex appeal. A few tendrils cascade around my face. I’ve applied heavy make-up and decided on a red lip gloss. I look like a glorified hooker, but that’s to be expected. Harper and Kendall will have similar outfits so at least I won’t be alone.

I walk into the kitchen and see everyone is ready. Abbi, Ella, and Charlie look hot in their normal club attire. At least if someone mistakes me as a call girl tonight, I’ll be with normal clad girls.

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