Surrender Your Grace (7 page)

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Authors: Maddie Taylor

Tags: #discipline, #fiction, #domestic, #spanking, #Historical Romance_ Regency_ Victorian

BOOK: Surrender Your Grace
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She squealed in alarm as he separated her thighs and bared her most private of places. What he did next was shockingly intimate. He bent at the waist and lowered his mouth to her moist and fragrant center and licked her. “You taste better than Cook’s honey almond cake. Every time I taste honey from now on I’ll think of your sweet, sweet muff.”

“Andrew!” Shocked at his vulgarity, she couldn’t help but be rendered speechless.

“What would you rather I call this - your woman’s parts? Surely not, it's too clinical and impersonal to reference such a beautiful part of your body. I can’t imagine saying woman’s parts while rife with passion. How about quivering quim? No?” He looked up at her from between her thighs and grinned wickedly teasing her and making the bed play fun and lightening the mood. “What about the charming Miss Laycock?” A giggle escaped so he pressed onward. “Or my fruitful vine? Then there’s always my cock’s alley?”

“Oh Andrew,” she gasped and a full throated laugh escaped. “You are incorrigible.”

“I am that.” Suddenly, he smiled wickedly as he recalled a rather ribald comment made recently by a friend. “I heard the perfect reference the other day. Some call this little piece of heaven “the old hat”.”


“Yes dear, the old hat… which is frequently felt.” He dove back between her legs and soon her laughter turned into a beautiful melody of ‘oo’s’ and ‘ah’s’ and ‘oh Andrew’s.’ He was convinced that it was now his favorite song.

Andrew worked diligently, tasting and lapping at her moist heat. “I could just call it what we men call it in private - sweet, sweet pussy. Because when I stroke it, you purr just like a kitten.” He then took a finger and carefully inserted it, testing her capacity.

Although expecting it to eventually happen, she stiffened at the foreign invasion into her body. “Easy, now, I am just preparing you to take me inside.” Gliding his finger in and out of her slick sheath, his own tension eased as he saw her body relax into the motion. “Does that give you pleasure?”

“Yes Andrew, more pleasure than I ever thought possible.”

Adding another finger, he pressed in deeper, but slowly. She was tight and when he bumped into the proof of her innocence, it nearly unmanned him. “I am going to take you now. I’ll be gentle, but you will still feel a pinch, or maybe a sharp pain. After this first time there will only be pleasure.” As he aligned their hips, he pressed his hard length against her opening then glanced up at her beautiful face. He noticed it was tight with anxiety and she had her eyes closed tightly once again, as if waiting for the guillotine blade to fall. Dipping just inside her, he settled himself than pressed his face close to hers and teased. “Eyes open. I want you to think of you and me, not England.”

As her eyes flew open, he pressed forward slowly, dominantly claiming ownership of her body. He would work on her heart and soul in time. When the head of his shaft bumped up against her maidenhead, she yelped.

“It hurts, Andrew.” Involuntarily, she pressed her small hands against his chest, beginning to panic. He was so much bigger than her and although she hadn’t seen his shaft, now knew that part of him was proportionate in size. “Please, stop. You’re too big or I’m too small. We don’t fit.”

Capturing her hands, he pressed them against the mattress and held them there, firmly but gently. He didn’t want to scare her more than she already was. “Easy sweetness, you will stretch to accommodate my size. Your body is made for this.” Although he spoke to reassure her, he didn’t stop the steady pressure. He knew it would be easier for her to get through the difficult part quickly.

“Relax and breathe, Cici. Trust me. There will just be a few more moments of discomfort, then pleasure. Can you trust me to know what is best?”

She looked up at him with tear-filled eyes. She did trust him, even though they were practically strangers; she had a feeling she really could trust this man.

“I need an answer, sweetheart. You are very wet and I will be able to slide right in and put an end to the pain so that pleasure may follow.”

Closing her eyes tightly, she nodded her head. “All right Andrew, I’ll trust you to take care of me.”

Smiling at her words and without further delay, he pressed forward and took her innocence, making her his own. She hissed and stiffened below him when he felt the thin membrane tear and he sank fully into her heat. Her nails bit deeply into his shoulders, but he ignored the discomfort. He considered it an even exchange for the pain he had caused her. Allowing her time to adjust to his possession, he bent his head and began spreading soft kisses across her flushed face. He lapped up her tears with his hot tongue, whispering encouragement between kisses. He told her how sweet she tasted and how good she felt surrounding him.

After a few minutes embedded in her exquisite heat, he could stand it no more and slowly began to move. Looking down upon her expressive face, he watched for signs of pain and panic. Thankfully, he just saw an intent look as if she were concentrating on the sensations. “Has it eased some, sweetness?”

“Yes.” Raising her eyes, she looked at him in amazement. “There was a burning at first but that has eased off leaving a sense of…” She stopped to consider what she was feeling. “It’s a sense of fullness and something else.”

“What else?”

Blushing, she tried to turn away, but he captured her chin and gently turned her face toward him.

“Cecilia, I asked you a question. What else are you feeling?”

“A tingling sensation in my breasts and between my… It's like a pressure building, in my belly and lower.” Not knowing how to explain it she stopped. She had never felt anything like it before. “Do you think something is wrong with me, Andrew?”

“No, sweetheart,” he suppressed a chuckle, bending his head once again to place a string of kisses from her lips, across her cheek and to her ear. “What you are feeling is arousal. Your body is responding to me; your breasts are swollen and your nipples are tight. Where I’m buried deep inside, you have already started softening and opening to me further. It's your body’s way of accepting me and by letting down your moisture you ease my way.” Pulling back slightly, he then slid deeper inside. “See, your natural essence allows me to glide in and out easily and the friction creates a pleasurable sensation for both of us, but no more pain. Lord, wife, you are warm and wet and so snug around me.”

He slipped a hand under her backside and anchored himself with a large hand around her bottom. “I am going to ride you now, but I’ll be as easy as I can. The pleasure is almost unbearable. Hold on to me Cici and savor every minute.” He then carried them into a maze of sensations and delights that Cici had never even imagined. He pumped into her in a steady rhythm that set off a fiery response between her thighs. She panted for breath and arched her back so her aching nipples could rub against his chest as he moved over her. The hair on his chest abraded the sensitive peaks until they tightened into an exquisite ache.

“Oh Andrew, something is happening. What are you doing to me?”

“Just ride the waves, Cici. Climb to the top and let your orgasm sweep you over the crest to where only pleasure awaits you on the other side.”

Awash in sensation, she rode the crest of that wave until she was hurled over the other side just as he’d said. He soon followed, letting out a roar of satisfaction before collapsing on top of her. Lying beneath him she listened as they both gasped for breath, their body’s clinging damply together from their exertions. His weight made it more difficult for her to catch her breath. Soon he realized he was crushing her and slipped to her side, taking her with him, still intimately joined. Holding her close he couldn’t stop touching her, caressing her skin, brushing back the damp tendrils of hair from her forehead.

“Andrew, I have no words…”

“Sometimes words are unnecessary.”

She thought back over the past hour and blushed. Oh, the things he had done. He had actually put his mouth on her… She couldn’t even think it, let alone say it. But he had said it and so many other shocking things. Her husband had quite salty language for a gentleman.

“Andrew, where on earth did you hear all those words…” Her face burned as she remembered him calling her woman’s flesh a quim and when she had, uh… culminated, an orgasm. She thought she understood their meaning in context, but she was taken aback that words actually existed for those kinds of things.

“I am a man of the world. It may sound lewd to you, but those were mild in comparison to some of the other bawdier nouns and adjectives I have heard in my travels.”

“I don’t know what they mean.”

“Shall we have a vocabulary lesson then?” He teased her gently, still caressing and soothing her. He pressed kisses along her cheek and the corner of her mouth.

“What about the last one, just before…”

He raised a quizzical eyebrow in her direction, enjoying her shyness and embarrassment. She was a delight to be with and an adorable bundle to hold in his arms as well.

“The Latin sounding word, Andrew… oh, please don’t tease me.” She pouted prettily and frowned at his reluctance to help her out of the awkward conversation. “Never you mind then.”

“I’m sorry, but you look utterly adorable when flustered and embarrassed. I think you are referring to the word I said before we both came in one stunner of a fashion. The word is orgasm, which is derived from the Latin word orgasmus. Now to define it… Let’s see, there are so many synonyms I shall attempt to remember them all; to climax sexually, to swell with excitement. Well I certainly did that. To become ripe or in heat; we can assign those characteristics to you. There is also to burgeon, to culminate, and to swell with strength; again in reference to myself.

Giggling hysterically, she swatted his shoulder and insisted that he stop. “Andrew, not only are you incorrigible, but you are a veritable font of information.

“No… font would refer to you, for I certainly baptized you in the living waters this evening.”

Her hands flew to cover her fiery blush and she squealed as he rolled her to her back and came over her again. Pausing, he pushed her hands gently away from her face. “Are you ready for another round, or are you too sore?”


“Oh yes dear, I am probably only good for another go round or two, but a woman, ah the blessing of a woman. You can climax over and over, unless you are too tender to try.

“I should like to do it again, Andrew.”

“That’s my girl. I’ll make you come twice this time.”


“Yet another euphemism for the orgasm.”

“Andrew, you must be making some of this up. Certainly there are not so many words for…”

“Say it.”

“Orgasm,” she whispered and then buried her flaming face in his neck. She was absolutely delectable and all his.

“Let me see, my friends and I made a thorough study of all things sexual while we were at Eton, don’t you know. My father’s money was well-spent.” He winked and laughed before continuing. “I believe that the definition of the verb to come actually originates from a seventeenth century bawdy song, not exactly one heard in the finest homes in England. Would you like for me to give it a go?”

Still blushing she nodded.

“If I recall it was called “Walking in a Meadow Greene” by one Bishop Percy and it went something like this:


They lay so close together, they made me much to wonder’

I know not which was whether, until I saw her under.

Then off he came (there’s your orgasm, sweet),

and blushed for shame so soon that he had end it;

Yet still she lies, and to him cries, “Push on lest I will rend it.”


Laughing uproariously they rolled and cuddled, kissed and caressed until their laughter passed and they were once again ready for each other. Never would she have thought that marital intimacy could be so much fun, especially while lying naked in the arms of her new husband that she had only known for a few days. She had to allow the courtesans and mistresses might be on to something. Little sleep was had that night as the newly wedded couple thoroughly explored the joys of their marriage bed.


Chapter Seven

he following morning Andrew escorted a tired but contented Cici to the stables just as a groom was leading out a beautiful dun colored mare with white markings and a showy mane and tail. “This is Daisy. She’s only four, but quite well-behaved and energetic enough to give you a good trot and canter.”

He watched as Cici smiled and approached the mare properly, murmuring quietly and holding out a section of apple she had secreted away from the breakfast table. “Bribery will win the day, my dear,” he said laughingly as he patted Daisy’s neck.

“She’s beautiful Andrew. Is she truly mine?”

“Of course, I would never tease over a topic as important as horses. Now let’s get you mounted up.” His hands spanned her waist as he prepared to lift her to the sidesaddle. He paused as his hands felt the steel cage encasing his wife’s narrow waist. “Are you wearing a corset for riding?”

“Andrew, the stable boy will hear.” She whispered this in a shocked undertone. How could he discuss her undergarments in front of the others?

“William, walk Daisy for a bit and have Robbie hold before saddling Obsidian.” Guiding Cici with a firm hand he led her into the stable and to the tack room where he steered her inside. Immediately upon closing the door he began unbuttoning her jacket. Her hands flew up to stop him, “Andrew, whatever are you doing?”

“Hands down and hold still.” He brushed her hands aside and finished unbuttoning her riding jacket then pulled it off her shoulders and started on the blouse.

“Stuff and nonsense, husband,” she protested as her cheeks bloomed with heat and she became miffed at his behavior. “You can’t possibly strip me of my clothes here in the stable where anyone could walk in and see.”

“Watch your tone with me, wife. I’ve no intention of stripping you naked. I am merely removing this ridiculous corset. It's not safe to go riding in the countryside all trussed up like a Christmas turkey. I can’t imagine these contraptions do much for your health either what with your insides all compressed and squeezed.”

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