Surprised by Love: A Contemporary Romance (The Armstrongs Book 4) (4 page)

BOOK: Surprised by Love: A Contemporary Romance (The Armstrongs Book 4)
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Chapter 7

Douglas was going over some papers when Toni appeared in his door. Like always, his heart took a jump when he saw her. He’d tried his best to ignore is attraction for her, but his body wouldn’t listen to him.

“Hi, Douglas. Do you have a minute?”

“Sure, come in. What is it?”

She lingered in the door, as if afraid to come inside. “I wanted to go over some basic rules for the meeting with Wang Li and his wife Yin Yue tonight. Half an hour would do.”

That woman had nerves. He was in the middle of some difficult paperwork and she wanted to give him instructions on how to behave. Was he a kindergartener or what?

“Look, I’m very busy, and if you haven’t noticed, this is not my first business meeting.”

“I know, but I want to make sure everything goes fine. This is a very important meet and greet for your company.” She rolled her eyes.

Douglas voice took on an annoyed tone. “I’ve had thousands of business meetings. I’m sure I’ll know how to behave. Thank you.”

She ignored his annoyed answer and said in a patient voice that made him only angrier. “You aren’t meeting with a normal business owner in the States. Things are different here.”

He shook his head, he wasn’t in the mood to argue with her. “People are people. I’ll be fine. Thank you.”

Toni cast a heated stare at him. “Mr. Armstrong. Yes, you will be fine because I’m going to tell you what to expect and how not to offend the man who hired you to build his skyscraper.”

Oh, now she’s back to calling me Mr. Armstrong?
She did that only when she was pretty annoyed with him and wanted to show him his place. Mr. Armstrong was her secret word of telling him that she had the last word on every decision in this project. He wanted to strangle her for that. But then, it made her even more attractive to him. A woman who didn’t back up when he confronted her.

If he was honest with himself, he enjoyed the way she was measuring forces with him. Still, he wasn’t some greenhorn in the business.

“I would never offend a client—”

“Not knowingly, Douglas,” she interrupted. “I know that. But you have to remember that Mr. Wang is of Chinese heritage. In China, the oldest person in the room always speaks first. Always. It is their way of showing respect. Mr. Wang Li is seventy-two. That means he is older than you or I.”

“How old is his wife?” Douglas asked, thinking about what she’d said and mentally cataloging the bit of information away.

“She’s twenty-eight.”

“Twenty-eight? And she’s married to him?”

“Yes. In America, you would naturally greet his wife first. But not here. That would be a grievous mistake.”

“You can’t tell me that I’m supposed to ignore his wife? Surely they—”

Toni shook her head at him. “Do yourself a favor and forget everything you know about how to act around a client. It just won’t work here. If he offers his hand, then you shake it. If he does not offer it, don’t force the issue by offering your own.”

Douglas looked at her and a little devil rode him to challenge her, “So, you’re an expert on Chinese protocol?”

She didn’t even wince. Or try to be humble. Toni stared him straight in the eye and told him, “Yes. I am.”

Then she paused for effect and when he didn’t say a word, she continued, “Now a few more things to keep in mind. Let Mr. Wang sit down at the table first, and you need to wait to begin eating until he takes his first bite.”

Douglas nodded his head and gritted his teeth.
Why does she always have to be right?
He’d have put in his foot more than once without her warnings. On one hand, he was thankful for her advice, but on the other hand, it damaged his ego. A lot.

It cost him a lot of willpower to ask his next question, “Okay, Toni, anything else I have to keep in mind?”

“Well, he will probably present you with his business card sometime during the evening. Accept it with both of your hands, look at it, and then put it in the front pocket of your dinner jacket.”

“Why not my rear pocket or my wallet? That’s where I would normally put it.”

“Because that would be seen as offensive. Now, as far as dinner goes, you need to taste everything that is brought to the table. If you must, swallow it with closed eyes because some of the stuff can be rather disgusting.” She screwed up her face when saying this and he almost choked.

“If they offer you chopsticks, you can take them or refuse. But if you take them, do not stand them up in your food.”


“If you need to set them down, either lay them across your plate, or on the table. Standing them up means bad luck and even death. Oh, and one last thing, refrain from any business talk.”

“But aren’t we meeting to discuss business?”

“No. We’re having dinner with Wang Li and his wife. That is all we do this evening.”

His head was trying to wrap itself around the information she’d given him. He was way out of his comfort zone, and without her assistance, he would have deeply offended the one person he needed to impress. “Thank you, Toni. I guess you just saved me from putting my foot in it. I’m glad you’re with me in this.”

She blushed at his praise, and he realized it made her look even more beautiful than before. He made a mental note to praise her more often – just to see her blush again.
It’s sexy!

And for the first time since she arrived at his office, he was thankful the bank had insisted on sending a loan manager.
She’s not only an expert businesswise, but also is that woman hotter than a volcano and I’m truly falling for her.

Whoa! Whe
re did that thought come from? How can I be falling for her after such a short amount of time? And since when have I decided to not dislike her anymore?

He spent a few minutes trying to sort out his thoughts and emotions, when something strange happened. He actually contemplated taking the risk of a relationship with her. It was crazy, but the more he thought about it, the more a warm and cozy feeling spread across his body. And hot, lustful desire followed the course.
She doesn’t even like me, but she might be worth trying to change her mind. She’s like the total package: hot, intelligent and sensitive.

A few hours later, they arrived right on time at Wang Li’s mansion, where the other dinner guests, three of the higher managers of Wang Li Enterprises with their wives, already waited on them.

All the men and Toni wore dark business suits. Douglas thought she looked gorgeous in her tailored midnight blue suit. She had paired it with a light blue blouse and blue high heels. Very understated, but awfully terrific. His hands itched to explore her curves that were so beautifully exposed.

The other women wore traditional Malaysian dresses, with the exception of Yin Yue who was wearing a glamorous cocktail dress with sequins and a huge diamond necklace. She looked lovely, but slightly out of place among his other guests.

As the evening progressed, Douglas thanked his good fortune to have his ‘babysitter’ with him more than once.
Without Toni I’d be toast

While the other men spoke very good English, Wang Li’s knowledge was meager at best. Communication between them would have been rather basic, and the rest filtered by his managers, without Toni’s assistance. She gracefully translated his words into Mandarin and vice versa.
That woman sure is worth her weight in gold. And I’m not the only one who has noticed. Wang Li is very impressed by her as well.

While everyone else happily exchanged small talk for a long while, he was anxious to start talking about business. When would they finally cut to the chase?

Douglas had never been known for patience and he just couldn’t wait any longer. Throwing Toni’s suggestions about keeping business separate over board, he started to mention different aspects of their business contract, but she kept stopping him. Every. Single. Time. She would pick up on the direction he was going with his comment and then subtly change the topic.

Finally, Douglas resigned to the fact there wouldn’t be business talk any time soon and gave up trying. Instead, he sat back and simply listened and observed.

Dinner was served, and he secretly observed Toni and then mimicked her actions. He sighed several times throughout the meal when he realized he had messed up something she had told him to be careful about. Like cleaning his plate. He’d been raised to completely clean his plate, and to eat what he took. But as he looked around the table, he noticed that nobody else had finished their plates.

He glanced at Toni, saw her look at his plate, and make a short motion with her hand. He followed her lead and left a decent amount of food on his plate, making a mental note to ask her about that later.

After dinner, Douglas overheard Toni admiring the necklace of Yin Yue. “I love your necklace. It’s a very exquisite piece of work, and it really suits you well.”

Yin Yue flashed a bright smile at Toni and gave her husband a shy look. Only after he’d nodded, she turned back to Toni and told her, “Li gave it to me for my birthday.”

“Well, it’s lovely,” Toni commented.

Wang Li smiled proudly as he looked at his wife. His much younger wife. Even though Douglas thought he was far too old for her, it was obvious that Wang Li loved his wife, and she in turn admired him.

“The necklace is by Ryan Armstrong. He is a very famous jewelry designer from your United States.”

Toni, not getting the connection, asked, “Did you have it made just for her?”

Wang Li shook his head. “Not that piece. I purchased it at an auction, but I am wish to have make her a custom piece for our upcoming anniversary. But Mr. Armstrong only works on commissions and you must visit him to make the designs. My wife is afraid of flying.” Wang Li patted his wife on the shoulder like a small child, and she shyly lowered her eyes to the floor.

Douglas was too proud of his brother, Ryan, to think about the implications and he burst out, “Ryan Armstrong is my brother.”

Wang Li smiled and clapped his hands several times. “That is wonderful news.”

Douglas thought Wang Li probably already knew of his connection to Ryan because he must have checked him out before signing the contract and all of his brothers and his sister, Samantha, were co-owners of Stronger Constructions.

Maybe Wang Li hadn’t wanted to reveal that information. But anyhow, he could care less. He glanced at Toni, and her face showed she’d had idea that Ryan and he were related.
So Mrs. Perfect does not know everything. But that makes her only more attractive.

Toni didn’t let her shock keep her from capitalizing on the moment, and Douglas watched with an inward smile as she went to work.

“Douglas, I’m sure Mr. Wang would love to meet your brother.”

He saw where she was headed and played along, “Mr. Wang, I will let my brother know that you are fond of his works and if he ever visits me in Kuala Lumpur, I’m sure he’ll be pleased to meet with you.”

Yin Yue beamed at his words, and even though Wang Li tried to keep a straight face, Douglas saw the joy in his eyes when he glanced at his young wife. Business had just become a lot easier.

When Wang Li told him after dessert how pleased he was with the progress they had made, Douglas was confused.
Progress? We haven’t discussed anything to do with business all evening.
Seeing Wang Lit waiting for him to acknowledge his comment, Douglas simply nodded.

I am so confused!

Chapter 8

Toni was relieved when they bid their hosts good evening and walked to the main street to wait for a taxi. She had felt Douglas presence during the whole evening and her body had tingled under each of his glances. Why did that man have such an effect on her?

Douglas began asking Toni all kinds of questions about things that had occurred during dinner and she was happy to explain things to him. At least that would keep her thoughts away from his strong hands and long fingers. The ones that had so aptly handled the chopsticks that she’d imagined those same fingers handling her curves.
Getting wet and hot during a business dinner, are you still in your mind, Antonia?

She said, “In Asia, you first have to get to know each other before you engage in business. Wang Li will without a doubt, send his managers to take care of the details. The important thing to remember about tonight is that you have now secured his goodwill.”

Douglas nodded and then asked about not eating until your plate was empty. “I mean, what is the deal with that. No one actually finished eating.”

Toni giggled. “I did tell you things were different here. In Chinese culture, if you eat everything on your plate, it sends a message meaning your host was cheap and wasn’t able to provide enough food to satisfy everyone.”

She heard his sigh of relief before he commented, “I wouldn’t want to make that impression. I was so full; I didn’t want to eat anything else.”

“That is usually the way it is.”

His voice grew soft and seductive when he said, “Toni, I’m so thankful you were with me.” And with these words, he pulled her in for a hug. Toni stiffened immediately.

She wanted to be in his arms; it felt just right. Perfect. But then, she didn’t. She’d been fighting to keep things professional between them, but now in his arms, her resistance was faltering.

When she sensed him pull away, her body reacted before she could stop herself, and she returned his embrace.
I just want to feel his arms around me a minute longer.
When she felt his breath on her neck, and the goosebumps running down her back, she suddenly got afraid again. Releasing her hold on him, she quickly pulled back.

The confusion and hurt in his eyes, broke her heart, but she had to put distance between them. It was for the best. For both of them. She straightened her jacket and removed some imaginary dust. Squaring her shoulders, she looked into his eyes and said, “Thank you. I should head home now.”

A taxi appeared in the distance and she moved in its direction, when she heard his dark and sexy voice. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to frighten you.”

She snapped back at him, “I’m not frightened.”
But you are. A lot.
She turned and made to stomp away. In her fury she wasn’t paying attention and accidentally stepped off the curb. Right into the street. The taxi she’d been going to hail almost ran right over her.

Once again, Douglas was right behind her. He grabbed her arm tight and pulled her back up onto the curb. His touch, though not tender and loving, but rough in the attempt to quickly get her out of the reach of the car, set off a chain reaction, making her body zing everywhere. Where he had grabbed her arm would surely appear a mark, but she didn’t care. That thought only intensified the tingling sensations in her arm. A sensation she’d love to have all over her body. Everywhere.

Scolding herself for her wayward thoughts, she looked up into the midnight blue eyes that always had some boyish lights in them. As if he was thinking about his next mischief. She loved those impressive eyes. Over the last few days, she had learned to read him by observing his eyes. For her it was almost too easy. Even though he put on a great masquerade when conducting business meetings, the twitching of his eyebrows or the light in his eyes always gave him away. He sure didn’t have a poker face.

What she saw in his eyes scared the hell out of her. Deep passion mixed with something soft and – unlimited determination. Before she allowed herself to get lost in the deepness of his emotions, she backed away a step, wanting to keep the upper hand.

It would be too easy to give in to the attraction and lose herself in his arms. And then? Then she’d leave in a few weeks, and he’d leave, and they would never see each other again. No, she wasn’t in for a heartbreak.
Remember, you’re no good at relationships. Every one you ever loved left y
ou. Her parents died and her brother kicked her out. That’s enough for a lifetime.

“Thank you. I really need to get home now.”

She glanced up at him from beneath lowered lashes to see a grin split his face, “No problem. Can I at least accompany you home?”

When she started to shake her head, he continued, “I live in the same building, you know?”

She knew all too well. By him mentioning the building, she immediately thought of their first encounter. Swimming pool. Him in shorts and nothing else. That awesome tattoo. She shivered in reaction and all the saliva drained from her mouth.

Of course he noticed, and his eyes take on a worried look. “Are you cold, Toni?”

She shook her head, not able to push words from her lungs. He didn’t pressure her for a response, but he did step out and hail a cab.

After handing her into the back of the vehicle, an action that caused Toni to quickly scoot over to avoid him touching her again, he gave their driver the address.

Toni giggled when his attempt to communicate with the driver left him frustrated, and the driver shaking his head at him in confusion. His pronunciation was just so bad.

Her giggles earned her a glare of disgust from Douglas, but she ignored him and repeated his directions to the driver with the correct pronunciation.

The driver smiled and nodded his head this time, thanking her for translating for her friend. That prompted her to giggle once more and tease him, “Did you want to take me home? Without me, you wouldn’t even be able to get there.”

Luckily, Douglas never could hold a scowl for long, his scowl faded and he grinned over at her. A grin that had her body melting and ready to slither right off the seat. “Without you, I’m nobody. Only with you, am I complete.”

He’d said those words in such a serious tone, she looked at him with narrowed eyes. It hadn’t sound like a joke, but like he totally meant it.
This is not good. Not good at all.

Toni quickly pulled on her serious business face and decided to ignore him for the rest of the ride home.


Douglas sniffed the air, making sure he did so surreptitiously.
I love her scent.
He recognized her perfume. Chanel Number Five. The same perfume his sister used. It fit Toni perfectly. Classy. Elegant. Timeless.

Just like her. She had made a strong impression on him with the way she worked Wang Li and his wife. And if she had been surprised that Ryan was his brother, she sure hadn’t shown it.

His cell phone rang, pulling him from his ponderings about her. He glanced at the caller I.D., wondering who would be calling him at this time of day. It was Patrick.
I wonder what he wants.

He looked across the taxi at Toni and said, “Sorry I have to take this.” He didn’t wait for a reply; but simply answered the phone.

“Hey, Patrick. Where are you?”

“Long story. I need a week or two in civilization before returning to Nepal. Mom told me you were in Kuala Lumpur, so I thought we could catch up. It’s only a four and a half hour flight.”

“Great idea,” Douglas confirmed. “When are you arriving?”


“Great. I’ll pick you up from the airport. Text me your flight information.”

“Thanks. Will do. And can you get me a place to stay?”

“Sure. See you.”

Douglas pocketed his phone before turning to see Toni watching him closely. He had noticed that whenever she felt unobserved, she perused him and got a dreamy look in her eyes.
So she does like me. I just have to try harder to break through her defenses.

“That was my brother, Patrick. He is flying into Kuala Lumpur on Friday. He needs a little time in civilization.”

“Is he on vacation?” she asked curiously.

“He didn’t say, but his last assignment was in some rural part of Nepal. So, I’m guessing he’s sick of living in earth holes.”

“What does he do?”

“He’s a photo journalist,” Douglas answered, supplying her with a short list of the various magazine and media sites where Patrick’s work had been published. He thought for a moment and came up with a great idea.
Maybe I should take Patrick out and we act like tourists for the day and find something fun to do. And, we’ll need someone with local knowledge, so of course, Toni would need to accompany us.

No letting any grass grow on that idea, he asked her, “Would you like to go out with us on Friday night?”

Oh no, that question came out all the wrong way. And sure enough, she hesitated. He hurried to stop her negative response by adding, “It’s not a date, but I do need your help. I don’t know any good places to go out and have some fun. And you’ve heard my attempt at speaking the language. You can even bring a friend. Please.”

Douglas watched her with a nagging twinge of fear, and breathed with relief when she finally answered, “Okay. But just because your brother is visiting.”

“That’s fine with me.” He grinned at her. He didn’t care why she went out with him as long as she did. It was a great start.

The taxi arrived at their apartment building and they took the lift up to her floor, where he accompanied her down the hall to her apartment. When they reached the door, he put his hand on her shoulder and said, “Thank you.”

He felt the attraction between them and it took all of his self-control not to kiss her.

She shivered and for a moment, he saw raw desire flashing through her eyes. But she quickly regained her composure and her expression grew neutral again. That woman was a queen at masking her emotions. “Nothing to thank me for. Good night.”

Toni opened her door and entered the apartment. After she closed the door, he stood there for a few moments, savoring the shadows of her former presence. She was perfect. Her body had him on full speed, but what really drew him to her were her attitude and her wits.

She was so intelligent, organized, and able to quickly analyze any situation and act accordingly.
She really is worth risking a relationship.

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