Surprised by Love: A Contemporary Romance (The Armstrongs Book 4) (13 page)

BOOK: Surprised by Love: A Contemporary Romance (The Armstrongs Book 4)
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Chapter 27

Toni usually hated going to gala events like the celebration of the first milestone on the tower construction tonight. Not today. She was actually looking forward to it.

Now that she wouldn’t have to live out of a suitcase anymore, she could get herself some more garments, right? The gala had been the perfect excuse to buy an evening gown and she would be wearing some of her new lingerie for the first time.

She took her time getting ready for the evening, scrubbing her body until it shone, shaving her legs and other important areas, and even having a mani-pedi done.

She slipped into the lingerie and then paused to look at herself in the mirror.
Wow! Who’s that sex bomb? Do I know her?
Taking her dress off the hangar, she slipped into it and then pulled up the zipper.

After another critical look, she grinned.
I look freaking hot!
She wasn’t one for having a vain attitude, but facts were facts. And tonight she wanted to make sure Douglas wouldn’t have second thoughts about her moving to Chicago with him.

She had chosen a Zac Prosen original, a gown that hadn’t even come out in the stores yet. Tricia had helped with that, taking Toni directly to the manufacturing facility – the manager another friend of hers.

It was an Oscar-worthy dress and she envisioned herself walking along the red carpet with that floor-length gown, in a midnight blue shimmering silk, with a daring décolleté that showed off the entire upper portion of her breasts.

When a knock sounded on her door, she hurried to open it and then gasped in shock. Douglas stood there in the hallway, dressed in a tux and he’d never looked better.
He must be the most gorgeous man ever.
And then it hit her.
He’s my man now.
Her stomach went all wobbly again and she felt her pulse race and her breath catch in her throat.

“Hi,” she told him breathily as she strove to present a calm façade.

Douglas looked her over, nodding his approval with his royal blue eyes with the little dark spots that deepened to almost black when he was aroused. She started to step backwards, and almost stumbled.
Will I ever get enough of him?

He quickly caught her in his arms, now almost panting, with desire building in his gaze. His held her at arms-length and let his eyes travel from the top of her head, down her torso to her toes, and then back up again. His gaze leaving trails of pins and needles on her body.
Is the dress too daring?
It hugged her body perfectly, but…was the décolleté too low?

Her doubts faded away when Douglas whistled low in his throat. “You are stunning. I’m almost speechless by how beautiful you are.”

Toni felt her cheeks redden with heat and quickly grabbed the beaded clutch that matched her dress. “Thanks.”

At the gala, Wang Li and his wife Yin Yue greeted them and presented them to some of Wang Li’s business partners. Yin Yue was dressed in a traditional Chinese dress – red silk with golden dragons on either side of it. To complete the stunning dress, she wore one of the new pieces Ryan had designed for her.

When Toni complimented her on the necklace, Yin Yue beamed at her and told her how her husband had ordered a matching necklace, bracelet, and earrings.

Contrary to normal practice, Wang Li pulled both Douglas and Toni to the side, to discuss business.

“I wish for your company to build some more buildings for me.”

She had not expected such a direct approach. Douglas shot her a glance for help, and she gave him a slight shrug and a nod. Douglas nodded and thanked Wang Li for having confidence in his company and favoring them with his business.

“Mr. Wang, you’ll be happy to know that Ms. Barking will be working for Stronger Constructions as well.”

Wang Li looked at her. “You have left Asia Bank?”

“Yes, sir. I will handle all of the finances for the construction company.”

Wang Li smiled at this and spoke to her in Mandarin for a moment. Toni nodded her understanding and after they’d been dismissed, she pulled Douglas out onto the dance floor.

Later that evening, Douglas convinced her to go up to the rooftop pool, to appreciate the skyline.

When she stepped out onto the terrace, emotions overwhelmed her and she had to grab hold of his arm. He led her to the edge of the rooftop enclosure, looking out over the city lights.

His seductive voice whispered into her ear, “Do you remember our first time?”

“Of course.”

“What would you say if I told you I made sure nobody can interrupt us here?”

Toni looked at him and then at their location. “Here?”

Douglas nodded and began removing his clothing, her eyes growing wider with every exposed piece of skin and the familiar tingling rushing across her body. When he was down to nothing but his boxers, he turned her around and unzipped her dress. It fell down and pooled to her feet.

When he looked at her again, he groaned. “Are you trying to kill me, beautiful?” he asked, referring to her midnight blue silk and tiny lace panties and the demi-bra which encased the lower halves of her breasts.

“I actually hoped it would have a different effect. Do you like it?”

“Like it? I love it. If I wasn’t head over heels in love with you already, I would fall for you in this very instant.” Douglas picked her up and carried her to one of the double wide lounge chairs. He laid down next to her and slowly traced the edge of her bra, letting his fingers dip beneath the lace to toy with her turgid nipples.

Leaning forward, he laved the hard peak beneath the lace, using the texture of the lace to ramp her pleasure up even more. “I love your breasts.”

“Would it surprise you…to know…that I love you loving my breasts?” Toni asked him, breathless at the emotions and desire racing through her body.

“Not at all. Let’s see what else you love. Shall we?”


He skimmed his lips down her torso, stopping at the teeny panties to worship the flesh they concealed, but using the lace to help him along. When Toni arched beneath him, crying out his name, taking things slowly had just come to an end.

Rolling over onto his back, he pulled her to straddle him and removed her bra. The small panties were easily pushed aside and he lifted her up and helped her mount his erection. She moved up and down along his shaft, guiding their pleasure until neither one of them could hold back any longer. She cried out his name as they reached for the stars together.

His heart thundered against his ribs when she collapsed onto his chest and lay there for several moments before he rubbed a hand on her back. “Want to get in the whirlpool?”

She lifted her head up. “They have one of those up here?”

“Yes. I even had them leave some towels for us.”

Toni nodded. “You had this planned.” She scooted off him and together they stepped down into the hot water.

Douglas pulled her to sit in front of him, and then he started talking, “Toni, I want you to move in with me once we reach Chicago.”

She turned her head and gave him a questioning look. They hadn’t touched on that topic before; both of them too busy with work and preparing everything for her job change to worry about the mundane things.

“I thought maybe I would just crash with Russell for a while until I find a place of my own.”

“I want you to live with me. I don’t want to wake up without you lying next to me. I want to see your face before I go to sleep each night and wake up to it the next morning.”

I want those things as well.
“Are you sure? Won’t you get tired of me?”

“I am sure. And I won’t get enough of you, ever.” He tossed her a naughty grin, “If I ever do, promise me you’ll buy some more of that heart-attack causing lingerie, okay?”

She leaned her head against his shoulder. “I would love to move in with you.”

Chapter 28

Toni packed her suitcases, realizing that it might be the last time she did so for quite a while. She was flying home with Douglas, had agreed to move in with him, and was so happy she couldn’t quit smiling.

Tricia was sitting on her bed while Toni packed and describing her week with Patrick. As she’d expected, the two of them had hooked up for the week and Tricia was being fairly explicit about their exploits.

When she launched into yet another detailed story, Toni stopped her. “Tricia, I love you, but I really don’t want to hear about you and the brother of my boyfriend having sex. I could care less about the details.”

She examined Tricia to make sure she wasn’t offended, ready to jump in and make amends if she needed to, but Tricia just laughed at her. “You can be so boring at times.”

Toni laughed with her and then winked at her. “That’s not what Douglas would tell you, but unlike you, I don’t kiss and tell.”

“Point taken,” Tricia told her.

“So, is this going to turn into something more serious?”

“Are you kidding? Of course not. Can you imagine me somewhere in the bush with him? No water. No electricity. No thank you!”

Toni laughed and then nodded in agreement.
No, I can’t imagine living without a manicure for even one day.

Glancing at the clock, she realized Douglas was going to be by to pick up her luggage any minute. She stood up and pulled Tricia in for a hug. “I’m going to miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too. Promise to visit me soon.”

“I’ll come to visit anytime I get the chance.”

“I know you will. I’m out of here, before it gets too sappy, honey.”

Toni smiled, she knew how much Tricia hated farewell scenes. But as soon as Tricia had walked out the door, sadness overwhelmed her. For the last several years, Tricia had been her one and only friend, and now she was moving away from her. Far away from her.
But you have new friends and family now. You won’t be alone. Ever.

Douglas ran into Tricia coming out of Toni’s apartment and gave her a brief hug, “Take care of yourself.”

“I will. You take care of my girl in there. She’s something special.”

Douglas agreed, “I will.” He tapped on the open door of Toni’s apartment once and then walked in to see her zipping up her suitcase.

“All ready to go?” he asked, noticing that she seemed rather quiet.

She gave him a small smile. “Yes. I’m ready.”

He took her suitcases and then together they took the elevator down to the lobby. The company car was already waiting on them, and the driver got out and stowed their luggage in the trunk.

Douglas waited for her to say something, but she was unusually quiet and he decided to broach whatever was wrong while they still had some relative peace and quiet. Once they reached the airport, that opportunity wouldn’t be available for quite some time.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Toni gave him a look and then turned back to watch the city pass her by.

“It doesn’t look like nothing. You have your worry-wrinkle again.”

“I am a bit worried,” she said after a moment, reaching up and rubbing the spot between her eyes.

“I can see that.” He waited her out; willing her to share what was bothering her so they could deal with it. Together.

Finally, on a rush of words, she blurted out, “I have no idea how to lead a normal life.”

Douglas hid his grin and pulled her into his arms. “I hate to break it to you, but our lives are going to be anything but normal. Remember, I have a big and crazy family, and an expanding business. And whenever you think our life is boring, I’ll find something exciting to do.”

Toni relaxed in his arms and let his words flow over her.
He makes it sound so simple. Who knows? Maybe it will be.

He nibbled at her earlobe and continued to paint a picture of the exciting life they were going to have together. Something about the way he wound the words together, or the way he said it with such confidence helped her believe him. Finally. She sighed and smiled up at him.
Life would certainly never be normal or boring with this man by her side.


***The End ***

The Armstrong series continues with Patrick and Angela in TRAVEL, LIVE, LOVE. Now available for pre-order on Amazon:



Please enjoy a preview of the story of Dean and Melissa


I Love You Twice

The Armstrongs, Book Zero

Falling for Him, Book Seven


Jessica Gray


Preview I Love You Twice


Mellie’s head was buzzing. With trembling hands she tied the apron around her waist and listened carefully to Denise, her co-worker and a veteran waitress at the Lake Perry diner.

“Greet the customer, hand them the menus, take their drink order, and only then ask if they’re ready to order. If they are not, give them a few more minutes before you return.”

Today was her first day working as a waitress at the diner. The summer season was just getting started, and she hoped to make enough money to pay for college classes in the fall. She’d turned 21 a few weeks ago and was ready to take on the world. In keeping with her new grown up persona, she’d decided to use from now on her given name – Melissa. It sounded much more mature than Mellie!

A young family entered the diner and Denise nodded her head towards them, showing it was time to put theory into practice. Melissa gave her a hesitant smile and nodded her head.
I can do this!

She grabbed two regular menus, and two kid menus, complete with two cups of crayons. Approaching their booth, she smiled broadly and introduced herself, “Hi, folks. My name is Melissa and I’m going to be your server this morning.”

“Good morning, Melissa. You’re new here, aren’t you?” asked the father in the group.

“I am,” she admitted, “but don’t worry. I’ll take good care of you all.”  She handed around the menus and gave the kids the crayons, “Do you two like to color?”

The two little blonde heads nodded, eager to use the crayons. Melissa smiled and whispered to them, “Don’t tell anybody, but I like to color too.” She winked at the kids and then took out her pad and pen. “Now, what I can get everyone to drink?”

After returning with their drink orders, she wrote down their food order, handed it off at the kitchen window and turned to see Denise watching her. “How’d I do?”

“Melissa, you’re a natural.”

Melissa beamed at her and felt herself stand a little taller. It was amazing what a few words of praise could do for a person’s confidence!

“Order’s up!” came the call from the kitchen.

Melissa turned and then paused for a moment, unsure of the next step. She had four plates to deliver to a table halfway across the diner, and only two hands. Denise smiled as she accurately interpreted her hesitation.

“Hey, don’t panic. Before long you’ll be handling one of the large trays like a pro, but for now, let me help. You take two, and I’ll follow behind you with the other two.”

“Really?” Melissa asked in relief. “Thanks, Denise.” The two women grabbed the warm plates and within a few minutes they were both back behind the counter and Melissa enjoyed her first success.

The bell above the door jangled again. Our second guest this day! A handsome man entered the diner. He headed straight for the counter and sat down. Denise turned to Melissa, telling her, “Dean Armstrong. You can have him. He gives good tips. But, he’s weird. He’ll probably try to talk to you about some gross bugs.”

“Bugs?” Melissa asked, not sure if she should thank Denise or not. She turned to look at the customer in question, but he had his head buried in the menu and all she could see was the top of his head.

“Yeah. He’s a regular.”

“Okay, thanks. I can use a few good tips,” Melissa told her, grabbing her pad and pen and heading in the mystery man’s direction.

“Hello. I’m Melissa. Can I get you some coffee?” she asked, hoping to draw him away from the menu and get a good look at a man who liked to talk about insects. When he lowered the menu and looked up, Melissa forgot everything except for how gorgeous he was. He had broad shoulders, and muscular arms. Not bulging biceps, but lean and well-defined arms. Just the way she liked it. His dark, short hair showed a few unruly strands hanging into his forehead. Her fingers itched to bury themselves in his hair and feel the softness. But the most intense impression on her made his steel-blue eyes. Eyes that looked at her in a way she’d never experienced before.

Her knees trembled, her heart raced, and then the fear set in.
He’s perfect! But I don’t want or need a relationship! Men are way too much trouble!
Melissa mentally chided herself for being swayed by a man’s looks.
But you have to admit, he is absolutely gorgeous!

Remember Happy? Your daughter?
Melissa quickly reminded herself what had happened the last time she’d allowed a good looking guy to turn her head. She’d ended up alone and pregnant. Her daughter Happy would turn three soon, and since her biological father had taken off; Melissa hadn’t had a serious relationship or any relationship at all. It was better this way.

The few guys she’d been interested in had disappeared the minute they found out she had a toddler waiting for her at home. Faster than she could blink!
No, I don’t need a relationship. Happy and I are doing just fine by ourselves. Besides when would I have time for a boyfriend?

Melissa had just finished high school and wanted to go to college. A college degree was the only way she would ever be able to provide for Happy without living paycheck to paycheck. That’s why she’d taken this job. To earn enough money this summer to pay for college when it started up in the fall. And between school, work, and taking care of Happy, there was absolutely no time left for a boyfriend. None at all!

(End of Sneak Peak)

To continue reading, pick up the book of Dean and Melissa :



The Armstrong series continues with Patrick and Angela in TRAVEL, LIVE, LOVE.

Coming soon…..
to get an email reminder as soon as it's released.



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You might enjoy my other books as well:


The Armstrongs:

Each of the books can be read as stand alone novel and you can read it in any order you want, but for best enjoyment, you might want to read it in the order below.

Book 1
: Power of Love (Trevor and Nicole)

Book 2
: Forever my Love (Ryan and Kendra)

Book 3
: Daring to Love (Evan and Charlene)

Book 4
: Surprised by Love (Douglas and Toni)

Book 5:
Travel, Live, Love (Patrick and Angela)

Book 6:
Explosion of Love (Samantha and Grant)


Falling for Him Series:

Books 1,2,3 and 5 should be read in order. Books 4, 6, 7 and 8 can be read as standalone novellas.

Book 1: Rachel and Peter

Book 2: Rachel and Peter in Spain

Book 3: Rachel goes Business

Book 4: Lara and David

Book 5: Rachel and Peter’s Wedding

Book 6: Stubborn Love  (Clara and Nigel)

Book 7: I Love You Twice – (Melissa and Dean)


Short Stories in the Falling for Him Series

Christmas Miracle – (Rachel and Peter)

(this book is best read before book 7)



Stand-Alone Novellas:

Entangled Love

Destroyed Dreams






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