Supernatural (34 page)

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Authors: Colin Wilson

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Mysticism, #Occultism, #Parapsychology, #General, #Reference, #Supernatural

BOOK: Supernatural
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The poltergeist—or poltergeists—became increasingly destructive.
Pieces of paper burst into flame, although always where they could be seen; sometimes, the ashes of burnt papers were found in drawers.
All kinds of objects were smashed—Phelps estimated that the poltergeist had done about two hundred dollars’ worth of damage.
And the poltergeist also attacked the eldest girl, Anna.
A reporter was sitting with the mother and daughter when the girl shouted that someone had pinched her; they rolled up her sleeve and found a severe fresh pinch mark on her arm.
On another occasion, there was a loud smacking noise, and a red mark appeared on her face.

In October 1851, more than a year after the disturbances began, the mother and children went off to Pennsylvania and stayed there until the following spring.
The poltergeist did not follow them, and when they returned to Stratford, nothing more happened.

What seems very clear is that the poltergeist haunting would never have taken place if the Rev.
Phelps had not made the mistake of dabbling in an amateur seance.
Presumably this attracted the attention of some juvenile delinquents of the spirit world, who discovered that there were two excellent mediums in the house, and proceeded to make use of their energies.
When Mrs Phelps took the children away, the poltergeist was starved of energy and went away.
Here it seems obvious that the ‘Freudian’ explanation is both unnecessary and irrelevant.

The Phelps case has been described as ‘one of the most amazing poltergeist dramas of which we have record’.
In fact, most students of the paranormal would agree that this distinction should go to the case that has become known as ‘the Amherst mystery’, which took place in Nova Scotia in 1878.

A shoe worker named Daniel Teed lived in a two-storey house with his wife and two sons, his wife’s two unmarried sisters, Jane and Esther Cox, who were aged 22 and 18, his wife’s brother William, and his own brother, John.
(The house must have been grossly overcrowded.) All were Methodists.
Jane, the elder sister, was pretty; Esther was short and rather stout.
Nevertheless, Esther had a boyfriend, a local factory worker named Bob MacNeal.

In late August, Daniel Teed complained that someone had been milking the cow; Esther was a suspect as she was unusually fond of milk.
Esther was suffering from nervous tensions, and ran up from the cellar one night screaming that a rat had run over her leg.
Her troubles were probably sexual in origin, as seems to be revealed by a dream she had at the time: hundreds of black bulls with bright blue eyes and blood dripping from their mouths tried to break into the house, while Esther frantically locked the doors .

The following evening, Esther and Bob MacNeal went out for a drive.
Bob, who had a bad reputation locally, tried to persuade Esther to go into the woods with him, but she refused.
He pulled out a gun and ordered her to get down from the buggy; he looked as if he might fire when the sound of an approaching vehicle distracted him.
He leapt on to the buggy, drove back at a dangerous speed, let Esther off, then left Amherst for good.
Esther cried herself to sleep, and for the next few days had red eyes.

On September 4, a damp, misty evening, Jane heard Esther sobbing in bed.
Then Esther screamed that there was a mouse in bed with her.
They searched, but no mouse was found.
The following night, both heard a rustling noise, and made a search.
It seemed to be coming from a cardboard box containing patchwork, so Jane stood it in the middle of the room, expecting a mouse to run out.
Instead the box jumped into the air and fell over.
She stood it up, and it jumped again.

Daniel Teed came in to see what the noise was about, pushed the box under the bed, and told them to go to sleep.

The next night, Esther went to bed early.
Soon after the light went out, she leapt out of bed shouting: ‘Jane, I’m dying.’
Jane lit the lamp and saw that Esther’s face was bright red, and her hair was standing on end.
Daniel Teed came in, together with the other two men.
Esther got back into bed, but began to scream.
Her body appeared to be swelling like a balloon.
Suddenly, there was a loud report like a clap of thunder.
The men rushed out to search the house, but found nothing.
When they came back, Esther was back to normal and fast asleep.

Two days later, as Esther was getting into bed, she began to feel ill again.
All the bedclothes flew off the bed, and landed in the far corner of the room.
Jane fainted.
Esther began to swell again.
The men rushed in, and someone replaced the bedclothes; they promptly flew off again, and a pillow hit John Teed on the head; he left the house never to return.
Again, there were some loud explosions.
Esther stopped swelling, and fell asleep.

The following day, a doctor came to see Esther.
As she lay in bed, the pillow under her head inflated, as if filled up with air, then collapsed, then re-inflated itself.
Raps sounded around the room.
The bedclothes flew off.
There was a scratching noise above Esther’s bed and, as they all watched, they saw writing appearing on the wall.
It said: ‘Esther, you are mine to kill.’
A lump of plaster detached itself from elsewhere on the wall and flew across the room to the doctor’s feet.
Then rappings and bangs continued for the next two hours, while Esther lay, terrified, on her bed.

The following day, Esther complained of an ‘electric’ feeling running through her body.
The doctor gave her morphine; instantly, there was a series of bangs and crashes that seemed to go up to the roof.

These disturbances continued for another three weeks.
Then, one night, Esther fell into a trance, became rigid, and told the story of what had happened with Bob MacNeal.
When she recovered consciousness, she admitted it was true.
When Jane said that Bob must be responsible for Esther’s problems, loud knocks suggested that the ‘spirit’ agreed completely.
Jane remarked that it seemed to understand what she said, whereupon there were three distinct raps.
The doctor tried asking the ‘spirit’ simple questions, with one rap for no, two for ‘no answer’, three for yes.
But the doctor’s attempts to get it to explain itself were a total failure.

Esther became a subject of controversy; the house was permanently full of people.
When a minister called to see her, a bucket of cold water on the kitchen table began to bubble as if it was boiling.

In December, Esther developed a severe sore throat which turned to diphtheria.
While she was ill, the manifestations ceased.
Then she went away to convalesce.
When she returned, the manifestations started immediately.
Esther said she heard a voice telling her that the house was going to be set on fire.
As she told the others about this, a lighted match fell from the air on to the bed, and the sheets caught fire.
Jane quickly put it out.
More lighted matches fell around the room, most of them going out immediately.
The rapping noises started later, and when the family asked the ‘spirit’ whether the house would be set alight, it replied that it would not be.
At that moment there was smoke from under Esther’s bed; they found that a dress had somehow transferred itself from the bedroom door, and had been set on fire.

Three days later, Mrs Teed smelled smoke coming from the cellar.
They found a barrel of wood shavings burning vigorously and had some trouble putting it out.

The villagers were alarmed about this; if the Teeds’ house caught fire, half the village would probably be burned down.
They suggested that Esther ought to be sent away.
A neighbour named John White offered to take her in if she would do some housework.
For two weeks, all went well; then a scrubbing brush flew out of Esther’s hand, went up to the ceiling, and came down and hit her on the head.

White owned a restaurant, and Esther went to work there.
An oven door refused to stay closed, and jumped off its hinges.
Metal objects began flying at Esther as if she were a magnet, and a boy’s clasp-knife made her back bleed.
When iron spikes were laid in her lap, they quickly became too hot to touch.

All this seemed to support the suspicion that Esther was somehow ‘electrified’.
They tried making her wear a special pair of shoes with glass soles; but these gave her headaches and made her nose bleed.

When furniture began to move around the restaurant, John White decided it was time for Esther to go home.
Again, she left Amherst for a few months; first to stay with a man and his wife in New Brunswick, then to a farm three miles from Amherst.
She told various visitors about the ‘voices’ that spoke to her—voices which claimed to be the spirits that were causing the mischief.
One of these spirits, ‘Bob Nickle’, threatened her with fire and stabbing.

In June, 1879, a stage magician named Walter Hubbell moved into the Teeds’ cottage as a paying guest; he had heard about the ‘haunting’ and thought it might make the subject of a book.
Within a few minutes of arriving, he had no doubt that this was no fraud.
His umbrella sailed through the air, then a carving knife landed at his feet, then his bag was ‘thrown’, then a chair shot across the room and hit his own so hard that he nearly fell on the floor.
From then on, the chairs in every room he entered performed a dance.
Esther told him he was unpopular with the spirits.
Undeterred, Hubbell tried asking them questions by means of raps, and the spirits were able to tell him the number engraved on his watch, and the dates of coins in his pockets.
Later, Hubbell lay down on the settee and closed his eyes; Esther came into the room, and Hubbell cautiously peeped at her, perhaps hoping that she would give herself away as a cheat.
Instead, he saw a large glass paperweight float up across the room and rebound off the arm of the settee.

During the next few days the poltergeist put on a special show for Hubbell.
Objects floated around, strange noises were heard—like sawing wood and drumming on a washboard—and Esther was attacked by ‘six spirits’ who stuck no fewer than thirty pins in her.
Small fires broke out—on one day there were forty-five of them—and the sound of a trumpet echoed through the house; they later found a small silver trumpet which no one had ever seen before.
When Esther went to the local minister to pray, ‘Bob Nickle’ attacked her viciously on her return, cutting her head open with a bone and stabbing her in the face with a fork.

Hubbell thought he saw a way of making money.
He hired a hall and persuaded Esther to put on a ‘show’ for the people of Amherst.
Inevitably, the spirits declined to operate, and the audience demanded their money back.

Tired of the non-stop disturbances, Daniel Teed sent Esther off to stay with some obliging friends; Hubbell, who now had enough material for his book, went to St John to write it.
It appeared in due course and went through several editions.

During Esther’s stay with her friends, the spirits let her alone.
She then took a job on a farm owned by people called Davidson.
Her friends found that various articles were missing, and these were located in the Davidsons’ barn.
Esther was suspected of theft, but before the case could be investigated the barn caught fire and burned to the ground.
Esther was accused of arson, and was sentenced to four months in jail.
After this, the manifestations came suddenly to an end.

This abrupt termination of the ‘haunting’ seems to favour the view that Esther’s own unconscious mind was responsible.
This is, in fact, the view I favoured when I described the case briefly in a book called
Esther was sexually frustrated, and if Bob MacNeal had adopted a more gentlemanly way of seducing her, there would have been no ‘Great Amherst Mystery’ (the title of Hubbell’s book).
Esther was a classic case of ‘the divided self: a part of her longing to give herself to her lover, while the inhibitions induced by her background and training made this impossible.
So when she rejected his advances, and he vanished into the night, her unconscious mind said, in effect: ‘Now see what you’ve done, stupid!’, and set out to punish her.
As to the effects themselves, many of them fit the hypothesis I have suggested: that the ‘energy’ comes from the earth.
When Esther wore shoes with glass soles, the manifestations stopped but she developed headaches and nosebleeds.
Her sensation of electric currents is also highly suggestive.
There have been dozens of well-authenticated cases of ‘human electric batteries’.
Again, nearly all concern girls or boys at the age of puberty.
Caroline Clare of Bondon, Ontario, began to lose weight at the age of seventeen (in 1877), then developed such powerful electric currents that people
who touched her received severe shocks; pieces of metal stuck to her as if she were a magnet.
Jennie Morgan of Sedalia, Missouri, became an electric battery at fourteen; when she touched metal objects, sparks flew.
Frank McKinistry, also of Missouri, would develop an electric charge during the night and slowly lose it during the day.
When highly charged, his feet would stiek to the ground so that he had difficulty in walking—which sounds again as if the electricity comes from the earth.
(Good dowsers receive a ‘tingling’ sensation when they touch standing stones.) The Amherst minister, the Reverend Edwin Clay, was convinced that the secret of Esther’s manifestations was electricity, and even delivered a lecture to that effect.

But how did Esther’s unconscious mind know the number of Hubbell’s watch and the dates of coins in his pocket—which no doubt he did not know himself?
How did her mind scratch ‘Esther, you are mine to kill’ on the wall above her head?
How did it blow a trumpet all over the house?
The truth is that the unconscious mind theory needs to be stretched so much that it loses the chief virtue of a good theory—simplicity.

But perhaps the strongest argument against the unconscious mind theory is simply that Esther’s torment went on for so long.
To actually read the case in detail is to feel that no one could get so angry with herself that she would continue relentlessly for more than a year.
We may say, ‘Oh, I could kick myself,’ when we do something stupid; but no one has ever

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