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Authors: Anna Kristell

Sunny's Love (15 page)

BOOK: Sunny's Love
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Deciding it would do no good to brood about it, she got out of bed and dressed. When she went downstairs, Alma was in the kitchen baking pies.

“Hello, Sunny. Chase told me not to disturb you. Are you all right?”

“Yes, I’m fine. I guess he just didn’t want to wake me.” She poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down at the bar.

“Well, you’ve been running yourself ragged lately. Maybe that husband of yours thought you needed a break. Can I fix you something to eat?”

“You go on with your baking. I’ll make myself some cinnamon toast.”

“Sunny, you aren’t pregnant, are you? You look really tired.”

“No, I don’t think so, Alma. We’re using birth control so I really don’t think that’s it. I must be coming down with a bug. I do feel pretty tired, that must be why Chase let me sleep. He must have thought I looked bad.”

“He would never think you look bad. Why don’t you take it easy today? You’ve really been burning the candle at both ends, you know.”

“Yes, I guess I’ve been pretty much on the run
, ever since we got back from Florida. I think I will just relax today. With Thanksgiving a few days away, I need to be at my best.”

Once you get the big dinner over with, you have the whole weekend. Aren’t you going away for the rest of the holiday?”

“Yes, we are. I don’t know where he made reservations, but we
’re going to do some Christmas shopping and just relax, away from all the hustle and bustle for a few days. That’ll do us both good. All this mess with the company has taken a toll on both of us, I think.”

“Chase gave George and me the weekend off too, Friday through Sunday. He said with both grandmas here, we could take some time to ourselves.”

“That’s wonderful. You two certainly deserve it.”

After she’d eaten her toast, she went into the den, picked a book from the vast selection in the bookcase
, and snuggled under an afghan on the sofa to read. Alma brought her a cup of coffee with her favorite creamer a little while later and after drinking the steaming hot drink, she fell asleep. That was how Chase found her when he came for a late lunch.

“I was afraid of this,” he muttered as he gently shook her awake. “Sunny, are you
all right…my God, you’re burning up.”

“What…” Sunny groggily looked at hi
m with fever-glazed eyes.

“I cleared my schedule because I was afraid you weren’t well. You were feverish and chilling all night. And when the alarm didn’t wake you this morning, I let you sleep. But you
’re burning up now.”

“I just feel tired…so tired.”

He scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the stairs, telling Alma to bring aspirin and ice water on his way up the staircase. He gently laid her on the bed, covering her with just the sheet. When Alma came in, he took two aspirin from the bottle. Helping her to sit up, he put them in her mouth, and gave her a sip of the cool water. He laid her back down and asked, “Baby, does anything hurt?”

“I’m achy and tired. I just have a bug.”

“I’ll let you sleep, but if you’re still feverish in an hour, I’ll call the doctor.”

She immediately went back to sleep. Chase pulled a chair close to the bed and sat, nervously watching her.

“I’ll bring you up a sandwich, Chase. Is ham and cheese all right?” Alma asked quietly.

“Anything is fine. I’ll have a cup of tea as well.”


Alma brought him a tray and after he’d eaten, he sipped the tea, his eyes never leaving his wife.

An hour later, he felt her forehead. Relieved that she felt cooler, he went downstairs.

“How is she?” Alma asked.

“I think she’s all right. It seems the aspirin may have controlled the fever a little. I just knew this morning when I left, she was coming down with something.”

“She did look tired. She’s been trying to do too much, if you ask me.”

“Yes, she’s trying so hard to do it all. But you know as well as I do, she wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ve married a stubborn woman.”

“Ah, but you’ve married a good woman.”

“That I have, Alma dear, that I have. I’m going to see if she’s awake yet. Will you have George pick up the kids and keep them occupied when they get home?”

“Of course, I’ll put a movie in for them to watch before dinner. They’ll be fine.”

He went back to the bedroom and found Sunny sitting up in bed.

“Whoa…don’t you think you should lie back down?”

“It’s almost time for the kids.”

“That’s been taken care of. I’ll get you some tea
. You lie back down. You are not to get out of that bed for the rest of the day.”

“Just what I always wanted, a bossy husband
.” She lay back down, silently thanking her lucky stars that she did, indeed, have a bossy husband who was taking good care of her.

He returned with the tea and helped her sit up. “Would you like some soup?”

“Maybe later, lie with me?”

He lay down beside her, taking her in his arms. He rubbed her head gently and kissed her forehead. “Fever seems to be gone.”

“I have to get well. Thursday is Thanksgiving and our trip is Friday.”

“You stay in bed today and tomorrow and I think you’ll be fine.”

“Chase, thank you for staying home with me this afternoon, you didn’t have to do that.”

“I wouldn’t have gotten any work done worrying about you.”

She went back to sleep in his arms and a while later he left her side. When he came back with a tray for her he discovered she’d awakened.

“Where did you go?”
she asked, pushing up.

“I was getting the kids settled for the night. I brought you some of Alma’s chicken soup.” He helped her sit up, fluffing several pillows behind her for support and began to spoon feed her.

“I’m capable of feeding myself.”

“Sunny, the day after I proposed to you I told you I was going to spoil you rotten. The day I married you, I said for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health. Right now you
’re sick and I intend to spoil you and take care of you.”

“What did I ever do to deserve you?” she asked as she took a bite of the wonderful soup.

“You were just being you…and that’s all it took, baby.” He fed her some more soup and handed her the cup of tea, helping her sip it slowly.

After she’d eaten, he handed her two more aspirin, then undressed and got into bed beside her. Pulling her into his arms, he said, “Now sleep, my precious, sleep so you’ll be well for our weekend.”

The next morning, Chase drew a warm bath for her and helped her into the tub. While she was soaking, he showered, shaved and got ready for work. He’d already gotten the kids ready for school.

“Hon, you’d better help me out of the tub. You need to get going.”

“The office can do without me for a few more hours.” He helped her out of the bath, toweled her dry and carried her back to bed.

“I suppose you want one of those damn things you like to sleep in,” he said as he rummaged through her drawer, pulling out a lilac colored satin nightshirt and a pair of lace panties. He dressed her and laid her back on the pillow. “Are you feeling any better?”
“Yes, I am, actually, but I want to rest another day, if you don’t mind.”

’s a good idea. You rest, that’s the best medicine. Do you want tea or coffee with your toast? I don’t think you should eat much more than that.”

“Tea please, I don’t think I can handle coffee this morning.”

He went downstairs and returned a few minutes later with her breakfast. “Are you okay if I go to the office? Alma is downstairs cooking for tomorrow, but if you need anything, you can use your cell to call her. I’ll put it right here on the table. And I brought up the book you were reading yesterday.”

“Oh, I should be helping her and Mom is coming in the morning.”

“It’s all taken care of. My mother is coming over this afternoon to help with the cooking and the kids. You are to rest.”


“I know you aren’t feeling well or you’d be arguing with me.” He leaned down to kiss her forehead. “Get well, precious. I’ll try to come home early.”

“Have a good day, Hon.” She laid back on the pillow.

She was sitting up in bed, reading, when Chase came in that afternoon.

“Alma tells me you had soup.”

“I’m feeling much better. I would like to get up, but thought I’d better wait, until you were here to help me.”

“Two little munchkins have been asking when they can see their Mama Sunny. Do you feel like going downstairs?”

“They’re home already?”

“Yes, sweetie, it’s after five. Dinner will be ready soon.”

“Yes, let me get a robe and I’ll go down.”

He took her robe from the closet and helped her with it, then carefully helped her out of bed. She was a little woozy from lying in bed for two days
so she leaned on her husband for support. After the dizziness had passed, he helped her down the stairs and into the den where the children were watching a movie.

Sunny, you’re okay,” Ali said as she ran to hug Sunny.

She looked
questioningly at Chase.

“It’s okay
. You haven’t had a fever since last night. I don’t think you’re contagious,” he answered in reply to her silent question.

“Mama Sunny, I missed you.” Little Brice put his arms around her legs.

When Chase had pried the children from her, he walked her to the sofa. She watched the movie with the children. When it was over, Chase took them in to the dining room for their dinner.

“Sunny, are you going to eat?”

“No, I’ll stay here. I will take some tea though.”

“Coming right up
.” He kissed her on top of the head and went to fetch her tea.

When he
returned, she looked up at him. “Thanks, I don’t know what I’d have done without you the last two days.”

“Just feel better. Big turkey dinner tomorrow you know.”

“Your mom gone already?” She had just remembered Marty was coming over to help.

“She went home to get some things, she’ll be back.”

“Go eat, Chase.”

“I will. I just want to make sure you
’re all right.”

I’m much better.”

He went to join Ali and Brice. After dinner, he bathed the kids, read to them and tucked them in for the night.


Marty had returned while he was with the children and
she came in to check on Sunny. “How are you, sweetie?”

“I’m much better, just waiting on Chase to help me back upstairs. I’m still a little wobbly but I think I’ll be okay tomorrow.”

“Sunny, you’re not pregnant, are you?”

“No, Alma asked me the same thing. I’m sure that I’m not. We
’re planning to wait just a little while longer for that.”

“I just wanted to make sure. I was worried about you.”

“Don’t get me wrong, if it happened, it would be okay. We’re just not planning for it to happen yet.”

“Enjoy this time of being a newlywed, Sunny. You’ve only been married a few months and it was such a whirlwind engagement, you deserve this time. Not that I wouldn’t welcome a new baby in the family, but you’re wise to wait.”

“Leave it to the women to talk about babies anytime someone doesn’t feel well.” Chase had walked in and was laughing.

“Well, if my instincts serve me correctly, I’d say you two could slip up and make a baby anytime now
,” Marty retorted, smiling.

He pretended to be shocked.

“I see the way you two look at each other. It doesn’t take a genius to know you can’t keep your hands off each other.”

Sunny was blushing.

Marty smiled and said, “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about Sunny. I couldn’t be happier that the two of you have found happiness together.”

Knowing that Marty knew the truth behind their quickie wedding, she smiled, “Yes, Marty, your son makes me very happy.”

“I hate to break up this conversation about my sex life with my wife, but I need to get her to bed.” As his wife and mother both burst into laughter, he was the one blushing. “To rest, I mean
,” he added.

He lifted Sunny into his arms and carried her back to bed
, as his mother stood in the middle of the room shaking her head and smiling.

Chapter Twenty-One


Sunny felt much better the next morning
. She was able to make it through Thanksgiving dinner. She was even able to eat a little and enjoyed the time with her mother and the rest of the family.

“Marty tells me you’ve been under the weather, Sunny Jo.” Her mother looked at her with concern as they relaxed in the den after dinner.

BOOK: Sunny's Love
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