Sunlord (22 page)

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Authors: Ronan Frost

BOOK: Sunlord
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"What do they want to build?" Capac practically had
to yell above the wind to make himself heard.

"Mining facilities, relay posts...who knows. The
Hartrias method of approach is very different and their purpose
seems to be to strip the planet of resources rather than

Shaun signalled that they should return to the
shelter of the rocks. They were met in the hollow of the
outcropping by Ashian and Myshia. The wind died to a wailing in the
background, the refuge in the rocks cutting the brunt out of the
force of the wind.

"See anything?" asked Ashian as soon as the pair

Capac dropped to the ground, coughing and brushing
the thick layer of dust from his clothing. "It is impossible to
attack in these conditions."

"How do the Sunlords stand it?" asked Ashian.

"They don't build in the wind. They set off a nuclear
blast that disrupts the weather conditions and creates a cyclone
centred about the dropsite. In the eye all is calm and sheltered,
yet overhead they are screened incase of an enemy attack."

"It seems to be a lot of worry to go to, just for a
small planet such as this one. From what you say, it's not as if
they're expecting they?"

Shaun was silent, brooding. "I'm not sure." He
snapped himself out of his reverie. "But one thing is for certain -
the surveillance camera will pick us up if we hang around here for
too long."

Capac leant forward. "Then how do we get in

Shaun grinned mischievously and help up the
communicator stolen from the electrified Sunlord android three days
ago. "Easy. They will come to us."

Before anyone could say any more, Shaun had twisted a
few dials and the small device. He pressed a button and a high
pitched beeping emanated from the black metal surface.

"It's a Hartrias emergency signal," he explained.
"We'll have robots here in no time flat."

Capac's mouth moved in silent comprehension.
Realisation struck and he scrambled for his rifle.

"You stupid bastard! They are coming here?" He held
his rifle as if expecting a Sunlord warrior to drop from the trees
at any moment.

Shaun laughed wildly. "That's right. Just sit tight,
and let me handle it."

Capac glowered as he retreated further back into the
undergrowth. His Scavala 750 rifle held at the ready. Myshia
shuffled backwards, confused.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" asked

"Sure I'm sure. Now get back, I don't want them to
see you."

Ashian obliged and hastily made his way back to his
companions. They scrambled amongst a small isolated clump of brush
nestled between some large rocks. The bush was healthy as the rocks
that had sheltered it enabled the plant to escape the blasting

Capac lay down upon his belly, and from his vantage
point could see Shaun's shadowy outline moving away into the wind
and disappear into the swirling dust.

"I hope your friend knows what he is doing," he

"Give him a chance." Ashian looked uneasily between
two broad leaves, scanning for any trace of their human benefactor.
Ashian caught sight of him as Shaun returned after depositing the
communicator on a nearby rock.

Myshia stirred into a semi-upright position, notching
an arrow into her bow, ready.

"What is he doing?"

Capac shot his female companion a steel-eyed glance.
"I don't know, and I don't like it. Just be ready for the

Ashian's cry silenced them both. "Look, over there!
Something's coming."

Sure enough, a looming hulk rumbled towards them.
Even above the whistling wind its heavy diesel motor could be
heard. Rocks crunched under its treads as its shadow grew larger
and larger before their very eyes.

Then Shaun's figure, surprisingly small by contrast,
leapt in front of the vehicle.

Machinery roared and the treads spun backwards,
sending pebbles flying. The great tank skidded to a halt not a
metre from where Shaun stood.

Shaun stood stock still as the dust and wind whipped
about him. A door hummed aboard the tank, and a silver figure
stepped out. In its hand was a long barrelled gun. As it emerged it
brought the weapon to bear.

Shaun reacted quickly. He threw himself under the
tank, between the pair of tracks. Without losing momentum he
skidded along the ground, keeping his head low to avoid a nasty
incident with one of the many struts. The Auras rifle was in his
hands, and he was sighting along its surface. Shaun was directly
underneath the tank now, shrouded in darkness and pelted with dust.
He was uncomfortably aware that if the tank above started up he
would be nothing but a mash of bones and flesh.

The android that had stepped out of the tank was
momentarily bewildered as its quarry suddenly disappeared. It was
even more confused when its knee joints were blown into a thousand

Shaun grinned as he saw his shots had taken their
mark. The android's heat detector could not discover him because
above Shaun's head was a steaming engine that effectively shrouded

The android fell to the ground and into Shaun's
sights. He moved the Auras slightly so that the android's head was
between the crosshairs.

In that split second the android saw Shaun, and it
moved like a striking snake.

Shaun pulled the trigger and the butt rammed into his
shoulder. The head of the android was instantly vaporised and the
stump of its neck turned into shrapnel. It's metallic finger was
frozen, poised on the

trigger that would have delivered a rain of deadly
bullets. Shaun breathed out and rested his head upon the dry

He raised one eyelid to peer at the ammunition
display on the Auras. Twelve shots remained. After a second of
relaxing he wearily clawed his way out from under the tank.

Capac had emerged from the forest.

"Stay back," ushered Shaun, moving his hands to
illustrate. At this distance and with this wind it was futile to
try and communicate verbally.

Seeing Capac had obeyed, Shaun straightened. He
stepped over the pieces of the android, and clambered up the ramp
and entered the tank.

A bright light shone inside and the air was free of
dust. There was little space to move for a lot of space was taken
up by machinery. Shaun made his way past an array of medical beds
that lined the wall like bunks. Attached to each bunk was a complex
life support system and an array of medic robots. Fortunately for
Shaun these robots were welded to the floor, capable of nothing
more than attending to the wounded.

Shaun was in the control room now. The walls were
lined with lights and displays, a single seat crammed as an
afterthought between the banks of computer equipment. The tank was
entirely computer controlled and did not need any guidance. A
luminous display read:


Shaun tapped a few buttons on the console until the
message on the screen blinked out. He didn't want any more medic
crews to come looking for him.

With this Shaun backed out of the cabin and made for
the door. He stood in the doorway and made a sweeping motion with
one arm, gesturing for the others that it was safe to emerge.

Capac was the first to appear from the blinding

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" he

"Take a seat," consoled Shaun. "I'll tell you when we
are safely moving."

Ashian was the last to enter the still insides of the
tank. Machines hummed all around them, as if watching. Capac's
knuckles grew white as he clutched the butt of his rifle.

Once all were aboard Shaun hit a button on a panel,
and the door hissed closed. The air suddenly became very still as
the roaring from outside was silenced.

"I expect you want to know what I'm doing?" asked
Shaun as he made his way to the control cabin again.

Ashian uneasily seated himself upon the corner of a
medic couch. He watched an arm-like robot out of the corner of his
eye, just incase it should make a movement.

"We are curious," was the understatement.

Shaun did not answer. He seemed intent upon the
controls. Just when Ashian was about to repeat himself the whole
tank jerked violently into motion. The three natives were flung to
the floor as the vehicle roared and jolted.

Shaun was at their side in a flash.

"Hold on guys. I've programmed the computer to take
us back to the main campsite hospital. It thinks it has picked up a
wounded Sunlord."

Capac struggled to maintain his balance as he
regained his feet. The floor beneath him bumped and vibrated, an
experience totally alien to the forest hunter.

"What did you do back there?" he asked.

"The beacon I told you about was in the pod I crashed
in. It is intended for a Sunlord to use when he is wounded in
battle. This tank we are in now was sent to retrieve the wounded

"But why did it let us in?" asked Ashian.

"This tank is not designed for warfare," explained
Shaun. "It has no external guns or cannons, designed to move faster
in picking up the wounded. It had to open the door to let the
android out, and that's were we got him. It couldn't simply turn
away from the beacon and ignore the distress call."

"So it sent out the android to kill you and get the
soldier," finished Ashian. "But wouldn't others be after us now
that it knows where we are?"

"Exactly. That is why we have to make our way as
quickly as possible to the command post. This tank's navigation
computer doesn't know anything is wrong...yet. It's only a matter
of time before Avatar figures it out and calls some heavy artillery
upon us."

"Great," grumbled Capac. "Avatar is sounding more and
more like a god the closer we get to it. Just how do avoid its

Shaun cast about for a moment, his brows furrowed in
sudden thought. "That's a good point." He made off towards the rear
of the tank and began prising open some wall panels. Finding the
mechanic's tool locker, he returned with a large container of
viscous jet black engine grease.

"It will hide your body heat as well as disguising
you from the Sunlord's eyes."

"How does Avatar sense body heat?" asked Ashian.

"Infra-red. What we feel as heat it can see as light.
Smear it on all your exposed flesh." He tossed it and Capac caught
the plastic container deftly. The native dipped in his hand and
unflinchingly wiped the grease on his cheek.

"I'll leave you to your makeup." Shaun grinned at the
comic sight. "Don't worry, you look beautiful!"

Capac scowled, but was otherwise silent.

"I have to get back to the cabin," finished Shaun.
"Get ready for a rough ride."

The jolting which sent Capac and his companions
clinging to the polished metal frame of the bunks for support did
not seem to bother Shaun. The latter strode purposefully across the
leaping floor, maintaining his balance with almost supernatural

Capac, Myshia and Ashian quickly applied the cold
sticky grease to themselves in generous dabs. Although a humorous
sight the tension in the air belied any joviality or laughter -
they were preparing themselves for a head on attack against a
superior race.

Once finished Capac unslung the miner's rifle worked
the bolt, the metal slippery in his greasy hands. Ashian gazed at
the Scavala, his train of though leading to his weapon in his belt,
hidden by his tunic. His hand stole unconsciously to the smooth
metal surface of the stubby pistol, touching it fearfully. Deep
inside he knew that the time would come when he would be forced to
use it.

Meanwhile Shaun was in the control room taking in his
surrounds. He swung himself into the small chair and cast about,
searching for something he recognised. The small cabin was
surrounded by hundreds of dials and instruments, every space used
efficiently and effectively. At the fingertips of the chair was an
array of Hartrias keys, a small joystick and a trackball. Also
within arm's length was a visual display unit that pulled down from
the ceiling, covering the user in a helmet that gave a virtual,
computer enhanced image of the outside of the tank.

Shaun settled into the cushioned seat and immediately
felt the plastic-like fabric envelop and conform to his body shape.
It provided comfort and absorbed the heavy jolts without
encumbering him, retaining ease of movement. He leaned over the
rows of buttons, his finger hovering uncertainly over them, as he
haltingly read the Hartrias symbols. He reached up and pulled the
vdu down and over his head. Screens lit up before his eyes, casting
a 180 degree image that danced before his eyes, computer polygon
graphics rendered so fine to look incredibly realistic. The ever
thickening dust was of no concern to the cameras, and, using
differing wavelengths of light, the computer pieced together a
crystal clear image. Although the dust couldn't be seen its effects
could as uprooted bushes bounded across their path, driven by the
wind. Shaun jumped as a high pitched beeping came from the speakers
overhead. He held his breath as he saw, through the vdu, a droid
approach the tank.

The droid was about two metres high, and ran along on
three widely spaced tracks. Atop of its pole-like torso a light
flashed, strobing like a beating heart. Its grey metal surface was
scarred and pockmarked, evidence that the droid had served upon a
countless number of worlds. Shaun knew this to be a perimeter
guard, sent by the Hartrias to check out the medic tank.

There was nothing Shaun could do but sit tight and
let the tank computer take control. If Shaun intervened the guard
would surely know of his presence.

The medic tank ground to a halt before the flashing
light of the guard. Its identification code was transmitted, along
with its purpose.

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