Sundown & Serena (21 page)

Read Sundown & Serena Online

Authors: Tara Fox Hall

Tags: #vampire, #fear, #sex, #happiness, #shifter, #virgin, #stripper, #catalyst, #tragic past, #promise me

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I was feeling better and better about this
deal. I hadn’t thought last night about how I could have caught
something from Nick or Vince, by going down on them. I’d thought
the condoms had made me safe, and I felt very foolish and naive for
just letting them do what they wanted with me. “Agreed.”

“Good!” he said, giving me a smile. “Go and
take a shower. Then dress in the robe that is on your bed, and come
to the room at the end of the hall.”

I blinked at him. “You want me to start

“I’m not paying you tonight,” Devlin said,
his voice purring. “Tonight is for lessons, little dove. Do as I

Then he shut the door behind me, leaving me
alone in my room with my thoughts. As I showered, I considered my
options, wondering if this was truly a path I should be on. I’d
always considered myself a good girl, and also a Christian. But
where had all my solitary prayers gotten me? It hadn’t made me less
poor, or found me so much as a good friend, much less a lover or a
mate. I wanted something for myself, to be happy, not just alive.
There was no one like me in town, and not likely to be anytime
soon, except Devlin’s men.

What am I losing by doing
this? Only my job. And it wasn’t that great of a job anyway.
I smiled, then put my head under the spray.
the consequences. I’m doing this.

* * * *

Nervous, I knocked on the door at the end of
the hall an hour later.
What kind of lessons am I
going to be getting? Probably sexual positions, or S&M
I fidgeted, then made myself be calm.

“Come in,” Devlin called.

I walked in to find Devlin lying reading in
his bed. He looked up, then put the book aside. “Come over to the
side of the bed.”

He stood up, as I came to stand before him.
“Is it true that you were a virgin when you gave yourself to Nick
and Vince?”


“Interesting,” he said again, studying

I looked back at him, feeling very
self-conscious. “I needed the money,” I said finally. “And I was

“You’re wondering why you’re here,” he

“I’m guessing it is to learn about sex, other
than the very little I know,” I replied.

He nodded. “I am going to pay you for
pleasuring my men. I know you know only what Nick and Vince managed
to show you last night. To do your job well, you need more than
that. So I am going to spend tonight ensuring you know exactly what
to do so they get the most pleasure, and also so you know what to
ask for. Nick told me you climaxed, but there’s orgasm, and then
there’s satisfying orgasm. A woman who has neither becomes bitter,
with time. And a woman who has only the former gets bored with her
lover. You have the right to ask the men you’re with to give you
the kind of release you like best, whether it’s regular sex, or
oral. Tonight, we’ll find out which you like better.”

I didn’t say anything, though I was flushing
red again at his words.

“Just because you are getting paid doesn’t
mean your enjoyment of the act isn’t as important as your
partner’s,” Devlin added. “I believe that the best sex is between
partners who give and receive the most pleasure possible.” He
smiled. “First lesson: don’t be shy about asking for what you want.
Being someone’s lover is an art. It takes honesty, and also the
will to please, not just skill.”

I nodded and kept my eyes on him, showing I
was listening.

“Unbutton my shirt, Serena. Do it slowly, one
button at a time.”

I did as he asked, my fingers shaking a

“Now ease it off my shoulders,” Devlin

I did, letting it fall to the floor.

“Take your hands, and run them over me.
Caress me,” he commanded.

I touched him gently, putting my hands in his
golden chest hair. His chest was hard under my hands, though he was
not as muscular as Nick or Vince.

“Sit on the bed,” he said softly as he came
to stand in front of me. “Take my right nipple in your mouth.”

I bent my head, and sucked it gently into my

“Caress me with your tongue,” he

I did as he asked, enjoying the nub harden
under my lips.

“Yes,” he groaned. “That’s good. Now do the
same to my other nipple.”

Again, I did as he asked, my tongue stroking
his tightening skin.

He pushed me back from him. “Undo my pants,”
he said huskily.

I untied the drawstring and pushed the fabric
down, revealing his engorged pale erection. A jolt of fear ran
through me, as I took a sudden breath.
He’s huge,
much bigger than Nick or Vince.
I hadn’t known a man could
be that big.

“Shh,” Devlin assured, his hands on my
shoulders. “I’m not going to hurt you. Take me in your hand.”

I reached out and grasped him gently. He took
a long breath at my touch, then released it. “Examine me,” he

I looked at his hard penis, not sure what he
wanted from me.
Am I supposed to tell him how
magnificent it is?

“The tip is the most sensitive part,” Devlin
instructed. “When you give a man oral sex, pay close attention to
the tip, which is called the head. Some men will look different
than I do, if they aren’t circumcised. Don’t be afraid, if one of
my men is like that. The sex act will be the same.”

I nodded to show I was listening.

“Now make a circle with your hand, and slide
it over the head,” Devlin said.

I did as he asked.

“Grip a little tighter,” he corrected,

I blushed, and squeezed. He flexed in my
hand, the movement of such a large organ making me shiver. I rubbed
him lightly, stroking the length, then with a start, I realized
that his body was cool, not hot like Nick’s and Vince’s had been.
He’s too cold to be human.

I released him, suddenly afraid, and looked
up. Devlin smiled widely down at me, his twin set of revealed fangs
delicately curving.
Yet he’s no snake.
“What are you?”

“I’m vampire,” he said. “My body is cooler
than a human’s body. But I enjoy sex just the same.”

This is what Nick and Vince
meant, when they said that woman he’d seduced had given him her
blood to drink!
“Are you going to drink my blood?” I
whispered fearfully.

“Yes, when we have sex later,” Devlin
affirmed, nodding. “But only a little of it. And you’ll find my
bite pleasurable, Serena. This is not a horror movie. I’m not a
monster out of legend.”

I looked up at him unmoving, still afraid.
“Do I need to take this off?” I fingered my cross, a gift from my
father on my first communion.

“No,” Devlin said, chuckling. “Your symbol of
your faith holds no terror for me.” He touched the cross briefly,
then leaned closer, so his face was near enough to kiss. “That it
would keep such as me away is just a story to make Christian
believers feel safe, my dear. But be warned, there are many old and
terrible things walking the world, and they are seldom in the
shadows, or so terrible that you would know them on sight. And most
will not even hesitate to do as they wish, no matter how much you

I shuddered. He reached down, cupping my
face. “I most likely won’t be with you again, after tonight,”
Devlin said softly. “It’s good if you are a bit wary of me. I don’t
want you to fall in love with me because of what we are going to
share. Women, especially very young women, can confuse sex with
love, and I don’t want you to love me. We’re going to have sex, but
that’s all. And after tonight, I expect you to call me ‘Devlin,’ or
‘Dalcon,’ nothing more informal than that. Now tell me that you
understand that.”

I nodded, and Devlin began speaking, as if he
had never stopped giving instruction. “All men are different. Some
will want you to stroke them in different ways than others. But all
of them enjoy a woman’s mouth on them. I’m not sure what Nick and
Vince asked of you. So I want you to do to me what you did to them,
and show me.”

“I’m afraid to,” I said honestly, daring a
glance up into his eyes again. “I almost choked with them, and they
were much smaller than you.”

“I have something that will help with that,”
Devlin said. “Reach in the drawer beside the bed.”

I reached over, and took out a tube. “Squirt
some in your throat. It will numb your muscles.”

“Will I be able to breathe?” I asked

Devlin laughed richly. A shiver went down my
spine at how his laugh caressed me. “You’ll be able to breathe just
fine. It wouldn’t be very good for me if you passed out from lack
of oxygen, Serena.”

I blushed, doing as he asked.

“Give it a few moments to work,” he murmured.
“Stroke me with your hand, while we wait.”

I ran my hand over his stiff flesh, sliding
it up and down the shaft of him, and he began to breathe faster,
flexing again and again. The head of his penis dripped out a little
fluid, lubricating him, so my hand moved on him easier.

Devlin’s eyes were hot now, as he watched my
hand stroking his erection. “It should have taken effect by now,”
he said in a sultry tone. “Go down on me, Serena.”

I did what Nick had asked of me, first
rubbing my face on him, then taking him into me, sucking him

“Not so hard,” Devlin corrected gently. “At
least, not at first. That’s for later, at the end. Caress with your
mouth, kissing, and teasing a little. Run your tongue over the
head, and slide my organ slowly in and out of your mouth.”

I did as he asked, and after a few tries, he
told me that was right. “Do that for a while, until the man begins
to try to push himself into you,” Devlin added. “At that point,
he’s ready for you to begin moving your mouth on him, what is
called ‘deep throating’, or ‘giving head’.”

I took Devlin into my mouth, and slid him all
the way into me. I didn’t gag, so I knew the stuff I’d swallowed
had to have had the effect he wanted.

“Put your hands on my hips,” he

Remembering Vince, I did. Devlin took my head
in his hands, then gently moved me on him. When I found the right
angle and rhythm he wanted of me, he let me go. “AHHH!” he groaned.
“Very good!

I moved on him, sliding him in and out of my
mouth slowly, as he groaned over and over. Yet as the moments
passed, I waited for him to come, and he didn’t. He just sighed and
groaned intermittently as I stroked him. I kept moving, not knowing
what else to do.

“You’ll feel a man’s organ begin to throb,
when he’s ready to come,” Devlin groaned suddenly, as I moved on
him. “I’m nearly there.”

Almost immediately, I felt his penis begin to
spasm a little. “Move faster!” he commanded.

I hastened to obey.

“Take a deep breath,” he hissed.

I gulped air, as he withdrew slightly. Then
he plunged himself all the way into my throat, holding my head so I
couldn’t move back, and I had to take all of him. I shook in his
arms, fighting a little even as I told myself it was okay, I had
air, because he had warned me.

“AHHHHH!” he shouted, his cock spurting cum
into my throat. Yet he was so deep in my throat I tasted nothing.
He jerked, his body convulsing as he held me tightly, his penis
still completely within me. I began to fight him when I ran out of
air, and soon after, he was slipping out of me. I coughed a little,
taking in a deep breath gratefully.

“Very good!” he said with obvious approval.
“I think you deserve a reward, my dove. Stand up.”

I stood shakily, and he undid my robe,
pushing it off my shoulders so it fell to the floor. “Your body is
too thin,” he said, looking me over. “I want you to eat more, and
put on a few pounds, Serena. Women should be curvy.”

I blushed, as he pushed me back on the bed.
“Lay down,” he said.

I lay back. He leaned over me, studying me
for a few seconds, saying nothing. Then he began to kiss me,
starting with my toes. Working his way up my body, he caressed me
with his hands and his lips, licking me and running his fangs over
me, pricking me gently. I’d never felt anything so good in my life.
I was writhing by the time he lay next to me, and took me in his
arms. Then, finally, he kissed me on my lips, and it was the best
kiss of my life, even though his lips were cool. I parted my lips
at once, and he thrust his tongue into my mouth, licking me
sensuously, his fangs pricking my lips as I kissed him back.

When he kissed my throat, I tensed a bit,
wondering if he was going to bite me, but he trailed down to my
chest instead, and gently suckled me. I cried out over and over as
I felt his mouth on my breast, biting and teasing. Then he moved to
my other nipple, and gave that some attention, too.

Then he was moving lower, and I looked down
at him, wondering what he was doing.

“Relax,” he said, not looking up. “Cry out,
if what I do feels good to you.” Then he was parting my legs, and
sliding his face in to kiss me on my opening. I gasped, and then I
felt his tongue in me, and his mouth sucking me gently, as he
thrust his tongue into me over and over. His fangs brushed me
slightly, but they didn’t prick me. I cried out, thrusting my hips
up, trying to get him deeper into me.
He feels so

Within seconds, that familiar feeling was
building, and I began to jerk, crying out loudly as I climaxed for
him. “Please! Please! Yes! OH! Oh! OH!”

Devlin gave me a final kiss, and then he
moved up my body again, kissing me as he crawled up me. I felt him
rubbing his shaft on me, and then he pushed himself a little
inside, and I looked up at him in fear.

“Don’t we need to use protection?”

“I can’t get you pregnant,” he said somewhat
wearily, as if he’d said it hundreds of times before. “Or give you
a disease. My body is exactly as it was four hundred years ago. And
the virus that lives in my blood keeps me healthy.”

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