Read Summer Fling: Compass Girls, Book 3 Online

Authors: Mari Carr & Jayne Rylon

Summer Fling: Compass Girls, Book 3 (14 page)

BOOK: Summer Fling: Compass Girls, Book 3
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Jade’s chest rose and fell rapidly, the action pressing her breasts against him in a way that drove him crazy. His cock twitched, but he forced himself to remain motionless within her.

“What do you mean?”

“Sex isn’t going to be on your terms only. If I want you, I’m coming to find you.”

She tried to shake her head, to refuse him, but he tightened his grip on her hair. She gasped. Jade tried to lift her hips, seeking to control the situation again. Liam dropped lower, pushed more of his weight against her in order to hold her still on the cushions.

“Goddammit, Liam. I don’t want to talk about this right now. Fucking move or get out of me.”

He tilted his head to her neck, placing an openmouthed kiss on her soft skin before sinking his teeth in, marking her.

Her pussy muscles clenched against his cock. Liam held firm, resolute. For several minutes, he alternated between sucking, biting, licking the soft skin of her neck. No doubt she’d spend a few days trying to cover up the visual reminder he was giving her of this night.

“If you give me a hickey, I’m going to kill you.”

He lifted his head and grinned. “Too late.”

She slapped her hand over the spot. “You jackass. What are we? Fifteen?”

“We’re going to have sex whenever or wherever
we choose, Jade. I’ll tie you up, spank that sexy ass of yours, fuck you as hard as you want, but you’ll stop trying to call the shots.”

She hesitated only a moment before nodding. “Fine. Now can we cut the conversation and get to the good stuff?”

He’d started with the easy demands. There was still one more and it would be a miracle if he got her to agree, but it was the only thing he truly wanted.

“In a minute. I want you to stay here for the next two months.”

“Fuck off.” Jade tried to shove him away from her, but he didn’t budge, didn’t give way. “Are you insane? No way. No deal.”

She was resolute that the two of them were incompatible for anything long-term and serious. Liam was determined to prove her wrong.

Jade continued to push against his shoulders in an attempt to escape. He grasped her wrists, pressing them firmly to the couch, next to her head. He lifted his hips and thrust in powerfully.

Jade’s head flew back. “God,” she cried. “Yes.”

He gave her three more rough shoves, his cock pounding inside her until she stopped trying to flee. Her legs tightened around his waist, urging him to continue. He pressed in once more, deeper this time and with more strength than he’d ever let loose with a woman.

He bit her shoulder as he continued to fuck her hard. Then he soothed the spot with his tongue, his lips. “Move in.”

Jade pressed her eyes closed tightly, but when she refused him again, the word “n-no” came softer and with a stutter as he beat a relentless rhythm inside her body.

Releasing her hands, he reached lower, cupping the sore flesh of her ass in his palms. Her skin was still hot to the touch. He squeezed, reminding her of his rough spanking, making sure she understood exactly what he was offering.

“Liam!” Her cries of pleasure were as loud as her laughter. Jade was a study in contradictions. In so many ways, she held back nothing, giving a hundred percent of herself. In her work, in sex, or while riding her horse or her motorcycle, she set herself free completely. However, when it came to her heart, she refused to offer even the slightest peek inside, locking it away tightly.

She was close to the edge. Liam needed to stake his claim now or he’d lose this game for good. Come morning if he hadn’t secured her agreement, she’d retreat. “Stay with me, Jade.”

She didn’t reply, didn’t bother to shake her head. Liam wasn’t sure she’d even heard him.

He stilled once more, then nipped her earlobe, forcing her to look at him.

“Please,” she whispered. The desolate sound was almost his undoing. She needed her release, physically, but also emotionally. She was afraid.

It didn’t matter. He couldn’t give in.

“Two months, Jade. That’s all I’m asking for.”
For now.

She licked her lips, then nodded slowly. “Fine. Okay. But that’s all. No more new rules.”

He was careful to school his features, to hide the smile threatening to consume his face. Jade would interpret it as gloating and it would piss her off.

He didn’t bother to tell her he didn’t need anything else. He kissed her roughly, giving her the strong, overpowering touches she’d been seeking earlier.

Then he resumed his pace, pounding deeper and harder into her. His motions were driven by elation, tinged with desperation.

He had two months to overcome Jade’s fears, to prove to her he was the only man for her. To win her heart.

Jade dug her nails into his shoulders as she cried out with her release. Her pussy clamped down on his cock so deliciously, Liam didn’t bother to hold back. They had time now.

He called out her name as he came, filling her, as she arched against him, accepting every drop. Once their breathing had returned to normal, he twisted them on the couch so that she lay against his chest.

Her breathing grew slower, deeper as she fell asleep. Liam tightened his grip, holding her close, relishing the beginning of the rest of his life.

Chapter Six

Liam awoke to the sound of banging. He squinted as the bright sunlight assaulted his eyes. Then he felt the pins and needles attacking his left arm. Glancing down, he realized the source of his pain. Jade was sound asleep, nestled in his hold. He savored how good it felt to have her there.

While last night had been an eye-opening experience, Liam didn’t pretend things were going to be smooth-sailing from this point on. Jade wasn’t finished resisting him yet.

They’d passed out on the couch briefly, but Jade had awoken him a few hours earlier, tugging off her shirt and his as she rode him slowly, leisurely. Her actions had been an attempt on her part to seize some of the control he’d claimed. And he’d let her. Hell, there was nothing hotter than a sexy cowgirl riding his cock. He might prefer the dominant role most of the time, but he also didn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. The sight of Jade’s tits bouncing as she pressed up and down on his dick was a vision he intended to carry with him for the rest of his life.

The pounding continued. Someone was at the door. Liam carefully lifted Jade so he could free his arm, then he tried to stand without jarring her too much. His foreman was probably wondering where the hell he was. Liam never overslept, never failed to show up at the stable before everyone else.

Liam fastened his jeans but didn’t bother to tug on his T-shirt. He wasn’t going to work this morning. Once he gave his foreman instructions, he’d wake Jade and the two of them would move their physical explorations upstairs to his bedroom.

Walking to the foyer, he opened the door, but the apology for his tardiness died on his lips when he spotted Sawyer Compton on the threshold. “Sheriff.”

“Jade never made it home last night.”

He’d forgotten about Sawyer’s plans to question them both in regards to Bruce’s car accident. Liam rubbed his jaw, wondering how he could get out of this predicament with most of his body parts intact. Sawyer Compton had a reputation for being the world’s most overprotective father, next to his brother Silas. Not that Liam blamed him. Jade was his only daughter and given her penchant for landing into trouble, he could understand Sawyer’s need to keep a close eye on her.

“I know.”

Sawyer opened the screen door and pushed his way into the house, past Liam. “Is she here?”

“Yeah.” Liam didn’t bother to deny a truth they both knew.

Of course, Jade chose that moment to reveal herself. “I’m trying to sleep, Clayton. You and Wyatt go somewhere else to talk,” she demanded from the living room. Liam could tell from her drowsy voice she was still asleep and didn’t have a clue who she was admonishing. Apparently she thought she was at home in her own cabin with her cousins and their boyfriends.

Sawyer walked toward the living room, straight to the couch where Jade lay, only partially covered by the blanket he’d pulled over them last night. She was on her stomach, eyes closed, hands thrown over her head. The blanket rode high enough to reveal evidence of his handprints of her thighs and there was no denying she was completely naked beneath it.

Liam winced when he spotted faint red marks on her neck and shoulder where he’d bitten her. He walked over to adjust the blanket, covering her better, even though it was too late. Jade’s dad had gotten an eyeful. Liam didn’t want to know what the sheriff was thinking, but he suspected it began and ended with his own very painful death.

Sawyer’s jaw tensed as he turned his angry gaze on Liam. “Is there something you want to tell me, Liam?”

Jade jerked awake at the sound of her father’s voice, lifting her head slightly from the pillow. She blinked against the bright sunlight, took in his appearance and her father’s, then dropped her head down once more.

“Shit,” she muttered. “What time is it?”

Sawyer glanced at the clock on the mantel. “Eleven a.m.”

“Why are you here so early?”

Sawyer put his hands on his hips, the position reminding Liam of one he’d seen Jade assume anytime she was pissed off. “Eleven is early?”

“I got off work at one thirty. Pulled Bruce out of a burning car at two. Sat in the emergency room until three. Dealt with this asshole—” she gestured at Liam “—until six. So yeah, Dad. To answer your question, eleven is early.”

Sawyer scowled. “Get dressed, Jade. I’ll drive you home.”

Liam stepped closer to the couch. His life was already in danger, he might as well go for broke. If Jade escaped now, Liam would have to fight like the devil to get her back. He suffered no illusions that her agreement to move in with him for the next two months was set in stone yet. There was work left to do.

“I’ll take her to Compass Ranch. Later.” And he’d remain there while she packed her stuff, then he’d bring her right back here.

Sawyer’s eyes darkened, and Liam cursed his wayward tongue. Probably not smart to piss off a man with a gun. Sawyer rarely wore a real police uniform, opting for jeans and a polo shirt with a small logo of Compton Pass Sheriff’s Department on the right-hand side. But he never failed to include the gun belt.

Jade groaned. “Just let me sleep a little while longer, Dad. Liam can drive me home in an hour or so. Okay?”

Sawyer didn’t reply immediately. His face told Liam he wasn’t
with anything that was going on.

Finally, he nodded. “Fine, Jade.” Sawyer started for the front door before turning to catch Liam’s eye. He tilted his head, indicating he expected Liam to follow.

While he didn’t believe the sheriff would assault him on his own property, Liam wasn’t willing to bet the farm on that.

The Compton men were infamous for their defending natures. If anyone threatened their family, they stepped in and took care of it.

Liam may have been twenty years younger, but he didn’t harbor any misapprehensions that Sawyer couldn’t kick his ass if he was pissed off enough.

Liam glanced at the couch. Jade’s eyes had drifted closed once more. She was oblivious to the fact her father hadn’t left peacefully. Good. He didn’t want her as a witness if Sawyer did decide to clean his clock.

Liam followed Sawyer.

“Are you dating my daughter?” Sawyer asked the second the porch door closed behind him.

Liam rubbed his unshaven jaw and tried to decide what the best—safest—answer was. He suspected Sawyer was hoping he’d say yes because it would somehow alleviate the pain associated with finding Jade naked on his couch. Put a somewhat more respectable spin on it…if that was possible. However, Liam knew Jade well enough to know she’d correct anyone who tried to call him her boyfriend. He needed to play his cards right, but he wasn’t sure which Compton was the safer one to piss off—Jade or her father.

Telling the sheriff what he was allowing Jade to believe, that this was just a summer fling, that he was merely fucking Sawyer’s daughter because he got a hard-on every time she was within fifty feet of him, was a route fraught with peril and sure death. Unfortunately, it was probably the better way to go if he hoped to succeed in winning Jade’s heart.

“Not exactly.”

“Did you put those marks on her neck? Her legs?”

Liam swallowed hard, his throat constricting. There was no way in hell he could explain to Sawyer how much Jade had enjoyed his rough claiming, but one look at Sawyer’s face told him it was pointless to deny something so obvious. “Yeah. I did.”

“If you were any other man in town, I’d fucking kill you for that.”

Liam frowned, confused. Why was he getting a bye?

“But I know you. I’ve watched you with my daughter. You’d never hurt Jade.”

Liam nodded. “You’re right. I wouldn’t.”

“You two have been friends for years and I’ll bet a hundred dollars you’ve never crossed that line before. So what’s changed? Why now?”

BOOK: Summer Fling: Compass Girls, Book 3
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