Stupid Hearts (3 page)

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Authors: Kristen Hope Mazzola

BOOK: Stupid Hearts
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Chapter 4.

The next morning, I was woken up by Dozer softly grunting in my ear. His paws were on the bed and his face was only inches from mine. His entire body shook from his tail furiously wagging when he noticed that my eyes were opening.

“Guess someone needs a walk.”

Walk—that pesky magic word that sends dogs into a tizzy of excitement. Dozer was no exception to that rule. He bolted to my bedroom door and started doing spin move after spin move, all too excited to venture into the busy hustle and bustle world of Manhattan.

I glanced over at my clock. I had two hours before I had to meet Brett and his author friend for brunch. I pulled on a pair of yoga pants and laced up my sneakers after scrubbing off all the makeup from the day before and throwing my hair up into a loose ponytail.

The sun was shining into my living room from my balcony so nicely; it was the perfect morning for a quick run with Dozer. I shot off a quick text to Brett as we walked out the door.

Me: Taking Dozer for a run. Can we go somewhere dog friendly? I want to bring him to brunch.

Brett: Sure. How about the place right down the block from you? They have the best brioche French toast in town and we can sit outside.

Me: Perfect. See you there in a little while.

Dozer and I set off at a pretty good pace on our normal route in the park. Since it was Sunday morning, Central Park was crawling with joggers, tourists, and artists, and most of the benches were taken around the Alice in Wonderland statue. Dozer slowed and pulled me right to the bushes so he could sniff and pee on almost every branch.

“What kind of dog is that?” That voice, that accent—it was so familiar.

I whipped around to see a guy, just about my age, standing a little too close for comfort. Dozer, of course, trotted over to him, tail wagging. What a great protector he was.

Then I noticed them: the soft, gorgeous, honey colored eyes from the hotel lounge. Sir William Wallace in the flesh.

Shit, I forgot his real name.

“Savanna, right?” His voice was so silky. His eyes were so stunning. His jaw was so ridged. He was so attractive.

I shook my head. “I lied. It was roleplaying.” My face immediately flared hot as the words left my tongue.

Way to go, very smooth!

“So that dick really was your boyfriend.” His lips pulled down in a frown. A light layer of sweat was covering his reddened face; it was clear he had been out for a morning jog, too. His soaked gray shirt clung to every muscle while his chest heaved slowly.

“Not exactly. He turned out to be a cheat.”

“Sorry to hear that.” The way his lips turned up at the corners told another story.

Dozer nudged his leg and grunted. “Oh, this is Dozer. That means he wants you to pet him.”

Sir Wallace knelt down and started patting him on the back. I cleared my throat. “I’m Jolene. Most people call me Joey. And he’s a bull terrier.”

“He’s a cool dog.” Sir Wallace got back to his feet. “Well, again, I’m Finn. Still just Finn. It’s nice to actually meet you, Joey.”

“You too.”

“Maybe I’ll see you around?”

“If you run Sunday mornings, you probably will.”

With that he took off jogging, quickly glancing over his shoulder to wave goodbye at me. I pulled Dozer’s travel bowl out of my backpack, gave him a little water, and then started to jog toward my meeting. Finn’s eyes were all I could picture the entire time. They were freaking gorgeous.

I took a seat at an outside table and tied Dozer to the table leg. I was about twenty minutes early, but that was typical. I would always rather be excessively early than even two minutes late.

Me: Just got us a table. Are you almost here?

Brett: Be there in ten minutes. The models and Kathy are running a little behind.

Me: That’s fine. See you soon.

“Can I get you anything while you wait for the rest of your party?” A sweet blonde wearing pigtails and bright pink lipstick leaned on the chair opposite me.

“A mimosa and some water for my pup?”

She nodded. “If you need anything else, just let me know.”

I waved really quickly as she started to walk away. “Sorry, I forgot to mention that two more people are going to be joining us.”

“I’ll pull over a few more chairs for you and bring their menus over.”


She nodded, smiling sweetly as she dragged two more metal chairs across the brick patio. “Be right back with those drinks.”

Brett was always a few minutes later than he said he would be so by the time he joined me, I had already finished my mimosa and was sipping on some iced green tea. Right when he sat down, my stomach growled embarrassingly loudly.

Brett laughed while pulling out his chair. “Sorry. I took a cab thinking it’d be faster than the subway. Traffic was a bitch.”

“No worries, they haven’t shown up yet.” I motioned to the empty chairs in front of us.

Right then, a woman with fiery red dyed hair, probably in her mid-thirties, started making her way to our table. “Brett?” She called over to him with a wave.

Brett got up and gave her a hug. “Kathy, this is Jolene, my cousin I was telling you about.”

I got up and shook her hand. “Nice to meet you, Kathy.”

“Thank you so much for meeting me. I cannot believe—of all the weeks for my photographer to get the flu! The models were right behind me. Hopefully they’ll be here any minute.” She spoke with the slightest hint of an Irish brogue. Who would have thought I’d meet two people from Ireland in one weekend? Small world for sure.

We started to chat about where in Central Park we should do the shoot, what she was looking for in her pictures, the erotic nature of her storyline, etc.

“So, they need to be seductive and in love?”

She nodded, sipping on her cappuccino.

“Then wouldn’t it be better for them to be in a bed, or at least in a bedroom? Maybe scantily dressed? In suggestively compromising positions?”

“That’s what I originally wanted but my photographer talked me out of that.”

I pursed my lips. That shit pissed me off. A photographer needs to get the right shot, not talk their client out of it.

My attention was quickly drawn away by a pair of gorgeous honey eyes staring at me as they got closer and closer to our table.

My mouth dropped open as Finn leaned over and kissed Kathy on the cheek. “Hey, sis.” His voice was like molasses-coated sex. “Kiera isn’t coming. She got called in for a shift at the diner,” he stated firmly, taking a seat next to Kathy.

“Oh rats. Well, this is Jolene, our new photographer, and Brett, my dear, dear friend that I have told you about.”

I got up to shake his hand. Finn stared right at me, his eyes wide like he didn’t know how to handle this situation. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you. We were just talking about where we should have the shoot.”

The meeting went on while we gorged on French toast and I had two more mimosas. Dozer happily chomped on the rawhide I had brought to keep him distracted. Finn and I awkwardly avoided each other’s glances. It was really weird.

Why didn’t he say he knew me?

Should I have said something?

God he’s beautiful.

“Alright, so it’s decided. Y’all will meet me at my apartment ’round ten and we’ll use my place for the shoot. I have a nice big four-poster bed and we can even use some props and really get into it. An erotic novel’s cover should drip with sex.”

“Jolene, you are brilliant! I don’t know how I am going to be able to thank you for this.”

“Referrals and repeat customers are always nice.” I winked at Kathy as her face lit up with a huge smile.

For the most part, Finn had remained quiet through the entire meeting, frequently nodding and saying “yeah” a lot.

“Are you going to be ok with having Kiera almost naked on my book cover, little brother?”

Kathy looked kind of concerned when Finn shrugged and stated, “She dumped me weeks ago, so it’s totally fine with me. I don’t know how she is going to feel about it.”

“Isn’t she a model?” I knew tons of models and in the name of “the job” they understood that art was just that. As long as it was tastefully done, it shouldn’t be a problem.

“I am, she isn’t. She agreed to do this cover months ago when Kathy asked us if we’d do it.”

Kathy put her hand on Finn’s shoulder. “We’ll make her feel comfortable. It’ll be fine.”

“Well, this was great, but I need the rest of the day to deep clean my apartment.” I laughed a little, trying to play off how I was trying to run away from Finn’s enchanting stare. He was way too distracting.

Everyone shoved up from their chairs at the same time while I untied Dozer from the table. “See you in the morning.” Kathy sighed with relief while hugging me tighter than necessary.

Brett kissed me on the cheek. “See you in the morning, cous!”

“You’re coming?” My voice sounded more shocked than I intended.

Brett nodded quickly. “Seeing that piece of gorgeous Irish booty with his shirt off? Wouldn’t miss it for the world!”

I glanced over at Finn, whose face was turning fifty different shades of red while he hugged his sister goodbye.

I laughed a little, waved goodbye to everyone one last time, and set off down the block toward my apartment with Dozer trotting happily at my side.

“Hey, wait up!” Finn jogged quickly down the crowded sidewalk to catch up to me.

“What’s up?” I couldn’t help up let my eyes wander over his gorgeous cheek bones and down to the abs that could faintly be made out under his tight fitting V-neck.

When did he have time to change?

I caught a whiff of his clean sent, which was complimented by a hint of cologne.

He had time to shower?

Suddenly, I felt like a slime ball.

“Have dinner with me tonight?”

I shook my head. “Sorry, you’re a client now. I don’t mix business and pleasure.”

“Come on. My sister is your client, not me.”

“Nope. Sorry. No can do.”

I wanted to say yes. My body was screaming for me to say yes. Why were my lips betraying me and sticking to my rules? This guy—this hot freaking guy—was just the perfect person to break the rules for, and there I was turning him down.

“Bollocks. Well, lucky for you I don’t give up that easily. I always get what I want—eventually.” He winked. “See you tomorrow morning, Joey.”

Before I could say anything, he turned and headed the opposite direction of my apartment. His ass was perfectly shaped in his jeans.

God, even his ass is gorgeous.

What the fuck is wrong with you Jolene?



Chapter 5.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

What the?!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

My eyes peeled open while the blaring red numbers from my nightstand screamed that it was freaking six thirty in the morning.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Fuck! Coming!" I yelled toward my front door. Whoever the hell had decided to show up at my home that freaking early in the morning was in for a rude awakening! That shit was not going to fly.

Dozer was planted next to the front door, wagging his tail and growling.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"What?" I shouted as I flung my door open.

I was met by those stunning honey colored eyes I now recognized immediately.

Finn was standing in my doorway wearing athletic pants—the kind that make swooshing noises with every step, a tight fitting gray Under Armor shirt, and sneakers with a hanging bag draped over his right shoulder.

The small smirk that raked across his face while I stood there seething in my robe and pink slippers, makeup smeared all over my face and my hair probably a poof of tangles and curls, made me want to deck him right on the spot.

“How’d you…? What the…?” I was completely confused, leaning down to pet Dozer as he nudged my bare leg with his wet nose.

“I thought you might want to join me for my morning run.” The smirk was still firmly planted on his face as he leaned against the doorjamb, looking way too perfect for how early it was.

I shook my head. “Do you know what fucking time it is, Finn?”

He looked down at his watch and then back up to me. “Damn we’re late!” He winked and shoved past me to enter my apartment.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

He placed his hanging back on top of my dining room table and shrugged. “Putting my stuff down so we can go on that run.”

Dozer sat down at his feet and grunted until Finn started petting him on the head. “You’re not going to take no for an answer are you?”

Finn shook his head, looking good enough to lick from head to toe.

“How’d you figure out where I lived?”

“You gave your address to my sister for the shoot so obviously she had to give it to me so I’d be able to find it.” Pulling out a chair, he slowly took a seat. “The park is going to start getting crowded. You should really get some running shoes on.”

I huffed and stomped my feet, risking waking up my neighbors below me, but at that point I was just putting on a show. Honestly, he was too fucking hot to be mad at, even at the ass crack of dawn, and it was a little sweet that he’d showed up in the morning not to try to plow me down, but to spend quality time with me.

It took me all of five minutes to pull on athletic attire and scrub off my smeared makeup. Dozer was happily keeping Finn company in my dining room when I made my way back to them. “Alright, let’s do this. We need to be back by eight to shower and finish tidying up this place for the shoot.”

He nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”

I clipped Dozer’s leash onto his leather collar and we made our way to the stairs down the hall.

“So, why do you want a running partner today?”

Our voices echoed up the stairwell.

“It’s nice to have someone else there to help motivate you.”

I smiled. “Yeah, that’s what this one usually does for me.” I tugged on Dozer’s leash a little while he panted and bounced down the stairs.

“He is a pretty awesome dog.”

“He’s the best.”

“Your accent is stronger in the morning.” His observation and derailment of the conversation startled me a little and I wasn’t sure why.

“I never noticed.” I shrugged, opening the exit into the main lobby of my building. “Hey, Frank, thanks for letting this guy in this morning.”

My concierge looked up with wide eyes. “He was on your list for today, Ms. Abbott.”

“It’s alright. I’m just giving you a hard time. We’re off for a run. If Brett, Kathy, or anyone else on my list comes early, let them know that we’ll be back soon.”

“Of course.” Frank’s tired eyes and weak smile were obvious in the bright morning light.

The street was already hustling with commuters on foot and in cars blaring horns. We patiently crossed the street and started to jog into Central Park.

“It’s a beautiful day,” Finn called me to from a few feet ahead.

I picked up my pace to run alongside him, Dozer practically glued to my right flank.

“So where are you from exactly?” he continued. I hated talking during runs, which was why Dozer was the perfect running mate for me, but Finn seemed to want to be a chatty Cathy this morning.


“You’re a long way from home.”

“That’s the plan.” I was huffing. Man he could run fast. My heart was racing, my ears were pounding, and my breath was catching more than I would have liked. Thankfully, Dozer decided it was time for a pee break and diverted to the bushes.

Finn stood next to me while Dozer did his business. “I was born and raised in Clontarf. It’s close to Dublin.”

“And you came here for college?”

“Aye. I wanted to get more hotel experience and try to get into modeling, hopefully see some of the world. New York seemed like perfect place.”

“It is good for modeling, I guess.”

“You don’t like it here, do you?”

“I never thought I’d stay in the city for longer than a year, but then my career took off and I travel so much that this is a pretty great hub. Do I like it? Not really. I’m not really the city type. I’d love to have a yard for Dozer to run and play in. Someday I’ll move to Tennessee or the Carolinas.”

“It is beautiful there. I’m actually doing a shoot in Boone, North Carolina, next week. I leave in a few days.”

“What’s the shoot for?” We started to jog again, but this time Finn let me set the pace.

“A toothpaste ad for some magazine. Work is pissed that I am taking off again.”


“I’m one of the assistant managers of that hotel we met at the other night.”

I glanced down at my watch. “We need to start heading back. Want to grab some coffee on the way?”

He nodded and we started to double back toward Starbucks. We didn’t talk the rest of the way and even though I didn’t mind the silence, getting to know Finn was entertaining to say the least. My crazy work schedule and the giant chip on my shoulder usually made it hard to make friends. It was a nice change of pace.

“What do you want?” Finn turned to me while I filled Dozer’s travel bowl with water.

“A grande double white mocha and a lemon scone, please.”

“Coming right up.”

The door to my apartment shut behind us. With our coffees still in hand, Finn decided to shove me against the wall. He grabbed my paper cup, bending down to set in on the floor faster than I could register what was happening. Next thing I knew, his lips were attacking mine and his fingers tangled in my hair, which I just had released from its ponytail.

I panted as I pushed him away. “Finn, I told you. I have rules and this can’t happen.”

My body was betraying me: my heart was pounding, my clit was throbbing, and I could feel the need pooling in my yoga pants.

Finn took a step closer to me. “Some rules are meant to be bent, like this.” He gently kissed my lips and I started to melt. His brogue, his touch, his eyes—it was all taking over my better judgment.

“Some rules are meant to be broken, Joey. Just like this.” He scooped me into his arms. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around him, letting him press me against the wall next to my front door.

“Let’s get cleaned up for the shoot.” His breath was hot on my neck as his whisper swept into my ear.

I sighed into him, kissing his soft lips again. “Ok.”

How could I not give into him?

Fuck. My. Life.

He was just too beautiful.

He carried me all the way to my tiny bathroom, which felt extra cramped with both of us occupying the space. While the water warmed, we tugged at each other’s clothes, practically ripping them off.

I yanked down his boxer briefs to reveal the most beautiful cock I had ever laid eyes on. It wasn’t the biggest I had ever played with but it took the cake on perfection. He was at least eight inches, thick and pierced right through the tip with a simple barbell.

Holy crap, I need to ride that bucking bronc.

We climbed into the shower, breathing heavily in between desperate hasty kisses. I reached down, not able to wait any longer to touch him. Slowly, I started to stroke and he moaned at my touch.

“Joey, you’re breathtaking.”

His words shocked me. They were genuine, not just dirty talk like I was used to. They felt better than I could have ever imagined.

Quickly washing my hair and rinsing it out, Finn grabbed my body wash, put some on my pink loofa, and started to wash me from my neck, down my chest, all the way to my throbbing bud. Tingles ran through my body at his gentle touch as I slowly continued to play with his glorious manhood.

Once I was sufficiently covered in bubbles, I took the loofa from Finn and started to return the favor. His hands ran down my body, helping rinse off the suds before his fingers slipped slowly between my folds. He gently rubbed circles over my aching clit while biting my neck gently.

My body shuddered at his touch as he plunged deep into my wetness.

“Like that, beautiful?” His voice was low, his lips brushing against the sensitive skin below my ear.

I nodded, rubbing down his perfect abs to get the soap off him.

“I want you,” he growled. Electricity shot through me.

Right as I turned off the water and the idea of tackling Finn’s soaking wet body onto my bed filled my mind, Brett’s voice called through my apartment, “Jolene? You here?”

“Shit,” I muttered, throwing a towel around my body and hastily hopping out of the tub. “Get dressed quick. I’ll be right back.”

I dove out of my bathroom, throwing a towel around my dripping wet body. “Brett? You’re early.”

He had a paper bag in one hand and a holder with two cappuccinos from my favorite bagel place in the other.

“Thought you might need some help tidying up the place, and some breakfast.” His eyes darted to Finn’s hanging bag on the table and looked up and down my practically exposed body. “Is this a bad time?” An eyebrow raise and sly smirk quickly jumped onto my cousin’s face.

Just then, right on freaking cue, Finn glided into the room. Yeah, freaking glided. He was toweling off his damp short hair, shirtless with his running pants low on his hips. A coy grin spread quickly as he took in the shocked gasp that leapt from my throat.

“Oh my.” Brett’s hand flew to cover his laughing mouth as red spread from his ears down his neck. “He’s hotter than I thought!” Brett’s whisper was loud enough to fill the apartment.

“Finn?” I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to keep the loosening towel from dropping to the floor.

“My clean clothes.” He pointed to the hanging bag. “You should get dressed, too, beautiful. Kathy just texted me, she’s almost here.”

My cheeks burned, but him calling me beautiful again was worth the awkwardness of the situation. I started to follow Finn into my room right as a knock came at my door. “Don’t say anything?” My pleading eyes met my cousin’s just as he was about to open the door for Kathy.

“About what?” He winked and called through the door, “Just a sec!”

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