Struggling Free (Hidden Secrets Book 5) (23 page)

BOOK: Struggling Free (Hidden Secrets Book 5)
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Paco and Dean exclaimed in unison.

story short, he thought I wanted to be with Casey. He thought that I stayed with him because I’m having his kids. When I finally yelled at him and got his attention well… you saw our reunion.”

yeah, we did,” Dean fanned himself.

up,” I growled.

conversation turned back to them, which I was happy with. Vicky was almost as excited as they were over the possibility of them being parents. I loved that the guys had this chance. They were great men and deserved to have this moment in their lives. You don’t choose who you love. They deserve every chance that I’ve had.

you guys thought about your wedding plans?” Paco asked.

looked at me. “We haven’t really talked about it. I know I don’t want a big wedding. I’m sorry Jake if that is what you want, but with not having my parents I just don’t…”

don’t either. Honestly, I’d be just as happy going to the courthouse and getting married then having a reception. With the madhouse of the paparazzi, it makes it difficult to plan for anything without them showing up.”

look at me,” I looked up at her. “I’m just as happy going to the courthouse too.”

I couldn’t hide my excitement.

I just want to marry you,” she laughed.

right back,” I said as I got up.

my excitement, I actually ran to the bedroom. I could hear them laughing at me from the room. Digging through my stuff until my phone fell out, I grabbed it quickly dialing information.

Melborough County Courthouse, please.”

leg was bouncing with excitement and my stomach was doing flip flops. Each second that passed only served to heighten my eagerness.

Melborough County Courthouse, this is Melanie. How can I direct your call?”

need to find out what it will take to get married.”

transfer you to the Justice of the Peace, please hold.”

a few more minutes, I had everything I needed and practically ran back out into the kitchen. Skidding to a stop in front of Vicky, I grabbed her hands and pulled her to stand with me.

getting married on Friday at four,” I said as I began to dance us around the kitchen.

aren’t excited are you?” Vicky laughed.

beyond excited. This is something I’ve always wanted, but never thought I’d have. You’re my dream come true,” I said before kissing her.

my God! I’m getting married in five days!” Vicky shrieked excitedly.

you trust me?” I asked cautiously.

brows furrow in confusion, “Yes, why?”

still need to stay out of sight…”

I can’t go out and shop for something special to wear on my big day,” she finished the sentence in an irritated tone.

my head in frustration, “I’m sorry. It is frustrating, I know. But baby, I’d much rather you be safe than have a tux and gown wedding.”

sighed. “I know, Jake. I know.”

can I make a suggestion?” Paco asked cautiously.

for it,” I said dejectedly.

if we were to get gown magazines and let you browse through them and pick it up for you? You’d never have to leave the safety of the cabin and you could still surprise Jake on your wedding day?”

a great idea. I could get your tux and everything will remain a surprise?” Dean countered

to Vicky, I waited to see if this compromise will work for her. Slowly a smile crept across her face.


“I’ll pay for everything. They have all my information. Don’t look at pricing on anything, just get what you love. I want this to be the best day of your life. Of our life.”

grabbed Paco by the arm and pulled him to the bedroom and shut the door. Dean smacked me on the back.

so happy for you buddy. You deserve this. I was worried there for a while.”


endless women, meaningless sex. Paco and I have always wanted for you what we have. I’m glad you got your head out of your ass and found it.”

I smacked him hard on the back. “Me too. Me too.”


# # #


It took so much convincing to get Vicky to come tonight that I worried she felt she was being forced. We came here for the monthly gathering of my family. She sat quietly as I hurried around the car to help her out. We’ve stayed holed up at the cabin for a while after the doctor’s appointment fiasco.

think I need to change out the car,” I mumbled more to myself than to her as I watched her struggle to stand. “This can’t be good for you to have to get in and out with it being so low.”

grunted. “It isn’t easy and it does leave me breathless for the most part.” Vicky responded winded.

a truck?” I asked.

I don’t want to have to step up either. Can you imagine the muscles I’d have with having to pull myself up into a vehicle?”


I suppose if it was the right size. What about a van? I mean, I know it isn’t a chick magnet or anything, but there will be three babies soon. We need to be able to fit all five of us comfortably.”

don’t need a chick magnet, Vix. I have my chick and I’m never letting her go. A van sounds good. We’ll pick one out whenever you’re up for it.”

she lowered her head.

my finger beneath her chin, I lifted her head to look in her eyes. “What’s wrong with my Vixen?”

sure I have to go in there?”

why wouldn’t you want to?”

was pretty pissed at me the last time I saw her…”

love you, Vicky, more than anything. Because I love you, so will they. Please don’t worry. Besides, if Kylee says one thing to make you feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable…” I left the sentence hanging, but the repercussions were insinuated.

she nodded, and then took my hand.

I led her inside, I felt the tension radiating off her. It made me feel guilty for making her come, but I wanted to give my family the chance to be at our wedding. Okay and I wanted to brag about my triplets.

had no more than walked into the backyard when everyone stopped what they were doing and stared. Vicky tightened her hand on mine. I kissed her hand gently hopefully reassuring her.

stared at me with wide eyes and I knew it did nothing to help her. Colbie came toddling over then and grabbed my leg.

gorgeous. What are you doing?”

trying to hide from a butt change,” Colleen said as she walked up. “Come on Bee we need to change you so you can play on the playground.”

squealed in excitement practically jumping from my arms to Colleen’s. Everyone then went back to whatever it was they were doing before we walked in. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Vicky’s head drop and a tear slipped down her face and fell to the floor. It was then that I picked up on Kylee talking.

I can’t believe you brought her here. God, she’s nothing but a whore. Hell, she’s probably got you thinking that baby is yours. Look at the size of her Jake, that baby is not yours. That little trollop probably left the hospital that day and went right to bed with another man. She only wants your money Jake. Don’t let her break…”

the fuck up, Kylee!” I roared.

Mom and Dad exclaimed in unison.

is none of the filth you are spitting out of your mouth right now. You have a habit of running off at the mouth when you think you’re right and I always told you it would blow up in your face. Well, little sister, that day has come.”

was shaking visibly next to me. I pulled her close to me, wrapping my arms around her. Mom touched my arm, in an attempt to calm me down.

remember words are forever.”

right Mom they are,” I looked back at Kylee. “Before you accuse someone of something you should get the facts. First, Vicky didn’t know they were dating until Casey introduced her to you. Yeah that’s right, I know his name and all about it. Vicky told me everything. Then Casey confirmed it all one of the days he was over to the cabin. Second, these are my
. That’s right, I said
. We’re having triplets. We’d come here tonight to share the great news, share the pictures, and invite you to our wedding at the courthouse today, but fuck it! I don’t want your poison there,” I snarled.

Vicky’s hand, I practically pulled her out of the house and into the car. It was as I was peeling away from the house that I realized how rough I’d been.

sorry Vix. Did I hurt you?”

she said in a small voice.

Chapter Twenty-Seven






we were standing outside the house, I knew that things were going to get bad. I just hadn’t realized how bad they’d get. The venom in Kylee’s voice, I shuddered. I’ve torn him from his family.

I can’t marry you,” I forced out through the lump.

slammed on the brake so hard that had I not been wearing a seatbelt, I swear I would have gone through the windshield.

he breathed.

uh, can’t…”

don’t need to say it again. Please don’t say it again. What I want to know is why?”

I can’t be the cause for you pulling away from your family.”

not pulling away from them and you aren’t the cause of anything. I’m just not standing by and letting Kylee talk about you like that. Please don’t ruin our moment because she felt it was okay to run her mouth about someone she didn’t even know. Please, Vicky.”

I sniffled.

turned in his seat and cupped my face in his hands, “Will you marry me, Vicky?”

my eyes met his, he smirked. I smiled. “Yes. Now let’s go.”

pleasure,” he grinned big.

I knew it, we were walking in a back entrance to the courthouse. Paco and Dean met us in a hallway. Paco led me one way carrying my dress in a bag. Dean led Jake in the opposite direction.

Paco, will you come in and help me? Please,” I asked as he went to stand outside the door.

, Hun,” he smiled.

had just helped me get into my beautiful dress. It was sleeveless, fit snugly around the breasts with perfect almost diamond looking stones covering the top. It fanned out effortlessly over my belly and down to the floor. It was perfect. I felt beautiful and not like a beached whale.

was a knock on the door, as I sat to do my make-up. Paco tensed and went to the door. He had a conversation with whoever was on outside of the door. The conversation dragged on and on.

Paco? Who is it?”

stepped aside and in walked not only Kylee, but the rest of the Williams crew… the females that is. Standing as quickly as I could, I turned to face everyone. No one spoke for a while. Finally, Paco broke the silence.

need to finish getting ready. I’ll be right outside. Not much more time, beautiful. You’re going to knock him dead in his shoes,” he kissed my cheek and left.

can I apologize for my behavior? I was looking out for my brother. You were all he talked about while he detoxed with us. So when I saw you with another man, I felt the pain he was going to feel. I just…”

up my hand to stop her. “Please stop apologizing. My hormones are out of control and so are my nerves. You have every right to be upset with me. But the fact of the matter is that I love your brother so damn much it hurts. Me being pregnant has nothing to do with us getting married. We just want to be married. I don’t want a big wedding since my parents are no longer around. I do need to get ready.”

us help. Please,” Jane stepped forward.

I nodded my head, all the women swarmed around me. Each of them were talking at once that I couldn’t really follow anything they were saying. This must be what it was like to have siblings.

far along are you?” Jane asked, staring at my belly.

months today,” I answered, placing my hand on my stomach.

I?” Jane asked as she held out her hand to touch my stomach.

, sure.”

she placed her hand on my belly, the kids started moving around. She started laughing. “They are active, aren’t they?”

should have seen it when I first felt them. I scared Jake awake, but he forgot all about it when he felt them moving,” I laughed.

they finished, I stood and looked at myself in the mirror that was brought in for me.

I breathed stunned.

look beautiful. My son will about drop to your feet.”

I get a few pictures before you leave, please?”

uh, sure.”

posed for many pictures, some of me by myself and others with them, before we were told it was time. My hands were shaking. I’m about to walk into a courtroom and marry the man of my dreams. As the doors were pulled back and I walked around the corner, my breath left my lungs. Jake looked absolutely stunning standing there in his black and white tuxedo, but then he looked up at me. His face froze and a tear fell down his cheek.

ceremony went faster than I thought it would. Before I knew it the judge was telling us that we were now husband and wife and Jake could kiss his bride. His family took a lot of pictures and I was thankful for it because I’m not sure I’d ever believe this was really happening if I didn’t have the picture proof. Dean had pulled up in our car, well, I thought it would be our car. Instead, there sat the most beautiful van I’ve ever laid eyes on. Turning to Jake, I saw him smiling nervously.

thought we were going to look together?”

were, but then I heard about all the safety features and the luxury… I figured you wouldn’t mind on this one. If you don’t like it, we can trade it in. I just couldn’t have you climbing in and out of that car anymore.”

my hand on the side of his face, “Jake, calm down. It’s fine. Just shocked is all. When did you even have time to do this? What with the appointments and what not, where’d you find the time?”

been having some pains that I can’t explain away so they are watching me closer now than they were before. Jake insisted to the doctor it was because I was doing too much. Though, if you ask me, it’s all a ploy to be able to carry me around like some macho man. The doctor insists that everything is okay with the babies, but he’s going to keep an eye on me more to make sure everything stays fine with them.

you were picking out dresses, I was picking out cars. I bought this two days ago, but it wasn’t ready until today.”

to interrupt, but we really need to get you out of sight before we draw attention,” Dean said, on guard.

right, sorry,” I apologized.

was heading back to the cabin. They all insisted on bringing food. Honestly, it was a relief because there was no way there was enough food at the cabin to feed everyone. Paco and Dean stopped by Casey’s to get him down there to party with us. Once we pulled into the drive, Jake hurried around to my door and helped me out.

I told you how beautiful you look?”

shy, I dropped my head and wrung my hands in front of me, “No,” I mumbled.

my chin up with his finger, “Today you’ve made me the happiest man alive. When I used to think my wedding was a dream, my dreams did not compare to the reality. You are breathtaking. Absolutely breathtaking,” he breathed before leaning down to kiss me.

off her bro, I want to get some good pictures of you guys. I can’t have you messing up her makeup,” Jeff interrupted.

beautiful, I promise. I can’t wait to peel you from that dress either,” Jake winked at me. “Take everything down to the cove. We’ll celebrate down there.”

, Dean, and Casey showed up just as everyone was walking down to the cove. He walked over and shook Jake’s hand. Jake pulled him in for a half man hug.

man. You are definitely one lucky man,” Casey said sincerely.

man. I feel like the luckiest man alive right now,” Jake smiled down at me.

then turned to me. “You are a vision, Vicky, just as I knew you would be. I’m so happy for you,” his voice broke.

wasn’t what he was feeling, well not all he was feeling. Moving to him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and sighed into my neck.

find her. You never know you could find her today or tomorrow, but you’ll find her. I just know it,” I whispered.

it bad that I still wish it were you?”

laughed. “You’ll find someone better than me.”

doubt that, but okay.”

broke our hug and to my surprise Jake patted him on the back and said, “If I weren’t a selfish son of a bitch…”

laughed. “Thanks, man.”

all started walking down to the cove. About half way down, I had to stop. I was out of breath. Stopping for a moment, I grabbed a tree to brace myself.

I’m only sixteen weeks and it’s this hard to move. I’m screwed for the rest of the pregnancy,” I panted.

wrong baby?”

can’t fucking breathe just from walking downhill. How pathetic is that!”

scooped me up in his arms, Casey told him where to step and we walked down to the cove that way. Dean and Paco were carrying down tables and chairs. Everyone was looking at Jake.

me down, please.”


I forced out through clenched teeth, trying desperately to keep my tears from falling.

set me on my feet and cupped my face. “Are you okay?”

just angry at myself for not being able to walk down a damn hill.”

laughed softly. “Baby, you’re pregnant. It’s to be expected.”

is Shannon! She’s six months pregnant almost seven and she made it down a damn hill,” I yelled unintentionally.

honey, you’re carrying three. She’s carrying one,” Jake tried to comfort me.


I turned my head to see Shannon and Jack standing near us. “Wow, you two really don’t even look alike for twins. I mean I see similarities, but not a copy.”

you! You married right, brother. She’s a keeper. I’m better looking, right?” He winked at me.

married me, bro, so obviously that answer has already been stated,” Jake grinned.

these two butt chests, I wanted to tell you that Jack had to help me down the hill too. You just weren’t down here to see it.”

hate it,” I grumbled.

ran her hand over my stomach, “You’re bigger than me and carrying more than me. It’s going to happen. It’s almost like you do everything early. You can tell me what to expect,” she laughed, I joined her.

camera flashed and we both turned. I expected it to be Jeff again, but it wasn’t. Jake had a camera. He smiled at me.

you two get over there. I want a picture of this. You guys just can’t not do everything together,” Jeff laughed.

came to stand behind me, wrapping me in his arms, he kissed my neck. Jack did the same with Shannon. Jeff had us angle in toward each other, our stomachs touching. Once the picture was taken I looked up at Jake, my husband.

love you,” I smiled at him.

of his hands cupped my face, the other rested on my stomach. “Not nearly as much as I love you.”

a beautiful picture,” Jane gushed. “Can I have a copy of that one?”

walked up. “Here’s a chair for you,” he said quietly as he set it up.

I said as sharp kick startled me from the inside.

rested his hand on my stomach and laughed. “Getting feisty like their mama.”

saw that kick from here,” Casey said in awe.

was then that it hit me, I hadn’t introduced Casey, but like most times Jake reads my mind.

guys. I want to introduce to you my good friend Casey. He’s agreed to be added to my detail to help protect Vicky at the award benefit next week.”

head snapped in his direction. “Award benefit next week?”

uh,” he started.

BOOK: Struggling Free (Hidden Secrets Book 5)
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