Stronger Than the Rest (26 page)

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Authors: Shirleen Davies

BOOK: Stronger Than the Rest
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He didn’t know Stiles, but he didn’t need to. If he worked for Ira, then he was bad news.




Connor and Pierce sat on a hill overlooking the Bierdan ranch. It gave them a clear view of the barn, ranch house, three horses tied in the front, four horses tied at the back. A neighbor had given them directions as well as coffee after they’d provided him with their names. The man hadn’t asked further questions, just wished them well.

“What do you think?” Pierce handed the field glasses back to Connor.

“One of the horses in the back is Drago’s black stallion. The others I don’t recognize, but it’s my guess they belong to Ira, Stiles, and Luther, if he’s still alive.” Connor looked at the three horses tied in front. “I don’t recognize any of the horses out front, but we know there are at least seven people in the house.” He studied the layout once more. What he saw surprised him. Other than the horses, there was no other movement around the property. It was late, close to supper time. There should be men and activity all around.

“We’ll leave our horses here. Take what you need and plenty of ammunition. The men in that house won’t quit without a fight.”

“What about the ledger?”

“Wrap it in a blanket and take it over there.” Connor pointed to the base of a large pine and walked toward it. The tree was surrounded by smaller shrubs. He pushed the low branches aside and began to dig. Pierce watched as the fabric covered ledger was placed in the shallow hole and covered with dirt, then twigs and leaves. With luck, they'd be back for it tonight.




Tess and Eloise held the warm cups in their hands. They’d refused the vile concoction when it was first offered. Ira explained the tea would relax them, allow a civil conversation about the Bierdan property and its sale. The women knew otherwise, and in defiance of his command, dumped the liquid onto the carpet.

Ira became incensed and slapped Tess, hard, causing a bruise to form and blood to trickle from her mouth. She sat ramrod straight in her chair, wiped the blood away, and didn’t flinch when he threatened to slap her again. Instead of hitting her he returned to the kitchen and poured two more cups. These he’d handed to them with the threat that if the cups weren’t empty within a few minutes, he’d let Drago do whatever he wanted with the women upstairs.

Tess lowered her arms to her lap and cradled the cup. She’d followed Amanda and Kate’s lead and placed her gun in one of her boots
She could feel the metal against her leg, wished she could reach down and grab it. At this range she couldn’t miss, but neither would the men in front of her.

The liquid had cooled enough to drink. They started to take small sips with the encouragement of Ira—and Drago’s gun. Neither had the will to subject Kate or Amanda to anything Drago might choose to do. They’d drink the brew and hope they could handle the effects of whatever was in it.

The tea wasn’t anything either had tasted before, and it wasn’t pleasant. Tess felt a warming sensation that traveled throughout her body. She reached up to touch her forehead but it felt cool, not warm like the sensations moving over her.

She noticed that Eloise had mirrored her actions by touching her own forehead, then her neck, rubbing it as if that would dispel the sensations. Tess understood her friend was having the same reaction to the tea.

They looked toward each other, seeking strength and reassurance that all would be fine. After a while, a feeling of calm followed by pleasant sensations confused both women’s minds and bodies. The effects of the tea were too strong.

Ira looked at Drago. “Have the men leave us with the women. Post them around the house, but do not let them disturb us.”

Drago gave the instructions and returned to the room where his partner sat, eyeing the two women.

Ira leered at Tess. He would take her first and let Drago have the Bierdan woman. Then they’d bring the two down from upstairs. “Please, finish your drinks, then we can start our discussions about the future of the ranch.”

“Now,” Drago ordered and tapped the gun against the edge of each cup. As he did, his hand rested on Eloise’s knee and began to massage it. She pushed his hand away but her actions seemed slow, sluggish. Drago chuckled at her attempts to ward off the effects of the drug.

“If you refuse, I will ask Luther to bring your friends downstairs so that you can watch how Drago persuades reluctant people to do as we ask.” Ira stood and walked to the bottom of the staircase. He glanced once more at Tess, who sat motionless.

“Luther,” Ira called out.

“Wait,” Tess whispered and finished the last of her tea, reached out to place the cup on a table but missed, and watched it fall to the floor.

Drago looked at Ira and gestured toward the bedroom.

“Miss Taylor, why don’t I help you to the back where you can lie down? You don’t look so well.” Ira wrapped his fingers around her arm and lifted her to stand. Tess wobbled a little, but steadied when Ira put his arm around her. He walked with her to the office door and looked in to where Stiles stood guard at a front window. “I want to know if you see anything,” Walsh said.

Eloise heard a door close and looked at the man in front of her.

“Now, Mrs. Bierdan, let’s talk about the sale of your land.”




Amanda had worked without stopping to untie the rope that held her secure to the bedpost. The gunman had tied her arms above her head and the pressure to her neck and shoulders increased as she worked the restraints. Her wrists were chafed, bleeding in some places, but she could feel the rope loosening.

He hadn’t tied her ankles. She used her feet to push against the bedding and supply leverage. She’d heard nothing from downstairs in a long time.

Without warning, the rope gave way. Amanda looked up to see it dangling on one end. She hurried to work it off of her wrists and scrambled off the bed.

Amanda made her way to the door and peered out. She heard a sound, then saw a man holding a rifle walk out of another room and move to the next door. She closed the door and reached down to retrieve her pistol, glad that she’d decided to bring it inside. Now she had to find a way to slip into Kate’s room without being spotted.

Kate had been placed in the room closest to the stairs. Amanda waited and glanced through the small opening in the door once more. Again, the gunman walked out of a room and moved back to where he’d come from. This was her chance.

She crept out of the room, keeping her back against the wall as she made her way down the hallway, and pushed open the door to where Kate was held. Her sister-in-law was almost done removing her own bindings in the same manner as Amanda. They’re eyes met. Amanda’s finger touched her lips—a signal for Kate to stay quiet.




There hadn’t been time to gather more Big G men before Grant, Jericho, and the MacLarens rode out. They were after six men. Grant figured the odds were still in their favor.

It was dusk when they reached the fence line that signaled the ranch’s entrance. It was perhaps a quarter mile to the house. The men could see the women’s horses tied out front, but no other movement around the barn or the bunkhouse.

“It’s quiet,” Niall said.

“Yeah, too quiet,” Jamie replied and reined Rebel around so that he could check out the back of the house. A few minutes later he rejoined the others.

“What’d you see?” Drew had almost followed Jamie. He kept telling himself that his older brother was the expert in this and to follow his lead but not knowing if Tess was all right was torture.

“Eight horses. One large black stallion, much like Justice,” he looked at Will who sat atop the magnificent stallion he’d had since the colt’s birth at Fire Mountain, “and like the one that Drago rode when he left Ibarra’s.”

Grant swept a hand down his face and rubbed his eyes. “Eight. They must’ve met up with two more. I don’t like this.”

“Neither do I. My guess is that the men are holding the women hostage, either hoping to get Mrs. Bierdan to sign over the ranch or …” Will’s voice trailed off as he pulled out his Colt Peacemaker and checked the cylinder. It was loaded.

The others did the same with their pistols, then repeated the process with their rifles.

The six dismounted and hid the horses behind a copse of dense trees. Niall walked a few feet away, knelt in the dirt, and brushed away the dried leaves. He sketched a house, barn, bunkhouse, and corrals in the dirt, then looked up at the other five men.

Five minutes later, their plan set, the six eased through the darkening night toward the house and the women inside.


Chapter Twenty-Three

Frank saw the horses hidden outside the entrance to the Bierdan ranch, recognizing that one belonged to Will and another to Jamie MacLaren. He left his horse near theirs and started a circular route toward the house. As he got closer he could see three horses in front, none that he recognized. There were few lights on in the house. All the curtains were closed.

Frank moved in closer, coming in from the back, and saw eight more horses. He dropped behind a bush and tried to get a better view.

“Don’t move. Drop the gun.” A stern whisper came from behind at the same time Frank felt the cold barrel of a gun against his skull. “Turn around,” the voice commanded.

Frank raised his hands and turned in a slow, fluid movement.

“Shit,” Niall said and lowered his gun.

"Are the others here?” Frank reached down to pick up his discarded sidearm.

“Spread out all over. I’ll show you.” Niall drew a quick diagram, indicating where each man hid, waiting for the signal from Jamie. The last thing they needed was for one of them to shoot Frank in error.

“Where do you want me?” the sheriff asked.

“You’re good where you are. Keep an eye on Jamie. He’ll give the signal to move in.” Niall pointed to a spot near a front corner of the house. “You should have no problem seeing it.” Niall clapped Frank on the back and returned to his position.




“Make yourself comfortable, Miss Taylor.” Ira helped Tess to the bed, pushed her back with a gentle movement, and lifted her legs up onto the mattress so she lay flat. He looked down at her, her eyes and body movements indicating she still struggled against the effects of the drugs. Ira had seen the same look in the eyes of other women. In the end, they’d all done what he asked.

He’d given Tess enough opium to provide a pleasurable feeling, ease all inhibitions. The effects would last for hours, allowing him ample time to do whatever he wanted. It was time.

Ira removed his jacket and loosened his shirt. He set the belt he’d worn on a chair, then turned to the woman before him. He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned forward. “You will be more comfortable with your dress loosened,” he said as his fingers began to open her dress, exposing the chemise below. Her body protested little, but her hands moved up to stall his actions. He pushed them away.

“So, you are Grant Taylor’s daughter. You are the younger one, yes?” His soothing voice washed over her, caressing her as the drug continued to break down her defenses. He slid the back of his knuckles down her neck, over her chest, and moved to the swell of her breasts. “Ah, Miss Taylor, I will enjoy this very much.” He leaned down, his mouth inches from hers.




Jamie watched through slits in the curtains and listened from his position near the front corner. He noticed papers on a nearby table, but couldn’t make out Drago’s words as he spoke in soft tones. The lights were low. Eloise was reclined on a settee, Drago on a chair in front of her, his hands resting on her legs. Jamie watched for another moment, trying to detect if the woman was encouraging the actions or being forced. He couldn’t tell from his position but noticed the vacant look in her eyes. They stared beyond Drago, not at him. At least she was alive. He looked towards the back at Niall, who crouched low behind a group of rocks.

Luther had been standing outside when Niall first knelt behind the rocks. The large, imposing man looked around and, satisfied nothing was amiss, disappeared into the kitchen. The outlaw watching the horses had disappeared into the trees. Jericho had been charged with taking care of the guard. Niall watched another minute until Jericho appeared and nodded, then signaled to Will at the other corner.

Will moved along the side but saw nothing. There were no windows or door at this end. He suspected there were more men upstairs, but couldn’t tell from his position. He joined Drew at the far front corner of the house.

Drew turned and moved toward the front. He passed what appeared to be a bedroom but moved on to the next window. He stayed close to the house and didn’t move when he saw a figure approach the window.

The man inside was alert, watching, but he didn’t spot Drew.

Drew retraced his steps several feet and knelt below the window he’d passed, then raised up to peer through the slight opening in the curtains. What he saw sickened him. Tess was on the bed, Ira standing over her. Her head moved toward the window, but she didn’t see Drew. She had a vacant look in her eyes, blank and staring into space. Her eyes moved back to Ira. Her hands weren’t bound. Drew cursed. He wanted to jump through the window and wrap his hand around Ira’s throat. Squeeze the life out of the miserable human who stood, leering at Tess. But he held his anger. If he acted on it others could die, including Tess. He looked toward Jamie’s position. They had to move fast.

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