Stripped Bare (16 page)

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Authors: Susan Mac Nicol

BOOK: Stripped Bare
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Matthew felt ill at the way the conversation was going. The day had gone from envisaging an afternoon of romance and good sex with his lover to a full-blown argument. “Christ, Shane, you can’t just do stuff like this.”

Shane laughed harshly as he walked around the table and picked up his coffee cup. He drank it, looking over the rim at Matthew. “It must be nice to live in your world, Matty. All clean and neat and ordered. Everything in its place. My world isn’t quite like that. I have talents. I use them to help people.”

“You steal money, Shane. No matter which way you look at it, you’re a thief.”

Shane’s face flushed and he slammed his coffee cup down on the polished table. “I am not a fucking common thief. I resent that.” His expression darkened. “You just walk in here and interfere in my business and
the bad guy? You’d never have known about anything if that laptop had been closed before you snuck in here.” He slammed the table top with a flat hand, his face ugly. “And if it hadn’t been for the fact that I found out you
involved, that money would still be sitting in an offshore account and David would now have it waiting just in case.” He stopped, breathing heavily. “So get over it, Matthew. Stop that holier-than-thou fucking shit and climb down off that bloody high horse.”

“I didn’t sneak in.” Matthew said. “I wanted to surprise you. I bought wine.” He gestured toward the wine on the table. “I thought we could have a nice afternoon here. I was wrong, obviously.” He was feeling more and more out of his depth.

Shane snorted. “Yes, it’s always here at my place isn’t it? Mr. ‘I’m so bloody closed off I can’t even let my lover come to my house.’ When are you going to let me in, Matthew? We fuck, we have fun, we talk occasionally, and yet you never take me to your home. If we’re talking about vices and things we don’t like, what about that one then?”

“Why is it such a big thing for you to come to my house?” Matthew exclaimed. “Isn’t it enough that we’re together, no matter where we are?”

Shane looked at him in pity. “No, that’s not what it’s all about, Matty. It’s about you opening up a little to me. About you taking that bloody wedding ring off your finger and me being able to call you my boyfriend instead of always not knowing what to call you. Oh sorry, my ‘friend.’ That’s what we agreed, isn’t it?” His voice grew edgier. “I’m not asking for a declaration of bloody affection or anything, just a reasonable expectation of being one half of whatever this relationship is that we have.”

“I made it clear when we started that I didn’t want to get too involved,” Matthew shot back. He saw the flinch on Shane’s face. Matthew knew once again he was being a bastard. Shane seemed to bring out the best and the worst in him.

“Yes. You’ve made that abundantly clear.” Shane’s voice was cold. “But perhaps we need to re-evaluate that based on what’s happened here tonight. You don’t approve of what I do. You called me a thief. Well, maybe I am, technically, but you know what? At least I try and make things better instead of shutting people out and living in the past like you do, trying to control every emotion you have.”

Matthew stared at him, his gut clenching. “You know why-”

Shane cut him off with a wave of an impatient hand. “Yes, I know, Matty. And I deeply regret what happened to you. But it was a long time ago. And to be honest, which is something I have to tell you’re not, especially with yourself, I think you are starting to care for me. You just don’t want to admit it.”

Matthew went cold. He took a deep breath.

Shane regarded him with eyes that were suddenly kinder. His voice was saddened and trembled a little. “Matty, maybe we need some space. I’m not going to stop being who I am and neither are you. And if we can’t meet halfway then maybe this whole relationship thing is a bad idea. We’ve only known each other a little more than a month but we see each other nearly every day and spend the weekends together. Maybe it’s too much.”

Matthew didn’t know what to say. The thought of not seeing Shane was the scariest thing he could think of at the moment, but perhaps it made sense to take a timeout. He nodded. “That could be an idea.”

Shane gave a rueful sigh.

When he didn’t speak, Matthew said, “Maybe some time to think things over would be a good idea.” He turned to leave.

Shane nodded and made no move to stop him.

“Just be careful with that thing, Shay.” Matthew indicated to Bushwhacker. “Don’t go getting too clever and causing trouble for yourself. I don’t want to have to be the one to bail you out of jail.”

Shane stayed silent as Matthew made his way to the door and disappeared into the corridor.


Two days later Shane checked his phone for about the fiftieth time. He sighed. Still no message from Matthew. He kicked the side of his desk moodily and gazed at the computer screen flickering in front of him. His extremely unselfish plan to give Matthew time to get over his anger appeared to have backfired on him. He hadn’t wanted to make that offer knowing what the man was like, but Shane had thought it was what he needed, and of course Matthew had accepted with alacrity.

“He hasn’t called or texted, Bushie,” he muttered to his laptop. “The bastard is really such an arsehole. He is so fucked up.” His hands drummed impatiently on the desktop as he regarded his computer. “It’s driving me bloody crazy not seeing him. What do you think I should do?” He sighed again. “Am I going to be the one making the first bloody move to get us back together? Because you know I’m not too proud to do that.” He scowled at that thought. “He’s a stubborn shit, is what he is.”

He felt better at getting all his insults about Matthew out in the open even if the man wasn’t there to hear them. He picked up his mobile and deliberated.

To text or not to text? Call voice to voice? What the hell was going to bring Matthew back to him?

Shane had had time to think about things whilst they’d been apart. He knew he tended to interfere, but he’d had David’s best interests at heart. Walter didn’t deserve any bloody consideration after what he’d done. Shane believed in poetic justice and retribution and he wasn’t going to change anytime soon. He’d never knowingly hurt or destroy anyone - well, maybe a little but only if they deserved it. And the thing with Matthew’s house—it pissed him off royally, but it
only been a month. Matthew had also been clear he hadn’t wanted to get too committed too soon, and Shane, stupid bastard that he was, had accepted that. Shane’s face darkened as he thought about his options. Finally he gave a deep sigh and picked up his phone. He texted a message to Matthew.

This is getting bloody boring. Are we going to talk anytime soon? I miss you. S x

Shane risked the kiss at the end. He wasn’t too proud to beg where Matthew was concerned. He waited impatiently for a return text. He was still waiting two hours later when he went to bed at midnight, pissed and royally pissed off.

The following morning around seven, Shane woke to the sound of his phone chanting its customised message of ‘Message received, all hands on dick!’ over and over again until he managed to find it lying somewhere in between the bed covers. He’d been holding it when he’d fallen asleep, waiting for Matthew to text back. He checked the screen.

Sorry, I was out. Only saw your message now. Maybe we can get together to talk. Tell me when’s suitable. M.

Shane swore. “Shit! He was bloody out? Where the hell was he? Getting his bloody rocks off at the club maybe? Matthew, you tosser.” He threw the phone down on the bed and went to shower. By the time he’d finished he was feeling less stressed and sat on the bed with his towel wrapped around his waist. He picked up his phone and shot back a quick, to-the-point message.

What are you doing lunchtime? Come over for one o’clock? My place of course. S

He was still feeling miffed and didn’t think Matthew deserved another kiss, and the snarky comment about his place was just—well, it was just the way he wanted to make a point.

One is fine. See you then. At your place. Of course. M

Shane smiled at the last few typical sardonic Matthew words. He then proceeded to be on tenterhooks the whole morning. He managed to occupy himself with a new job he’d taken on, but his mind was not in the game.

Shane made sure he dressed to kill. He wanted Matthew to see what he’d been missing. He pulled on his tightest, ass-hugging blue jeans, his favourite pec- and ab-outlining shirt, a pale blue, long-sleeved silky shirt that hugged his slim body and was easy to get off. No buttons. He decided against wearing underwear and shoes. He liked the feel of the floor beneath his feet and if things went the way he wanted them to, it was one fewer thing to get off in his haste to have Matthew’s body. It had been too bloody long since he’d had Matthew’s lips and body against him, and he was feeling the pinch.

When the doorbell rang at one on the dot, Shane was there to answer it. He’d been pacing the lounge, waiting for Matthew to arrive, and he had a knot in his stomach the size of the Shard.

He opened the door. Matthew stood there, looking pale and tired. Shane’s heart melted at the sight of his man looking so vulnerable. He wanted to reach over and pull Matthew into his arms, but he didn’t think that would go down too well.

“Shane.” Matthew nodded, looking apprehensive. Shane gestured inside.

“Come in, Matty. I’ll get us a drink.”

He turned and made his way to the kitchen, as Matthew closed the door and followed him.

God, Matthew looked incredible, even with that tired look.
His black chinos clung to his legs as if they’d been moulded to him, and the deep khaki formal shirt that he wore effortlessly, half-unbuttoned, looking as if he’d just casually thrown it on, suited his shoulders and colouring perfectly. He looked like a coffee-coloured muffin ready to eat.

Shane’s groin was already heating up and the other man had barely been inside his home a few minutes. He busied himself pouring each of them a whiskey then took them to the lounge and set them down on the centre table. Sitting down, he patted the couch next to him.

“Sir down, Matty. How have you been the last couple of days?”

Matthew sat down next to Shane, regarding him with appraising grey eyes. “I’ve been okay, thanks. Work’s been busy, so I’ve been getting home late.”

Shane nodded. “I hear you. I have a job for the London Eye at the moment, re-designing some of their security and protocols for their systems. It’s proving a bit of a challenge, but I’ll get there.”

“I’m sure you will.” Matthew leaned forward and picked up his drink, taking a sip. Shane watched his lips touch the glass, saw the stubble on his chin and felt faint with hunger to have those lips on his dick, like it used to be. Said member twitched in his pants and he tried to ignore it.

Give me a break, you horny little bastard. We’re supposed to be talking, not fucking. Not yet anyway.

Been anywhere exciting? Your text said you’d been out.” Shane sipped his whiskey, waiting to see what Matthew would say. Matthew nodded.

“Bartholomew and I were at one of those interminable legal gatherings last night which seemed to go on forever. Speech after bloody speech.” He frowned. “I honestly don’t know how people manage to spout off about so much crap. I thought it would never be over.”

Shane sighed in relief.

So the man had been at a business dinner with his boss. That was a good sign

There was a small silence. Then Matthew took a deep breath. He laid his glass down on the table and with one fierce movement he reached out and pulled Shane toward him. Shane went willingly, not quite knowing what was coming, but happy to go with the flow. Matthew had his hands all over him and Shane realised that was all that mattered.

Matthew’s lips took Shane’s in a savage kiss that made his balls ache and his dick spring to an immediate salute. He kissed Matthew back, his tongue slicking against the other man’s, and he smiled into Matthew’s mouth as he heard his deep groan.

“Christ, babe, I missed you. I know it was only two bloody days but I wanted you so badly. I was so glad when you sent that text. I don’t think I could have lasted much longer.” Matthew’s voice was husky as his lips claimed Shane’s again.

You could have sent the first text, you bloody control freak. If
hadn’t, how much longer might this have taken?

Shane’s thoughts disappeared into a void as Matthew pushed him back against the couch, fumbling with his jeans zipper.

“Jeez, Matty,” Shane chuckled as the other man’s frantic hands unzipped him. His dick reared up, rampantly ready for whatever was coming. Hopefully him. “At least buy me bloody dinner—” his words were cut off with a strangled moan.

Matthew dropped to his knees on the floor and his warm and hungry mouth wrapped around Shane’s dick like a starving man, his lips and tongue causing all manner of mayhem in Shane’s body.

“Oh my God,” Shane moaned as he arched his back against the couch. “I missed this, I really did…”

He felt Matthew’s low laugh against his skin as he pushed down deeper onto Shane. Shane’s hands tangled themselves in Matthew’s thick hair as he gripped and forced himself deeper into his lover’s mouth. The heat, the pressure, the soft wet licking and swirling tongue—it all felt so right. Matthew stopped what he was doing and looked up at Shane, his pupils black and blown, his mouth wet with Shane’s fluids.

“Your turn to do me next, Shay. Just like this. Then later, I’m going to fuck you into the mattress. That’s the plan, baby. Now just sit back and relax while I make you come so hard you’ll feel it for a week.”

The words were enough to make Shane hyperventilate as his backside clenched against the couch. Matthew returned to his cock and annihilated the last of Shane’s sanity. With a loud gasp, he came, liquid passion spilling into the warm mouth around his dick and he gave a loud cry of release and sheer joy. He thought he might well be feeling that sensation for the next week.

Panting, he relaxed back against the seat, as Matthew stood up. He moved over Shane, finding his mouth again, bringing the taste of semen and musk.

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