Strikers Instinct (13 page)

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Authors: A. D. Rogers

BOOK: Strikers Instinct
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Sarah packed her bag to head for home and reflected that it had been a very mixed day. It had all started so well when Ed had called up to ask her to meet up with Sue Linden. Sue was still working out her notice on her current job but was finding more free time as she gradually handed over her duties. This meant that she could start to do some background work on her new position and Sue was determined to hit the ground running.

She had asked Ed's advice on the best way to acclimatise herself in advance and he suggested that Sarah may be a good place to start. Ed knew that she had a broad depth of knowledge about Tierney Enterprises – in fact she knew much more than he realised. He advised Sue to sit down with Sarah to have an informal chat. Sue was shrewd enough to realise that she needed to get Sarah on her side so she decided to whisk her away from the office to have lunch in the centre of Liverpool.

Sarah was impressed. “Well, I have to say that I am more used to having a sandwich at my desk but I could get used to this.” she grinned.

Sue responded with a smile. “I'm not going to try to pull the wool over your eyes – I want to pick your brains and I'm not going to be able to do that with your boss hovering over us!”

“I appreciate your honesty,” said Sarah, “it's not something I get too often working with Ed.”

“Thanks.” replied Sue. “Look – let's set some ground rules. We'll eat first – no business talk and then when the coffee arrives we can have a chat about Tierney Enterprises – but one thing I will say is that I won't pressure you to talk about anything you aren't comfortable about – but if you do share a confidence with me then I promise I won't say a word.”

“That sounds fair.” Sarah answered. “Let's eat!”

The next half hour flew past – Sarah couldn't remember the last time she had enjoyed herself so much and it soon became apparent to Sue that Sarah didn't seem to have much of a life outside work.

“It wasn't always like this.” said Sarah sadly. “I used to have a great social life and even had a long-term boyfriend but Ed became more successful and my workload increased with it. Ed was good enough to recognise how hard I was working and gave me a whopping pay rise but my boyfriend got fed up with the late hours and one day he simply wasn't there.”

“I'm so sorry.” said Sue.

“Oh don't worry about me.” replied Sarah cheerfully. “On the whole I love my job, I get to travel all over the world and I've nearly bought my own house. In a few more years I'll be in a position to look for something a little less demanding and then perhaps I'll find Mr. Right!”

Both girls laughed and then Sue turned serious. “OK – I guess that would be a good point to start talking about what I have let myself in for!”

For the next 30 minutes they chatted informally about the different divisions within Tierney Enterprises – ranging from the Drinks Division right down to Wishton Clough. They didn't go into any great detail, Sue had already done some quite extensive background research but she just wanted to try to get a personal feel for the company. Sarah was a great help – providing just the right mix of gentle gossip and insightful comments. Far too soon it was time to head back to Wishton and Sue turned to Sarah.

“That was really helpful Sarah,” she said, “and I think this should be something we should do on a regular basis. You need to get out more and I don't get enough female company.”

Sarah was delighted. She prided herself on being a good judge of character and she really liked Sue.

“That sounds like a great idea – I'll hold you to it!” she replied.

Sue drove them back to Wishton and they continued to chat as they travelled. Sarah asked to be dropped off at the football stadium – she was due to have a meeting with Ed there later in the afternoon. They were both surprised at how comfortable they were in each other's company and Sarah was slightly sad when Sue drove away from the stadium.

The lunch proved to be the high point of the day – things went rapidly downhill in the afternoon. Ed turned up as expected but he wasn't alone, he was accompanied by a striking blonde.

“Sarah – this is my cousin, Jessica Villiers,” Ed announced, “she's going to be a new member of staff – Jessica, this is Sarah, my right-hand woman.”

Sarah stood to greet Jessica who responded by handing Sarah her coat. “Hang that somewhere for me would you,” she murmured, “and I could murder a coffee.”

Sarah was slightly taken aback but soon recovered her poise. “Well this is a nice surprise Ed, where exactly will Jessica be working?”

Ed seemed slightly uneasy, “I've spoken to John Knox and Jessica will be joining the hospitality team.”

Sarah nodded but made no comment. Jessica sighed theatrically. “Ed darling, is this going to take long – I have a hair appointment this afternoon?”

“You won't be able to make your appointment,” Ed answered smoothly, “I'm afraid the rest of the afternoon is spoken for.”

Jessica looked annoyed but Ed continued. “Sarah will show you around the stadium and introduce you to everyone and then she will leave you with the Hospitality team.”

Jessica began to protest but Ed cut her off. “I'll pick you up at the end of the day and then tomorrow you can drive yourself here and start work. Sarah – over to you.”

He swept from the room before either of the women could protest and it was a few seconds before either of them spoke again.

“Well I suppose we had better get on.” Sarah said through gritted teeth.

“Let's get this over with.” Jessica agreed sulkily.

The tour was an ordeal for Sarah – it soon became clear that Jessica was a horrible person! The next couple of hours fell into a predictable pattern. Each time Jessica was introduced to a female member of staff she treated them appallingly. She would either pass some sarcastic comment or just be incredibly rude. She received a mixed reaction from the various ladies. Some just ignored her comments, others seemed a bit in awe when they discovered she was Ed's cousin but a few simply played her at her own game. Lisa in the ticket office looked and listened then simply said. “I'm busy now – would you mind awfully if I ignored you some other time?” For once Jessica seemed totally bewildered.

However, Sarah was amazed at the change in Jessica when she was introduced to any of the men who worked at the stadium. She suddenly turned into a giggling, flirtatious little girl – and the men loved it – with one exception. Sarah had taken Jessica down to meet the ground staff and Jessica had immediately started to flirt outrageously with Jason. Sarah couldn't understand it but she felt somehow betrayed by Jason and made sure he understood that she wasn't happy with him. Poor Jason was completely confused and was struggling for something to say when his father entered the room. Jessica was introduced and once again began her little-girl-lost act but Fred was having none of it.

“So you're Ed's cousin?” he said with a smile.

Jessica preened and nodded her head.

“Aye love,” he continued, “I can see the family resemblance – and Ed dyes his hair as well!”

Sarah ushered a red-faced Jessica out of the office and turned to give a thumbs-up to Fred, whilst at the same time glaring at Jason. She then led Jessica along the corridor to the hospitality team offices. Sarah introduced Jessica and then left them to it – Jessica didn't offer a word of thanks, just simply turned her back. Sarah was furious – she couldn't believe how obnoxious Ed's cousin had been!

As she packed her bag to drive home she compared the two women she had encountered that day. She had instantly took a shine to Sue but the opposite was true with Jessica. Sarah believed that the two women were poles apart and wondered idly what would happen if their paths ever crossed.


Luke spent the whole of June preparing to join the Wishton Clough squad. They were due to start back in pre-season training the first week in July and Luke was scheduled to meet up with them for the first time on the second day of training. He'd had a brief meeting with a couple of junior club officials and had been given a full list of things he could and couldn't do. These instructions were mainly to do with confidentiality clauses – the club wanted him to write a weekly column for the local newspaper but they didn't want him revealing any secrets. It didn't sound as if he would have much to talk about.

The club also issued Luke with his squad number. They actually consulted him rather than just pick a number at random and they were quite amused when Luke opted for number 46 – which was his age! The largest amount of paperwork was concerned with Luke's health. Even though he was never expected to play for either the first or reserve team, Luke still had to have a full medical – for insurance and other reasons. It was decided to use an independent assessor so Luke spent a full morning in a clinic in Manchester being prodded and poked before they announced that he had a clean bill of health. In fact the medical team were really impressed with Luke's level of fitness – and that was something he intended to maintain.

Luke knew that he would be under the spotlight in the coming weeks and he was determined not to embarrass himself or his family. His plan of action was to keep a low profile and just try to join in wherever possible. He knew he had a more than decent level of fitness and in the weeks leading up to meeting the team he stepped up his training.

He spent most of each day swimming, running or working in the gym but he also spent an equal amount of time with Yoga, Pilates and meditation. He realised as he had grown older that it was important to keep his body as supple as possible – he had read somewhere that Ryan Giggs at Manchester United had followed a similar regime. He mixed things up as much as possible – some days he would run for miles in the countryside with Biff by his side, other days he would pound away on the exercise equipment whilst watching various news and sports channels – but always he would warm up and down properly.

The Wishton squad reported back for training on the first Monday in July and the assessment process began. They were all weighed and put to work checking on their fitness levels so that the backroom staff knew what kind of program had to be put together. There were also one or two new faces to welcome – Sandy had been busy over the summer recruiting new players but there had also been some who had left the club. The majority, however, had been at the club for a at least a couple of seasons now and Sandy was hopeful that the team spirit would continue to grow this year.

Towards the end of the first day the squad was assembled in the canteen attached to the training ground and they were addressed by their manager.

“It's good to have you all back boys.” he began. “Most of you are looking fit but one or two of you have probably enjoyed the Pina Coladas too much over summer!” He looked pointedly at a slightly chubby individual who promptly began to protest his innocence.

“I can't help it boss – it's me genes that make me put on weight!”

The rest of the team jeered and hooted.

“If you carry on at this rate Nobby – you won't be able to fit in your jeans!” Sandy roared with just a hint of a smile on his face.

Nobby Barnes held up his hands in a sign of good-natured defeat and the manager continued.

“I really think that this year we can win something – maybe something big and I know you all feel the same way.”

The team all cheered in agreement.

“We just need to stick together,” Sandy continued, “support each other and play like I know you can and the world is our lobster!”

The team dissolved into laughter and then Sandy held up a cautionary hand.

“One thing we need to be aware of is that tomorrow we will have the winner of the supporters club competition joining us. As far as I am concerned it's just a publicity stunt but you all know what I think about the chairman and his “ideas”. So be polite to the winner – his name is Luke Linden but don't worry – I'm sure that after a couple of training sessions we won't see him again.”

The players grinned and the meeting broke up as they headed to the showers. Only one player stayed back with Sandy and a few of the backroom staff.

“The boys are looking good boss.” said Andy Tiler, the team captain.

“Aye,” agreed Sandy, “for once they seem to have mostly stuck to a sensible diet over the summer – I think we may get off to a good start this season.”

“What about this Luke Linden?” asked Andy. “Do you see any problems there?”

“Hopefully not,” replied Sandy gruffly, “but there is one thing I didn't tell the lads – I found out that he has connections with some of the directors so maybe Tierney is up to something.”

“Well don't worry gaffer,” Andy smiled, “we'll keep a close eye on him.”

The following day Luke arrived bang on time at the training ground – his large black 4 wheel drive car not looking at all out of place amongst the various flashy vehicles on display. Luke felt good. In spite of his initial protests to his family he was looking forward to seeing what may come of this. Ed and Harry were waiting inside for him and if Ed was at all disappointed that Luke had won the competition he didn't seem to show it.

“Good morning,” he said happily to a small knot of cameramen, “this is our lucky winner – Luke Linden! Luke will be representing the fans as a member of the Wishton Clough squad this year!”

Ed was in full flow and went on to claim that it had been his idea to promote better ties between the club and the fans and he knew that this would be mutually beneficent for all concerned. He beamed as he posed for photographs with Luke and then he swept Luke away to meet the manager and the team. Soon they were all assembled in the canteen and Ed strode to the front with Luke.

“Gentlemen,” he announced, “it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you the winner of the supporters club competition – Luke Linden!”

Ed's announcement was greeted with less-than enthusiastic applause and Sandy moved forward to speak.

“Thank you Mr. Chairman,” he said, “we all know that without the fans there wouldn't be a club so we are all happy to welcome Mr. Linden today and we will do our best to look after him.”

“I'm sure that Luke doesn't want to be given any special treatment Sandy!” Ed grinned as he spoke, “Luke?”

“Thank you all for the warm welcome,” Luke began, “I'm very pleased to win the competition, I've been a Wishton supporter all my life and I'm very excited to be here with you today. I will try to be as unobtrusive as possible – and yes – I certainly do not want any special treatment.”

Luke didn't miss the grins that passed between some of the players and he smiled to himself – they would be in for a shock if they thought they were going to have a bit of fun with a star-struck fan!

“Well Luke, I'll leave you in the tender care of Mr. Dunbar,” said Ed “try not to cause too much trouble!”

“I'll be on my best behaviour.” replied Luke with a grin.

“I know what that usually means.” murmured Harry as he walked away.

Luke smiled and followed the manager out of the canteen and into the changing rooms. He was presented with an armful of training gear and led to his own locker.

“This is yours – for as long as you are here.” smiled Sandy. “You'd better get changed – we have to take the team photo.”

Luke changed quickly and locked his belongings into his locker. He made his way out onto the pitch towards where the players were assembling. The photographer was fighting a losing battle to get the team into some kind of order until Andy Tiler barked at the players and then they all finally did as they were told. Luke was told to stand in the back row and a few minutes later they were all free to move around again.

Sandy introduced Luke to Andy who in turn led him around all the other players and backroom staff. It was clear to Luke that although Andy was being polite he really didn't want Luke around. Luke waited until the introductions were finished and then he pulled Andy to one side.

“Look,” he began, “I know that most of you don't want me here – you think I will get in the way or worse but I promise you I will do my very best to keep from getting under your feet.”

Andy smiled grimly. “It's nothing personal – I'm sure you're a great bloke but this is our place of work – this is what we do every day to feed our kids and we can't afford any distractions. I'm glad you brought this up because you now know how serious we all are – right from the gaffer down to the apprentices. We don't have time to play the chairman's games.”

Luke smiled back. “I'm probably more suspicious of the chairman than you are but once again, I'll do my very best to keep out of your way – and who knows – I may not be as much trouble as you think!”

Andy shook his head and gestured Luke over to the fitness conditioners. “You'd better spend some time today with those guys – I'm sure that after you have had a taste of what we do every day you'll feel a little differently about being a part of this.”

Luke trotted across to the fitness team and began running drills with a small group of players. Within a few minutes he had forgotten about Andy and the rest of his potential problems and was starting to enjoy himself.

An hour later the head fitness coach, Dave Kingston, trotted across to Sandy and his assistant manager who were working with a group of first team players at one side of the field.

“Problem Dave?” asked Sandy.

“Sort of.” said Dave. “It's this competition winner.”

“What's he done?” barked Sandy. “He's only been here a few hours – don't tell me he's causing trouble already? I knew this was going to happen!”

Dave seemed unsure of how to proceed.

“Well,” shouted Sandy, “what the hell's wrong?”

“Nothing really.” Dave finally replied. “It's just that Luke Linden is twice as old as most of the players – and he's also probably the fittest person in that group!”

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