Strike (Completion Series) (3 page)

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Authors: Holly S. Roberts

BOOK: Strike (Completion Series)
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Chapter Four


I shouldn’t
have said anything more, but him thinking I’d leave my sister made me angry. “My brother’s inside too; he’s fifteen. I work some days and some nights; whenever I can get the hours. It’s not ideal, but it’s our only choice. My brother is very responsible.” I spoke so fast, my words tumbled together.

Reed gave a loud sigh. “Fuck.”

I did have some pride left because it came flaring back to life. “Don’t fucking pity us.”

I threw open my door and so did he. He followed me up to the door and Don
Gato rubbed against his pant leg.


I was back in my territory and feeling stronger. “You need to leave now.”

“I’m coming inside.”


There was steel in his voice.

“You’ll upset my brother.”

“Too fucking bad. Open the door.”

It pissed me off
, but I had little choice. I knocked on the door. The small curtain to the right of the door moved aside. An inside light came on and a slight thump sounded when Jon lifted the two-by-four barring the door. Our lock broke a few months ago, so I’d bought a padlock for the outside when we were away and hardware to hold the wood in front of the door when we were inside.

I walked up the two metal steps
. Reed followed. Don Gato scampered past us and ran to the back. He liked to snuggle with my sister, Bitsy, at night.

Jon stood
inside the door dressed in his boxers. He was skinny and tall, though he’d just begun filling out some. When dressed, most people looked at Jon with contempt. He’d adopted a Goth persona; the entire black underlord thing, including makeup. But he was my brother and he could do just about anything and I’d love him. I saw his body stiffen when he looked at Reed.

“Jon, this is Mr. Tyler.”

Reed put out his hand. “Please call me Reed.”

Jon looked down at
Reed’s hand and I could actually see the minute his sleepy brain processed the full name. His head jerked up as he looked closely at our guest.

e Reed Tyler.” Jon’s voice cracked on the last name.

. Are you going to shake my hand or should I put it down?” Reed said with humor.

Jon’s hand shot out and he shook hands with one of his idols. I’m sure Reed was used to it
, but I knew Jon would never forget this moment. Even Goth kids could like sports, and Jon loved baseball. When he released Reed’s hand, Jon immediately picked up his pants from the end of the couch and quickly pulled them on.

Bitsy sleep okay?”

“Yes, umm, she hasn’t woken up. I fell asleep a few hours ago.”

I saw Reed looking around the small space. Piles of books sat on the small foldout dinette, and there were a few boxes of food and a toaster on the three-foot-long counter. Bedding covered the couch because it’s where Jon slept. I slept in a double bed with my sister. Our home was a far cry from Reed’s mansion.

“You follow baseball
, Jon?”

Sometimes.” Jon wasn’t giving anything away. He might know Reed was famous, and worship the player, but that didn’t make his baseball idol a good person. In our small dirt-poor world, we learned quickly to distrust everyone.

Reed smiled. “I don’t see a television
. Do you have one in the back?”

noticed the redness creeping up my brother’s face. “No. If I have time, I listen to the games on the radio.”

Reed rubbed his jaw and I realized he did it when he wasn’t
sure what to think or say. “Do you play?”

…well, in the street around here I have, but I don’t play on a team.”

Teams cost money and it should be obvious by our surroundings that we didn’t have money.

“Jon has school in the morning and he needs to sleep, Mr. Tyler.”

“I t
hink you should call me Reed.”

I didn’t say anything. It wouldn’t matter
what I called him because in a few minutes, I would never see him again.

“Whose school books are those?”

Jon didn’t give me a chance to answer. “A few are mine.” He left it at that.

stepped closer to the table and looked at the titles.

His left eyebrow arched
as he read the title aloud. “
Analytical Concepts in Accounting

Again, my pride got the better of me and my voice sounded stiff. “I don’t plan to work at Tasty Burger my entire life.”

“How many classes are you taking?”

He needed to leave
, but I went ahead and answered. “Two each semester.”

He turned to my brother.
“What are your grades like, Jon?”


didn’t seem put off by Jon’s monosyllable answers. “What subjects do you like?”

My brother
surprisingly said, “English, literature, and history.”

I heard a slight rustle of material and
was first to notice my sister; her little hands rubbed her eyes as she looked questioningly at everyone in the room. In two steps, I picked her up, pressing her head to my shoulder. “Hey, sugar, you should be sleeping.”

She pushed her upper body away from
me, her big eyes going to the strange man in our trailer. “Who are you?”

I saw Reed’s reaction. Almost everyone had
a warm fuzzy moment when my sister gave the big-eyed stare. She was as adorable as they came. It’s the reason Jon and I were so protective; Bitsy was our world.

gave her a soft, calming smile and lowered his voice. “I’m Reed. Sorry about waking you up.”

“Sokay. Don Gato wanted his belly scratched.”

I rubbed her hair. “I’m putting you back to bed, sugar.” I quickly turned and headed to the back.

I could feel her little hand lift from my shoulder
, and from the corner of my eye, I saw her wave to Reed. Laying her on the bed, I pulled the covers up. “I promise to be in soon. Go back to sleep and I’ll make your favorite pancakes in the morning.”

“He’s pretty.”

Out of the mouths of babes. “Yes, he is.”

“Is he your boyfriend?”

I knew Reed could hear every word through the walls. “No. He’s just a nice man who gave me a ride home. That’s enough—sleep or no pancakes.”

“I love you
, Jaycee.”

My heart melted.
“Love you too, sugar. Goodnight.”

I slid the
accordion door so only an inch remained open. I turned and looked at Reed.

His deep voice remained low. “I need to grab something from my car and then I’ll let you all go to
sleep. I’ll be back in just a minute.” He opened the door and walked outside.

My brother’s huge eyes met mine.
“You brought Reed Tyler here. Did you know it was Reed Tyler?”

“Shh. We’ll talk after he’s gone.”

Reed stepped back in holding the shoebox with his balls. He placed them on the table on top of my accounting book before turning to my brother and shaking his hand.

“It was nice to meet you
, Jon.”

Jon just nodded.

Reed’s blue eyes turned and drilled into mine. “I hope those give you what you need. I’ll make sure the media knows I no longer own them.”

I couldn’t speak past the lump in my throat. I wanted to cry
, and, more than anything, I no longer wanted Reed Tyler’s balls.

Chapter Five


His car roared away while I
stood in stunned silence.

the hell’s in the box, sis?”

I walked to the table and lifted the lid, handing one of the Plexiglas
-encased balls to my brother. It was marked with a small plaque showing the name and date.

y shit, it’s a Babe Ruth.”

At least it was someone I’d heard of and I didn’t feel stupid.
I picked up another, lifting it to the dim light. Mickey Mantle, someone else I’d heard of, so I knew these balls were worth some money.

When word went out on the street that
Big Jim, the local fence, would pay ten grand for Reed Tyler’s autographed baseball collection, I had no idea exactly which balls I was after. I just figured that some dumbass rich jock could afford to lose them. I didn’t know Reed’s father gave them to him. I looked down. There was one more in the box. I peeked inside with my brother peering over my shoulder.

I picked it up.

Jon whispered, reverence dripping from his voice. “Joe Jackson. Holy shit, that’s Shoeless Joe’s signature.”

“Shoeless Joe?”

He rolled his eyes, turning the Plexiglas around and around, his mouth slightly open. I hadn’t seen that kind of animation on Jon’s face for years. It made him look much younger than our hard life made him act.

Our life sucked.


Sleeping next to my sister on the soft
, lumpy bed didn’t keep me from tossing and turning. Baseball’s Holy Grail collection was stashed under the box holding up the mattress. Jon helped lift the mattress to hide it, while Bitsy slept through the tilting of her bed. I’d told Jon almost the entire story, leaving out only that Mr. Tyler cut away my shirt and bra.

He’d turned away
from me, clearly fighting anger. “Why would you do that?”

“We need the money
, Jon.”

“So you tried to steal it
by breaking into a house. What if he’d called the police?”

“He didn’t

knew our situation. I think he even understood, but he had a right to be angry. If I’d been caught, he and Bitsy would be back in foster care. I lay in bed unable to escape the guilt I felt. Even if my brother didn’t blame me, I’d let him down. I tossed and turned slowly, trying not to wake Bitsy. Knowing what I had to do and doing it were two different things.

umbers ran through my head. I would cut out one of my classes next semester and look for a second job. We could survive until Jon graduated from high school. He had an excellent chance of getting an academic scholarship to a decent college. He’d lied to Reed. Against all odds, Jon was an excellent student. If I had another job, I could stash some money so I would be home at night with Bitsy after Jon went away to school.

but one possibility passed through my mind while I tried to sleep. Reed Tyler would get his balls back. I could never sell them.


I gazed in the small bathroom mirror at my bruised face. It was better than I thought it would look. I’d put my brown hair up in a tight bun in preparation for work. My mom, before she got sick, peered back at me. My nose was a little pointier, but my cheekbones were the same and so were my lips. Stupidly, I wondered if I looked like my father too because I didn’t have my mom’s green eyes; mine were hazel. My mom would never tell me who my father was, and knowing the amount of men who went in and out of her bed, I wasn’t sure she knew.

I worked the morning shift
then went back to the trailer and changed out of my ugly orange uniform before removing the shoebox from under the bed. I felt conspicuous with it in my arms, but no one had a clue what it actually held.

I took the bus then
walked the same path I had taken the evening before. In daylight, I noticed more opulence—the homes and yards, a dream of perfection that would never happen for me. I’d told Jon my plans and he wasn’t happy, though he wanted the balls returned too. I told him I might be late and he needed to take care of Bitsy.

“What’s new,” was his belligerent reply.
Jon never acted like that and I knew my desperate act made him feel impotent. Even at his age, he took it hard that he couldn’t care for us.

Jon had no life
but school, homework, and caring for Bitsy while I was at work. Our neighborhood wasn’t a place you made friends unless you were into drugs.

I knocked on the door
, but Reed didn’t answer. I looked at the front of the huge house then turned my eyes to a separate garage much bigger than our travel trailer. I couldn’t fathom this kind of life. No worries. Play a ball game to make your money, travel, and come home to a beautiful house. Life wasn’t fair and that was made clear to me from an early age.

I peeked around the corner of the house
and saw the window I’d broken was fixed. I don’t know why it made me feel worse, but it did. Sitting down on the porch steps, I waited.

Over an hour passed. The sun started to go down and a slight chill made me shiver. Reed had cut off my only
hoodie jacket and the long sleeved t-shirt I wore did little to protect me from the cold. I heard his car long before he pulled into the driveway. He didn’t drive the car around to the garage, just stopped in front of me. The door opened and his long legs swung out, his feet hitting the cement. I kept my head down.

“Should I be worried?”
His voice was gruff, but held an edge of humor.

I looked up. His sweatpants and tight shirt had me thinking he’d been at the gym.
Maybe it wasn’t humor I heard in his voice, because he wasn’t smiling.

“You got the window fixed.”
It was kind of a stupid thing to say.

“That’s what worries me. It didn’t stop you last night.”

I needed to get out of here as soon as possible, so I jumped up, leaving the closed box on the porch. “I don’t know why you gave me the baseballs, but I can’t take them. What I did was stupid and I don’t have an excuse. I won’t come back here or bother you again. Thank you for being kind to my brother after what I did. I told him the truth.” Heat rushed into my cheeks. “Most of the truth.”

Reed’s blue eyes remained on mine
, but he didn’t say anything. I hadn’t expected him to accept my apology. Putting my head down, I walked away. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. I hoped I didn’t need to wait long for a bus. It had become a little more than chilly.

“Where’s your jacket?”

I turned and gave Reed a small smile. “I’m thinking it’s in your garbage.”

“You don’t have another jacket?”

Different worlds, totally. “Unlike you, who probably owns several, no, I don’t have another jacket.”

“What about a coat?”

He would never understand. Shaking my head, I walked away.

The pull on my sleeve surprised me.

“I’m driving you home.”

or some reason this made me angry and I turned my toughest, don’t-mess-with-me look on Mr. Baseball. “I am not your little feel-good project. I’m sorry I broke into your house and someday, I’ll send you a check for the window. I also don’t need your charity, so thank you very much, but I’ll get myself home.”

It was my damn pride talking
, but, really, he was just too sexy, rich, and, God, the worst part—nice. I was the last person who deserved his goodwill.

’re such a pistol…get in the damn car.”

He was out of his mind. I tugged my sleeve away
, but he only took ahold of my arm. My gaze traveled from his fingers to his eyes. The intense blue sheen made me groan in frustration.

, I have just a little pride left,” I pleaded.

It didn’t discourage him.
“Freezing to death and leaving your sister and brother to fend for themselves helps no one.”

It was hard to
leave my stubbornness behind. I couldn’t help myself and gave him the nastiest look I could manage. Neither of us budged.

’ll pick you up and put you in my car,” he challenged.

I actually stomped my foot
, but held my unsecured hand up, stopping him when his shoulder dipped to lift me.

“Fine.” I slapped his hand away and marched around his car. He walked over, scooped up the box from his porch, and placed it in the trunk of his car. I was fuming and I’m sure if he looked closely, he woul
d see steam coming out of my ears.

amn egotistical jerk.

cranked up the car heater before adjusting the music volume so it blasted my eardrums. It was a heavy metal band I wasn’t familiar with, not that my knowledge of heavy metal was very large. I preferred Top 40 and I would have also preferred a nice long walk and bus ride home.

I wasn’t scared like I’d been the night before
, and sitting so close to him only made me aware of how gorgeous he was. I could also smell the slight musky scent of his sweat. I’d never thought sweat could smell good, but Reed managed the athletic jock thing too well. I glimpsed his strong arms and hands out of the corner of my eye as he turned the steering wheel. Then my mind went to other things, his giant cock to be exact. I pinched my arm, hard, so I would stop thinking about the part of his body I had no business thinking of.

He didn’t speak
the entire trip. I let my anger over his insistence on giving me a ride home build. I didn’t want my brother seeing Reed’s car again. I wanted my brother to forget the mess I’d made and forgive me for being so stupid.

pulled to the front of my trailer. I reached for the door handle, but he stopped me. “I won’t go inside, but there’s something in the trunk I want you to have.”

The man was exasperating.

“I will not take your balls.”

husky laughter rang out, drowning me in the sexy sound. Why couldn’t he snort like a pig or something just as ridiculous when he laughed?

’re very concerned about my balls,” he said when his laughter died away.

My smartass mouth took front and center
. “If you remember… I’ve seen your balls and it would be unsporting of me not to be concerned.”

, God, his eyes sparkled and I would do anything to take back my words and the thoughts they conjured.

Reed wouldn’t let it pass.
“I’ve seen a fair amount of you and that also causes me concern. So much concern that I didn’t sleep well last night.”

Mortification anyone?

“A gentleman wouldn’t bring that up.”

This time
, his laugh was plain evil. “A gentleman wouldn’t have cut away your shirt and bra. A gentleman wouldn’t have admired your tits. A gentleman wouldn’t do this…”

I had no time to prepare for what happened
next. His warm lips took mine at the same time his hands closed around my upper arms, trapping me. My entire body reacted to the kiss. I grew light-headed, my breasts ached, and my heart almost exploded out of my chest. But it was the taste of his mouth that had me squeezing my thighs together. I never knew anyone could taste this good. There was no description on earth that did it justice. I wanted to eat him whole.

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