Strike (Completion Series) (14 page)

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Authors: Holly S. Roberts

BOOK: Strike (Completion Series)
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If this was what he did at ball
games, I’d be damned if he was ever playing again. He moved down slowly, kissing my abs on his way.

“Let’s review the rules, shall we?”

My head was twisting back and forth. “I’m going to kill you if you don’t hurry.”

“Baseball is a civilized game and I’d hate to have you ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct.”

My heels sank into the bed as I tried to control my scream. His words, his husky voice, and, oh God, his lips were driving me wild.

His gravelly voice whispered across my flesh as he got back into position
. “Bases are loaded, baby, with two outs.” His tongue entered me. “It’s a full count.” He pinched my clit then added delicious pressure.

I had a feeling the more I objected the longer he would prolong the torture. It took every bit of control I had to relax
, but I managed. Slowing my breathing was impossible, but I stopped fighting what he did to my body.

“Just like that
, baby, I want it all.” Two fingers entered me. “Let’s see if I can hit a home run.”

I’d shut my eyes in order to relax
, though every nerve ending screamed for completion.

“Open your eyes for me
, baby, or you’ll miss the best play of the game.”

I watched him rise above me, his cock suddenly filling me in one deep thrust. He held himself still
, an intense look on his face, and there was no way I could shut him out.

“This is what you do to me every day
, Jaycee, and when you come to my bed at night it’s the bottom of the ninth. I’m so past ready for my time at bat and I can’t help burying myself deep inside you.”

The words “I love you” almost spilled from my lips
, but I couldn’t do that to him or to myself. Not now, at this moment.

“Hold on
, Jaycee.”

I wrapped my fingers around the bars of his bed. He moved back, sliding his length from inside me before impaling me again and again. I cried, I begged. He rode me until we were both past coherent speech and I loved every minute.

I loved Reed Tyler and my life would never be the same.

Chapter Twenty


He woke me up several times throughout the night. It didn’t matter that we were both sleep deprived. It only mattered that he was buried deep inside me, soothing my body with his, and making me explode over and over.

When his cell phone
chimed, sunlight bathed the room.

,” I heard him say as I tried to open my sleepy eyes.

He flew off the bed and started grabbing his clothes. I sat up
, bringing the sheet with me.

“Sal’s waiting to pick me up. He’s outside.”

This was it. My heart dropped as I noticed his suitcases beside his dresser. There were other things on my mind when I came into the room last night and I’d missed his luggage. I closed my eyes, pushing back tears. Everyone left me. It was always like this. I felt the corner of the bed dip and Reed’s lips against my forehead.

“I’ll visit a couple of weeks from now
, so it won’t be too long. I’ll call, and you’ll be busy with school and work.”

The tears slipped past my eyelids and I was
pulled into his arms.

, baby, I’ll be back before you know it.”

If I started talking, I would beg him to stay and it was so ridiculously stupid because he had a career and he loved baseball. I nodded against him
, but couldn’t let go.

I felt one of his arms loosen and then he spoke
into the phone in his Reed-in-charge voice, “Give me ten, Sal, and I’ll meet you out front.”

His clothes dropped to the floor and
he grabbed another condom from the drawer. He was on the bed loving me again in seconds. His body formed to mine as he pushed inside. I was swollen from the many times we came together throughout the night, but Reed felt perfect and the twinge of discomfort was delicious.

After I cried out
, Reed’s shout joined mine. Gently slipping from my body, he kissed my cheek, dressed, and left the room. I curled into a tight ball, allowing my tears to fall on the pillow. I was a complete wimp, but during my entire life, I’d never had anyone who really cared for me. My brother and sister depended on me and loved me, but I’d cared for them since long before I became a teenager.

My mother had been a mess for as long as I remembered. The wrong men, pathetic jobs, and three children she couldn’t
take care of on her own. None of the men stayed around and I didn’t even know if our three fathers knew she was pregnant by the time they left. I remembered how young I was and always trying to cheer my mom out of her sad moods whenever another man left. I never, in my entire life, remember anyone caring for me.

Until Reed.
He gave me and my brother and sister a better home. He employed me and gave me hope. He made arrangements so I would learn to drive. In all aspects of my life, he cared.

I swung my legs out of
bed, removed the sheets, and threw them on the floor. After I was presentable, I found more sheets in a linen closet and remade the bed. I carried the dirty bedding down to the laundry and started the load.

I found my brother asleep on the couch
in the loft and smiled for the first time that morning. The apartment was relatively clean and didn’t look like things had gotten out of hand the night before. I walked into my bedroom. I’d left my cell phone on my nightstand because Reed had his the night before in case of emergency. My eyes were heavy and I checked for messages. Reed’s text waited.

I miss you already and will call tonight.

Another smile tilted my lips before I closed my eyes and slept for another two hours. I awoke feeling better…stronger. I took a shower then walked into the kitchen.

, sis, want some eggs and toast?” Jon stood in a pair of black jeans, no shirt, and for him, a goofy smile.

. What’s got you so happy?”

“I like it here. Like school and the new friends I’ve met.”

I’d thought Jon would have such a hard time fitting in because of his Goth persona, but he proved me wrong.

“Does this have anything to do with a girl?” I couldn’t help asking.

He gave me a very adult eye leer. “Several girls, actually, but they’re friends. We had a good time last night. Did you?”

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. “Yes, I had a wonderful time.” I hesitated
, but this needed to be said, “Don’t get too attached here, Jon. You know it can be over in a heartbeat.”

Jon cracked a few more eggs before looking up at me. “I know
, Jaycee, but if we spend our lives living in fear of the bad times, we won’t enjoy the good. Reed had me call his gardener, Jose, and he’s coming a little later than usual tomorrow so I can help him with some of the landscaping. I need to pay Reed back, but I’m also learning to do something that will help me get part time work when I’m in college. I wasn’t planning to go to college, but now I think we can make it work even if what we have here doesn’t continue for long. I know I’m only fifteen, but I felt useless and now I don’t. Whatever happens we’ll make it work.”

This is what Reed gave my family—
a future. I wanted to cry again, but I walked over and wrapped my surprised brother in a tight hug.

“There was no way you were getting out of college
, bro.”

He laughed and squeezed me
back before releasing me to finish cooking the eggs. I put the bread in the toaster. After we sat down to eat, Jon told me about school and his new friends. I was amazed at how quickly he’d adapted, and I finally understood what he’d given up to care for Bitsy while I worked. We’d both made huge sacrifices and I realized, in Jon’s way, he took care of me. We took care of each other. Regardless of how my relationship with Reed turned out, the Shumways would be okay. I stopped feeling sorry for myself and felt much better.

Bitsy ran in the door followed by Maggie just as we
finished cleaning the kitchen. Talking a hundred miles an hour, she told me all about her night. I finally told her to gather her dirty clothes because we needed to go to the main house and do laundry. When she ran out of the room, I was able to talk to Maggie. Reed paid her whether she was cooking for him or not so we came to the agreement that she would cook for Jon and Bitsy on the two nights a week I worked at Tasty Burger.

I lay down in bed that night holding my cell phone hoping it would ring. I was almost asleep when Reed’s ringtone sounded. I’d never changed the music because it was so him and just the sound made me smile.

“Hello,” I answered with a sleepy whisper because Bitsy was in the room.

“Did I wake you?” He sounded tired too.

“No, I was waiting for your call.”

“Sorry it’s so late
, baby, we’ve been getting situated. The other players wanted to hit a club after dinner. I didn’t think we’d be out this long.”

Florida was ahead of Texas time and I knew Reed had had just as little sleep the night before as
I did.

“What’s your room like?” I asked so I didn’t say the three words I wanted to so badly.

“Four walls, two beds, bathroom, and a small sitting area with a television. What are you wearing?”

I laughed softly
. “Are these going to be those kinds of calls?”

Only when Sal’s not here. But I have a little time and I’m under the covers in case he walks in.” His voice had gone all low and throaty, making my thighs clench.

“I can’t talk dirty while I’m in the same room with Bitsy.”

I heard him groan. “I forgot. Go to my room.”

I giggled into the phone. “I’m not going to your room. It’s late and I have a busy day tomorrow.”

“You are seriously going to leave me hard and aching and go to sleep?”

“I didn’t make you that way.”

“Like hell you didn’t. I couldn’t even leave you this morning without fucking you again and that was after I don’t know how many times we did it during the night.” He actually sounded desperate.

“You should have better control.” I had to fight
to keep my voice from cracking and turning into laughter that was bound to wake my sister.

“You know two can play this game.
” He breathed heavily. “I’m hard, Jaycee. I’m naked with just the thin sheet covering me and imagining it’s your hand traveling over my cock. I can see you licking your lips and wanting to take me in your mouth.”

It was my turn to groan. “I’m hanging up now
, Reed.”

His whisper sent heat clear to
my toes. “You’re such a tease.”

The nerve. “Me?”

He chuckled. “Sleep well, baby, I’ll call tomorrow night.”

“I’m working the late shift
at TB.”

“I’ll call late then.”

“Okay, bye.” I hit end.

Chapter Twenty-Six


It felt strange to wander around Reed’s large home without him in it. I’d finished washing his sheets the day before along with my laundry. The cleaning crew would be
in tomorrow and I didn’t have driver’s training until the afternoon with the big test on Friday. I decided to tackle Reed’s paperwork again and create a spreadsheet to figure out what was what.

It took an hour to set up the spreadsheet
. As I started on the first stack of papers to add in the figures, the office phone rang. I debated answering, but quickly decided I should because it was one of my job responsibilities.

Message pen in hand, I answered, “Reed Tyler’s residence
. May I help you?”

“Who is this?” It was a decidedly female voice.

“This is Jaycee Shumway. May I help you?”

“I don’t know who you are
, but I will speak with my son immediately.”

, oh. “I’m sorry, but Mr. Tyler is unavailable.” There was no way I was telling Reed’s mom he was in Florida and I couldn’t believe she didn’t know.

“Take a message and get
it to my son.”

n’t she have his cell number? “Yes, ma’am. What is your message?”

“I am making a donation to the Audubon Society and he must approve the amount due to the size of the donation. Have him call me at once.”

The line went dead and I gently returned the receiver to the desktop. I didn’t want to bother Reed, but I wasn’t sure what to do. I compromised and sent him a text. An hour later, he called.

“Was she rude to you?” was the first thing he said when I answered.

“Not particularly; she just asked me to give you the message.”

“I’m in a hurry right now
, but I’ll call my attorney and take care of the problem. You doing okay, baby?”

Just the word
“baby” sent a thrill through me, which was completely ridiculous. “I’m good.”

“I’ll call tonight
. Gotta go.” He hung up.

I spent another hour on facts and figures before it was time for driving. Today I was headed to the freeway with rush hour traffic. Poor Tom had a heart made of steel
and I had a lead foot. I loved the thrill of controlling a vehicle. He didn’t make too many sounds of distress and I got myself back home in one piece.

Later, a
driver—yep, I gave in on this too— picked me up and drove me to Tasty Burger. I worked six hours, climbed into the car again and was driven home. Home was an awesome word when it wasn’t a tin can.

My phone rang just as I was walking up the stairs to the loft. I stopped and leaned against the railing.

“Hi.” My voice was all breathy, but it was only because I walked up the stairs. Who was I kidding? Reed’s ringtone made my heartbeat double.

“Are you home from work yet?”

“You caught me right before I opened the front door.”

“Go to my house and talk to me
there.” I could hear need in his voice and my heartbeat sped up.

I reversed direction
s. “Is Sal in the room?”

“No, but he’ll be back soon
. Hurry.”

I opened the door, deactivated the alarm, and whispered, “I’m inside.

“Go to my room
. I want to picture you on my bed. Take off your uniform, Jaycee.”

He was thinking about what I was wearing and I couldn’t help smiling. “I need to s
it the phone down.”

“Put it on speaker and keep it close.”

“You’re killing me, Reed.”

“Mmm, you kill me too. I think about you when I should have my head in the game.”

I turned the phone speaker on and set it down on the dresser.

“I want to know when you get to your bra and panties. Hurry
, Jaycee.”

I pulled my top over my head while slipping out of my shoes. Unzipping my pants, I pulled them off and flung them aside. “I’m there
, Reed. Can you hear me?”

“You’re not even close to there
, baby, but I promise you will be. Lay down on the bed. Move the phone to the pillow.”

I did what he said. “Okay.”

“Cup your breasts.” He waited a moment. “What color is your bra?”

“White.” It was the only color I owned.

“I like white, but I’ll add some color to your wardrobe so you can feed my phone sex fetish.”

I giggled. “You have a phone sex fetish?”

“I do now. Stop talking, baby, and do what I say.” Dominant Reed was taking over. I could hear it in his voice. “Pinch your nipples over the material.”

He was seriously going to kill me. My groan was soft
, but he heard it. “Harder, Jaycee. I want you feeling it in your clit.”

“Where do you get this stuff?” I asked with a louder groan.

“It’s what you do to me. Now release your nipples and slide your hands under the material. Tell me what you feel.”

“You’re embarrassing me.” He was also turning me on and this was all taking place over the phone. How would I ever live without this man who could do this to me with only his voice? My pussy was wet
, and more than anything, I wanted him in bed with me.

“Tell me
, Jaycee.”

“Ahh, they’re warm and soft.”

“What about your nipples?”

My breathing picked up
. “They’re hard and sensitive. They want you, Reed.”

He ignored my words.
“I want your hands moving down over your silky skin to the top of your panties. Do it now.”

I slipped my fingers from under my bra and skimmed them over my flesh all the way to my panties. Reed didn’t wait for me to tell him they were there.

“Just one hand, Jaycee. Flatten the other on your stomach. Now move your hand underneath the material and find your clit.”

I was past
all embarrassment now and craved what he asked. My fingers went through my folds while my head moved back and forth on the pillow, my breathing rough.

“Pinch your clit between your finger and thumb. Squeeze it tighter and make it hard for me.” His voice was low and husky, almost urgent
, and I wondered if he had his hand around his cock. He had to.

“Move those fingers lower and slip two inside your pussy. Bring the other hand down and use it to rub you clit. Put your hips back on the bed
, Jaycee.”

, God,” I groaned. “Do you have a camera in here?” I would kill him.

.” His husky laugh ran over me. “But I know you. I know your body. Hips down, fingers in, and push on your clit.”

“Are you rubbing yourself
, Reed? Please tell me.” My question was desperate.

“I’m stroking my cock just for you
, baby. Are your fingers in?” I couldn’t miss the catch in his breath and it increased my own desire.

, they’re in.”

Draw them out slowly and then I want you to lick your fingers.”

I couldn’t believe this.

“Jaycee, taste yourself now.”

The slid
e of my fingers leaving my pussy was almost painful. I needed them there, but the urgency in Reed’s voice turned me on too and I wanted to give him this.

“I want to hear it,
” he hissed out.

I turned my head slightly so my lips were almost touching the phone while sucking my fingers into my mouth. Saliva pooled
because of his words before I tasted myself, but it made the sound wetter and so much naughtier.

, Jaycee, I’m going to blow. I wanted to drag this out, but I can hear you sucking. I swear I feel it on my cock, your lips just on the head. Christ, lick your fingers.”

I made sure he heard it
, but the joke was on me because my clit quivered and I pressed down harder with my other hand. I moaned loudly.

“Put them back inside you and finger fuck yourself
, but move the phone lower. I know you’re wet and I’ll hear it.”

I didn’t waste any time. I needed my fingers inside me. My hips came up and met my slick fingers as they entered my pussy. I circled my clit with my other hand like Reed would do. He did know my body.
The squishy sound of my fingers in my pussy was loud, but so was my breathing. I smiled because I could hear Reed’s too. I cried out suddenly and pressed my fingers in deep keeping them still.

“Don’t stop
, baby, I’m almost there.”

I didn’t want to move my fingers
, but I did and it felt so good. Reed’s loud groan thrilled me and I rode out the sensation until the walls of my pussy finally stopped spasming.

“Pick up the phone
, Jaycee, and take it off speaker.”

My fingers were wet and I would need to sanitize my poor phone so I didn’t need to worry about someone else touching it.

“Rub your wetness over the faceplate, baby.”

“How did you know?”
I croaked.

His husky chuckle sent another thrill through me. “Because my hands are wet with me and so is my phone now. I want you to think of me every time your lips talk against the phone.”
He laughed again. “I need to end our call and jump in the shower before Sal comes in. If he finds me like this, he’ll ask to switch rooms. Goodnight, Jaycee. Think of me.”

He ended the call
without another word. My kinky baseball player was perfectly evil and I loved it.

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