Street Safe (14 page)

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Authors: W. Lynn Chantale

BOOK: Street Safe
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“Shh, you’re safe,” he murmured against her ear, stroking her hair.

It wasn’t until he spoke that she realized she was crying. Mortified, she tried to pull away only he held her fast.

“I’m sorry,” she stammered. “I’m not usually like this.”

His throaty chuckled warmed her insides. “Neither am I.”

He smoothed her hair from her face, before clearing her tears with his thumbs. “You’ve been through a lot today. You’re entitled to a few tears.”

She shook her head. “I should probably leave or something.”

“Now why would you do that?”

She searched his face. Despite the calmness of the question his eyes were bright with an emotion she couldn’t define.

“I said I’d keep you safe and I will.”

Shoving at his shoulders, she pushed off his lap. “Is that all?” She shook her head. “We can’t keep doing this.” She searched his face. This constant changing kept her unsure of where she stood in his life and with a baby on the way she needed some type of stability. “Every time we’re around each other we end up having the most amazing sex and then it all goes wrong. I don’t want to be some obligation you feel you need to protect, because someone told you to.”

A veil fell over his face. He looked away, but not before a shadow of guilt flickered in his light brown eyes. At least she thought it was guilt.

She held her breath and glanced away. Maybe her sister was right about Rue after all. Walking away the first time had been easy, a little bitter to swallow, but it had been a lot easier when her heart wasn’t so fully open to him. When he didn’t answer, she sucked in a breath.


He opened his mouth and closed it as a knock reverberated on the door. With a huff, she snatched up her discarded clothing and stalked from the room.


Street ran a hand over his scalp, the raised scar, grazing the heel of his hand, and watched the ripe swell of her ass as she sashayed away. A pang of remorse whispered through his heart. Telling her how he felt at this point wasn’t an option. He didn’t care if he pissed her off, he would keep her safe.

“Open the door Callan!”

He shook his head a faint smile tipping his lips. Miles. Impatient as always. Street searched the room for his pants. With his leg protesting he pushed out the chair and retrieved his clothing.

“Hold your horses!”

Struggling into his jeans, he kicked his underwear beneath the small loveseat. He’d retrieve them later. Damp sex and burning wood clung to the air. There was nothing he could do about that now. He limped to the door, unlocked it and jerked it open.

“About damn time.” Miles groused and pushed past him. “Where’s Na’arah?”

Street listened a moment, the slight creak of the faucet permeated the apartment. “Bathroom.”

“Has she said anything else about what happened?”

He shrugged and let the door close. Favoring his right leg he crossed to where he’d set the food, washed his hands and removed the white to go containers. A pang of guilt stabbed at him. He should’ve made sure she ate before he ravished her, but he’d been so damn jealous.

“Nope, and I didn’t ask.” He dumped rice onto a plate, then spooned curry over the waiting rice. Thick chunks of chicken, mingled with tidbits of coconut and tomatoes, wafted their warm and fragrant scent to his nostrils while the spices reminded him he hadn’t eaten in a while either. He popped the plate in the microwave.

“I sent someone by her place.”

An inquisitive note hung in his voice.

Street glanced up, then back on his task. “Let me guess, someone broke in.”

Miles smiled, went to steal a piece of naan bread and Street smacked his hand. “Ow!”

“For Na’arah.”

He chuckled. “Fine, but I need to see her.”

Every cell in his body went on point. Street didn’t need to look up to know she’d entered the room.

“She’s right behind you, but don’t upset her. She’s been through a lot.”

“Hi Miles.”

The microwave dinged and Street retrieved the plate. Na’arah slid onto a stool just as he set the steaming plate of food in front of her. A folded piece of naan bread sat to one side.

“Hi Arah.” Miles set a crumpled paper bag next to her elbow.

Street gritted his teeth at the familiar use of Na’arah’s name. He swept his gaze over her. She’d left her hair loose, the silky ebony tresses curled around her shoulders. She dressed in another of his shirts, this one black, but was she still wearing his shorts? His groin tightened at the thought. He didn’t need to be thinking about the satiny slide of her skin against his when Miles was in the room. Instead he focused on the bag.

“What’s that?”

“I found Arah’s purse beneath the counter.”

“Thank you. Everything I own is in my bag.”

Miles patted her shoulder and Street straightened. Na’arah’s head snapped up and regarded him with wary eyes. He glanced at Miles in time to see him stifle a grin. It was then he realized he growled.

“I’ll let you finish your meal, I need to talk to Street here.”


Na’arah watched the two men walk away. She focused on Street’s uneven gait. The limp only added to his confident swagger. God, the man had a great butt. Once they disappeared into the hall she studied the brown paper bag and some of her earlier apprehension returned.

Setting her fork aside, she opened the bag and removed her purse. The long, narrow strap was stained with blood and her stomach gave an uncomfortable lurch, but she forced herself to look through the contents. She needed to know everything was intact. Removing her wallet she thumbed through the cards, heaving a sigh when her ID and credit card were still there.

She was at the sink washing her hands when they returned.

Miles stood, glanced at Street then back at her. She wasn’t sure what was just conveyed, but she knew it had something to do with her. “I hope you don’t mind staying with Callan here until we get these men in custody. As quiet as it’s kept, Street is one of our volunteer deputies. We’re a small town and it won’t be long before whoever is looking for you knows your name or even where you’re staying.”

She pressed her hands to her face as the bottom seemed to drop from her world a second time. “But what about my apartment? I can’t just leave it.”

“Yeah, about that. Your place isn’t safe either. I know you need essentials, but don’t go there by yourself. Take Callan with you.”

“I can see that she gets what she needs.”

Miles ducked his head, but not before she saw his smirk. “I figured as much.” He pulled a small clear evidence bag from his pocket. “Did you lose a button?”

She shook her head and studied the brass object. The intricate nautical design on the face.

“You recognize it?”

“Yeah, but I can’t remember from where.” She looked at Miles. “Somewhere recently. I’m sorry I can’t be of more help.”

He smiled and dropped the bag back in his pocket. “You’ve been a big help. More than you think.” Miles touched his hat as he opened the door. “Don’t annoy her too much, Callan. She’s had a rough day.” Then he was gone.

Muffled laughter seeped into the silence. Everybody had their own lives to attend and no one knew her world was spinning out of control.

“You’re safe with me, Na’arah.”

She snapped her attention to his face. “I know you don’t want me here and you’re only doing it because Miles made you. I can stay with my sister.”

He flinched. “I volunteered to bring you here. Besides, Auggie wouldn’t want me to abandon you.”

Somehow she’d hoped she was more than just an obligation. How could he burn hot one minute and treat her so coldly the next? Tears blurred her vision and she stared into the fire. Exhaustion sagged her shoulders and a tension headache pulsed behind her eyes.

“Do you mind if I lay down for a bit?” Anything to put more distance between them.

“There’s another bedroom. You can sleep there.”

He brushed past her, the brief contact enough to send desire scurrying through her limbs and she wrapped her arms around her waist. He turned right and opened a door she hadn’t noticed earlier. “It even has its own bathroom.”

She moved in front of him, careful not to touch him. The queen bed faced the door, a chest of drawers sat to her right and she could make out an open door just beyond that. Just a basic room. She faced him. Maybe staying with him wasn’t the best idea after all.

“I could stay with Zee. She won’t mind coming to get me.”

A frown tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Why drag her into this and put her in potential danger?”

Na’arah twisted the hem of her shirt. She hadn’t thought of that.

Street ran a hand over his head. “You’re not leaving here until we find who’s responsible for Auggie’s death. Miles and the rest of his crew hangs out here. And with the festivities this weekend, it would be better if you just stayed here.”

She studied him a moment. “Fine, but I need to go to my place.”

“In the morning.” He turned away. “Holler if you need anything.”

Her jaw dropped. After everything and all he could say was holler if you need anything. Unbelievable! She wasn’t staying here, not with her body still tingling from their earlier encounter and him being so distant. No, she’d take her chances with her sister.

She pushed past him and headed for the phone.

“Where are you going?”

“I’ll stay with my sister.”

He snatched the phone from her hand and shoved it in his pocket. “We just had this conversation.”

Ignoring him, she stalked across the floor to the door. She succeeded in turning one lock when he jerked her away. He spun her around to face him, pushing her back to the unyielding door. “What is wrong with you?”

She shoved at his chest. He didn’t even sway. “What’s wrong with you?”

He gritted his teeth. “If you’re going to become hysterical, fine, but leaving is not an option.”

“You don’t want me here.”

“I volunteered!”

She shoved again. This time he jerked her to her toes as temper flared in his honey-brown depths. Maybe she went too far. “You don’t even want me. You never have.”

He blinked. For a second she thought he would release her. Instead he hoisted her over his shoulder. Her stomach bit into the hard muscle as he carried her across the room, her hair falling forward. “What are you doing? Put me down.” She thumped her fists on the hard muscles of his back and he brought his hand down on her behind in a stinging slap. “Ow!”

“Be still.”

And for good measure he spanked her again, then rubbed her stinging cheeks. Sparks singed nerve endings she didn’t know she had, while dampness clung to her thighs.

“Then put me down.”

Another stinging slap followed by his hand rubbing small circles on her backside. A soft moan left her lips before she could rein it in.

He dumped her in the middle of his bed. Masculine spice rose around her and she swept her hair from her face. She scrambled to her knees and saw a spark of passion ignite in his eyes.

“You move off the bed and I promise I’ll tie you to it.”

“Don’t toy with me, Rue. I can’t deal with the emotional yo-yo right now.” Her gaze remained steady on his as his hands went to his waistband. She held her breath as he undid the button on his jeans.

“I’ve tried to spare your feelings, but you insist on pursuing me. The more I push you away the more you keep coming back.” He whipped off his shirt.

Saliva pooled in her mouth at the expanse of toffee colored skin before her. He was perfect. Finely sculpted muscles provided the perfect backdrop to the colorful dragon tattoo marking the right half of his torso. Even the flames disappearing into the waistband of his jeans seemed real enough to burn. She wanted to follow the trail and see if he’d heat up as well.

“Why do you run?”

“Why do you keep chasing me?” He pushed his pants down, and his erection jutted out proud and ready.

She reached out and stroked the velvety tip. A drop of his essence landed on her fingertip. Holding his gaze she brought the offering to her mouth. Her tongue flicked the salty gift from the tip and she watched his eyes widen.

“I never wanted anyone else.” She wrapped her hand around the smooth hard shaft and stroked him from tip to base. His hips jerked and he pushed into her fist.

“You should. I’m damaged and will be for the rest of my life.”

“Is that how you see yourself?” She marveled at the texture of him in her hand. Rigid and soft. Velvet and iron. Over and over she caressed him, enjoying the breathy groans emanating from his throat. She leaned closer and blew her breath across the head, before sticking out her tongue and curling it around the tip.

He threaded his fingers through her hair and tugged on the tresses. She stared up at him, expectantly.

“I do want you. I always have.”

The admission was what she was waiting for and she wrapped her lips around him. He tried to thrust farther into her mouth, but she pulled back.

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