Stranded but not Alone (Midnight Moanings Collection) (6 page)

BOOK: Stranded but not Alone (Midnight Moanings Collection)
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“How many shots did you take before we left the hotel, Sim?”

“I don’t know twenty or twenty-five. They’re all in there,” she offered. “Go ahead and run the slide show.”

He took the laptop and crouched down on the mattress they’d brought out. Simone eased down on her knees beside him while resting along his back. She reached over his shoulder and changed the screen to show different angles and her gentle scent clouded his mind.

“That picture was taken from those big leather club chairs in front of the fireplace. See the buffet table? I caught the red-headed guy coming off the elevator. He’s either a guest or visiting someone.”

He glanced over his shoulder and stroked a hand down her face. “Then you’re not safe. Don’t you remember me standing beside you at the fireplace? They think we’re a couple. Maybe saw us go off into the woods at the same time.”

“And pulled our luggage so it appears like we wanted to stay out here.”

“Or knew the van was going over the cliff. When the authorities follow the tracks up the mountain and see our bags…” He broke off  in disgust. “They’ll come looking for us as the murderers.” He bolted up, grabbing his wet boots.

“I’ll go with you,
those finish drying, mister.”










They were being hunted by an unknown person or persons and she put her life in the hands of a stranger. Simone sat curled up on the lumpy sofa, keeping an eye on Seth changing the angle of his boots drying in front of the fire as he sat on the mattress. His long legs bent at the knees, bare feet long and masculine. Feet and shoulders were her thing and his sat high on her scale.

Seth held the blanket open after slipping under the covers. “We should get some sleep while it’s snowing. Nobody’s coming up the mountain or through the woods tonight mainly because the animals will be out looking for food. It’s too dangerous.”

“I’ll sit up for a while and braid my hair. You go on to sleep. I’ll turn your boots again before I go to bed,” she said and kept her eyes on the laptop as Seth pushed up off the floor both blankets in hand and sank down beside her on the sofa. The old cushions dipped under his weight.

“Set the laptop on the mattress and lie under the covers with me,” he said, stretching out behind her, tucking his feet under the back cushions of the couch. Simone cantered forward as his long legs pushed at her butt.

“What are you doing?” Her rushed tone sounded like a plea.

“You camped out as a kid. Don’t you know about the benefits of sharing body heat?”

“It’s not cold in here, Seth. The stove is working just fine.”

She caught the half grin tugging the corner of his mouth as he held the blanket open for her to join him. Five o’clock shadow should be a registered weapon on him.

“I offered the mattress, but you turned me down.”

“Alright you win. The mattress is fine.”

“Too late. Besides you had no problem being so close to me when I was naked in the tub.”

“You were vulnerable. I could’ve taken you on if you tried anything.”

“Mmm hmm,” he muttered and laid one arm behind his head. His long legs rubbed her butt as he fumbled around until he was comfortable.

“Are you married, Seth?”

“No,” he said.


“No.” He raised up on his elbow. “We’ll both sleep better if we’re warm. After the hike tomorrow, you’re gonna wish you got some sleep.” Seth hooked an arm around her waist and waited. She gave in and tucked her feet under the covers.

“If I start to cry, it’s not because of you.” She snuggled her back to him.

“Turn around, you’ll be warmer. Tell me, why would you cry, Simone?”

She took a breath then exhaled and balanced on the strip of sofa to cuddle into that wide chest she’d stared at all day. His arm closed over her ribcage against her back, holding her wedged between his legs. His warm breath caressed her cheek. She blew out a breath. Keeping this bottled up was not helping her to mourn her child properly.

“Four months ago my boyfriend walked out on me when I told him I was pregnant.”

His hand lifted from her back, just enough for her to notice him become uncomfortable. Tucking his chin against his chest, he ducked his face to hers. His eyes darted from her stomach to her face.

“You’re pregnant, Sim?”

The pit of her stomach flipped as the word formed in her mind, leaving a stain on her heart that would be a part of her forever. “Miscarried.” She sighed.

“The father?” His voice was a bark of anger, unreleased anger from deep inside him.

“The father wanted nothing to do with his baby. Oh, he offered to take care of his financial responsibilities, but he just couldn’t handle being a father.”

“You went through that alone?”

“No, my family saw me through most of it,” she said, her voice just above a whisper. “My girlfriend, Kim, and my mother suggested this trip. They said the fresh air would reinvigorate me.”

“This guy—he offered money and left you with the responsibility of raising his kid?”

“Shocked me too,” she confessed. “He did call me before I left the states.”

“For what—?” his tone surly.

“Don’t worry. He’s a part of my past. However, his company needed a freelance photographer for a customer… a cruise ship line.”

“You’ll work with him after what he did?”

“I turned it down. They asked me to take a few weeks to think about the offer. They claimed I would be working with their chef. I’ll be honest with you. I’m freelance and that kind of exposure could do wonders for my career. Even though Ronald wasn’t the right man for me, when it comes to business, he’s  the best,” she said and caught the tightness in Seth’s jaw that rested on the top of her head. “I’ve accepted that he wanted the single Simone, not the Simone that’s ready to start a family. Walking around cursing him out all day only drains me and will make it harder to accept true love when it comes my way.” She peered up at Seth’s whiskered chin. “You okay?”

“Your reaction to sharing a bed makes sense now.”

“Sharing the bed wasn’t the issue, like you said, it’s a part of camping,” she said, feeling heat rise to her face, as she hated to admit what she was about to. “I have nightmares of losing my baby. I wake up crying which is not something I want to share with a stranger.”

“I think my chest is big enough to catch a few tears, Simone,” he assured her while stroking her back. “You’re caring, intelligent, and a very pretty woman. You’ll find the right guy and have that child,” he pointed out.

“Oh, I’m not giving up, just lying low for a minute.”

“My chest is all yours while you do that.”









The next morning Seth woke with his regular hard-on cradled against Simone’s thigh. He cracked a soft smile and rose up on his elbow to find her tucked beneath him on the sofa. A soft smile greeted him. His thigh was pressed between her legs, the heat of her core saturating his skin through his jeans.

“It’s six-thirty, I made coffee. It’s on the stove.”

“Mmm… so you did,” he said and made no effort to move. “Do I lie here and enjoy how good you feel or should I be a gentleman and get off you?”

“I got cold so I added more logs to the stove, made some coffee, and then crawled back under you. You’re like a furnace.”

Through tired eyes that were barely open into slits, he peeked at the time on her laptop.

“What time you say it was?”

“Six-thirty,” she repeated. “What time do you want to head out?”

“Let me get off you so I can think straight.”

“You’d have that erection regardless of who’s lying beside you,” she said with a smile. “But thanks for trying to make me feel attractive and for insisting we sleep together. Last night was the first time in weeks I slept without waking up with tears dried on my face.”

He dropped a kiss on her forehead. “I need the toilet. Stay under the covers until the room heats up more.” He stumbled to the bathroom. Once inside, he cursed under his breath. Simone was turning out to be a temptation he didn’t need.

Seeing her huddled on the sofa after coming back from the bathroom, he wanted to jump under the covers and stay there for the rest of the day. She looked so damn soft, skin flushed from sleep. He was screwed. He had to step away from her.

He quickly pulled on his boots and jacket. “I think I’ll check around outside while it’s still early… see what tracks, if any, are out there,” he stuttered, fumbling with the zipper on his jacket. “You stay in here keep warm.” Hands slipping on the doorknob, he caught the soft smile at the corner of Simone’s lips as she watched him fight with the door. Stepping outside, the cold air was just what he needed. He’d breathed her scent in all night while listening to her soft moans as she slept curled under his chin. What would he do with a woman like her? He knew what he couldn’t do and that was give her a child. He didn’t miss the longing in her eyes for a baby. Stepping over downed branches, he realized the best thing for him was to enjoy her company but get her back to America. 

The ground appeared mushy in some places and half-frozen in others. It was time to leave.

“Well,” Simone said, holding a cup of coffee when he came through the front door. “I left it black for you. There’s sugar on the counter,” she said before sipping from her own cup.

“Thanks.” Accepting the cup, he drank it black. “It’s pretty bad out there as far as hiking goes. The snow is turning into rain now. One of us is bound to slip if we try going down the mountain in this muck. Our only shot is to go up. We’ll hit hiking trails. They’ll be easier to manage.”

“Let me brush my teeth and change my clothes. Then I’ll be ready to go.”

“You’re being a good sport about all this, Simone. I appreciate it.”

“Come on. I have some almonds and granola to go with that coffee.”




The rain in the mountain fell in torrents that day and held the two of them hostage to its effects. There was no way to get up or down the mountain without some sort of hiking equipment. Simone found the more she let her guard down with Seth, the more she liked him. However, finding out he lived in London was disappointing. She knew she would never see him again after she got on the plane. Which she should’ve been fine with, but something was happening between them. 

“You know, Seth, finding your brother could turn out nice. You might have a sister in-law and some nieces or nephews.”

“He’s not married and works in finance down in the city. I also found out that he helps out up here at his family’s hiking cabin.”

A scratching noise outside stopped the conversation.

“Close the stove door. I’m going out.” He tucked his knife in the sheath at his hip. If I whistle, sneak outside and hide in the woods behind the house. I’ll meet you there when it is safe.”

“Alone?” she barked, grabbing his arm and turning in to face him. “You’re going out there by yourself? What if there is more than one guy?”

“I’m certain there is,” he said as if that explained everything.

She angled her body along his, her hand on his abs, and held his stare. “Are you crazy? You don’t know what or who is out there.”

“Only one way to find out,” he said.

Simone wanted to pull his face to hers and kiss that arrogant smug off his mouth. She was starting to really like him and now he wanted to play tough guy. No fighting a military man she knew from listening to her mother give in on things her father refused to budge on.

“Don’t be a hero out there,” she warned him, letting her fingers trail off his sweater, tugging as she went. “I’ll pack our things.”

“Grab a few knives out the drawer in case we need them,” he told her and left her standing there as he crept out the door.

Going through the one drawer under the counter, Simone grabbed three butter knives, a dull steak knife, and four forks. She thought about it for a minute then snagged the spoons too—never know what you might need. Hanging on the side of the counter from a nail was a thin scrape of material once a kitchen towel. She wrapped it around the silverware.

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