Storm of Arranon Fire and Ice (22 page)

Read Storm of Arranon Fire and Ice Online

Authors: Robynn Sheahan

Tags: #adventure, #action, #fantasy, #battle, #young adult, #science fiction, #aliens, #good vs evil, #light romance, #strong female protagonist

BOOK: Storm of Arranon Fire and Ice
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Jaer, I don’t want to wake up. I want to
stay with you

A voice pulled her.

Before consciousness fully claimed her,
she said
, “
I’ll be back, Jaer

“Erynn, you’re scaring me. Please wake

Erynn rolled her head toward the voice. She
worked at opening her eyes. Syrana’s blurred face hovered in front
of her, resolving into sharp clarity.

Worried. She’s worried. Jaer wouldn’t be.
He knows me

Erynn sighed, wishing she could have stayed,
watching Jaer. “I’m all right. Must have fallen asleep.”

Syrana stood up, still holding Erynn’s hand.
“You were talking out loud.” She tipped her head. “Tell me about
Jaer. You’ve spoken of little else since you got here.” Syrana
dropped her gaze. “When you sleep, that is.”

Tine rushed through the outer door. “The Anim
Blath.” He sucked in air. “They grow dim.”



Erynn followed Tine and Syrana outside. The
first thing she noticed was Socar Batahs and Shifters standing
outside their cabins, staring up to the high, rocky ceiling. The
Anim Blath pulsed with a rapid beat, brightening and dimming. Even
in the warmth of the cavern, Erynn shivered.

“What’s wrong, Tine? Is Dhoran coming?” Erynn
studied the shifting mass surging above.

“Dhoran?” Tine’s voice wavered.

If Tine said anything more, his words were
lost in the sudden deep cacophony of vibration that filled Erynn’s
mind. Instead of the Anim Blath’s familiar sweet, spicy scent, the
musky, sharp aroma reminded her of the first rain at the end of a
hot summer.

Memories of Korin, of her dad, Damon, and of
their home flooded over her. She bit her lip and wiped at her
cheek, setting the deep scratches to stinging again. Her chest
tightened, squeezing her heart. The loss of her dad, their life
together, and the things they would never share threatened to
devastate her.

Faylen’s face entered her pain. He smiled,
the laugh lines around his brown eyes crinkling. When he tried to
speak, blood bubbled from his mouth. His death replayed in her

The vision changed.

Maejen, asador, and katjaramuud ran, trying
to escape burning forests.


Tam, Roni, and Sean, their expressions sad
and confused, turned from her and melted into a red fog.


Faces of friends, Tiar and Aven among them,
dissolved in a blaze of white light.


Cale ran toward her, struck down by an unseen
hand, falling into a swirling mist of black nothingness.


Jaer appeared. He reached out. She caught his
hand, but his fingers slid from her grasp. He stepped back, shaking
his head. Blue static snapped around him. His features grimaced in

Why are you doing this
Please stop. The pain. This hurts too much

The Anim Blath’s singing faded, softening.
“You are the one.” They chorused.

The one what
?” Erynn cried.

Tears reached the cuts on her face, adding
their sting to her throbbing cheek.

Male. Their voices are distinctly male. Were
the surface Anim Blath females? Concentrate. Get control.

Our sisters spoke of you, Zander’s
daughter. You saved Arranon once.”

No. Not me. Faylen.”

Can you destroy Dhoran and prevent the
slaughter he plans?”
The voices came closer, swarming. “
utter loss will be immeasurable, the natural balance disrupted,
lives discarded, above and below. All you love, gone. He must not

Close the portals. Imprison Dhoran. Close
the portals. Imprison Dhoran
,” Erynn chanted.

Her head spun. Her body followed.

Why wasn’t…Nev in my…vision

Dark shadows whipped around her like the
wings of the aleroms. They wrapped her in silence, lifting her. She
floated, suspended in the warm air, and waited for the teeth.



“I know what I heard.” Jaer slammed his fist
on Cale’s desktop. “I heard Erynn.”

Cale stood from his chair and held his hands
palm up before Jaer. “All right, I believe you. I never said you
didn’t experience something. I’m only trying to work this out.” He
chuffed, shook his head, and gazed at the DVSL. “Communication
without a COM. We are talking about Erynn, though. I guess if this
is a possibility, she’d be the one.” Cale stared at Jaer. “Her love
for you is strong, for her to accomplish a feat this

Jaer’s legs threatened to betray him. He
dropped into a seat next to the desk, rubbed his hands over his
face, and pushed out of the chair. His gaze locked on Cale. “I…I do
not deserve…What will I do if—when—she communicates again?”

Cale moved to stand in front of Jaer.
“Whether you believe you deserve Erynn or not doesn’t matter. She
wants you. I love her enough to make sure she gets what she wants.”
He smiled. “Now. Tell me again, everything she said.” Cale went to
a cabinet and retrieved two short glasses and a clear, ornate
decanter half full of a dark amber liquid.

Arranon Oakale Brandy

“She said she was safe, for now.” Jaer
watched Cale set the items on the desktop and fill the two glasses.
“She told me she loved me.”

Cale handed one of the glasses to Jaer.
“Drink.” He waved his hand. “And go on.”

Jaer tossed the drink back, swallowed, and
winced. “Then she said, ‘I do not want to wake up. I want to stay
with you,’” he said through gritted teeth, staring into his empty
glass. His jaw relaxed. “Her last words were ‘I will be back.’” He
set the small container down on the desk with a gentle tink.

Cale sipped his drink, holding up one finger.
“But back how? In a dream?”

The brandy warmed Jaer from his center out.
“You believe Erynn was dreaming when she spoke to me?”

Cale poured more brandy and handed the
refilled glass to Jaer. “Yes. You’ve experienced what Erynn’s
dreams are like. More than anyone else has. They’re powerful. Her
potential is, well, limitless once she learns control.”

Jaer studied the brandy floating in his
glass. “Because of Zander.”

“I think it started with Zander.” Cale
swallowed the contents of his drink, coughed, and wiped the back of
his hand across his lips. “Now I think her power is more deeply
connected to Arranon.”

Jaer nodded, tipped the brandy into his
mouth, and swallowed. This time didn’t burn quite as much.

The COM on Cale’s desk chimed.

Cale leaned over and tapped the top.

“Byan Nev is here to speak with you, Cale,”
the female voice announced.

Jaer stiffened. “What is he doing here?”

Cale grinned. “Why? What’s wrong?”

Jaer narrowed his eyes. “I do not like him.
There is something…off about him.”

“Nev’s open feelings for Erynn, perhaps?”
Cale squeezed Jaer’s shoulder. “He’s no threat to you, son. Erynn
came to you, not him.”

“No, there is more to him. He stinks of

Cale laughed. “He smells of antiseptic. You
see Nev as competition.” Cale’s expression sobered. “He’s requested
leave, due to a minor family situation. It’s taken me this long to
arrange a replacement.” He tapped the COM. “Send Nev in,

The door slid open and Nev walked in. “Cale.”
He nodded and turned to Jaer. “I’m still waiting for our
discussion, Jaer.”

Jaer’s lips turned up slightly. “Soon.” The
word rumbled from deep in his chest.

Nev returned his attention to Cale. “Is there
any word from Erynn? I hate leaving without knowing she’s safe.
What if she’s injured? She’ll need me.” He shook his head. “I’m
worried about her.” He glanced at Jaer. “She’s been through enough
already.” His tone held an accusing edge. Nev moved forward to
stand before Cale. “I wouldn’t leave now, but…” He rubbed at his
forehead. “I have to go. My mother…” His voice cracked.

“You go, Nev. Take care of your family. Let
us worry about Erynn.” Cale guided Nev to the door. “My old friend
Skye will arrive this afternoon. She can handle your department.
We’ll be fine.”

Nev nodded. His eyes squeezed shut for a
moment. “If…When you learn anything from Erynn, please contact me.”
He spun on Jaer. Tears shimmered in Nev’s blue eyes. “I love her,
too. As much as you do, Jaer.”

The door opened and Nev was gone.

Jaer spat out a string of obscenities and
grabbed the brandy decanter.

Chapter 21



corridors, tears still warm on his cheeks. His lips curled in a
sneer. The host’s emotions toward Erynn were quite advantageous.
But the line between Nev and Dhoran’s consciousness was beginning
to blur. Nev’s love blended with a peculiar sensation growing in

He pushed the roiling turmoil aside. Time to
leave and take action. Time to go get Erynn. Nev agreed with that

Jaer believed he had won this battle. How
wrong Jaer was. After Dhoran reached the trialath where Erynn was
held, he intended to make sure no one would ever see her again.
That is, no one from the surface.

Dhoran smiled. He was eager to be with her,
anticipated the birth of his superior children, and desired to be
warm again. Erynn would remain below with him, his forever.

He pushed through the outer door to the
Medical Unit. He smiled, nodding to the security guard stationed at
the desk, and hurried to his office.

Maire exited a curtained cubicle and frowned.
“Aren’t you gone yet?” She disappeared into another.

“Leaving now,” he called. He grabbed a pack
off his desk and wheeled around.

Jaer stood there, filling the doorway.

Dhoran’s heart jumped in his chest.

Beirig din
. You startled me.” He stepped in front of Jaer.
“I don’t have time to talk with you now. I have to go.”

“I realize that. I am your pilot.” Jaer
reached down to take the pack, never releasing his gaze from
Dhoran’s eyes. “We can talk on the way.”

“What?” Dhoran laughed. He pulled the pack
from Jaer’s reach. “You’re not a pilot.”

Jaer straightened. “Oh, but I am. What better
way to see you safely to your destination.” Jaer’s lips thinned in
a tight straight line. “Me. A decent pilot and an Anbas wrapped in

“Yes, well.” Dhoran shook his head. “I
appreciate your generous offer, Jaer. I’m sure you have better
things to do than deliver me to Pragsuin.”

Jaer glanced around the cluttered room. He
stepped forward, closing the distance between them. “No. In fact, I
have meant to visit Pragsuin. There are Anbas in the city, and it
has been too long since I last inspected them. I can stay until
your family issue is resolved. Return with you to the base.”

Dhoran threw the pack over his shoulder.
“What about Erynn? What if she reappears in Deanaim? You’ll want to
go to her, to bring her home.”

“Pragsuin is closer to Deanaim than the
base.” Jaer stood sideways in the door. His arm swept toward the
corridor. “I will be told before Cale if she shows up. This way,
you and I will be the first to learn of her return.”

“Sounds like you’ve got this all worked out.”
Dhoran sighed and moved into the corridor. “Let’s go.”

You have become a problem for me, Jaer. I
have no choice but to eliminate you now. My plan was not to go to
Pragsuin. And there is nothing wrong with Nev’s mother. This may
actually work to my benefit, though. Jaer said he was only a decent
pilot. A crash in the mountains or dense forests of the surface
would explain both Nev and Jaer not returning

Dhoran glanced at Jaer and smiled.

This is far too easy. Though I did enjoy
our competition while it lasted

Dhoran followed Jaer through the hangar bay
to the scramble pad, and then to a small, black, wedge-shaped ship.
Clouds gathered against an orange-pink sunset. Dhoran shivered in
an icy gust of wind.

Aven stepped from the far side of the craft.
His black uniform melded with the pale shadows against the dark
ship. He glared at Dhoran. “Sure you don’t want me to go with you?
I could help you inspect the Anbas stationed in Pragsuin.”

“I can handle this, Aven.” Jaer walked around
the ship, surveying the exterior. After one full circuit, he nodded
to Aven. “Take care of things until I get back.” Jaer climbed
inside and buckled into the pilot’s seat.

Dhoran followed and strapped in next to Jaer.
He chuckled.

Jaer began a pre-flight assessment. “What
amuses you?” He didn’t take his gaze from his task.

“I’m looking forward to this trip with you,
Jaer. I believe the dilemma between us will be resolved by the time
we…land.” Dhoran’s energy built. The static hummed inside him,
waiting for release.

When we’re well on our way, I’ll short the
ship’s electrical system. Jaer won’t be able to land without power.
We’ll crash. Shame, I’ve grown accustomed to this body. Maybe the
next one will please Erynn even more

Dhoran frowned.

Please Erynn even more

Dhoran inhaled sharply.

“Something wrong?” Satisfaction tinged Jaer’s

Dhoran turned to face Jaer. “Oh, you
understand what leaving others in charge of your duties is like,
trying to remember if you’ve covered every potential situation that
may arise.”

What if only Nev died
What if
Jaer’s body was available for possession

Dhoran rubbed at the fine stubble on his

Making Jaer experience my triumph and
watch helpless while I take Erynn would be much more satisfying
than merely killing him

Dhoran’s gaze jerked to the forward panel.
His head spun with the possibilities. This simple deception would
solve his problem with Jaer and with Erynn. He forced back a laugh
that threatened to burst from his chest and surge right out his

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