Stoned (The Stone Series) (64 page)

BOOK: Stoned (The Stone Series)
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“Now get this fucking thing off of me so I can fuck you, I need your pussy. God, I’m ready to come already” he growls.


Most cock rings would require Damian’s penis to be in its flaccid state for removal, but this one can be taken off at any point during use since it opens wide for release when unlocked so I unlock it and remove it as he flings me down on the bed and jumps on top of me. He enters me already thrusting with a grunt as he removes the second annual bead causing me to come a second time, my first orgasm barely over.


“Mmm…like those beads now don’t ya?” he asks.


“Oh, God yes. Pull out another one.” Damian does just that and as my body is flung into its third orgasm I scream his name. He buries his face in the crook of my neck and sucks gently making chills run through my body.


“I’m almost there, baby. Want to come with me? There’s still one more bead to go.”


“Yes” I yell and as he pulls the last anal bead from my body he comes sending me into another orgasm.


“Best birthday ever” is all he says before he collapse and falls into a deep contented sleep.





Alex and I invite Sydney and Parker to join us at our university’s homecoming football game at the beginning of September. Sydney and Parker seem excited and they head out the day before the game to buy snacks for the ride to Connecticut. On the day of the game Sydney wakes me up early with her mouth around my throbbing cock. She smiles up at me when she feels me rousing from sleep and after I smile back at her I close my eyes and enjoy the pleasure seeping through my body. She makes me rock solid and I grab her to pull her onto me, placing her pussy over my lips. She reminds me of a chocolate covered pretzel, she’s always salty and sweet and just the taste of her makes my cock swell even more. I bring her to the beginnings of an orgasm by fucking her with my tongue but I wait until I am ready to come to flap my tongue over her clit so we lose it together.


We shower and dress for the game. Sydney wears a pair of tight low rise dark denim jeans and a tight white sweater. She adds sexy knee high brown boots; I tell her that I wish I knew her when I was in college. “Yeah well when you were eighteen I was like ten so I’m not sure how much in common we would have had old man” she teases me and earns a hard slap on her tight ass. 


When Sydney sees me dressed in my old faded jeans, my baseball hat on backwards and a sweatshirt with my school’s logo she stops in her tracks and goes pale. “What’s a matter, not a splendid view anymore?”


“No, you look hot. I just didn’t realize that’s where you went to school.”


“Um, yeah, all four years. Why? Is something wrong?”


“No, it’s fine. I always knew you were smart, I guess I just feel a little out of my league, that’s all.”


“Don’t be ridiculous, you are every bit as smart as I am. And trust me without daddy’s money I would have been going to a state school. I didn’t study or even try in high school. I only became this smart sexy multi-billionaire in my old age. Now, come on we’re going to be late.”


We stop on the first floor to get Alex and Parker who are in the hallway when we exit the elevator. Alex has her up against the wall with her thigh raised around his waist and his tongue buried in her mouth. I clear my throat and they break apart but the looks on their faces say it all, well that and the tent in the front of Alex’s pants that I plan to spend the day teasing him about. “Dude, please control that. We’re going to a game on campus not moving back in” I razz him.


“Fuck off. You walk around like this on a daily basis. We had a late start this morning and didn’t have time to wake up the way we usually do” Alex says in explanation.


“Too bad for you man, my woman woke me up the best way known to man” I say as Sydney slaps me on the arm and he flips me the bird.


We decide to take the Bentley and Sydney slides in the front seat with me. She goes into the glove box and pulls out a pair of large Gucci sunglasses that make her look sexy and mature at the same time. When she wraps her hair up into a high pony tail she goes from mature and sexy to young, hot and irresistible in a second.


We reach the highway and Parker breaks into their snack bag. Sydney decides on a lollipop and thinks it will be a good idea to tease me with it. She unwraps it and pops it into her mouth, rolling it around. She takes it out and licks it, all the while glancing at me, forcing me to have my eyes on her instead of on the road. When she starts to move it in and out of her mouth all I can think about is this morning and the next thing I know my bulging hard on is straining in my pants. “If you keep that up you’re going to have something much bigger shoved into your mouth” I warn her.


“Oh, you wouldn’t dare.”


“You know me well enough to know I will so don’t push it, baby. I’m already hard from watching you suck that lollipop, all I’d have to do is unzip.”


“I’ll stop.”


“Good girl.”


We talk, sing and laugh throughout the ride until we pull onto campus and I notice Sydney’s whole body go ridged. “What’s up?” I inquire to no success, she’s completely shutting me out with what’s eating at her and I’m not happy. I let it go after a stern warning that she’ll be punished for it later. She shrugs me off which only adds to my anger.


We watch the game and drink beer, have a few hot dogs, pretzels and hot chocolate. Alex has Parker on his lap and I have Sydney pulled close to me for body heat.  After the game we head into the Alumni building for the after party, which was the worst mistake of my life. Never in a million years did I expect to find Samantha, my Dom Professor standing a few feet away from me. When she sees me she smiles and looks as surprised as I am then heads in my direction. Sydney is standing a few feet behind me talking with Parker and I don’t know how to avoid an introduction. I know Sydney is not going to be happy and with something already bothering her, this has the potential to turn really bad really fast.


Sydney turns when she hears Samantha greet me, “Damian Stone. Look at you darling. It is so good to see you.”


“Mother?” Sydney asks.


“Mother?” I ask just starting to put the pieces together.


“What are you doing here?” Samantha asks Sydney as she air kisses her on both cheeks.


“I’m here with my boyfriend, mother.”


“Your…” Samantha begins but is cut off when Sydney looks from her to me and is interrupted by Alex, “Oh, my God, Stone, Sydney is the little red haired girl.”


“NO, NO, NO, NO” Sydney starts to scream as she pulls away from me and gets right in her mother’s face. “You have got to be kidding me. The only man I have ever willingly allowed to touch me was with you? You, my mother who wouldn’t believe me that I was raped under your roof and your darling Robert knew all about it. Why didn’t you believe me, mother? Hmm, maybe because you are so perverted you didn’t care? What, did you just expect me to like it because that’s the way you treat your subs? You just continue to ruin my life. I hate you. And you.” She turns to me, “And you, you stay away from me, I can’t even look at you. Did you know all along that I was her daughter? You must have with your little background checks. You knew that your “Master” was my mother. God, you’re sicker than I thought. Leave me alone, both of you” she screams and runs from the building with Parker in hot pursuit telling me to let her process this for a minute.


“Sydney, stop” I try, hoping my Dom voice will work on her and stop her in her tracks. For a minute I think I’m right, she pauses, looks back at me with tears streaming down her face before she disappears out of the building. I immediately call Mac and make him run a track on her phone before I fall into a nearby chair and put my head in my hands. I look up at Alex with tears in my eyes, “I didn’t know, man. I swear to you I didn’t know. You have to make her believe me; you have to make her talk to me. I can’t lose her. She is my everything. I love her. Please go find her. I just need to know she’s okay, if she doesn’t want to see me right away I can live with that but please, I have to be sure she’s safe.”


Mac calls me within a few minutes with Sydney’s location, she’s still on campus. I tell Alex where to head then Samantha approaches me and puts her hand on my back. I jump a mile at her touch, unable to allow her to comfort me. She’s never tried before, why start now?


“What the fuck are you doing? Don’t touch me, Samantha. You have done enough damage to both me and your daughter already. Don’t make it worse, please.”


“Oh, please. Think about it a second, Damian. Do you really believe that in this day and age a beautiful girl in her early twenties is an innocent? Especially one who has my blood running through her veins?”


“What the fuck is wrong with you? Your daughter was raped from the time she was thirteen years old right under your nose by Ryan. He took her virginity, telling her he was going to pop her cherry; she didn’t even know what that meant at the time, the fucker. And Robert knew everything. He’s lucky he’s out of the country or I swear to you I’d already have killed him with my bare hands.”


“Sydney always had a vivid imagination, being an only child did that to her. I guess I should have tried to give her a sibling but it’s a good thing I didn’t. Can you imagine how much worse this would be if you were the father of her half sibling?”


“Samantha, you need help. I can’t deal with you right now. I need to find Sydney.”


“With all that money you have, she’ll be back if she knows what’s good for her, don’t worry darling. This mama didn’t raise a fool.”


“You didn’t raise her, you left her to fuck me and God only knows who else all those years. All those years when she needed you, you were too busy with me, creating this sick pervert I am today. God, I don’t know who makes me more sick, you or myself.”


“Oh, Damian don’t be so hard on yourself. You’ve been through a lot lately.”


“Wait a minute. What are you doing here? I’ve been coming to these games every year since I left, you have never been here. You could have easily known I’d be here today. Did you know I was dating your daughter? Did you plan this?”


“Now, Damian calm down. You may not be mine anymore but I can still take you over my knee” she warns.


“Fuck you, Samantha. I’d love to see you try. Now answer my fucking question or you’re going to see a side of me you have never seen before and it will not be one you will like” I threaten her and mean every word of my threat.


“Okay, fine, yes I knew you were dating Sydney. It was kind of hard not to after you killed Ryan to protect her so called innocent honor. I knew you came to these games and I checked the list, I saw that you responded and I wanted to see my daughter, I figured if you were here she’d be with you. I didn’t expect things to go the way they did.”


That’s when I see Parker coming back into the building with Alex but not Sydney. I fly out of the chair and lunge at her, “Where the fuck is she and why are you not with her?”


“Sydney needs to be alone right now. She doesn’t want to see you or talk to you. She said she will take a train back to the city.”


I call Mac immediately and demand an update on Sydney’s location.


“Uh, how are you going to find out where she is?” Parker asks me.


“I have a GPS on her phone.”


“Um, she took my phone and gave me hers. She said hers was out of battery and she didn’t want to be without a phone” she tells me as she hands me Sydney’s phone that is fully charged. She lied to get Parker’s phone. She wanted to get away from me and not be found.


I ask Alex for his phone and use it to call Sydney on Parker’s cell. She doesn’t answer; it goes right to voicemail like it would if it was turned off. I begin to lose my mind. She is alone on the streets of New Haven and I have no control over her. I call Mac, telling him what has happened and I give him Parker’s phone information in hopes that he’ll be able to track it somehow. I tell him to stay at my penthouse but to send Jonesie to wait on the first floor in case Sydney tries to hide out at Parker’s place. I have him send Dominick here to help locate Sydney.


I spend the next two hours waiting for Dominick to get to Connecticut in a frantic state of panic. Samantha has finally left, leaving me her number and asking that I call her to let her know Sydney is okay. Alex and Parker take the Bentley back to the city while I just sit helpless making promises to no one that if Sydney is brought back to me safe and still in love with me I would do anything.




My entire world is crashing down around me. I am in love with a man who was my Dominant mother’s submissive for four years. She turned him into the control freak I know and love, the only man I have been sexually attracted to. I don’t want to lose what I have with him but how can I be with him? It makes me wretch just picturing the stories he’s told me about his Dom now that I picture my mother in that role. How can I ever let him kiss me with lips that have been on every inch of her body, how can I let him make love to me knowing he’s been inside her?


I have to run away and get my head back in order so I switch phones with Parker when she catches up to me and go to a local bar. She understood that I needed time to process everything that just happened on my own, Damian won’t be as understanding. I drink myself into a stupor then ask the guy behind the bar to call me a taxi to take me to the train station. I make it onto the last train into the city and fall asleep on the way. When we get to Grand Central I call Parker’s apartment and tell her I am on my way there but I ask her not to let Damian know, I can’t face him right now. I am too drunk, too tired and too confused to deal with him. She tells me that she sent Alex home in case I called and needed to have her to myself for girl talk. She says Damian is frantic and has his entire security team trying to find me. I beg her not to tell him where I am.

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