Stoned (The Stone Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Stoned (The Stone Series)
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Damian returns to his room frustrated to find that he can’t get the image of this girl out of his mind. Sydney Cooper is the kind of woman that can bring a man to his knees with one look. So why doesn’t she hook up with guys when she’s out partying? She seems to have no clue she is as striking as she is which makes her all the more alluring, guys must try to get in her panties all the time. She carries herself in a manner that screams insecurity and begs for the right man to bring her the comfort she craves. Maybe that’s the issue, her insecurities. But she must see that she has the most amazing burnt red hair, like the leaves in the fall right before they drop from a tree. It is long and mussed, the look Damian knows from having a sister that takes forever to accomplish but looks as if she just rolled out of bed with a man. A man like him who could give it to her hard and deep. A man who would take her to levels of pleasure she’s never known before with just a pinch of pain mixed in for good measure.


Sydney’s apple pink cheek bones are high on her face, right under her delicate eyes. Her dark eyebrows are perfectly arched and sculpted. Her luscious lips are upturned into a constant smirk in the corners making him hard just thinking about those lips around his cock. And her body, fuck, her body. She’s tiny and petite, short but curvy. She has firm breasts that are posed high on her chest, breasts that looked as if they grew firmer under Damian’s appreciative stare. Damian imagines small pink nipples growing hard under his flapping tongue. Her waist is slim as are her hips, her ass looked firm, high and tight making Damian long to squeeze her cheeks in his hands as he shoved his dick into her tight body. This girl can be the demise of Damian Stone. 


Chapter 3



I wake up the following day feeling more tired than when I went to sleep. I moan loudly as
I stretch, rise from my bed and go in search of coffee, very strong coffee. Parker is in the kitchen with a pot ready to go.


“You look like shit, you sick or something?” Parker inquires.


“Nah, just couldn’t sleep. I was up until midnight and then I tossed and turned the rest of the night. I’m just frantic with finals then Alex has me doing this benefit auction thing for him next weekend and I start my new job tonight. But I may have some leads on new apartments.”


“I told you, you can keep this one. I can afford to keep it while I’m gone; I know you have issues with spending all that money of yours.”


I think about telling Parker about Damian Stone, Mr. Perfection himself, but then I decide against it. What am I going to tell her? “This man I met yesterday ignited something in me that I thought would never be. He pressed all of my turn on buttons, buttons I wasn’t aware I had. He was tall, dark and powerful taking up all the oxygen around me so I couldn’t catch my breath. Dangerous with a capital D?”


I can’t tell her that.


And anyway he may never call me with a lead on an apartment. He was probably just being nice, throwing the poor little girl who fell at his feet a bone. I’m not sure how other girls felt about him or how they react to him but my best guess would be that they not only fling themselves at his feet like I did but that they actually unzip him and finish off the deed. Oh, holy fuck! Why am I thinking about giving that man a blow job when I know that’s something that would ruin me, all my years of progress would be down the drain for what? A few minutes of watching him crying out in ecstasy? And I’m sure it wouldn’t end that way. I’m sure he’s been with experienced girls, not ones like me who would have no idea how to even go about giving him a good blow job. He would probably laugh at me and tell me to come back when I knew what I was doing. Hmm…maybe he could teach me. Argh! I have to stop this; this is getting way to dangerous.


Parker and I drink our coffees and then she heads out for her photo shoot. I can tell she’s getting nervous about leaving for Paris. She’s changed so much since that first day we meet but I suspect she attributes the changes to me and fears that once we’re apart she’ll slip back into rich diva mode. I have faith in her though and I’m glad she’ll be sharing a flat with Drea. She’s cool, down to earth and as beautiful as Parker. I hate going out with them, I always feel like such a loser. Guys appear to be into me and when we go out, they always try to buy me drinks, chat me up, they ask me to dance but I always refuse. I have never been able to see any of them as someone I could allow to be close enough to touch me. Whenever I meet a guy and I think about him pulling me close to him or trying to kiss me I feel claustrophobic and I avoid that feeling at all costs. That’s how I’ve felt with every guy who has approached me, every guy except one, possibly the most dangerous one of all, Mr. Perfection, Damian Stone.




While Sydney was at her apartment tossing and turning in her bed Damian was awake in his apartment on Park Avenue working on his plan to possess her. He was working on this plan on the sofa and that’s how he heard noises from his sister’s room. Minutes later he heard her door open and then standing in front of him was a very surprised and half dressed man, Mac.


Damian raised his eyebrow at him, “Mac?”


“Mr. Stone. Is there something you need sir?”


“Yes…for you to not be fucking my twenty two year old sister under my nose. But it looks like it’s a little too late for that.”


Mac tries to explain but Damian cuts him off with a raised hand in his face.


“Forget it, forget it. It’s none of my business, she’s an adult, you’re an adult and you seem like a good guy. I assume you know better than to hurt her?”


“Yes, sir. I do. I think it’s going to go the other way around to be honest with you.”


“Good then, let’s not let her know we had this discussion. She’ll be leaving for Paris sooner than she expected so this will be over in a day or two and then I can pretend it never happened.”


“Yes Sir. If there’s nothing else that you need.”


“No. Good night Mac.”


Damian calls his assistant even though it’s the middle of the night, wakes Veronica for a much different reason than he very recently used to and asks her to get Drea and Parker on a flight to Paris no later than Monday and to let them both know of the change but not to let either of them know that he had anything to do with it. He needs to get his sister away from Mac and it so happens that Parker is going with her. That will leave Sydney alone and in need of an apartment and maybe even the comfort of a new friend. Damian will have to make sure that Abby is leaving the apartment as per her contract by Saturday. Veronica offers to keep him occupied for the rest of the evening but Damian just laughs her offer off and tells her to get her job done.   




Friday drags on and I’m having second thoughts about the job I begin tonight. I am starting at S&S design next month working for Alex as an Interior Designer but tonight I start at Hard as Stone. Hard as Stone is an upscale gentleman’s club where even though no touching is allowed nor will I ever be fully naked I will be dancing and removing almost all of my clothes in front of men and maybe a woman or two. It’s something that at the time sounded like a good idea. I danced my whole life, even during my darkest days. It’s one of the things that helped me through it actually. A lot of the girls Parker hangs out with from her modeling agency that are just starting out work there for extra cash and until I’m established at S&S I’m going to need all the extra cash I can get especially if I am now going to be paying rent on top of my student loans. So I got to thinking one night when we were all drinking in our apartment. I thought that maybe I could kill two birds with one stone and make some cash while I helped myself continue the healing process that has taken years. If I am able to dance in front of faceless men that I don’t know who can’t touch me I’ll be safe and maybe then I will finally be able to accept the  advances men make towards me. It can give me a chance to finally have some kind of intimacy with a man in my future. Or it can destroy me further. I’ll just have to hope it’s not the later.


I shower and do my makeup at home accentuating my green eyes the way Parker taught me to. I style my hair in my best just been fucked hair style even though I have never achieved that look naturally. It comes out great if I do say so myself, all full bodied and messy looking. My hair is my best feature in my exotic line up of features. I have a dark skin tone making me look tan all year long, green eyes and long dark red hair with natural hints of golden caramel and chocolate highlights. My features almost don’t go together, just almost. I get dressed in loose sweats and a tight fitting t-shirt, throw my costume into my duffle bag and head out to find a cab.


I arrive at Hard as Stone a half hour before my shift and jump out of the cab. I run my hand over the stone facade on the front of the building and walk around to the staff entrance. Once inside I head to the locker room and change into my costume. My costume is a combination of slutty black leather and goodie two shoes school girl. I have a black leather push up bra that lifts my fairly large breasts up and together under a white button up men’s shirt that only has two of the buttons fastened. I have a black leather g-string under my blue plaid school girl uniform’s mini skirt.


My first set is to “S&M” and I am planning on playing up the S&M theme with a whip and handcuffs that I will use to chain myself to the pole in the middle of the stage. I decided on Cinnamon Stick for my stage name…because of my hair.


I sit and chat with some of the girls before I go on and they all seem really nice. I’ve met some of them before with Parker; the ones that model for Hot Stones too. They’re all supportive and give me a few tips before I hear them announce my stage name.


I make it through my sets without feeling the need to run off the stage or throw up. The men seem to be into me but none of them tried to get out of their seats or touch me, they just yelled and hooted and hollered a bit. It was like being at my dance performances years ago. The clientele seems like a classy crowd for a strip club. I don’t think the very large muscled men standing around the stage to protect the dancers hurt either.


After my sets I head into the locker room to get changed and find Parker waiting there for me. She asks me how it went and says she has some bad news. Her boss at Hot Stones is making her leave for Paris on Monday. We decide that I’ll stay on at the apartment until the lease is up at the end of the month but then I insist that I will find my own place and when Parker’s back she can stay with me for a change.


“I can’t believe I have to leave in like two days. What are you going to do without me? I’m going to miss you so much but at least I’ll have Drea with me, who by the way is so pissed off about leaving. She’s been hooking up with some hot older guy that works for her brother and she doesn’t want to leave him but she can’t say anything because no one knows about their relationship. I feel terrible leaving you here all alone. You can still change your mind and come with us you know?”


I thank her but tell her that I want to stay here and start my real job at S&S Design. I don’t tell her that the more important reason for staying is to see if Damian Stone calls me.



Chapter 4



Damian wakes mid day on Saturday to the sound of his cell phone ringing. When he checks the screen and sees Alex’s name he knows he’s in for a lecture, he’s just surprised it took him until today. Instead of being greeted with a warm hello from his friend he is met by, “Stop before you even fucking start with her. Do you hear me? She’s the best designer I have seen in years and as of next month she works for us at S&S so she’s off limits, Stone. Don’t fuck this up.”


Well, at least that explains why she called him Alex instead of Professor Smith, Damian thinks before saying, “Hey Alex. Good morning to you too. Sleep well?”


“I’m not fucking around here, man. I saw the look on your face and I know Abby’s leaving later today but remember you said that was it. It’s time to move on and be done with it. I think you should stick by that plan. Try for a normal real life vanilla missionary position relationship and be miserable like the rest of us.”


Damian sighs but agrees that Sydney working for them complicates things a bit but in reality he’s only a silent partner in the design firm. So does that really count as a conflict of interest? Nah.


“What the hell went on between you two when I was in the bathroom? I have never seen her so flustered that she couldn’t formulate a sentence that made any kind of sense at all” Alex inquires.


“Well, I pulled open the door from inside your office at the same time as she pushed it from the other side and the force of the motion knocked her to her knees on the threshold of your office, right at my feet.”


“Please tell me you did not ask her for a blow job!” Alex chokes out worried of the answer.


“No, actually I did not” Damian chuckles remembering the look on Sydney’s face as she made her way up his body that first day. “It was her who said she doesn’t usually “go down” on men like that when she opens a door.”


“Oh, please dear God what did you say to that? Stone, it never amazes me how this kind of shit always happens to you.”


“Yeah I know. I was just thinking about what I said about Abby at the start of the semester, remember? I said I was done with it after her unless of course some beautiful woman happened to fall at my feet. I said in that case all bets were off so I guess all bets are off. She’s the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Why did I not know about her?”


“Because she is a phenomenal designer and I knew if she met you this would happen and you’d fuck it up for me. You make very smart woman get very stupid very fast with your mind fuck games.”


“Do you want her, Alex?”


“No, I don’t want her, asshole. Not like that. Yes, she’s beautiful but I just want her to be my designer. Unlike you I don’t need to bag every pretty girl I know. I can keep some out of my bed so I can work with them.”


Damian tells Alex that Abby already left and that the apartment is being cleared as they speak. He also tells him that Sydney’s roommate who just happens to be one of his models will be leaving on Monday for Paris and Sydney needs to find a place to live.


“It all sounds too convenient Damian. What did you do this time and what else are you planning on doing?”


Damian tells his best friend about finding out about Mac and Drea fooling around behind his back. “I know she’s a big girl but I can’t stand to think about her with a guy, you know? It’s for the best. I like Mac, he does a good job, I don’t want to have to find a new security guy but if Drea stays here and I know they’re fucking I can’t keep him on so this works out best for everyone. Mac can stay working for me and by the time Drea gets back she will have forgotten all about him. He’s like twenty years older than her. What is she thinking?”


Alex is never surprised by his friend and his manipulative ways. He knows he’s a total control freak and he has the money to make that habit dangerous for all who know him.


“It’s an extra bonus that Parker is leaving with Drea. I know Sydney needs an apartment and I have one for her, now she’ll just need it faster and I won’t have to wait.  You know I don’t do waiting very well. I just need to figure out the best way to get her into the apartment and the role I need her to fill while there. Do you think she has it in her? She seemed a little skittish but the way she was on her knees…I just can’t get that image in my mind to go away.”


Alex tries to picture Sydney under Damian’s spell but he’s not sure she’ll be capable in filling the role he’s going to ask her to. He’s a bit worried about what it might do to her to even try to fill the shoes his friend wants her to wear. There’s always been something about Sydney that has seemed tormented to him. He has never been able to put his finger on it but something is haunting that girl and getting involved with his best friend may not be the best way for her to fight off demons.


“I don’t know man. She doesn’t strike me as the type to go for all your kinky shit but what do I know? In a way she’s always seemed like she hates making decisions, she second guesses herself all the time and her ideas are great but she lacks the confidence. You just need to be careful, there’s something about her that I can’t figure out but she seems haunted by something so take it easy on her. I need her at S&S.”


Damian’s mind goes to an image of him doing just the opposite of what his friend suggested and not taking it easy on her at all, he pictures riding her hard and long into the night. He pictures her on her knees in front of him like she was that day in Alex’s office but this time with that sassy mouth of hers full of him. “Hmm..” he thinks, “potential” and is pleased to find that just the thought of her on her knees with her hands tied behind her back and him in her mouth has made him hard…hard as stone.


“I can spot a submissive from miles away, Alex, trust me, she has it in her. She may not know it yet, but she does.”


Sydney Cooper will be more difficult than his usual established subs, she’ll be a challenge. Maybe that’s just want he needs, finally a woman who would be a challenge to him. Maybe that’s why he feels so off his game with this girl. Maybe that’s why he feels an uncontrollable desire to see her again, to claim her, to have her. He has to have her, needs to have her. Needs to feel her smooth bare skin under his touch as she goes all soft and limp when she gives herself over to him and slips into that wonderful world of subspace, that psychological state that he’ll bring her to over and over again. She’ll float into deep subspace, a state of deep incoherence for him so beautifully, he can tell, he can feel it in his bones, in his erection.


He pushes those thoughts from his mind and puts the next step of his plan in motion. “I was thinking about that auction you have next week. I need a ticket. I’ll have Veronica set it up on Monday with your office.”


“What are you doing, Stone?”


“Giving her what she clearly needs. She’s at a time in her life where she’s going to be on her own for what I suspect is the first time. She’s finished with school and starting a new job. You’ll see, I’ll be the best thing for her. She’s a big girl, she’ll be fine. She can walk away at anytime and you never know she might not even agree to it in the first place. And you know she’ll be safe with me. I have lived by the safe, sane and consensual motto with each of my subs.”


Damian knows that if he is able to, no, when he is able to make Sydney fall into subspace she will fall hard, she’ll open up to him, for him, let everything go, empty her mind of all but him and the pleasures he’ll bring her.


“Again, she can walk away at anytime, man. You know that.”


A laugh escapes both of them at the same time. There has never been a woman who was able to turn down Damian Stone regardless of what he asked of them, none of them have ever walked away. Neither of them believes for one moment that Sydney will be any different.


Alex contemplates then continues, “But dude, listen. I doubt she’s ever explored your world, BDSM is not for everyone, you know. It’s okay but it’s not a way of life for everyone like it has become for you.”


“But I can see it in her; I felt it all the way deep down in my bones when I touched her. I smelt it on her. She’s a bottom, Alex, she doesn’t know it yet but you’ll see.”


Damian hung up with his friend and realized again that he was hard from just thinking about her beautiful body going slack from his touch, slipping under as he played her. He got up and poured himself a drink of his best scotch. He downed it in one gulp but the burning need to see her again, have her, and make her his hadn’t subsided. He didn’t think it would until she was his and make no mistake he thought, “She will be mine.”




When I arrive at Hard as Stone on Saturday night for my second shift I find out that I also get tips. The guys put money in a container on the stage and when I’m done dancing it’s collected and held for me until I pick it up in the office. The first night I made a ton in tips alone for only dancing for a four hour shift. If I had initial doubts about this job they’re definitely gone now. After my shift I’m called into the office by Clark and asked to sit down.


“Sydney”, Clark begins. Clark is a big man with bulging arms and a shaved head. “We took a quick poll last night with our patrons to see what their responses were to you and they were all very positive.”


“Thank you, I’m glad it’s working out for me here. I enjoyed myself last night."


Clark continues, “They all loved your song choice and the bondage S&M dance. The outfit was a big hit too; they loved the combination innocent school girl mixed with the bondage bad girl. They said they’d love to see your hair up first and then pulled down.” Clark continues to tell me that he called the owner and he’s also very happy to hear I’m already popular with the clientele and he’s planning on coming in to see a set or two of mine in the next few weeks.


“Okay, just don’t forget I have next Saturday off. I have a benefit auction to go to for a friend but I’ll be here next Friday” I remind him.


I head home with a smile on my face and thoughts of Damian Stone in my head. These thoughts are invading my brain more and more often and I’m afraid of what they might mean. At home, in bed alone I lay awake and allow myself the danger of wondering what his strong male hands would feel like running over my body. I can feel his hands touching me as I lay here alone and I’m not sure what’s scaring me more, the fact that I’m having these thoughts or the response my body is giving me from having them. I am flushed; panting and feeling my panties grow wetter by the second. If this is the response I have just thinking about him, I can’t imagine what my body will do to betray me if I am ever actual with him again.


Parker and I spend her last day in the city together. We go for a breakfast of coffee and bagels then head for a walk in the park. When we get back to our apartment I help her pack her stuff for me to take to my new apartment, when I get one that is. By the time our take out Chinese is delivered for dinner she’s ready to go and we are both a little tipsy from the shots and wine we’ve been drinking all afternoon.


On Monday morning I say a tearful good-bye to my best friend and get ready to head to campus to meet with Alex. I’m distracted on the way, taking wrong turns and wandering aimlessly. My mind is on the phone call that never came. I don’t know why I am so upset over a call from a man, a man I met once for five minutes and accepted a ride from to escape the rain. Of course he gave me a ride, it was pouring out and he was just being nice, his gentleman like manners coming to mind again, the way he placed his hand in the small of my back guiding me along, like I was his. His. It was a ride in his car for fucks sake not a ride on his…oh my, where are these thoughts coming from? When I mentioned the apartment he was probably also just being nice when he said he’d let me know if he hears of anything for me. It’s not like he asked me to move in with him and be his love slave. Hmm… that’s a thought. If he did I wonder what I’d say. My first instinct would be to say no, after my past I could never be someone’s slave for sex but with this man I’m afraid I might actually give it some thought. After the response my body proved it’s capable of last night I’m sure I’d be spread and ready for him in no time.


Caught up in my impure thoughts, the next thing I know I find myself absent mindedly rubbing my hands over the stone façade of the building that I am leaning against. I look around, not sure where I am or how I got here and then I see it. A sign that says, “Stones” and I instantly sigh thinking of Mr. Damian Stone. Maybe it’s a cosmic sign from the powers that be. Or maybe I’m just losing my mind.


It’s as if I am able to channel him just by my thoughts alone because a black Cadillac Escalade has pulled up in front of the restaurant and climbing out of the car is none other than Damian Stone, Mr. Perfection, the man who has been occupying my dreams of love during the day and much darker images at night.

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