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Authors: A.C. Warneke

Stone Solitude (21 page)

BOOK: Stone Solitude
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As she looked around, his pulse thundered in his head as he tried to figure out if what he was experiencing was real or if it was the madness induced by a song. When her eyes landed on him even in the dark, he had the absurd desire to run but he couldn’t move because she was so close and he couldn’t get his body to obey his command. Self-preservation disappeared as a smile lit her face and she crossed the distance between them. Despite the doubts that plagued him, he was glad to see her. More than glad. His lips curved into a smile as he held out his hands, “Daisy.”

All pretense of sanity disappeared as she ran the last steps and launched herself into his arms. Hugging him as if it had been years instead of hours since they last saw one another, as if he meant the world to her, she whispered, “I thought I wouldn’t see you again tonight. How did you know where I was?”

“It didn’t take me as long to deal with Xerec as I thought it would,” he murmured, hedging the truth a little. “I came back in time to see you get into the car with your father and I followed behind.”

She pulled away and looked at him with wide, luminous eyes as the color drained from her face, “The kisses meant nothing, Roman. I had to….”

“Shhh,” he murmured, offering a smile that felt more forced than he would have preferred. Brushing a strand of hair from her face, he added, “I’ve heard about the Siren’s kiss goodbye, Daisy, and I understand why you had to kiss every wolf in the bar, though it made me want to rip their lips off because your lips belong to me.”

Shit, he was already too enamored of her yet her delighted giggle eased the ache in his chest, making it possible for him to breathe. Her eyes twinkled as she gave him an impish smile. “At least it worked. They were all so stunned after the kiss, they kind of avoided me the rest of the night.”

That wasn’t true. At least five of the wolves continued watching her with their hungry eyes but the presence of her father had kept them at bay. At least they were no longer lost to reason, though. Softly, not sure he wanted to know the answer but knowing it was important, he asked, “What would happen if you gave me the goodbye kiss?”

Her eyes widened in alarm as she pulled out of his arms and covered her mouth with her hand, “Oh, god! I sang to you, didn’t I?”

“Daisy.” He reached for her but she stepped out of his grasp. He could only watch in horror as she closed her eyes and let their time together fill her head. The blood froze in his veins and he wasn’t sure he wanted her to kiss him. Panicking because he didn’t want to lose the desire he had for her, he realized it didn’t matter if it was pure enchantment. He no longer felt so hollow and if he lost her, then he might as well surrender to Isis immediately.

Her eyes opened, the silver color glistening with unshed tears. Slowly, as if floating through a dream, she stepped back into his embrace and cradled his craggy face with her warm hands. “If this is the last time you think of me with… affection….”

“It won’t be,” he rasped, wrapping his hands around her delicate wrists, praying it was true. He didn’t want to lose the warmth that was seeping back into his soul but for Daisy’s sake, he’d accept the kiss. He just had to ignore the furious pleas to turn his lips away before she could kiss him goodbye.

“If it is,” she continued as a tear slid down her smooth cheek. “I want to thank you and to wish you the very best. Always, Roman.”

Her soft lips pressed against his mouth and he felt warmth flow even deeper into him, filling him with all of the memories he shared with Daisy, from pleasuring her with his mouth all the way back to the moment she touched him and brought him back to life nearly ten years before. The memories moved through him, settling in every cell of his body, binding him to her even tighter. Oh, gods, he was even more screwed than he was before and he was so damned thankful for it. As long as he didn’t think past the moment, everything was perfect.

With a groan, he surrendered to the kiss, wishing he had lips of flesh instead of a gaping mouth that practically covered her face. Pulling back from her, he rested his forehead against hers as his breath came in ragged pants. “It didn’t work, Daisy. I’m still yours.”

Tears slid down her cheeks as she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. Her body shuddered as she cried and he felt like the biggest asshole in the entire universe for putting her through that. Holding her, breathing her in, her natural scent overlaid with the smoke of the bar and the musk of a hundred wolves, he closed his eyes and said a little prayer of thanks and one for forgiveness. He had survived two thousand years without his family and they had survived without him. As long as he had Daisy, he didn’t need the rest. Eventually, he would grow used to being forgotten by them. Or maybe he would avoid situations that brought him face to face with any of them. It wasn’t like he’d have to make a lot of changes; he’d just have to stop going out of his way to spy on his brothers.

“Daisy,” he whispered, drawing his hands over her slender back, feeling the tremors ease a bit. “Let me take you home and get you in bed.”

“Will you stay with me?”

“For a little while,” he promised. The sun wasn’t going to rise for a few more hours so he had plenty of time before he had to return home. Gathering her up into his arms, he pushed off into the night sky, vowing that he would keep her safe. Before he got too far, he stopped and hovered, “Daisy, did you tell anyone you were leaving or is there going to be another massive manhunt for you?”

Her giggle was mixed with the trail end of her tears as she swiped a hand over her cheeks. “I told my Aunt Jillian that you were here to bring me home.”

He stilled at her words, his blood pounding in his ears. “How did you know I was here?”

With a little head shake of bewilderment, she shrugged, “I don’t know, I just did. I told her to let dad know that I was with you and he shouldn’t worry.”

“Your dad is not going to be happy about that.”

“He’ll manage,” she offered with a slight smile. “Honestly, I think tonight was harder on him than it was on me. He’s going to go on a run with the family before he heads home.”

As she spoke the words, the back door opened and a handful of men and women spilled out into the darkness. Roman recognized Daisy’s father immediately and he was definitely all Alpha. Roman knew that if Isis didn’t have Roman’s balls in a vice over Daisy, than Mr. Tremain was going to do the job. Slowly, he worked his wings to move them through the air, a million thoughts writhing in his head and the only thing that was clear was the luscious female in his arms. In a few days, he’d have her virginity and he’d be back to normal and hopefully that would be enough because he was going to give up his vengeance against Isis.

He had Daisy and that was enough.

Chapter 15



Daisy curled her body around Roman’s as they flew, loving the hard planes of his muscles. His wings brushed against her every time they moved, the touch light but deliberate. The tension that had been pulling at her eased the moment Roman appeared and it decreased even more when he said he knew about the Siren’s kiss goodbye. Of course, then he had to make it a million times worse by asking for the kiss goodbye. She thought she had lost him for sure, until she kissed him and felt the memories echo within her and felt the bond between them strengthen. It was a physical thing and when he pulled away she had almost expected to see the ties that bound them together.

But, of course, there was no physical manifestation, just the overwhelming relief of knowing once and for all that he was her mate. Not that she had had any doubts because she hadn’t. Still, it was nice to know for sure. There was no point in waiting for another day to pass: when they reached the pool house, she’d do whatever it took to seduce him. She was going to wake up in the morning knowing what it was to make love, to be joined to the other half of her soul.

Painting his throat with damp kisses, she ran her fingers over the curves of his shoulders, the peaks and vales of his sculpted chest. His stone skin heated as a breath shuddered past his lips. “What are you doing, my little flower?”

“I know what I want,” she panted between damp kisses. Pulling back, she looked at him with all of the love and devotion she felt for this gargoyle, for this remarkable man. “And I don’t want to wait.”

Hovering over the ground with one arm wrapped around her waist, he threaded his fingers through her hair and pulled her head away from him so he could see her face when she answered. In a voice that was more animal than human, he asked, “Are you sure?”

“Yes,” she said without hesitation, holding his eerily vacant gaze.

In silence, they floated downwards as her skin tightened and her bones trembled. She wanted this more than she had wanted anything in a long time but she was still frightened. Roman was not a small man and she was a virgin and though she knew they would fit, she also knew that it was going to hurt. But it wasn’t the pain that she feared so much as the worry she wouldn’t please him. Despite the fact that she had read way too many romance novels and had a very good idea of what men liked, her mind was a complete blank at the moment.

As they landed right outside of the pool house, Roman kept her in his arms, never taking his gaze from her face as he repeated his earlier question, “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” She would just have to rely on instinct because she
sure. His tongue came out and moved over his stone lips and she didn’t even flinch. In fact, she no longer saw him as a beast, only her beautiful gargoyle. But he was still really big. “Just… go slow.”

His lips curved up in a garish smile as he pushed the door open and carried her inside. Kicking the door shut, taking the extra moment to lock it, he carried her over to the bed and gently lay her down. Brushing a strand of hair from her face, letting his fingers linger against her temple, he graveled, “We’ll go as slow as you need, sweetling. I have no intention of causing you any pain, only pleasure.”

She smiled even though she was trembling. He stood up and pushed the heavy cloak off his shoulders, comfortable in letting her see all of him. His chest and arms were carved to perfection, to the point of rivalling any of the magnificent ancient Greek statues. The stone gray color gleamed in the soft light of her lamp and she wanted to touch him.

But then she remembered that they were going to have sex and he was there for the touching. Pushing up to her knees, she ran her hands over the hard stone column of his throat, the breadth of his shoulders, the curves of his pectoral muscles and abs. His chest remained still as he held his breath and she explored further. Unfastening the belt that was looped around his waist, she frowned when he clutched onto the material of his kilt to keep it from falling.

“Roman,” she chastened, her voice a husky whisper.

“I want you naked first,” he growled.

Holding his eyes, she pulled the t-shirt over her head and then dragged her pants down her legs until she stood before him in only her bra and panties. Dragging a finger over the lacy edge of her bra, she coyly asked, “Completely naked?”

“Yes,” he managed in a throaty rasp.

Hooking her fingers into the waistband of her panties, she slowly slid them down her legs as she held his eerie gaze. His chest was bellowing with each harsh breath he took and she wanted to press her lips against his stone flesh and make him burn even hotter. Kicking the panties to the side, she reached behind her to unhook the bra. Her breasts jutted out and his tongue once again moved over his lips in a gesture of hunger. Letting the material slide off her arms, she dropped the bra to the floor and stood proudly before him.

“Sweet Zeus,” he rasped, reaching up with one hand and delicately touching the tip of one breast. Her nipple tightened in anticipation, begging for more but he kept his touch light. “You are so beautiful.”

“I want you naked, too,” she said. Slowly, she grabbed the edge of the kilt and gave it a tug. He released his hold and the material dropped to the ground, revealing Roman in all of his naked splendor. This time she held her breath as she ran her hand along the length of his erection. Looking up, she had to remind herself to inhale at the look of longing and pleasure on his face. Just beyond, his wings trembled and she no longer wanted to go slow.

Licking her lower lip, she curved her hand around his penis and gently pulled him forward, making him stagger a step. A wry smile curved his lips as he opened his stone eyes and gazed down at her, “Careful, my little flower. I’ve promised to go slow but if you keep touching me like that….”

“I don’t want slow,” she gasped, still holding his penis as she sat down on the bed and looked up at him. Swallowing, she offered him a shy smile, “I just want you.”

He huffed out a laugh as he loomed over her. Pushing her back onto the bed, pressing his hands against the mattress on either side of her head, he rasped, “We’ll go slow.”

Rolling her eyes, she caught sight of a present her brother left her on the nightstand and she blushed. Awkwardly, she reached out and wrapped her hand around it, hoping Roman didn’t see…. Grabbing her hand, he pried her fingers opened and casually asked, “What’s this?”

Her blush deepened, warming her from the top of her head to the bottom of her toes. “Nothing.”

Grinning, he held up the small bottle and started chuckling. “Lube. Not a bad idea.”

“Oh, god,” she groaned, covering her face with her hands as she sat up.

“Hmm,” he continued, making her wish she had a blanket to hide under. “Heated for her pleasure. Nice.”

“I’m going to kill my brother,” she swore, tearing the bottle from Roman’s hand and reeling her arm back to throw it across the room.

Roman put his hand over hers and gently pried the bottle back out. “Daisy, it’ll help. I promise.”

Holding his vacant eyes, trusting him implicitly, she nodded once and her body tightened in excitement and nerves. “But you’re not taking my ass.”

He chuckled as he opened up the bottle and squirted a good amount onto his palm. Slowly, he worked it over his erection and Daisy’s mouth went dry at the eroticism of watching him stroke his cock. “No, Daisy.”

“It’s just that sometimes male wolves like to take a female that way to establish dominance,” she blurted, her eyes moving with the rhythm of his hand as he took obvious pleasure in stroking himself. “And to stake their claim. It’s not that I’m adverse to the practice but I haven’t even done it the other way….”

“Daisy, it’s okay,” he said, laughter in his voice as he squirted some more lubrication onto his hand. She wondered why he needed it since his penis already glistened but then he reached down and slid his finger over her sex and she fell back onto the bed and let out a low moan. Every thought flew from her head as he worked the lube around the entrance to her body.

Her hips moved against his hand, wanting more, wanting to feel his fingers push into her, stretch her, fill her. Heat built within her, spreading outwards from where he was touching her and reaching every inch of her body. Her legs fell open in silent invitation but he continued the pleasurable assault without giving any relief. Everything inside of her wanted him to ease her suffering and a pathetic whimper slid past her lips.

But then he was there, his thick cock pressing against her pussy, pressing into her, and the world faded away. Her muscles stretched around him, trying to keep him out while welcoming him inside. The give and pull made it difficult to breathe and she was afraid she was going to pass out. Roman’s hand smoothed over her chest, her sternum, and he whispered, “Breathe, my little flower.”

Sucking in a gasping breath, her back arched off the bed as oxygen filled her lungs. The haziness cleared and she could feel the pleasurable ache as Roman slowly filled her. Lifting her pelvis to take him deeper, faster, he grabbed her hips and held her still. “Easy, little one.”

Fighting against the instinct to grab his ass and pull him into her, she squeezed her eyes open and glared at him. It didn’t matter how much it hurt because she wanted him to be inside of her. Now. “Roman.”

Slowly, so damn slowly, he continued to push forwards a little ways and then pulling all the way back out. It was torture. Once again, he foraged deeper, just not deep enough, and she let out a low groan, “You’re doing this on purpose aren’t you?” she asked. “Punishing me for some transgression.”

His deep chuckle made her smile even as her frustration grew. Leaning over her so they were both on the bed, he murmured, “It’s been ages since I’ve been with a woman, Daisy. Trust me, this is killing me just as much as it’s killing you.”

Mindless with need, she wrapped her legs around his hips and somehow found the strength to flip them over, his wings folding neatly beneath him. Without a moment’s thought or hesitation, she impaled herself on his stone cock and cried out in a combination of pleasure and pain. His hands went to her hips as he guided her reckless journey. “I’m a wolf, Roman. Sometimes we like a little bit of pain.”

She had no idea where those words had come from because generally, as a rule, she hated pain of any kind. But with Roman, having sex with Roman, the line between pain and pleasure was so close and she wanted it all. His face twisted in hunger as he thrust hard into her, touching the raw skin of her broken virginity and sending shards of pleasure-pain throughout her pelvis. In a low growl, he said, “Daisy.”

With a rumble from deep within his chest, he flipped them back over until she was on her back and he was over her. No longer bound by whatever it was that was holding him back, he thrust wildly into her, over and over until he was a piece of her. The sounds escaping her mouth were inhuman and yet perfectly natural and when he reached between their bodies and touched her swollen clit, she exploded. Rubbing her, he continued pushing and pushing until his body stiffened and he let out a thunderous roar. Heat filled her body as he came, setting off another round of explosions deep within her core.

Collapsing onto her, he rasped, “Sweet Zeus.”

Too exhausted to move, she simply smiled at the words. Brushing her hand over his bumpy head, she murmured, “I love you.”

Instead of answering, he rolled off of her and let out a rumble of breath before his breathing eased and he was fast asleep. Resting her head on the curve of his shoulder, draping her arm over his bare chest and a leg over his hard thigh, she closed her eyes and went to sleep as well, content in the knowledge that Roman was hers.


BOOK: Stone Solitude
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