Read Stolen Goods: A Secret Baby Romance Online
Authors: Lola White
They stopped for
dinner somewhere in upstate New York. Weslyn knew she probably should have paid
more attention to where they might be, but the scenic drive was boring and
she’d surprised herself by sleeping most of the afternoon away. Nolan came
around to her side of the car and helped her put her seat back in an upright
“Are you going to
run on me, Moon?”
She looked past
him to the greasy spoon decorating the edge of the highway. Besides their
rented sedan, one lone car was parked in front of the door and two tractor
trailers were angled into spots in the poorly-lit parking lot. There was
nowhere to go and no one she’d like to ask for help.
Besides, running
from Nolan.
She shook her
head. “You’re my best chance at getting out of this mess. And after we…after
what we did… No. I won’t run.”
His smile
devastated her. “All right then, Moon. No cuffs for the good girl.”
“Oh, nice. I’ll be
able to feed myself with some grace tonight.”
Nolan laughed and
held her elbow as they walked into the diner. Welsyn wasn’t surprised at what
they found inside, having seen the same thing in a number of old television
show re-runs. Two men sat at the long counter working on heaping plates and
unlimited coffee. They both glanced over their shoulders as Nolan and Weslyn
entered, but neither commented.
Nolan guided Weslyn
to a booth set in front of a large window. The male server reached the table
before they did, and handed them plastic menus as they slid across the cracked
and tacky vinyl seats. Weslyn looked at the kid’s face and the burn marks on
his wrist, and knew he was the sole employee working that shift.
“What can I get
you?” he asked.
Weslyn took pity
on the guy. “What’s easiest for you cook?”
“Bacon and eggs,”
he answered immediately.
“Weslyn nodded,
smiled and snatched the menu from Nolan’s fingers. Handing them back to the
server, she said, “Breakfast for dinner, it is.”
He nodded and
stepped away with a promise to bring coffee. Nolan stared at Weslyn with a
lifted eyebrow.
“What?” She
fidgeted on her seat.
“Not a lot of
business this time of night, Moon.”
They’d both slept
late in Cleveland, but Weslyn figured that was to be expected. After all,
they’d been up most of the night, driving from Chicago, and their roll in the
sheets toward dawn took a lot of energy. It had been after noon when they’d
grabbed ‘breakfast’ and headed out, and Nolan had driven straight through,
hours of no relief except a brief stop at a fast food restaurant.
She glanced at the
window, meeting her reflection before glimpsing the dark parking lot beyond.
“What’s your point?”
“He’s got plenty
of time to make whatever we want.”
“You don’t like
bacon and eggs?”
Nolan pursed his
lips. “That’s
my point.”
“Look, I’ve been
in his position. It’s late,” she whispered. “Neither of us know how long he’s
been on shift tonight or what he had to put up with before we got here. Let’s
just make it easy on him. Besides, protein is good for the baby.”
“Uh-huh. Food, in
general, is good for the baby. Maybe I’ll order you a double portion. Get some weight
on you.”
Weslyn felt her
face growing warm. “Food costs money and I’m doing the best I can. I may not be
eating three squares a day, but I don’t starve, you know.”
“I guess not,
considering the thousands of dollars you make with your artwork.”
It wasn’t like
that, and she only painted a fake when she absolutely had to, but she didn’t
feel like telling Nolan any such thing. His tone was dry and even, no
accusation within it, but Weslyn still went on the defensive. She lashed out,
unable to keep the bitterness from infecting her words, simply determined to
make him feel as awkward as she suddenly did. “You know an awful lot about what
babies need for a guy who’s never had any.”
He took a deep
breath, but nodded. “Read a lot of books.”
“But still couldn’t
knock up your wife.”
“Nope.” It was
Nolan’s turn to look out the window. “She can’t have children.”
“So you left her?”
she sneered.
“Nope,” he
repeated. “She left me.”
Weslyn closed her mouth. “Oh.”
The server brought
them fresh coffee and plates of bacon and eggs. Nolan ate a bite, Weslyn pushed
hers around a bit. She took a sip of her coffee.
“You shouldn’t be
drinking that.”
She shrugged.
“Read that in a book too, did you?”
Nolan smiled. “We
went to the Barre Birth and Reproductive Center because I was working out of
the satellite office in Burlington. They did a work-up of my sexual
reproductive health, full sperm count, body temperature, even a prostate exam.
My ex wanted a baby very badly.”
Only vaguely
surprised he’d offered the information, Weslyn looked at the expression that
crossed Nolan’s face, the tightened lips and the dulling of his eyes to a flat,
grassy green. “I think
wanted a baby very badly, too.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I
did.” He met her gaze. “And now I’m going to have one.”
“That makes you
Nolan rolled his
shoulders. “I’m not happy that the Reproductive Center had a sample of mine in
storage, and I’m fucking furious that my ex forged herself the right to use it
whenever and however she wanted. I’m not thrilled that you were able to
blackmail a doctor into using my sample for insemination, but I’m looking
forward to holding my baby.”
“Why did…” Weslyn
cleared her throat. “Why did your wife leave
? If she was the one
with the problem…”
“We both had
problems.” He stared into his coffee mug for a minute. “We’d both thought a
baby could solve those problems, but it couldn’t. She recognized the truth
before I did and set out to find a new solution.”
“But that made you
me mad. Drove me fucking insane. The nicest thing we could do for the other was
get the hell out of each other’s life. Completely.”
“But you were mad,
thinking she’d been the one who used your sample.”
“Yes. I really
don’t want to be stuck with her for life, and that’s what a kid does. We’d both
be present at recitals or games or graduations and weddings. All that shit.”
Nolan suddenly grinned, and the heat in his smile had Weslyn’s stomach flipping
for no good reason. “I’d rather be stuck with you.”
“Why? You don’t
even know me.”
He leaned toward
her over the table and lowered his voice. “You’re wrong, Moon. I know
everything about you. I know you better than you know yourself. How you grew
up, where you went wrong. Your strength, your talent. I know your hopes and
dreams. And now I know your body, the way you bite your lip when you come, but
can’t hold back those sweet screams, the feel of your hot pussy clamping down
on my dick in the moment I give you pleasure. I know what you look like when
you sleep in my arms. There’s not one fucking thing about you that I don’t
Weslyn lost her
breath, so the words she pushed from her throat were scratchy and strained. “I
guess you’re a few steps ahead of me, then.”
Nolan grinned.
“But the best thing I know is that you trust me. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t
have let me fuck you, you wouldn’t have participated, and you certainly
wouldn’t have let me hold you all night long.”
The motel room
Nolan rented in Whitehall was nearly identical to the one he’d gotten in
Chicago. The wallpaper was different, and the bedspreads were red instead of
blue, but otherwise the setup was the same. Two twin beds, a chair and a
television, a connecting bathroom.
Weslyn came out of
the bathroom to find Nolan resting on his bed, sitting up against the headboard
in only a pair of boxers. Like he’d done the previous night, he’d taken off his
clothes and carefully draped them over the chair. Considering how tidy he was,
Weslyn figured it must be killing him to wear the same suit for the third day.
She, on the other hand, had once been used to wearing the same clothes for
weeks straight, though she admitted to feeling much better after her shower.
Nolan looked over
at her and smiled. “You took a long time in the bath, Moon. I was about to
break down the door and make certain you hadn’t slipped out through the
“The door wasn’t
“Really?” Nolan’s
voice dropped into interesting octaves. “If only I had known.”
“Would you have
come in and joined me?”
“If you invited
Weslyn hesitated
for only a moment. While she’d stood under the shower spray, her thoughts had
spun wildly, centering on the issues of trust and companionship, pleasure and
men. She’d locked herself away for so long, and she didn’t regret her decision
because God knew how badly she’d been hurt before. She couldn’t risk it again.
But Nolan was different, and Weslyn had known that from the moment she’d
stumbled across his picture at the Reproductive Center.
She did trust him.
And he did give her pleasure. But, what was more, he offered her a better
future than anything she’d known in a long time—and not just against the
Vermont legal system, but for life in general, too. Nolan would do whatever he
could for her, for the sake of the baby, and he would honor his
responsibilities. For the first time in more than ten years, she was optimistic
about the direction her life was heading and glad that she wouldn’t be alone on
the journey.
Plus, Nolan was
the first good man Weslyn had ever known, and a big part of her wanted to enjoy
him while she could.
Decision made, she
dropped the wet towel she’d been holding around her body. Nolan’s eyes widened
as the fabric hit the floor, then narrowed as he took in the naked expanse of
skin she displayed. She walked to the bed in the sexiest way she could manage,
and crawled up the mattress toward him on her hands and knees. Nolan made a
quiet, yet rough, sound that spoke volumes of his appreciation.
Weslyn licked the
bare skin above his boxer’s waistband. “I want to give you pleasure,” she
whispered against his hip.
“In exchange for
“For nothing.”
Nolan’s hand
smoothed over her hair before he traced her jaw and captured her chin. He
angled her face to up his, meeting her gaze with a hefty dose of suspicion. “I
told you, I know you better than you know yourself, Moon. You’ve never done
for nothing.”
“Except this.” She
felt her face growing hot, but she forced her confession through her drying
throat. “I’ve never felt like this before. I’ve never…”
She took a deep
breath and just told him the truth, plainly and without grace. “I look at you
and my pussy gets wet, Nolan. My nipples tighten until they hurt, and all I can
think of is how good they would feel in your mouth, with you sucking them so
hard I could come from that alone.”
Shuddering, he put his hands on her shoulders and urged her up his body. “Come
here and I’ll do just that.”
She resisted his
tugging and licked another line over his waistband. “I want to touch you, taste
you. I want to feel you against me so bad my skin feels like it’s lifting,
maybe reaching for you. I don’t know, Nolan, but I’ve never felt such a
physical need before.”
“Maybe it’s
“Maybe it’s you.
I’ve never met anyone like you.” She tugged his boxers down to free his thick
Weslyn had never
been a woman to fawn over a penis. She didn’t particularly care for the look of
them, or the threat inherent in them. But Nolan was different. He would never
use his body to hurt her, or any woman—he would never use sex as a threat or a
No, his dick had
been made for pleasure. Thick and flushed, it grew harder, longer, as she
palmed it. His skin was soft and hot, his shaft filled her hand perfectly.
And he tasted
clean. She licked the head of his cock and watched his reaction with an
uplifted gaze. His nostrils flared, his lips pursed. His lashes fluttered down
over liquid silver eyes, but his lids closed completely when she sucked him
deep into her mouth.
Weslyn ran her
tongue over him, up and down, tracing the head and licking the base. She consumed
his cock, swallowing against him, taking him deeper and moaning as she tasted
the faintest flavor of his pleasure. She ran her palms up his legs and under
his boxers, groping for his balls and fondling them once she caught the tight
globes. What she couldn’t fit in her mouth, she took in hand, working him until
he was taut and tense, his whole body trembling and lifted, his breath rushing
from his throat in growling pants.
Enough, come here.”
The command was
forceful, but his hands were gentle as he pulled her from his dick and hauled
her up his body. He draped her against his chest, then smoothed his palms over
her legs the way she’d done to him. Heated trails of sensation followed in his
wake as he gripped the backs of her thighs, kneaded until she squirmed with
desire, then tugged them to either side of his legs. Her wet folds slid over
the length of his rigid dick and Weslyn caught her breath with a small moan.
“I want to
, Nolan.”
“We can take
turns,” he promised as his fingers delved into her needy pussy.
He filled her,
stretched her and called forth more wetness from her depths. Weslyn squirmed
and arched, loving the way his fingers felt, loving the way they rubbed her
inner walls, reaching for the spot that would make lightning flash inside her
skin. But she was determined to do what she wanted also, so she writhed on his
fingers as she caught his dick and stroked.
He pressed deep,
she tightened her grip. He pulled back and she grasped his balls. They both
groaned and struggled to get closer, lips barely brushing as they teased each
other with heated breaths and quick licks. Face to face, they watched each
other’s eyes, and Weslyn learned what Nolan liked by the way the color within
his irises shifted and darkened.
Silver to green to
silver again. Molten and smoldering, his gaze penetrating deeper than his
fingers, or the thick cock he replaced them with after he’d loosened her grip.
He pushed into her, dragged over sensitized nerves, stretching and filling her
in slow inches. Weslyn transferred her hands to his shoulders, ragged nails
clawing at his skin as he forged deep and held still, frustrating her with his
lack of movement. Her pussy tightened with anticipation.
As he did the
night before, he gave her the final decision. “Take me when you’re ready.”
“You say that,”
she gasped, “but you’re already inside me.”
“Take me farther,”
he whispered. “Fuck me, Moon.”
Her back arched
without warning—wholly out of her control as heat stormed up her spine. Her
pussy softened in such a way that Weslyn
it on a profound level,
and felt everything between her legs grow steamy, humid, wet and needy. Her
inner walls shook and shoved of their accord, and before she knew it, she was
riding Nolan without restraint.
She pumped her
hips, took him deeper. Up and down without grace, bucking, searching for more
of the thick pleasure only he’d ever given her. Freedom came in many forms, she
thought as she slid down his shaft, but the exhilarating rush of lust with a
man who could control his own was something Weslyn had never thought to
Now that she had,
she became greedy for more.
She slammed down
on him and grinded, hoping to ease the ache in her clit. He dug his fingers
into her hips, angled his pelvis and tried to help. Sharp need spread out and
raked her inner thighs with bliss-filled claws. Weslyn tipped her head back.
Nolan swooped in,
sucking her nipple into his mouth with just enough force to have her pussy
contracting around his cock. Decadent sensation shot down her torso and met the
rolling heat working its way up from her pussy. Weslyn clutched at Nolan’s nape
and pushed harder with her hips. She descended into primal madness, unable to
pull back, only able to move forward. His cock jolted over hidden nerves so
eager she was certain they were only seconds away from erupting into flame.
Hard and hot,
thrusting and rocking, deeper and thicker until Weslyn exploded. She screamed,
but Nolan captured her mouth with his and drank her cries as he pushed deeper
still and came inside her with a hard shudder and a flood of heat. Still
coming, still pulsing with need, Weslyn rocked and bounced, pulling her lover
closer and sliding her hard nipples against his chest.
He held her as the
aftershocks racked her body. Every time she thought to catch her breath, new
pleasure jolted through her. Nolan smoothed his palms down her back and
manipulated her hips until she was sliding back and forth on his softening
shaft, both their juices lubricating, easing the friction until he slipped
free. Hot, wet and messy. Her pussy convulsed and shivered, slower and gentler,
until she finally fell still and silent.
“Thank you,” she
She felt Nolan
grin, just as he pressed his lips to her temple. Then he said, “Get some rest,
Weslyn. We’ll get to Barre early tomorrow morning.”