Stolen Breaths (12 page)

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Authors: Pamela Sparkman

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: Stolen Breaths
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“Take your time.”

The smell of bacon had drifted all the way to the end of the house. I got dressed as quickly as possible because I was in dire need of some coffee and food. I walked into the kitchen and had to stop for a minute and watch Cooper. He had changed into sweats and a solid black t-shirt and he was too beautiful not to stop and admire. He looked up and caught me watching him and a smile stretched across his face. “Well, are you gonna just stand there or are you gonna come over here and have breakfast with me?”

“Sorry,” I said with a smirk. “I was admiring your… technique.”

?” he asked, a permanent grin taking residence on his face.

I nodded my head and sat down across from him at the kitchen table.

“If spreading butter impresses you, you should see what else I can do.”

I nearly choked on my toast at his words. I looked up at him as I washed my toast down with the juice he poured for me. “Are you okay?”

“Mmmhmm, I’m fine.” I touched the napkin to my mouth. Clearing my throat I veered course. “So, are you working today?”


“Playing hooky?”

“Yes. I called myself this morning and let myself know that I would not be in today. I was okay with it.”

Holding in my laugh, I shook my head. “I’m glad you were so understanding.”

Cooper shrugged his shoulders. “I’m cool like that.” He took a bite of eggs then looked up when he felt a piece of toast bounce off his nose. “Did you just throw food at me?”

I shook my head yes, but said, “No.”

He looked at me through simmering eyes, contemplating what he should do about it. I, by that point, was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

“Just for that, Lily Grayson, you’ll have to sing with me tonight.”

“Whoa, what?”

was grinning like a Cheshire cat. “We have all day to practice.”

“Are you being serious right now?”


“I can’t do that.”

“Practice with me today, and we’ll take it from there. Agreed?”

Giving his request some thought I agreed. Reluctantly.

Cooper pulled the guitar strap over his head.

“What song are we singing?” I asked.

Cooper looked at me like he was giving it some thought but didn’t answer.

“Hello? Earth calling Cooper.”

“Oh sorry,” he said. “I’m suddenly very much aware that you are wearing my clothes. My underwear to be exact. And my t-shirt. They look
nice on you.” He was desperately trying to hold his grin in.

“Riiiight,” I drawled sarcastically. “You think you can concentrate on the music? This was your bright idea after all.”

“I can’t make any promises with you dressed like that.” Cooper ducked when the pillow I threw nearly hit his head. “Now you’re throwing pillows at me?”

I shook my head yes, but said, “No.”

“If you weren’t so damn adorable I might have to take you down and tickle you until you can’t breathe. But since I need you to breathe right now, I’ll wait until later.”

“Promises, promises,” I said teasingly.

Cooper cocked his head to the side. “Don’t doubt me, sweetheart.” He strummed his guitar and adjusted the tuning pegs. I found myself watching him intently and secretly hoping that he couldn’t hear my heart slamming against my chest.

We decided on a song to sing together and it came together quite easily. Better than I expected. After several runs through the song, Cooper set his guitar down. “Lily, do this with me tonight. I… I really want you up there with me. It would actually mean a lot to me if you did this.”

“You make it incredibly hard to say no.”

“It’s part of my charm.”

“Yes, I’m beginning to see that.”

“So you’ll do it?”

“Yes, I’ll do it.” I would have done it anyway because he’s Cooper, and because he asked me to.

Cooper’s smile couldn’t have been any bigger if he tried. “Thank you. I’ll drive you home and then I’ll arrange to get your car back to you. I’ll pick you up at six tonight. Will you be ready?”

“Yes,” I said, “I’ll be ready.”

I’ll Be Your Man Through and Through

I stood back to get a better view in the full length mirror. After much internal debate I had decided to wear the sleeveless pink top that tied around the neck. The top half of my back and shoulders were exposed but the lower half was completely covered. I went with a pair of cute fitted jeans and a pair of brown leather boots that stopped below the knee. I left my hair down, deciding to give it a few loose, bouncy curls. I meticulously gave my eyes a smoky look that made the natural honey color stand out more. And not wanting my lips to compete with my eyes, I gave them a soft pink gloss. I stood back to appraise my reflection and decided I looked okay.

At that moment, the doorbell rang. I looked at the clock to see what time it was – a few minutes past six. And like clockwork my nerves started rattling around. By the time I grabbed the doorknob my nerves felt like twisted knots. I exhaled a breath of air in a futile attempt at slowing the pace of my ever increasing heart rate. Inhaling slowly, I opened the door.

“Hello, Cooper,” I said, hoping he couldn’t see how nervous I was. The thought of being on stage, even a small one, was enough to make me hyperventilate.

Cooper stood on the other side of the door wearing jeans that fit his body in all the right places and a dark gray fitted t-shirt that accentuated his toned chest and arms. He was leaning against one of the porch columns, both hands in his front pockets, and was looking very relaxed and very handsome.

Cooper immediately shifted his body and stood up straight, his eyes doing a full body scan of me, taking inventory, before resting on my mouth and then a gradual climb to my eyes.

“Wow, Lil,” he said, running his hand through his hair, “you’re so…” He paused. “You’re stunning.”

“Thank you. Mind if I repay the compliment, kind sir?” He was beautiful to me in every way and I was having a hard time trying to control my own impulses.

“You think I’m stunning?” Cooper asked playfully.

“I don’t think it. You

“Mmmm…I have half a mind to call the bar and tell ‘em something’s come up and we can’t make it,” he said, a grin threatening to tickle the corner of his mouth.

“I think I could live with disappointing Joe and your friends if you’d rather stay here,” I said lightheartedly.

“Oh no you don’t. You’re not getting out of this so don’t even think about it,” he quipped, cocked his head to the side, and gave me a look that nearly stopped my heart. “But it is tempting, I have to admit.”

I reached for Cooper’s hand and threaded my fingers with his. “Let’s do this,” I said, with way more conviction than I actually felt. I think I was trying to convince myself more than I was Cooper that I was ready to pull this off.

Cooper looked down when I laced my fingers with his and a genuine expression of affection flickered across his face. He gradually trailed his eyes back up to meet mine and our gazes locked. I felt myself moving toward him, closing the gap between us. His wonderfully masculine scent enveloped my senses sending electricity zinging through my body. I felt Cooper’s fingers lightly graze across my bare shoulder and his unexpected touch made me shiver. When his fingers moved to brush my hair away I felt Cooper’s mouth on my skin, edging along the line of my shoulder and then my collar bone. My body hummed and a wave of warmth ricocheted through me. His lips slowly traveled up my neck, making a path to the sensitive patch behind my ear, and that simple touch made me feel weightless. I was floating on a cloud because I was certain I was no longer standing on solid ground.

“God, Lily, you have no idea…”

“No idea what?”

“How much I…” He groaned and rested his forehead on mine. He brought our hands up and held them there between us as his breathing became faster. He laid my palms on his beating heart and then cupped my face with his. He kissed the tip of my nose and then my cheek and then finally he touched his lips to mine sending sparks straight to my core. Slow, tender kisses that seemed to last hours, not minutes. When he finally pulled back he said, “We need to get going before I lose all the self-control I have.” With that, he took me by the hand and led me to his car.

The abrupt end to our physical contact left me feeling flustered and dizzy. Okay, a
flustered and dizzy.

“Thank you, Lily, for doing this,” Cooper said as we pulled up to Joe’s. “I know this sort of thing makes you nervous and I get that, but I want you to know…” he stopped to stroke my hair and then tucked a piece behind my ear, “I think you are the most amazing person I’ve ever known.”

All I could do was smile at him, and then managed to squeak out, “Thank you, Cooper. You’re sweet.”

Cooper’s eyes were trying to communicate things his lips weren’t saying. He seemed to be doing a lot of thinking tonight. He was quiet after we got in the car and I wondered what was on his mind. When Cooper opened his door to get out I remembered what it was I was going to be doing tonight, and my whole body tensed up. Cooper opened my door and reached for my hand to help me out, and he quickly noticed the sudden change in my body language. I became stiff and rigid as I fell from that puffy white cloud I was riding earlier.

Cooper pulled me in for a tight hug. He whispered in my ear, “What’s black, white, black, white, black, white?”

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “What?”

“Just answer the question.”

“I have no idea.”

“A penguin rolling down a hill. What’s black and white and laughing?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know,” I said, making a sad attempt not to laugh.

“The penguin who pushed him.”

I stared at him like he might have lost his mind and he stared back looking like he couldn’t hold it together anymore and then we both started laughing. I could feel some of that tension disappear.

“More of Joe’s corny jokes I presume?”

Cooper flashed me a flirtatious grin. “I’ll do whatever it takes to make you smile.” I guess Cooper could feel my rigid posture relax a bit too. “That’s my girl. Now what do ya say about having some fun tonight and forget about everything else?”

Holding my shoulders back with confidence, I said, “Sounds like a plan.”

“Good.” Cooper took my hand and together we walked into Joe’s.

“Hey, Lily!” Joe shouted from behind the bar, his smile big and bright. The music that funneled from the speakers was kind of loud, but the crowd was still thin. I suspected, though, that this place would be packed and crowded soon enough.

“Hi, Joe,” I replied when we walked up to the bar.

“Are y’all still set to sing together tonight?” he asked Cooper.

Cooper draped his arm over my shoulders and said, “Yep.”

“Awesome. I got the table closest to the stage reserved for you guys. Everyone should be getting here soon,” Joe said, then busied himself behind the bar.

“What is he talking about? Who’s everyone?” I asked Cooper.

“Joe went with me to get your car this afternoon and I told Beth she needed to come tonight. And of course Hayden will be here. And my grandmother is coming.”

“You told
Ms. Sophie

“I did.”

“And she wants to come? Why?”

“Why wouldn’t she? She’s looking forward to seeing you.”

For whatever reason, the idea of having Ms. Sophie present gave me a sense of calm. “Thanks, Cooper. I’m happy she’s coming.”

He kissed the top of my head. “You’re welcome, precious.”

I wrapped my arms around his waist because I just wanted to hold him. He very warmly reciprocated and wrapped his arms tightly around me. I could totally get used to this.

“Lily, dear, I’m so happy to see you.” I turned to see the sweet familiar face of Cooper’s grandmother.

“Ms. Sophie! I’m so glad you came.” I literally could not stop smiling.

“Of course, dear. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” She hugged me, and then Cooper.

Cooper put his hands in his front pockets and gave the floor a warm smile. Then he looked up at us. “I gotta go set up. It won’t take me long. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

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