Stolen: A Bad Boy Romance (7 page)

BOOK: Stolen: A Bad Boy Romance
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Kathryn. I wanted her. Wanted to get my dick wet so bad that I’d forgotten anything that was being said at the conference meeting. We met like this twice a week to discuss business. Real business. Yeah, we had our hands in a lot of pots, and yeah, we beat the ever living fuck out of people for shit, but we also had a company and a conglomerate to run, and I was the Vice President of Operations. Sure, I had everything delegated so that I didn’t need to complete a lot of work personally, but I was responsible for it all.

And that meant I actually had to do my job once in a while.

By noon, it was apparent that I didn’t want to be there. I didn’t give a shit about it. All I wanted was to be in between Kat’s legs, burying myself in her over and over again.

But I had shit to sign off on, I had all kinds of people to listen to, and I had new hires to approve.

If I could just get this shit done now, I could go home and surprise her. Let her know she could stay at my place.

I’d already worked it out with Greyson; he agreed that she would be less likely to bail if she was set up somewhere more comfortable, and it also meant that I could keep an eye on her to his satisfaction. And two hands on her to my satisfaction.

The idea of coming home to her made me so fucking stiff, I could barely conceal the hard-on in my pants.

So, I just sat there and hid my erection under the table while I listened to some of my colleagues drone on.

Many of them had no idea that we were running the company as a front; they thought it was the real deal, and it was. It ran, it operated, it was essential for our business.

But it was also a front for so much more.

That it was a real business with real plans made it so much harder for the government to understand what we did. They knew we were up to something nefarious, but we’d covered our tracks so well no one had been able to get any inroads.

It was genius, really.

I didn’t need to be here, listening to facts and figures. It would all be disseminated for me later anyways. I needed to be home.

I was already so fucking addicted to her and I knew it.

I stood and immediately buttoned my coat jacket, ready to bolt for the door. I just walked away, made no comment. The room went silent as I did and I smirked.

They would add it to the stories they would tell about me. I knew I was the talk of my department. Taking days off, coming and going as I pleased. They probably hated my guts, but I had their backs.

I always had their backs.

Our business location was in Fells Point, a short ride up to Hamden, but it felt like for fucking ever, even if I was the one behind the wheel.

I swerved up I-83 passing cars, weaving in and out of traffic until I got to my exit. It was maybe a ten minute journey, but fuck it all, I needed to be there now.

I didn’t take everything I wanted last night, but I was sure as hell going to do it now.

I rushed into the parking lot and parked in my own private area. It was nice to be the owner. I had all kinds of perks that way.

I hated my father, hell, I pretty much hated the whole family, but money flowed and gave me good opportunities.

Like this apartment complex.

Fuck the elevator, I bounded up the stairs a few at a time until I got up to my floor. I wanted her and I was going to have her.

I almost didn’t pause, but I realized that Michael was not outside the door like he should’ve been. No, he must’ve been inside.

Curious, I pulled out my phone and turned on the app that would let me see everything. Let me hear it all.

I was just in time for a very important conversation.

“Do you really want to see your father pay?” he asked, sliding a sandwich towards her. “Or are you just fucking around?”

“What?” Kat swallowed then grabbed her sandwich. “Yes. I wanna fucking make him pay.” She took a bite of that sandwich.

“If that’s the case, there is someone who wants to do the same thing.” He slid a card across the table with a number on it. “Call him. He’ll arrange a place to meet. Don’t tell anyone else. I didn’t give this to you.

He stood and smiled. “I know the way you feel about your father, I feel the same way. Being dragged into a world you don’t want to be in sucks. Don’t live that way, I’ve been living it for years.”

What the fuck? Those two were conspiring against us? All the blood in my cock immediately flew to my brain as anger overwhelmed me. I opened the door with a quick loud bang and stormed into the room.

“The fuck, man? I get you this job, I work hard for all this shit, and this is how you fucking repay me?”

I was raging at him from the other side of the apartment and I saw the look in his eyes.

It wasn’t one of fear. It was all challenge.

“Keep coming at me if you can honestly say you don’t want your father to go down. I can make all of that happen. I can put you and Greyson at the top. You just have to say the word.” He held up a hand. “Otherwise kill me. Don’t let them get to me, kill me or let me go.”

My father. All that rage directed away from Michael so quickly. The feel of the burns on my back, the ones I never let any woman see. Not even her.

I looked at Kathryn, then back at Michael.

“Is this what you want?” I asked, a snarl still in my voice. “Do you hate your father that much?”

“I saw him kill my uncle.” She said the words with such hate I could tell she’d never spoken them before. Her body was trembling. “I saw him put two bullets right in his head and then he slumped to the ground. Right outside, by our old play set, Janson. I watched as he called a team and had him cleaned up.” She wrapped her arms around her own body. “I hate that son of a bitch. The only man in the family that was halfway decent to me besides Greyson, and he killed him. He did it last February. You wanna know why I ran away? He’s why. I don’t want anything to do with this family. Not if he is at the head of it.”

So many emotions swarmed over me as I fought my anger, my urge to reach out and beat the ever living daylight out of Michael, but only for being the closest person in the room. I needed to pound on something.

“And so, you offer a card? Who is this fool and what is he even going to do?” I asked.

I should’ve just ended him right there, but I was curious.

“People who have been trying to get rid of your fathers for a very long time.”

“Mob?” I asked

He shook his head.


He didn’t say anything.

“No, no fucking police. I won’t be a part of that shit.”

“They have enough shit on all of you to put everyone away, Janson. Just need a little bit more. You can make an agreement now, and stay out, or you can rot.”

“No Feds,” I repeated. I wouldn’t be a fucking rat. They’d kill me if they found out. They would all kill me. It would be slow and painful, too. No way in hell was I going to cooperate.

“No,” I said. “We aren’t going to talk about this again. Get the fuck out of here, Michael. Go back to Pittsburgh, go anywhere. I don’t want to be the one to kill your ass.” I waved him away in a fury.

Fuck no, there was no way in hell I would have any of it.

I had to fucking call Greyson. He had to know about this shit.

Jesus Christ. It was all a steaming pile of shit.








Chapter Eight




“Did you think there was going to be an easy way out?” Janson asked after Michael left. His fingernails dug into the counter, the tips of them pure white. He was fuming. I could see by the way his shoulders heaved up and down that it was going to be a difficult conversation. The man was on the verge of violence.

“I think something needs to be done, I think my father needs to pay for what he did,” I said.

He was angry, violent, but I had to believe it wouldn’t extend to me. He said he would never hurt me, and I had to believe that.

“They need to be stopped, Janson. I mean, really.” I was just as angry. I could spit, claw, scream.

I’d confided in him the deepest darkest secret I had. The one that I had sworn to take to my grave, because if not, I would become a target. I knew my father. I knew what he was capable of. I knew exactly what would happen to me if he knew that I knew what he did. I saw him, but he never saw me. I hid while he searched the house, double checking for witnesses. I dreamed about it every single fucking night.

It was the kind of nightmare that I knew was half real. The kind I promised myself would never happen again.

And I had a chance to make sure that the man went back behind bars forever. I just had to figure out a way to make that happen. To make it all happen without implicating anyone.

I knew Janson was right, no Feds. At least not that he could be involved with. He was going to inherit the family business along with my brother, and it had to be legit. He would not last if he was implicated as an FBI snitch.

People got killed for a whole lot less than that.

It’s why I had to be the one to do it. I made that determination as soon as I saw the look on his face. I had to figure out a way to get rid of our fathers once and for all.

Why his father? Because he was the first fucking person that showed up to help with my uncle’s body. He was the one who coordinated everything. He was the one who took care of it all. They were both guilty.

They were both menaces to the family and to society.

I didn’t want that man walking free.

“You think I don’t know that? You think I don’t live to see my father put in jail or killed?” He pulled off his jacket and started unbuttoning his shirt.

What the fuck?

“I think you’ve gotten very rich off of our parents,” I said. “And that you probably don’t want to see the income dry up.”

“I’ve gotten what I could, yes, that’s true, but I’ve also received so much more.”

His shirt was off and I could see his body for the first time in the broad light of day. I hadn’t noticed all the scars on his body the first time I’d seen him naked. We were too busy.

At first glance, the front of his body looked totally clean, well-muscled and attractive, but as he turned, I saw a tapestry of shit on his back.

“What the hell?” I gasped aloud as I saw the complete canvas.

It was littered in long streaks of scars, burns healed over. Some of them obvious cigarette markings.

“You think you are the only one with a monster for a father? This shit started when my mother died. When I was six years old, Kathryn. Said he wanted to ‘toughen’ me up. Said it would make me into a great man. It made me into a monster.”

“You aren’t a monster,” I said as I walked towards him. I put my hand on his back and felt him stiffen, but I didn’t care. I guided my fingers along that flesh, the tips of them sliding along each divot and dimple in his marred back. “You’re beautiful.”

I meant it, too. It was so sad that I could feel the tears threaten my eyes, but he was absolutely gorgeous, scars or no.

This just added a little bit more to the story, and gave me a greater understanding.

It also solidified my decision.

I was going to see our fathers rot in jail if it was the last thing I did.

I would do it with or without Janson.




Beautiful. She called the scars beautiful. She called me beautiful. She saw so much more in me than I saw, and it scared me. This girl was completely crazy.

But it was exactly what I needed to hear to calm me down. Or rather, to relocate all that emotion into one very distinct area.

The want I had for her reemerged as I turned and looked into her eyes.

She was so fiery. So full of life. And she didn't see the monster I knew I was. The one who was just waiting for a chance to get out of his cage. The beast inside of me.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me. "Do you even know how dangerous it was talking to Michael about that shit? How do you know the number he gave you wasn't someone worse? Like the men who are trying to bring down our organization? The ones who would do so at any cost. Even your life."

Just thinking about it made me want to rip his throat out and throw his body from a bridge. I shouldn't have let Michael go. It was an obvious mistake. I shouldn't have given him a choice. But I'd trusted him with my life so many times and he never let me down. I needed to do that, for me. Not for him.

It was the most I could do to pay him back.

At least this way he would get a running chance.

But I didn't care about him, not right now, not at this moment. I had to address the defiant woman standing in front of me.

The one that was making my cock so hard I could barely breathe.

"I know it was dangerous, but he approached me. He asked me, and after all that he has been through, I believe him." She said it was such conviction.

"You barely know him," I protested. He'd been in her life for all of two days.

"But I saw the look in his eyes. He wants revenge. But not on you. Not on Greyson. What did Dad do to him?" she asked.

It was a good question. We probably would never know.

I still had the number in my pocket, and I would worry about that later. Right now I wanted her. I needed her. I came home with a desire for her, and I knew that it needed to be quenched before I could do anything else.

She was probably going to be the death of me, and I didn't care. The woman was my forbidden fruit. I would eat it no matter the consequences, and I didn't need any tempting.

"I don't want to lose you, Kat." I kissed her so deeply that she gasped in surprise. It wasn't the gentle kind of kiss. It took both our breath away as I grabbed her and pulled her into me. I was furious and horny, and the combination was deadly. "I am so fucking addicted to you."

I was going to fuck her until she lost her voice from screaming. I was going to ravage her until we were both sweaty and panting. There was no denying what was going to happen next. There was no turning back.

I pulled her shirt off between kisses and then worked on her bra next. She was topless so quickly, but it didn't change the fact that I wasn't satisfied until I felt her skin on my skin.

I needed to fuck her. Possess her. Do whatever I could to ensure she was mine. She was everything to me, and as much as I hated to admit it, it was becoming a real fact of life.

I'd go to the ends of the earth to make sure she was safe, but I would punish her for anything she did to put herself in harm’s way.


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