Stitch 'n Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook

BOOK: Stitch 'n Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook
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Stitch ’n Bitch


by Debbie Stoller

Illustrations by Adrienne Yan

Fashion photography by John Dolan


Dedicated to Johanna Cornelia Borsje-Gorissen
May 26, 1899 – March 20, 2003


Lots of people helped to make this book come together. At Workman, I thank Jessica Firger for approaching me with the idea in the first place and getting this knitting party started. I am deeply indebted to Ruth Sullivan, whose careful and patient editing greatly improved the copy and helped to make my words make sense. I’m particularly amazed that she—a nonknitter—was able to get through the many rereadings of the technical portions of the text, even though they made her eyes glaze over. Thanks to Janet Vicario for creating the exceptionally cute ’n sassy design, and for holding my hand through the cover shoot, and to Leora Kahn, for putting together a photo shoot that made the projects look so cool. Rebecca Schiff has been a great help, especially in pulling together a resources section when other demands kept me from being able to do so myself. Thank you to Betty Christiansen, a fine knitter and possibly even finer copyeditor. Finally, I’m very grateful to Eve Ng, who served as technical editor on the patterns in this book—if it weren’t for her attention to the knitty-gritty details, some of these scarves might have turned out to be sweaters, and vice versa.

I wish to thank the many designers who contributed their patterns and their time—they deserve such a huge part of the credit for making this book what it is—as well as the helping hands who volunteered to knit some of the projects included here: Molly Steenson (Skully), Anna McElheny (red Pippi Kneestockings), Galit Ben-Baruch (blue Pippi Kneestockings), Marney Anderson (bunny Punk Rock Backpack), Tracie Egan (Ribbed-for-Her-Pleasure Scarf), and my late-night, last-minute knitting crew: Meema Spadola, Jackie Broner, Stephanie Sterner, Barbara Pizio, and Sonya Laska.

Melanie Falick is one of my knitting in pirations and was gracious enough to share her invaluable advice with me on this book, and I’m also thankful that Mark Mann agreed to take a break from his usual celebrity work to take some pictures of me for the cover.

I want to thank Johanna and Bernard Stoller, and especially Michael Uman, for supporting me throughout the emotional process of writing a book and trying to meet seemingly impossible deadlines, and I’m particularly grateful to my awesome business partner, Laurie Henzel, and the rest of the staff of
magazine for allowing me the time I needed to get this cat in the bag.

Finally, I want to give a special shout out to everyone who’s attended New York City Stitch ’n Bitch sessions over the past four years; you all have kept knitting fun and alive for me.


Part One: Stitch ’n Bitch

Take Back the Knit
Why Young Women Are Taking Up Knitting Once More

My Crafty Family

I Knit, Therefore I Am

The New Knitting Craze

A Stitch in Time: A Brief History of Knitting

What a Girl Wants, What a Girl Needs
Tools of the Trade

Everything You Need to Know About Yarn (and Sheep)

Yarn Weights

Tools of the Trade

The Long and Short of Needles

How to Read a Yarn Label

Making a Center-Pull Ball

Managing Your Stash

The Knitty-Gritty
Learning to Cast On, Bind Off, and Knit

Casting On Using the Double Cast-on Method

Knitting in Both English and Continental Styles

Yarn Holds

Binding Off Your Work

Starting a New Ball

Changing Color

Making Stripes

Weaving In Yarn Ends

Beginner’s Basic I: Go-Go Garter Stitch Scarf

Purl, Too
Learning to Purl and Make Simple Stitch Patterns

Purling in Both English and Continental Styles

How to Make Stockinette, Rib, and Seed Stitch

How to Tell Whether to Knit or Purl

Making Stitch Designs

Reading Charts

Edge Stitches

Binding Off in Pattern

Using Circular and Double-Pointed Needles

Beginner’s Basic II: Ribbed-for-Her-Pleasure Scarf

Shaping Up
Learning to Increase and Decrease

How to Increase

The Bar Increase

The Make One Increase

The Yarn Over

Decreasing Stitches

Knit Two Together

Slip, Slip, Knit (ssk) and Slip, Knit, Pass Slipped Stitch Over (skp)

Single and Cable Cast-on

Beginner’s Basic III: Kitschy Kerchief

The Rules of Engagement: What Not to Knit for Your Boyfriend

Finishing School
Learning to Sew Seams, Pick Up Stitches, and Block Your Work

Joining Knit Pieces Together

Sewing Side Seams Using Mattress Stitch and Backstitch

Connecting the Tops of Knit Pieces

Joining a Top to a Side Edge

Fake Grafting

The Kitchener Stitch

The Three-Needle Bind-off

Learning to Pick Up Stitches

Blocking for Blockheads

Never Look a Gift Hat in the Mouth: The Fine Art of Knitting for Others

Getting Knitty with It
Fancy Things to Do with Needles and Yarn

Bells and Whistles: Fringes, Tassels, Pom-poms

How to Make Blanket and Duplicate Stitches

Making Cables

Advanced Color Knitting


Fair Isle

How to Make a Crochet Chain

Single Crochet

Crab Stitch


In the Loop: Crochet Tips

Oops, I Knit It Again
The Stitch Doctor’s Guide to Fixing Mistakes

Picking Up Dropped Knit and Purl Stitches

Changing Purls into Knits and Vice Versa

Fixing Extra Stitches

Unknitting—One Stitch at a Time

Unraveling Rows of Knitting

Tightening Saggy Stitches

Adding Length to an Unintentional Crop Top

Frogging Your Work

Quick-Fixin’ Tricks

A Loosely Knit Group
A Guide to the Wonderful World of Knitters

Starting Your Own Stitch ’n Bitch

Virtual Knitting Communities

The KnitList

Online Knitting Blogs

Free Knitting Patterns

Computer Programs for Knitters

Real-Life Knitting Organizations

The Best Knitting Books

Magazines for Knitters

A Field Guide to Knitters


Part Two: Stitch ’n Bitch Patterns

How to Read a Knitting Pattern


Scarves and Hats

Coney Island Fireworks Scarf

Windy City Scarf

Alien Illusion Scarf

Hot Head

Sparkle Hat

Adults-Only Devil Hat and Official Kittyville Hat

Loopy Velez Cowl



Chinese Charm Bag

Zeeby’s Bag

Meema’s Felted Marsupial Tote

Punk Rock Backpack

Cricket’s Technicolor Techno-Cozy

Fluffy Cuff Mittens

Pippi Kneestockings

Powerful Wrist Protection

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