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Authors: Lynn Tyler

Steam (13 page)

BOOK: Steam
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He swallowed the sounds she fed him and was determined to draw more from her. Finally, he stopped in front of her room and he let go of her with one hand to manipulate the doorknob. He wrestled with it for a few seconds, trying to open it without taking his mouth from Sunny’s.

Sloan growled with frustration when the fucking thing wouldn’t cooperate with him. He was forced to pull his lips off Sunny’s and actually watch what he was doing. Sunny didn’t help matters when she started to mouth her way down his neck a little. Finally, Sloan managed to open the door.

He shuffled inside, kicking the door shut with his foot, and made his way to the bed. He all but dropped her on the mattress, and she landed with a soft thud.

She looked up at him, her eyes sparkling with heat and desire. It was all he could do not to rip off her clothes and sink into her. But he wanted more than that. She
more than that. "Stand up."

She bit her lip and looked up at him from under her thick veil of eyelashes. He almost forgot his whole plan with that one look, but he stood firm. “I said, stand up.”

The bedding rustled as she rose gracefully from the mattress. She glided to the center of the room and froze. “Now what?” Her voice was sultry and drove his lust even higher. The expression on her face was one of pure desire. Clearly, she liked it when he got a little dominating. “Strip.”

If there was any doubt she would disobey his order, it was quickly dispelled when she grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. The movement was slow, revealing one creamy inch of skin at a time, and his already hard dick twitched, eager to get inside her.

His mouth practically watered by the time he removed his shirt. Sunny's mouth formed into a tiny, Mona Lisa smile as she swept her hair over her shoulder and reached behind her back to unhook her bra. "Stop," he growled.

She froze, her hands still behind her back. Sloan had been dreaming of one particular scene since their first encounter, and it was time to make his dream come true. "The pants first."

Sunny obeyed him easily, moving her hands from her bra to the front of her jeans and popping open the button without hesitation. She peeled the denim from her slim legs and tossed the pants over her shoulder. A tiny scrap of blue silk covered her pussy from his gaze, matching the blue bra that cupped her perfect breasts lovingly.

He had to see the entire sight. He stalked over to her slowly, circling her, viewing her from every angle. He just about choked when he saw the tiny string of her thong disappearing between her creamy cheeks. God, she was beautiful. No, beautiful was too tame a word for Sunny. She was breathtaking.

His hands itched to touch, to stroke, but he restrained himself. "Bra next."

She complied. The filmy material seemed to float away from her body, leaving her completely bare from the waist up. "Have I told you how much I love your tits?" he asked softly.

Her arm drifted up her belly and hovered under her breasts as if she wanted to cover herself. "You may have mentioned it a time or two," she whispered.

He took his time, making sure he memorized every inch of her spectacular body. They hadn't spoken about commitment, and he was acutely aware that each time he made love to Sunny could potentially be the last. "I think this thong was created to give me a heart attack."

"Well then, I guess I should get rid of it." Hooking her fingers through the thin bands material on each hip, she slowly slid the underwear down until she could kick it off.

She stood before him proudly, her shoulders straight and her head held high. Her red hair tumbled in wild waves around her shoulders and she looked like some kind of princess of old. He pried his tongue from the roof of his mouth and reminded himself that he was supposed to be making her understand why he was the better choice over some fire-breathing lizard. And right then, she looked far too smug. It was time for him to take back control.

"Get on the bed."

Once again, she obeyed his commands, even though her expression still reflected her knowledge that she had robbed him of all sense. Clambering up onto the mattress, Sunny sprawled on her back legs open slightly so he could see the folds of her pussy. "Like this?"

His entire body throbbed in anticipation, and he knew he would never make it through this, would never succeed with his mission, if she touched him. Thinking quickly, he slid off his belt, wrapped it around her wrists, and secured her to the headboard. "Oh, kinky," she breathed.

"You haven't seen anything yet." He looked around the room, hoping he could find something, anything, he could use to make good on his threat. His gaze landed on the strand of pearls laying on her dresser. Her eyes widened when he slipped the necklace into his pocket but she didn't say a word.

He yanked off his T-shirt before joining her on the bed. "Aren’t you going to take off your pants?" She asked.

"Don't worry about me." He skimmed a hand along her jaw and down her throat, pausing to tickle one finger against the pounding pulse point in her neck. "It's hotter this way, don't you think?" He certainly wasn’t going to tell her that he wouldn’t last if he stripped completely.

She shook her head and he pinched her nipple a little roughly in retaliation. She squawked, her earlier urgency obviously tamed by the time it'd taken for her to strip and be restrained. He wasn't disappointed though. It meant he had more of an opportunity to touch her.

He leaned down and caught her lips in a kiss. Then another. Then another. By the time he surfaced to let her catch her breath, her eyes were glazed over again. He pressed kisses down her neck and along her body, stopping to pay homage to her peaked nipples. He nibbled on them, licked them, and sucked them, until she writhed beneath him. Then and only then, did he move on.

He stabbed his tongue into her belly button, pleased by the little desperate moans she started making. He licked a trail down her belly to the very top of her pussy, where he nuzzled his nose into her sparse curls. He had never understood some men's fascination with the bald pussy. He loved Sonny's soft curls. They simply reminded him he was sleeping with a real woman.

Slithering down the bed, Sloan made his way between Sonny's legs and wedged them open with his shoulders. Using his fingers, he parted her folds and stared down at her. She was stunning, simply stunning. Her clit was swollen, peeping out from under the hood. With one finger he lightly flicked over the small ridge of flesh, teasing and coaxing the small bundle of nerves out from its hiding place. The little organ stood proudly for him. He fancied it begged for his touch. "Tell me, Sunny. Where is it most sensitive?"

He tore his eyes away from her sex and looked up at her when she failed to answer. Her bottom lip was caught between her teeth and her eyes were squeezed shut. He smiled triumphantly. This was exactly how he wanted her. "Your answer, Sunny," he demanded. "And look at me when you talk."

The expression in her eyes when she finally opened them made him want to pound his chest and victory. There was no way she was thinking about the dragon prince now.

"The right side."

The right side? Oh.
She'd answered his question. Placing the very tip of his index finger on the right side of her clit he pressed down a little. "Here?"

Her answering whimper was all he needed to hear.

Her hips jerked when he wiggled his finger against that spot. "Please," she whimpered.

"Please what?" He knew exactly what she wanted. He wanted to hear her say it.

She thrashed her head from side to side, her hair spilling in glorious abundance over her pillow. "I need to come. Please, make me come."

Her honesty deserved a reward. Sloan stroked her clit one last time before pulling his hand away. "Good girl." Closing his mouth over the small nubbin of flesh, he stiffened the tip of his tongue and used it to flick against the spot she'd indicated earlier.

She went wild, chanting his name and jerking her hips against his mouth. But he wasn't going to let her get off that easily.

Reaching into his pocket, he retrieved the strand of pearls. Making sure to keep her distracted with his mouth, he fed the pearls into her sopping pussy, one by one. When all but the very end of the necklace was in, he lifted his mouth off her and sat back. He pulled the strand up and over so each individual pearl bumped against her clitoris as he removed the necklace. "Who is making love to you?"

"You, Sloan."

He drew another pearl from her pussy and dropped a kiss against her soft belly. "Who do you want?"

Sunny sobbed and writhed. "You, Sloan. Only you."

A savage possessiveness flooded through him. He needed to claim her, to make her his, and to do that he needed to give her an orgasm so spectacular, she would never forget it.

He slipped one finger in her alongside pearls and pressed the beads firmly against the top of her pussy. He continued pulling at the necklace, making sure the strand was taut, so her clit was stimulated by each and every pearl. She was beyond words, and every muscle in her body was stiff. She was close, he could tell. If she didn't come soon, she probably wouldn't. Gathering together the small molecules of moisture in the air, he created a small jet of water and directed it to pummel against the right side of her clit.

She screamed, her body going rigid. Her pussy went hot and liquid around his finger a mere second before her inner walls began contracting on him.

Pushed past his limits, Sloan reared up and yanked his pants and underwear off in a single movement. He paused for one second to grab the condom he'd taken to carrying around in his pocket before checking his pants on the floor. He sheathed himself, pulled the rest of the pearls out of her pussy, and thrust inside her still clenching sex. He could feel her heat even through the latex and it was enough to make him see stars. He hammered into her, unable to slow down.

Sunny's cries increased and she raised her head to bite his shoulder. The small pain merely spurred him on. "Faster," she cried when she released his flesh from between her teeth.

Faster was something he could definitely do. He increased his pace, until he panted like a racehorse, his lungs burning with the need for oxygen. Still, he didn't slow down until her eyes snapped open and stared at him with wonder. Her mouth opened in a silent scream and she convulsed around him, milking the orgasm out of him just like that.

He spilled into the condom in an unexpected orgasm, shouting out her name. The climax seemed to last forever. He had just enough sense to roll to Sunny's side before collapsing.

He lay there, stunned. Never had sex been so intense. It was only when Sunny gave a small whimper that he managed to lift his head. Shit. He'd forgotten she was still restrained to the headboard.

Forcing himself to his knees, Sloan reached up with shaking arms and released the belt holding her wrists. In hindsight, his belt probably hadn't been the best thing to use as a restraint. The skin around each wrist was red and her hands were cold. He rubbed them in his own trying to warm them up and restore circulation. "I'm so sorry. Do they hurt very much?"

She shook her head and smiled. "Don't worry. They only hurt a little, and it was totally worth it."

When her hands were finally warm Sloan hopped off the bed and quickly took care of the condom. "Do you need anything?"

Sunny bit her lip, looking hesitant for the first time. "Would you mind holding me for a little while?"

He rejoined her on the bed and pulled her into his arms. She nestled against him, burying her nose in the hollow of his throat. "You don't even have to ask," he whispered.

Chapter 15

A shaft of light hit him straight in the face and Sloan groaned a little. He already knew he wasn’t in his own room. The scent of wild flowers was a dead giveaway. Opening his eyes, Sloan stared at the woman next to him. Her red hair was spread out over the pillow, and her fist was curled up loosely by her face. She looked positively angelic, even though he knew she could be a little hellion when she put her mind to it.

Sunny shifted around, moving closer and closer, until she was snuggled right up against him. She nuzzled her nose against his shoulder and wrapped herself around his arm before throwing her leg over his thigh.

A smile broke over his face. He was pleasantly surprised at how much he liked the cuddling. He’d never actually nestled up with a woman before. Dara had always liked her space in bed and he’d never complained.

An ache formed in his chest, and he rubbed at it. He recognized the sweet pain. It was love, pure and simple. He should have guessed his feelings for Sunny had developed past the grudging admiration he’d first felt and into something much more when jealousy had overwhelmed him at the thought of her meeting the dragon prince.

For the first time in a long time, Sloan didn’t feel a crushing agony when he thought about Dara. He knew what he needed to do. It was time for him to let go.

Easing out of Sunny’s hold, Sloan slid from the bed and slipped on his pants. He tiptoed into the hall, closing the door softly behind him. It was early enough that he didn’t need to worry about being caught leaving the fire handler’s room. Not that anyone was clueless about their relationship. Every single occupant of the castle had teased him about it at least once since he started seeing Sunny.

Still, he didn’t know what Sunny would think if anyone caught him sneaking out of her room, so he hauled ass down the hall to his own suite.

He looked around the bedroom and sank onto the bed. This room hadn’t changed in more than twenty-five years. Stroking the blue bedspread, Sloan thought back to the day he’d walked in and found his suite totally redone. Dara had giggled and asked if he’d loved it. He’d loved it because she had done it for him.

This room didn’t seem like his anymore. In fact, he hadn’t done more than shower and change clothes in his room in weeks. His mind set on what he knew he had to do, he dressed quickly and took a deep breath.

Dara’s picture smiled up at him from his dresser, right next to the vase that held her ashes. He picked up the photo and looked at it, tracing his finger over the line of her jaw. “Dara, sweetie…” he stopped to clear his throat as tears misted over his vision. “I love you. You’ll always be the first woman I’ve ever loved.”

BOOK: Steam
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