Read Staying Power Book 14 in the Action! Series Online

Authors: GA Hauser

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Staying Power Book 14 in the Action! Series (27 page)

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"I don't recall her mentioning it. I don't
think it was a deliberate omission."

"Oh." Steve checked Mark's expression and
Mark obviously didn't agree.

"We've been rather overwhelmed on this end,"
Harry said.

"Have you? Is everything all right, Harry?"
Mark leaned closer as Steve held the phone between them.

"Yes, everyone is in good health, and all
that, but Leslie is in the process of making my son Luke the CEO of
Richfield International."

Mark choked and Steve nudged him to be

"Luke? Really?" Steve tried to keep calm;
after all, Mark didn't want it.

"Yes. He's slowly been making the transition
and Leslie is really too weary to keep up with a business that
large. So instead of selling, Luke has agreed to take over."

Steve tried not to get annoyed. "So…I don't
want to sound crass, Harry, but since this was Mark's father's
business, I assume something will come to him, or at least Alex
from it."

"I don't know, Steven. That's really up to
Mark and his mother. I try not to be involved. I know their
relationship is quite tenuous."

"Quite." Steve rolled his eyes.

"Of course, if Mark wants to be on the

Mark shook his head adamantly and appeared
about to scream.

"I don't think that's something Mark has time
for. He's already working two full-time jobs."

"I see." Harry probably didn't.

"Well, we'll be looking for the money to
appear in the account, Harry. It's for Alexander."

"Yes. Well, I shall call my accountant with
your details and call you if we run into a snag."

"Good. Thank you. I really appreciate this.
Mark's legacy means a lot to him. He wants Alex to have everything
he deserves from his grandfather, Milt."

Mark put his finger into his mouth to
simulate a fake gag.

"I do understand. Believe me. And that
company is so huge, there's no reason Alexander should be lacking
in any way."

"I'm very happy to hear you say that. After
all, Alexander is Richfield blood."

Mark gaped at Steve and shook his head,
mouthing, 'no!'

And sure enough, Harry's demeanor changed.
"That may be true, Steven, but Leslie loves my son and daughter and
her grandchildren just as if they were her own blood."

"I'm sorry, Harry, no disrespect intended.
We're just fathers, too, wanting the best for our son."

"Yes. Well, let me see to this on Monday. Of
course the banks are closed over the weekend."

"That's fine. Thank you, Harry." Before the
line disconnected, Steve asked, "Would Leslie like to speak to

Mark's gaze connected to Steve's as he

Harry again sounded as if he was cupping the
phone then said, "She is occupied at the moment. Perhaps she can
ring Mark at another time."

"Okay. Does she know it was his birthday last

"I don't know."

Mark shook his head and waved at Steve to

"All right, Harry. Well, all the best to Luke
and his new role at the company."

"Thank you. Good day."

Steve hung up and wanted to throw the phone
into a wall. Instead, he set it on the nightstand and fell back on
the bed.

Mark cuddled around him.

"Fucking lying douchebag. When I see the cash
in our account I'll believe it." Steve held Mark.

"Don't worry. Please."

"Fucking pisses me off. Assholes are taking
over the fucking company?"

"I don't want it. What was Mum to do?"

"Sell it and give you the cash!"


"What." Steve felt like screaming.

"I don't need it. All I want is for Alex to
have a lovely life once we're gone."

Mark held onto him and kissed his hair,
trying not to be so furious.

Two weeks later…


Billy stood in front of the security area of
LAX international airport. He had contacted the airport police so
they knew an armed LAPD captain was in the terminal.

Alex had checked his baggage and carried just
a small shoulder bag with his computer and a few personal items. He
was holding his boarding pass and his passport.

Mark, Steve, Jack, and Adam were waiting
behind them, already having said their goodbyes.

Billy heard Mark crying and struggled to stop
his own tears. Mark did, however, make his son an emotional

Billy pulled him aside as the airport police
kept the paparazzi back. But the flashes of cameras were

"Billy…" Alex's bottom lip quivered.

Billy reached for his man and picked him up
off his feet, kissing him, and tasting his tears. "I'm here. Skype
me every night to tell me about your day."

"Don't get into another shootout. Promise."
Alex dropped his shoulder bag and held onto Billy tightly.

"Promise. Captain now. No more being a
cowboy." He pressed his face into Alex's neck. "Love you. Love you
so much."

"Gaaaad, Billy. I'll miss you so much." Alex
wept and kept kissing Billy's cheek and mouth. "Love you. Love

"Baby." Billy set him down on his feet and
wiped at his tears. "Calm down. We'll be fine."

"I'll miss you. Oh shit. I'll miss you."

"You'll be so busy filming." Billy dabbed at
his own tears. "The days will fly by."

"Yes." Alex rubbed at his eyes and wiped his

"Go. Don't miss your plane."

Alex leapt on him and kissed him again.
Flashes of light were everywhere.

He heard Steve yell at the paparazzi,
"Christ, you morons! Isn't anything private?"

Billy tried to pry Alex off. "Don't worry.
Just concentrate on your work. I have to do the same. Right?"

"Yes." Alex picked up his bag and hung it on
his shoulder.

"Call me when you get settled into the
hotel." Billy fought his own emotions, but it wasn't as if Alex was
leaving for the military.

Before Alex handed his boarding pass to
someone, he ran to Billy once more, kissed his mouth, and then
turned away as if he couldn't take the goodbye any longer.

Billy watched Alex walk through the
checkpoint, taking off his coat and shoes, placing his bag on the
conveyor belt for the x-ray machine.

An arm surrounded Billy. He looked over at

Mark's tears had stopped but his eyes were
red-rimmed. "Our baby is such a big boy now."

Billy laughed and held onto Mark as they
waited until they couldn't see Alex any longer, watching until he
was through the screening process.

When Billy and Mark turned towards their
friends, a flood of the paparazzo's flashing camera shots were
aimed at his and Mark's contact. It was like being hit with a white
strobe light. Billy released Mark and shielded his eyes from the
brightness. "Christ! Get the hell away from me or I'll punch

The security from the airport tried their
best to keep the gawkers and photographers away. Billy walked to
the exit, feeling the target of photo after photo after photo…

Outside the terminal a stretch limousine
waited. The driver opened the door and Mark, Steve, Adam and Jack
climbed in; Billy looked back at the photographers and then the
airport terminal before he climbed in.

The car began to move and Jack said, "Well,
let me guess the next tabloid story." He removed a bottle of booze
from inside the limo and began pouring, handing the glasses around.
"Mark Richfield keeps Captain Sharpe sexually satisfied while
hubby, Alex, is away."

"Jackie!" Mark nudged him.

They were sitting facing each other on bench

Billy took the glass and sniffed it. It was
vodka. "I thought the same thing. I don't give a shit, but Alex
better not buy it." He threw the vodka down his throat.

Steve held the glass before drinking it.
"Man. I swear this is hard work."

Adam raised his glass in a toast. "To staying

They all held up their glasses and tapped
them. Billy watched the other four drink their shots and then
reached for the bottle.

After he poured another, he slouched in the
seat. "Mark."

"Yes, my pet."

"How is Alex going to do on his own?"

Adam answered for Mark, "Let me tell you
something about movie shootings, Billy. Alex won't have time to
think of anything. He'll be hot, frustrated, and pushed to his
limits. He will work sixteen-hour days at a minimum. Have one day
off to sleep all day, and then be back at it learning new lines and
especially the accent."

Billy handed off the bottle. "Good."

"He'll be fine, Billy. How will you be?" Mark

"Fine." Billy looked out of the window as
they left the airport and hit the highway. "I trust him."

"Does he trust you?" Jack asked.

"Jack!" Adam whacked him in the chest.

"He does." Billy met Jack's skeptical leer.
"I'd rather jerk off to Alex on Skype than have sex with another

Steve muttered something.

"What?" Billy asked, leaning closer.

"Except Mark."

Mark punched Steve for the comment and before
they began brawling, Adam separated them both.

Billy finished the second shot of vodka and
stared out of the window. Alex in Rome. Maybe I'll find a way to
take time off.

"Mum wired the money, Jackie," Mark said,
drinking the vodka.

"'Bout time."

"Good." Adam nodded.

"I put it into an IRA for Alex."

Billy spun around to face Mark. "You

"Yes, love." Mark smiled at him.

"Alex should have had Billy sign a

"Jack!" Adam hit him again.

"Stop or I will hurt you, Lewis!" Jack

Billy didn't ask how much. "Good. I want my
baby to have everything."

"All he wants is you." Steve smiled.

Billy smiled shyly back. "Crazy boy."

"He is. Crazy for Captain Sharpe." Mark gave
him a sly smile.

Billy laughed and said, "Steve, ya wanna
borrow my uniform?"

"Yes! Christ, he'd jack off to it on a

"Steven!" Mark blushed.

Billy chuckled and as they drove down the
freeway he watched the large jets come and go.

Life. He never knew what was going to happen
day to day. But he knew one thing. His love for Alex was going to
last a long, long time.

He found Mark staring at him and winked.


The End

About the Author


Award-winning author G.A. Hauser was born in
Fair Lawn, New Jersey, USA and attended university in New York
City. She moved to Seattle, Washington where she worked as a patrol
officer with the Seattle Police Department. In early 2000 G.A.
moved to Hertfordshire, England where she began her writing in
earnest and published her first book, In the Shadow of Alexander.
Now a full-time writer, G.A. has written over ninety novels,
including several best-sellers of gay fiction. GA is also the
Executive Producer for her first feature film, CAPITAL GAMES. For
more information on other books by G.A., visit the author at her
official website.

G.A. has won awards from All Romance eBooks
for Best Author 2010, 2009, Best Novel 2008, Mile High, and Best
Author 2008, Best Novel 2007, Secrets and Misdemeanors, Best Author

The G.A. Hauser Collection

Single Titles

Unnecessary Roughness

Hot Rod

Mr. Right

Happy Endings

Down and Dirty

Lancelot in Love

Cowboy Blues

Midnight in London

Living Dangerously

The Last Hard Man

Taking Ryan

Born to be Wilde

The Adonis of WeHo


Band of Brothers

Rough Ride

I Love You I Hate You

Code Red

Marry Me


The Farmer's Son

One Two Three

Three Wishes


Bedtime Stories

Among Wolves

Lie With Me

Hardcore Houston

L.A. Masquerade

Dude! Did You Just Bite Me?

My Best Friend's Boyfriend

The Diamond Stud

The Hard Way

Games Men Play

Born to Please

Of Wolves and Men

The Order of Wolves

Got Men?

Heart of Steele

All Man


Black Leather Phoenix

London, Bloody, London

In The Dark and What Should Never Be, Erotic Short

Mark and Sharon

A Man's Best Friend

It Takes a Man

Blind Ambition

For Love and Money

The Kiss

Naked Dragon

Secrets and Misdemeanors

Capital Games

Giving Up the Ghost

To Have and To Hostage

Love you, Loveday

The Boy Next Door

When Adam Met Jack


The Vampire and the Man-eater

Murphy's Hero

Mark Antonious deMontford

Prince of Servitude

Calling Dr Love

The Rape of St. Peter

The Wedding Planner

Going Deep

Double Trouble


Miller's Tale

Vampire Nights

Teacher's Pet

In the Shadow of Alexander

The Rise and Fall of the Sacred Band of Thebes


The Action Series

Acting Naughty

Playing Dirty

Getting it in the End

Behaving Badly

Dripping Hot

Packing Heat

Being Screwed

Something Sexy

Going Wild

Having it All!

Bending the Rules

Keeping it Up

Making Love

Staying Power


Men in Motion Series

Mile High


Driving Hard

Leather Boys


Heroes Series

Man to Man

Two In Two Out

Top Men


G.A. Hauser

BOOK: Staying Power Book 14 in the Action! Series
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