Stay With Me (6 page)

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Authors: A. C. Marchman

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Stay With Me
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Donovan leads me into the kitchen area, which reminds me of a restaurant.  Just in one glance, I see three freezers, two refrigerators, and a whole row of stovetops.  Geez, when you’re this wealthy, I guess you’re entitled to having an industrial sized kitchen.  


He says hello to most of the staff, but doesn’t stop to talk to them.  He heads straight to an older, gray haired lady who is wearing a white apron overtop her “uniform” blue dress.  
Seriously, who the hell makes their house employees wear uniforms?  This isn’t the fifties.
 Donovan grins ear to ear and wraps his arms around her, as she does the same to him.  “Oh, Donnie boy, I’m so glad you’re back home.  I’ve missed you.”  


“I’ve missed you, too, Ms. Chandler.” He releases her hug and turns back to me.  “Allie, this is the woman that raised me.  Ms. Chandler, this is my girlfriend, Allie Marshall.”  I step towards her, only to be once again, given a tight hug.  
What is it about the South that makes everyone a hugger?  


“Girlfriend?  I didn’t know you had a girlfriend!  I was starting to worry about you, boy.” She lets me go and looks at me with curious gray eyes.  “You sure are pretty, little lady.  Make sure you keep my boy happy.”  


I flush and respond, “I plan on doing just that.”


“We have to run, Ms. Chandler.  I just wanted you to meet Allie,” Donovan gives her a small peek on the cheek.  “We’ll catch up later.”  We both wave bye and head back out the same door we came in.  By the time, we get back, everyone is gone.  I start to help clear the table and he gives me a funny look.  “What are you doing?” he asks, genuinely perplexed.


I laugh.  “Are you serious?  I’m cleaning up, like a polite guest should.”


“Yeah, but the staff takes care of that, not you.”


“Sorry, but I was brought up a little differently than you, babe.  It’s just the nice thing to do.  Besides, it’s just a few dishes.  They got almost everything else, so why don’t you help me?”  I hand him a plate and he takes it, giving me a sexy ass smirk.  “What are you thinking about?” I walk up to him and look into his blue eyes, seeing a flicker of desire.  


“Oh, nothing really.  Just about how sexy you would look in a French maid’s outfit.”  My mouth drops slightly, and I start to think how hot role playing would be with this man.  


“Oh, is that right?” I set the plates down and press my body against his, already feeling his dick starting to twitch inside his pants.  “Why don’t we test that idea when we get back home?”  In a spontaneous moment, I slide my hand down and grab his hardening shaft.  I hear his groan through clenched teeth.  “Of course, I can show you how sexy I can be without
clothes on.”  I can’t believe my boldness.  Maybe it’s the realization that I’m in love with him, or maybe it’s because I can’t keep my hands off of him.  Whatever the reason is, I want him inside me and we need to find a place where we can make that happen, like yesterday.


He grabs my hand from his dick and gives a deep, sexy growl.  “Come on.”  He takes me through another door in the end of the dining room that leads to a small set of stairs.  He practically drags me behind him as he takes the steps two at a time.  When we reach the top, he opens the big wooden door and opens it into a loft with a queen size bed.  We slip off our shoes and tiptoe across the floor, trying not to make squeaks as we cross the room.  As soon as we reach the bed, Donovan grabs the hem of my dress and slips it off over my head.  As soon as he does that, I’m unzipping him and trying to free his body from his shirt at the same time.  I can’t get him nude fast enough.  He helps by crossing his arms at his stomach and lifting his shirt over his head.  I slip his shorts down to his ankles, then running my hands from his calves back up to his perfected sculpted chest.  His muscles flex from the feel of my fingertips, causing goosebumps to rise all over his lightly tanned skin.  I trail kisses from his navel to his pecs as his hands grab my hair.  


“God, baby.  You’re so fucking hot.”  He pulls my head up and his mouth covers mine.  I moan as I part my lips, giving him entrance.  His hands tighten around my face as his tongue devours me, making me crazy with need for him.  His lips then move to my neck, gently nipping and biting his way down to my collarbone, then to my breasts.  As he pulls one of my nipples into his mouth, my back arches as pleasure courses through my veins.  He tugs and licks, searing my skin with his hot mouth.  Then, in one fluid movement, he turns me around and lays me down on the bed.  I bend my knees up and place my feet on the bed so I can scoot myself up, but he stops me by grabbing my ankles.  I look up, wondering why the hell he stopped me and before I can say anything, his head dips between my thighs.  He yanks my panties off, almost ripping them to shreds.  


He spreads my legs apart with his hands.  His warm tongue touches my inner thighs and I quiver as he moves it closer to my apex.  He slowly licks from the bottom of my folds to my clit, which is aching now, yearning for relief.  I buck my hips off the bed, unable to stifle the groan that escapes my lips.  Donovan places a firm hand on my belly to hold me still, all while he darts his tongue in and out of me.  I roll my head back as I grip his hair in both hands, my body demanding that he go deeper.  He kisses me there like he would kiss my mouth, his tongue invading my folds.  One final flick of his tongue does it and I cum hard, my world spiraling out of control as my body convulses from my orgasm.  I feel my legs go weak as Donovan lifts his head and licks his lips.  “God, you taste amazing.”


I shudder one more time as he crawls on top of me.  He holds his shaft in his hand and circles the folds, letting it go in just a little, then pulling out.  “You’re a tease,” I pant, desperately wanting his whole length inside me.  I start scratching my nails down his back, then grabbing his ass, basically demanding he give me what I want.  


He looks down at me through those hooded blue eyes, which are shining dangerously at me, and says, “You want all of me, baby?”
 Like I would ever say no
.  I bob my head up and down, not able to complete a sentence because it’s impossible to think right now.  He smirks, then encircles me one more time, then slams into me.


I cry out, “Oh God, Yes!’  He starts his pace hard and fast.  This is no holds barred kind of fucking, and I love it.  I wrap my legs around him, and the feeling of him pounding into me is too much and once again, I let go around him.  My muscles tighten and he feels it, too.  He rams me a few more times as I’m cumming and he groans loudly.  I feel him throbbing and letting himself go deep inside of me.  He whispers my name as he finishes, wrapping me in his arms as he collapses on me.  I cup his face and give him a slow, lingering kiss.  Then I move the hair out of his eyes and just stare, not knowing the right thing to say at this moment.  I want so badly to say “I love you”, but I hold my tongue.  He has to say it first.  I said it to Matt the first time and I’m not doing it again.  I have to know he feels like I do before I will utter those three little words.


He looks deep in thought, like he has something to say.  He rolls off of me and I grimace at the empty feeling.  I roll onto my side to watch him get dressed.  His back is towards me and I watch him in wonder.  
How the hell do you get back muscles like that?


“Everything okay?” I ask as I scoot myself up and swing my legs off the bed, hoping they don’t buckle under me.  


“Huh? Oh yeah, I’m fine, sorry.  Just tired now that you wore me out.” He turns to bend down to give me a swift kiss to my lips.  I just shrug my shoulders and start to get dressed myself.  I wish I knew what he was thinking about. Maybe I’m reading into it too much.  Maybe he really is tired and he has a big day ahead of him.  He slips his shirt back on, and I come up behind him and wrap my arms around him.  


“I can’t wait to see you in your tux,” I say dreamingly, knowing he will look sexy as hell.  He belly laughs and my arms vibrate.  


“Yeah, I clean up pretty nicely,” he jokes as he whips around and plants a much longer, sweeter kiss on my mouth.  “Now, come on.  I’m pretty sure everyone is looking for us by now.”  He takes my hand and we walk back down the stairs only to run into his stepmother who is grabbing wine out of the kitchen.  


“Opps, sorry, Donna,” Donovan mutters as we race past her with our heads down.  We may be grown adults, but having sex in his father’s house seems like a sin.  I hang my head down in pure guilty fashion, hoping she doesn’t see the embarrassment on my face.  I feel her fake eyes shooting daggers into my back.  I turn my head back to her and I see anger on her face, but once she notices I’m looking, her overly plump lips curl into a fake smile.  God, is there anything about this woman that’s real?  I shake at my head as we enter the living room where everyone is seated, drinking wine and having a good ol’ time.


 Donovan and I join them on an empty loveseat.  I curl my feet under my bottom and lean into my man.  He wraps his arm around my shoulders and kisses my head.  I settle in to listen to the banter between everyone.  Megan teasing Adam about getting his hair cut in the morning.  Rob talking to Gabriel about business.  Stacey talking to Donovan about the wedding.  Then Donna walks into the room with another bottle of Callahan White Zin.  Her hips sway back and forth, giving the illusion that she’s a cat.  Nah, more like a tiger that wants to tear my throat out.  My back stiffens as she makes her way into the room and takes a seat next to Rob.  I can’t shake that gut feeling I have about her.  I’ve only met her a short time ago, but she seems like she has some sort of vendetta against either me or Donovan.  I’m just not sure which.



Chapter 6




God, I’m always so torn about coming back to Savannah.  Part of me loves coming back to my childhood home, seeing my Pops, Megan and Ms. Chandler.  The other part of me can’t stand it.  Seeing that disgusting creature that is my stepmother makes me want to vomit.  As I sit here with my arm wrapped around Allie, I watch Donna from the corner of my eye.  Yeah, she gives off the appearance that she’s some sort of godsend to my dad and that she made him appreciate life again after my mother left.  Nothing is farther from the truth.  I see her blowing through my dad’s money left and right, spending it like it’s hers to throw away.  Jesus, she dropped ten grand on a boob job that looks like it was done by some underground plastic surgeon in Mexico.  I have no idea what Pops sees in her, I don’t think I ever will.  That’s why I appreciate Allie.  She’s real, nothing fake about her.  I take my eyes off Donna, who thank God isn’t paying attention, and I turn them on my girl.  She is content just listening to everyone else, even though I felt her body tense up when that crazy bitch walked in the door.  She snuggles in closer, leaning her head against my shoulder.


I know I need to tell her the truth, that I have to be honest with her about shit, but I don’t want to bring any more stress on her than she’s already endured.  I just want the weekend to go be smoothly and spend every waking moment with her that I can.  Okay, I sound like a puss, but honestly, it’s how I feel.  I have never once felt like this before, and she makes my heart do flips when she smiles at me and my stomach knots up when she kisses me. Oh great, now I’m getting hard from just the memory.  I try to keep my mind on other things and not on her tight, hot body that becomes putty in my hands as soon as I touch her.  She’s just as sex crazed as I am, and I’m to blame for that.  Not that I’m complaining, not at all.  I mean, what guy doesn’t like getting laid every day, and more often than not, multiple times daily.  I’ve corrupted her, but I can’t help it that I crave her like an addict craves a drug.  She’s got so much going for her.  She’s brilliant, sexy, caring, all those things that I’m not worthy of having.  I wanted to tell her upstairs that I’m falling for her, but it didn’t seem like the right time yet. I held my tongue in fear of her not feeling the same way.  I don’t even know if she feels the same about me, so she might think I’m a lunatic.  I have a feeling she’s digging on me like I am her, but I’m too scared to say it.  I have only ever said “I love you” to Claire.  That’s only because she said it to me every ten fucking minutes, not mention she’s insane and would flip if I didn’t say it back. But in order to tell Allie how I feel, I think I need to come clean about a few things first...


Gabe brings me back to the present.  “Hey, dude, are you listening?”  He waves a hand back and forth to see if I’m with it or not.  


“Uh, yeah....what did you say?” I laugh, completely missing everything that’s been said for the last five minutes.  


“I said, do you have the rings for tomorrow, dipshit?”


“Yeah, I got them.  In my room, locked safely away.  I can’t go screwing up your wedding day, now can I?  I use my middle finger to rub my eye.  “Dick.”


I feel Allie shake with silent laughter at Gabe and me.  She’s so cute when she’s being shy, when she doesn’t want anyone to hear her giggle...or moan.  Okay, that’s it.  I’m going to have to get this girl back in my bed, and soon, before I explode in my pants.  


“Well, it’s late and we’ve been on the road all day.  I think we’re gonna get to bed,” I fake yawn as I stretch my arms over my head.  “We’ve all got a long day tomorrow.” I cut my eyes over to her, and judging by her striking, bedroom green eyes, she’s having the same thoughts I am.  Yep, I’m gonna blow her mind all over again until she can’t walk straight.  My cock twitches and I stand so the whole room doesn’t know my...situation.  I grab Allie’s hand and she takes it quickly “Good night, all.”


I lead her up the main staircase towards my old room.  I can feel Donna’s eyes on me, but I ignore it and don’t turn back to look at her.  Geez, she’s the bane of my existence...well, one of them anyways.  When she came into my dad’s life, most everything was back to normal.  My mother left when I was six and Donna popped in by the time I was eleven.  Dad worked like normal and Ms. Chandler would help us with our homework, take us to practices and Megan’s ballet classes.  Everything was tolerable, even though the pain of losing my mom to alcohol still makes my heart ache. Donna was hired as Dad’s assistant, and they quickly became involved.  He started bringing her around my sister and me, and from the first time I met her, I hated her.  I don’t know what it was at first, but once she married Dad, it became apparent.  She wanted all of his attention, and his money.  

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