STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) (6 page)

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Authors: Vicki Keener

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Contemporary

BOOK: STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1)
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Are you telling me you don't want the night to end?


That's exactly what I'm telling you.  There's a quiet lounge nearby.  Will you have a nightcap with me?


I'd like that.

    Angelica glanced around the dark lounge when they got there, took Cray's hand and pulled him toward the darkest corner. 

We can talk in private and kiss, too.  Is that all right?


A split of champagne,

Cray called to the bartender on their way to the dark corner.

    She slid in the rounded booth and Cray followed her.  She turned her head to face him, their thighs touching, and cupped his face, put her lips against his and caressed the seam of his lips with her tongue.  The kiss deepened, their tongues mated, he crushed her to him, their breathing increased and then he pulled away from her.


We can't do this here.

  He turned and faced the table. 

Our champagne is here.  I didn't hear the bartender put it on the table.


We were in another dimension,

she said, smiling.


Is that what it's called?

he asked, pouring the bubbling champagne in each flute with hands that trembled.


Here, let me,

she said, taking the bottle from his hand and finishing the job.


Angel, how long must we wait?


I'm not sure, my panties are soaking.

    He groaned and put his head in his hand.

    She ran her hand over the back of his bent head. 

When I arrived in the United States to attend college at SCU, the upperclassman swarmed me.  I found it flattering because American men are forward and tell you what they want.  I got invited to plenty of parties and had dates every weekend, but I didn't sleep with any of them. 


I didn't realize it at the time, but Scandinavian girls are thought to be easy.  Near the end of my freshman year, I succumbed to a handsome young man and went to bed with him.  The next morning he left, told his buddies he fucked me and won the pool they had going to see who would get me first.  It humiliated me.  I gave him my virginity.


For the next three years I didn't party or date, but that didn't stop the men from trying.  They branded me with the name: Frigid Norse Goddess.  I hated it.  When I began my master's degree, I got involved with my adviser.  He said we had to be careful because of him being faculty and me being a student.  Once a week he came to my apartment and the rest of the time he pretended he hardly knew me.


Two months into the relationship, I ran into him at the mall.  He was there with his wife and son.  I watched from across the food court and heard a little boy call him daddy and saw his wife kiss him.  I don't have luck with men.  They want my body and that's all.

    Cray took her hand and said,

We'll wait until you're ready, Angel.  I can control myself.


Will you move on to someone else after we have sex?


No, Angel.  We agreed to explore an exclusive relationship.  I thoroughly enjoy your company and if you enjoy mine, we'll let it build to wherever it's headed.


Suppose we decide we can work and we do get married.  You'll want me in bed long before that.


Angel, if you want to wait until our wedding night to consummate our union we'll do that.  I can cope.


No, that's not the way it happens in today's world,

she said.


We can be that rare couple who does wait.


Is that what you want to do?


Hell, no,

he said in a loud voice and the bartender and other patrons glanced at him.

    She giggled and said,

Guess you told me......and everyone else here.


Let's get out of here.


We didn't finish our champagne.


We'll take it with us.  There are glasses in the limo.  We'll drink it on the way back to your place.  It will keep our hands busy and off each other.

    She laughed as he held her coat, then walked to the bar to pay the check while Angelica grabbed the bottle and followed him.

    They drank and chatted on the way to her home.  They laughed at silly things one or the other said.  He walked her to her door.  She stuck out her hand to shake and said,

Cray, thank you.  I had a wonderful time with you tonight.

    He pulled her roughly to him and said,

We've gone way beyond shaking hands, Angel.  I'm going to kiss you until I can't stand it and then I'll deal with the consequences.

  His mouth ravished hers.

    She came up for air and said,

Damn coats.

  He watched her unbutton his coat first, then hers.  With the coats open she slipped her arms around his waist inside his suit jacket and insinuated her body close to his. 

    He backed her against the wall and devoured her mouth. 

Let's go inside your apartment,

he said.


No, Cray.  Kiss me.

    She wore a wrap-around dress and Cray noticed earlier that it tied on the side.  He pulled the tie as he kissed her and found to his disappointment it tied inside, too.  Sliding his hand across her stomach, he pulled that one open and his hand shot up her torso and cupped her breast.

    She gasped when his thumb brushed over her erect nipple and then she moaned deep in her throat and Cray feared losing it right there. 

Angel, let's go inside, please.



she said and belied her desires by raising her leg next to his hip and pressing her core against his groin.

    His hand went behind her and opened her bra closure.  He cupped her full breast, kneaded and teased her nipple.  Her breathing grew louder,  harsher, her moans driving him crazy. 

Cray, make me come.


Take me inside your apartment.



she said.

    He sighed, realizing he'd get no relief tonight.  He lowered his mouth to her breast and suckled while his hand went under her panties and cupped her wet warmth.  He slipped one finger in her and then the second while the heel of his hand stroked her clitoris and his fingers moved in and out of her.  Her breath hitched and she rubbed and moved against his hand.

    She dissolved in his arms, her knees weakening.  His one arm around her and her arms around his neck held her upright.  Her breathing returned to normal and she said,

I'm sorry.  Come in my apartment.  I'll make it right for you.  It's only fair.


It's okay.  I watched you come and you're even more beautiful.  What time should I pick you up tomorrow?


Cray, I cheated you.


Angel, your pleasure is my pleasure.


Don't you want to be in me?

    He grinned at her. 

Not in the hall and I prefer to be prone.  Tell me what time tomorrow.


One.  Cray, tell me a dirty joke.

    He laughed.

I only know the one and besides the joke is on me tonight.

  He kissed her softly and said,

Sleep well, Angel.


I'm standing in the hallway almost naked.  Anyone could come by.


Now you think about it.

  He turned and walked to the elevator and listened to her door close behind her.

    The next morning his phone rang and he saw Mona's number. 

What now?

he said answering the phone.


You don't sound pleased to hear from me.


How perceptive of you.


How did it go last night with Angelica?


We had dinner, went dancing, stopped for a nightcap and I took her home.


Where are you right now?


At home in my kitchen.  Where did you think I'd be?


I didn't expect you to answer the phone.  Thought you'd be engaged in other activities.




You losing your touch?  By now you usually have a bed partner.


She's more that a one-night stand to me.


I gathered that when we talked yesterday, but why in the hell are you waiting?  There's a chance you won't be compatible.


Not going to happen when it happens.


You're grouchy today.  She's turning you down, playing hard to get.


Mona, did you have a specific reason for calling or are you trying to live vicariously through me when there's nothing to tell?


Yep, you're grouchy.  Better call one of your old standbys to get you over the hump.


Mona, get serious for a minute.  I want to invite Angelica for the family get together Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  What will Mom and Dad think and since you have twin beds in your room, can she bunk with you?


Mom and Dad will be delighted and since you're not intimate with her yet, she's welcome to stay in my room.  You do realize that since you became an adult you never tell our parents about the women you date and you sure as hell never took one home.  It's going to cause speculation.


Yes, I'm aware.


She'll be pummeled with questions, interrogated.  It is what they do as attorneys.


Yes.  She can handle them.  I'll give her fair warning.


This is going to be the best Christmas yet.  I wouldn't miss this for the world.  God, I hope I don't come down with appendicitis that calls for emergency surgery and I miss the fun.


You had your appendix removed when you were seventeen.


Details.  Unimportant details.  I have a whole bunch of dirty jokes to tell her.  It will be like a girl's sleepover.


That could change in the next week before Christmas and if it does she'll be in my bed.

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