Stay (13 page)

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Authors: Riley Hart

BOOK: Stay
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Braden pulled back. On reflex, Wes fisted his hand in Braden’s shirt, not wanting him to break the connection. Braden didn’t let go of him, though, just looked him in the eyes and said, “You wanna have some fun with me tonight? I’m definitely in the mood to have fun with you.”

Like he seemed to do so much around Braden, he laughed. “I’m not sure if you’re up for the challenge. Once I start to sober up after drinking, all I want to do is go to sleep.” He got drunk quick and sobered quick. He’d always been that way.

“I promise you, I’m up for it. Come on. Let’s go home so I can show you just how up to it I am.” He put his mouth to Wes’s ear. “The faster we get out of here, the faster I can fuck you.”

Wes’s blood ran hot, and shot straight to his dick. That sounded like the kind of fun he
to have.

Chapter Fourteen


es had his hands all over Braden as he drove to Wes’s house. “I could get used to this side of you,” he said into the darkened truck.

“Always talking.” Wes’s hand slid up Braden’s inner thigh and cupped the bulge between his legs.

“Fuck!” The truck jerked slightly. “It’s snowing. You’re going to make me wreck the truck, and I’ll have to explain to the officers that my hard-on felt more important than keeping my ass on the road.”

At that, Wes jerked back. Somehow, Braden knew exactly why. “Hey.” He reached over to pat Wes’s chest with the back of his hand. “I’m kidding. I’m not going to wreck. We’re good.”

Wes played it off like that wasn’t what he’d been upset about, but he also kept his distance from Braden the rest of the ride, too. Braden and his fucking mouth.

The second they got inside, Wes kissed him, though.
Fuck yes.
Braden pushed his tongue past Wes’s lips as they stumbled backward, toward the room. He pulled at Wes’s jacket, ripping it off and tossing it to the floor.

His mouth went right back on Wes’s the second it was gone, but then he realized he needed to get the shirt out of the way, too. “Fuck. You make me lose my head.” He chuckled as he shoved his hands under Wes’s shirt and pushed it up his body. Braden finally got rid of it, his heart beating crazy with lust as he tried to kiss Wes again. Only this time, Wes did stumble, falling back onto the bed. Braden went down with him, both of them laughing.

“You’re not allowed to move anymore, ya drunk bastard. Lay there and let me do what I want to you.”

Braden let his tongue circle around Wes’s bellybutton before he licked his way up the man’s chest and his hand slid down to cover the bulge behind his fly.

Wes hissed. “Fuck.”

Yeah, he liked hearing that word out of Wes’s mouth, and knowing he was responsible for it.

“Fuck!” Wes said again.

Braden stilled, suddenly not liking the sound of the word. “What?”

“My cell is in your truck. I need to get it in case Jess wakes up in the middle of the night or something.”

Those words made Braden pause. He wasn’t sure why they hit him right in the chest, but they did. They hit him so hard it felt like they knocked the wind out of him. How easy would it be to leave the phone out there? She was with her aunt. Or they could fuck and then get it, but Wes wouldn’t do that. Wouldn’t do it because of how much he loved the little girl and wanted to do right by her. Had he ever been that selfless?

Wes tried to stand, but Braden put a hand on his chest and held him down. Wes looked up at him with those whiskey-colored eyes of his, and they made that punch to his chest happen again. Not the kind that hurt; just letting him know someone was there.

“I’ll go.” He leaned forward and kissed him. “You’re already half naked, you might as well finish. Take your clothes off and wait for me. I really want your cock in my mouth again before I fuck you.”

Wes groaned as though it was painful for Braden to leave him. He had to admit he liked the sound. It seemed as though he liked a lot of what came out of Wes’s mouth,
and how he used it.

Braden scrambled to his feet and went out the door. He made it all the way to his truck before he realized he didn’t have his keys. “Fuck!” He ran back to the house, and found them on the floor by the door where he must have dropped them.

His interior light was out, so it took him a few minutes to find the phone where it slid under the seat. His dick ached the whole time. The things he couldn’t wait to do to Wes. He told the man he wanted to suck him off, but he wanted his ass, too. Wanted to taste it before he fucked him, because he had yet to do that.

He already started unbuttoning and unzipping his pants as he turned for Wes’s small room.

And stopped in the doorway. Wes had made it as far as getting his pants off before he passed out in a pair of black boxer-briefs. The tight ass that Braden had just been thinking about right there. Long muscles flexed in his back as he lay with his head to the side, dead to the world.

Aaaannnd, there went his erection. Not that he didn’t still want to fuck Wes senseless, but he couldn’t wake him, either. It wasn’t right.

Grumbling the whole time, Braden pulled the blanket up and covered Wes, thought about climbing into bed with him but knew he wouldn’t do that. It wasn’t right to stay when he knew Wes didn’t do that.

He made sure the ringer was up on Wes’s phone before setting it on the bedside table. “I’m not done with you yet. You owe me,” he groaned out. But then he stopped, looked at him. Saw the lines in his forehead relaxed as they only ever really were when he came. Or, Braden guessed, while he slept. Saw him relaxed in a way Wes rarely let himself be.

The man tried to carry the world on his shoulders, and one day it would break him.

“Sleep well.” Braden ran a hand through Wes’s hair, watched him for another second, looked at the tattoo on Wes’s arm that surprised him for some reason. Wes didn’t seem like the tattoo type. Finally, he hit the lights on his way out. He made a quick stop in the kitchen first. Afterward, he locked up Wes’s house and went home with an aching cock, knowing it wouldn’t be the first time he jacked off to the thought of Wes.


es’s eyes burned as he slowly pried them open. The second the sandpaper eased up, the night before came back to him.

He’d gotten drunk.

Danced with Braden.

Had a good time with Braden.

Really wanted to be fucked by Braden.

And then had passed out on Braden. Well, not
him, unfortunately, because then maybe that would have meant he’d gotten thoroughly fucked.

Groaning, he rolled over to see his phone on the bedside table. At the same time, he realized he was covered up, the lights were off, and Braden was gone. He could have stayed. Probably should have stayed. But he hadn’t.
Because I told him I don’t stay the night...

He groaned again when he realized it was only six a.m. What the hell was he doing up so early?

There were no calls from Lydia. Unable to go back to sleep, Wes pushed out of bed. His first stop was the bathroom to brush his teeth.

He could have woken me up. Why did he let me sleep?

The lights in the rest of the house were out, too, no doubt another Braden move.

He struggled to understand the man sometimes. He was full of contradictions. So carefree and wild in so many ways. He mostly thought about having fun, and other than work, he didn’t have any responsibilities. But then in other ways...hell, had he ever really known someone who thought about others as much as Braden did? From showing up at the service, to helping with Jess, and the way he respected Wes and his fucked up ways.

“Six is way too early to be thinking so hard,” he mumbled on his way to the kitchen. Wes stopped when he saw the note on the coffee pot.

Just push Start.

Chuckling to himself, he pushed the start button and, sure enough, coffee started brewing. He would have never thought to do something like that for someone. But Braden had.

For him.

Wes opened the cabinet for a coffee cup.

Drink coffee. Relax. Stop overthinking how fucking sweet I am.

Wes hadn’t even realized he felt heaviness in his limbs, in his whole damn body, until it started to drift away. But somehow, looking at Braden’s notes, it just...went. Did he always feel that weighed down? All he knew was, when he looked at that note, he didn’t. He felt good.

And he didn’t want that to go away.

Without letting himself think about it, Wes turned off the coffee pot. He took the world’s quickest shower, then went straight for his room, got dressed in whatever he could find, grabbed his jacket and went straight for the door.

Luckily, Braden’s house wasn’t too hard to find. He’d only been here once, and walked back to the bar in the middle of the night.

He felt sort of on edge. No, more like he was high on something. What, he didn’t know, but his body was jittery and eager as he pounded on the door.

Wes ignored the internal questions asking him what the hell he was doing here. Ignored the thoughts telling him to turn and go, because all he wanted right now was to laugh, and fuck, and forget everything in his life except for the things that made him feel good. Braden was the only person who could give him that.

Jock started going crazy inside. Patience left him as he banged on the door again, needing...hell, he didn’t know what.

It was a minute later that Braden jerked the door open, wearing nothing but a pair of sweats. His golden skin taut across firm muscles. His hair was a mess, his eyes swollen from lack of sleep, but still he cocked a brow when he saw Wes. The right side of his mouth rose, and Wes suddenly wanted to kiss the smirk off his face.

“Miss me?” Braden asked.

“Want you,” Wes replied.

That was all it took for Braden to open the door wider and signal for him to go in. Wes closed the door behind them and turned to see Braden heading for the hallway, taking off his sweats as he went. He left them right on the floor, the tattoo on his back and his round, hard ass on perfect display as he went.

“You coming?” he asked after turning around. Wes felt like an amateur, nerves he hadn’t felt since he was a teenager rising inside him.

“I hope to be soon,” he forced himself to say, getting another of Braden’s smiles.

“That’s what I like to hear. You’re funny when you want to be, Wesley.”

“Don’t call me that.” Still, Wes took a step forward.

“Are you going to make me stop?” Braden asked, and then he was moving down the hallway. Wes went right behind him, eager electricity bouncing around inside him.

“You’re going to have to stay out, buddy,” Wes told Jock as he closed the bedroom door. Before he could move, Braden pushed him against the door from behind, Braden’s chest against his back.

Learning forward, he put his mouth close to Wes’s ear. “I jerked off thinking about you last night.”

“Sorry I missed it.”

Braden pushed into him, rubbed his cock against Wes’s ass. It was a shock to his system, making his senses explode.

” Wes gritted out when Braden pulled his shirt and jacket away from his neck and bit into it.

“I’m glad you came,” he whispered.

Fuck if Wes wasn’t glad, too.

Chapter Fifteen


ell, Braden hadn’t expected that. He wasn’t complaining—definitely not—but he hadn’t expected Wes to show up. “Wanted your ass last night.” He palmed a cheek. “But you passed out on me, and now you’re here because you want me? Mmm, maybe after I have you first.”

Wes’s fingers fumbled with his button and Braden turned him to help, stopping only when Wes said, “I’m here so you can fuck me.”

Damned if those words didn’t make a shiver race down Braden’s spine, making fire shoot through his veins. “Greedy little bottom.” He forced his fingers to work as he unbuttoned Wes’s jeans and shoved the zipper down. As he did, Wes took his jacket off then pulled his shirt over his head.

The second he was naked, Braden wrapped a hand around his thick erection, rubbed his thumb over the head, spreading the pre-come there.

Wes hissed.

“I’d suck you off, but I wouldn’t want to stop. Lay on the bed.”

He followed Wes over. As the other man lay down, Braden grabbed his waist and pulled. “Edge of the bed.” He dropped to his knees and pushed Wes’s legs toward his stomach.

“Oh, fuck,” Wes mumbled, hunger in his voice.

“Don’t pretend you don’t want it,” Braden teased before rubbing Wes’s ring with his finger. His cock jerked and he noticed Wes’s did the same. “We both know I like fucking. You’ve discovered how much I love giving head, but I like this, too.”

Again, he let his finger explore, no penetration, just rubbing Wes’s pucker back and forth.

“Always talking.” Wes wrapped a hand around his own erection.

“Wait. Not yet.” Braden pushed his hand away. “I want to be the one to pleasure you.”

“Then do it.”

Braden couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re pushy when you’re horny. I like it.”

With that, Braden leaned forward, ran his tongue from Wes’s hole to his balls and back down again. “Hold your legs,” he told Wes before his tongue went to work on him again.

Wes did as he said, keeping his legs up and out of the way as Braden tongued him. He used his hand to cup Wes’s sac as he worked him.

Every one of Wes’s moans urged him on, made him want to give him more pleasure than he’d ever had.

Braden sucked his finger before pushing it inside. He watched as his finger slid in and out of Wes’s body. “That is so fucking sexy. I can’t wait until it’s my cock.” And then he leaned in again, using his tongue and finger on him at the same time.

“Yeah...Oh fuck,” Wes groaned as he latched onto Braden’s hair, pushing his head closer to him.

“So fucking pushy,” Braden said as he curved his finger, looking for Wes’s prostate.

“Don’t.” Wes grabbed his wrist. “I don’t want to come yet. Fuck me.”

Braden pushed to his feet. Pre-come already pearled at the tip of his cock. Jesus, this man did it for him. “You don’t have to ask me twice.” He grabbed lube and a condom from his bedside table. Once he had himself covered, he squirted some lube in his hand, rubbed some on himself and then on Wes’s asshole.

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