Static (11 page)

Read Static Online

Authors: Vivi Anna

Tags: #romance, #horror, #action, #paranormal, #merlin, #demons, #music, #teen, #punk rock

BOOK: Static
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"You're like the most popular guy in school, why in
hell did you ask me out?"

His hand dropped from my hair and he put it back onto
the steering wheel. "Because I like you."

"You don't even know me, Josh."

"Well, I'd like to get to know you."

I shook my head at the circle in his logic. "But
? I'm not Miss Popular. I'm not even close to being
popular and I don't look anything like Heather or her set."

"To be honest, Salem. I don't know." He chewed on his
lower lip for a second then continued. "When I saw you on the steps
in front of school, it just hit me, like a baseball bat to the
head. I had to talk to you. I had to get to know you."

"That's kind of weird." I glanced out the side
window. I didn't want him to see the look in my eyes. The one that
said I knew what had happened to him. Why he had to all of a sudden
get to know me. It was the changes inside me. They somehow made me
more attractive. It was like having super-powered pheromones.

"You don't sound too happy about it."

I glanced at him and smiled. "I'm still in

"I'm actually surprised you agreed to go out with

"You were?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I mean, I'm not really your type of

"And what is my type of guy?"
"Dark, brooding, tattoos, piercings, and a bad haircut." He

"Well, I'm not really your type of girl, either. I
have a brain instead of silicone implants."

He laughed, and then said, "No, I suppose you're not
my usual interest." He looked at me, and his gaze was penetrating.
Even through the twilight of the vehicle I could see the spark in
his deep blue eyes. "But that's what makes it fun, don't you

I just smiled, unsure of how to respond to that. He
was right in a way. The fact that we weren't a match made in heaven
made the whole experience different. Naughty. Like we were doing
something very wrong. I liked it. And by the way Josh kept eyeing
me, with a dangerous glint in his gaze; he was enjoying the
sensation as well.

For the rest of the drive, we didn't talk much. Once
in awhile he'd ask me a question about things I liked. Music,
movies, school subjects. The usual.

It wasn't until Josh drove the car into a big parking
lot that I perked up. I didn't recognize the park he'd pulled up

"Where are we?"

"Camel's Back Park."

He turned off the engine and got out of the car. He
walked around the vehicle to open my door. I slid out, glancing
around the area wondering why he brought me here.

"Do you bring all your dates here?"

He shook his head. "I used to come here all the time
with my mom before she died."

Now, I felt like a big old piece of crap for asking.
"Oh. I'm sorry."

He shrugged. "Don't sweat it. It was years ago." He
was looking down at the ground, kicking at the gravel. Then he
glanced up at me. "Do you like to swing?" He took my hand and
pulled me toward the big, green-painted playground.

Intrigued, I followed him to the swing set. I had to
admit, swinging was one of my favorite things to do on a
playground. Sometimes at night, I would go for a walk near my house
and stop at the playground for a swing. I never told anyone that
though, it struck me as sounding sort of childish.

But now, I allowed that inner child free and
positioned my butt into one of the rubber swings. Josh didn't
settle beside me in the next swing but stood behind me, intent on

I smiled as he settled his hands around my waist.
"Hang on," he murmured into my ear. A shiver raced down my spine as
he pulled me backwards then let me go.

His hands started on my back as he pushed me, but
eventually they ended up on the curve of my butt. I thought it was
an ingenious way to cop a few feels. I didn't mind though. Every
touch sent a new wave of heat rushing through my body.

After a few more good pushes, I was soaring high. My
stomach crested and dipped every time I went up, my feet nearly in
line with my head. At one point, I thought I was going to go all
the way over. Giggling, I kicked my legs, enjoying every minute of
the sensation. It was like flying.

Eventually, I had enough. So did my stomach. "No
more!" I yelped to Josh. He stopped pushing and I let myself slow
enough that he could get a handle on the swing chains to bring me
to a complete stop.

His hands moved over to my waist and he leaned down
to my ear again. "How was that?"

"Awesome," I breathed just a little too heavy. His
scent was enticing me just a bit too much. Saliva actually pooled
in my mouth.

I pushed out of the swing. "Let's go on the

He grinned. "Race you." He charged toward the long
spiral slide. I was right on his heels. When he reached the metal
steps, he said, "You go first."

When we reached the bottom, Josh didn't make any
indication that he was letting go of me. I couldn't complain. I
liked being held close against him.

"You smell really good."

"I do?"

"Uhuh," he murmured against my neck, brushing his
lips against my pulse point just under my ear.

It tickled but also felt really good. Licking my
lips, I titled my head up giving him easier access to my neck. I
clutched at his thighs as he nibbled on my skin, his lips moving
down along the slope between my neck and shoulder. Then his hand
spread out along my belly, holding me tighter, his fingers coming
too close to my crotch. That was when I stood up out of his
embrace. Too much, too soon.

Clearing my throat, I kicked at the pebbles on the
ground and looked at Josh to see if he was angry. Smiling
sheepishly, he stood, putting his hands in his pockets. "Sorry. You
just, ah, smell really good, and I really like you."

I returned his smile. "I like you too, but it doesn't
mean I'm going to sleep with you."

"I know." He held out his hand to me. "Come on. Let's
sit and get to know each other."

I took his hand and followed him to a cute little
plastic bench hidden under one of the slides in the playground. As
we settled onto it, I imagined two or three eight-year old best
girlfriends huddling there sharing secrets or talking about one of
the cute boys on the swing. It had that kind of ambiance. One of
privacy. A place to be able to tell all or explore all. It was a
perfect place to make out.

Which I was sure was Josh's intent.

Anxiety skittered through my body. My hands were
clammy with sweat which I was sure Josh could feel since he was
still holding my hand. Swallowing, I glanced at him, trying to
figure out what he was thinking. He looked at me but didn't smile.
And that's when it felt like I was going to puke. He looked so
fierce, and determined as he leaned into me.

He brought his hand up to my face and cupped my
cheek. Moving my chin, he angled it up to meet his. My lips parted
on a sigh when he brushed his lips once, then twice against mine.
At first his kiss was gentle, and sweet, but quickly turned into
something hot and frantic, as if he couldn't get enough of me.

Nerves settled in. Images of my time in the hotel
room with Thane flashed through my mind. I didn't want to go
through that again. Although I knew that Josh couldn't hurt me like
that. He wasn't strong enough. He was merely human.

Although I was scared, the fear wasn't enough for me
to make him stop. I liked him. I liked that he liked me.

My hands fisted in the cloth of his shirt. I kissed
him back, giving as good as I was getting. His moans of
appreciation sparked another wave of heat to surge through me. I
became high from kissing Josh. My head was spinning and my belly
flipped over again and again.

As his lips continued to nibble and caress mine, his
hands became bolder. He moved them from my shoulder, one slid down
my back to pull me tighter and the other inched its way to my
breast. I didn't jerk away this time. I liked his touch; I liked
how it made me feel. Beautiful. Wanted. Powerful, even.

Josh moved his mouth from mine down to my chin,
pressing blistering, wet kisses along the way. I let my head drop
back as he nibbled and nipped at my throat. He molded and squeezed
my breast then slowly trailed his hand down to the hem of my shirt.
I sucked in a breath as he quickly slipped under the edge and
started to move his way back up, his fingertips lightly brushing
against my skin.

My eyes snapped open when his palm covered me. That
was when I realized I'd changed; that something had shifted inside
of me, catapulting me into the dark place. Red as dark and rich as
blood circled Josh's form. I licked my lips, feeling strange
inside. A hunger so deep so intense clawed at my insides, I had to
bite back a groan of agony.

He groaned into my ear, "Oh, man, I'm so hard."

A sharp unpleasant pinch on my flesh drove me from my
foggy euphoria. Gone were Josh's subtle seductions, his flare for
flirting. Instead of a smooth ladies' man, a pawing slurping animal
lapped at my skin and groped my body. The thought I had of wanting
to feast on him made me sick.

I pushed him away, but he didn't budge, too busy
sucking on my neck and squeezing my boob to pay attention.

"Stop, Josh."

Again, he didn't listen. Instead his hand snaked down
my torso to the zipper on my jeans. I grabbed his hand, squeezed,
and pushed it away, but he was insistent and managed to pull the
metal tab down halfway before I could knee him. I didn't hit him
where I wanted to, between the legs, but on the thigh. It must've
hurt anyway, because he let out a yelp.

"What's the matter with you?" He sounded angry,

"I told you to stop," I breathed, my heart racing, my
throat tight with anxiety.

"I thought you were enjoying it. I thought you wanted

"Not like this. Not here. Not now." After I pulled up
my zipper and adjusted my camisole, I stood and stepped out of the
little hidden alcove.

Sighing heavily, Josh followed me. I glanced over my
shoulder at him and saw him adjust his jeans. Obviously he was
sporting a major boner. I shuddered suddenly repulsed by him.

"Can you just take me home, now, please?"

He sighed again, and then nodded. "Sure." He moved up
beside me and we starting walking back to the car. I wrapped my
arms around my body. I couldn't stop shaking. Something horrible
had almost happened, by either Josh or me, and I couldn't tell
which would've been worse.

When we reached the car, Josh stopped and turned
toward me, touching my arm. "Look, I'm sorry, okay. I didn't mean
to push you. It's just you're, I don't know, kind of

I smiled a little at his last words. "It's fine." But
I still couldn't stop the shivers racking my body.

"Can I have a hug?" He opened his arms to me. "You
don't hate me right?"

"No, I don't hate you." I went into his open arms and
sighed when he hugged me close. The warmth from his body enveloped
me. He sighed into my neck, blowing hot air over my skin, and
pressed me even tighter.

After a minute, I tried to move out of his embrace,
but he kept me still. I could feel his heart thumping like a tribal
drum, and the way he was panting told me he was having difficulty
releasing me. I found I was having a hard time breathing.

"Josh, you're crushing me."

"I'm sorry, Salem, but I can't seem to let you go." I
could hear an unusual quiver in his voice. As if he was surprised,
scared even.

I struggled against him, but he held on and proceeded
to back me up into the vehicle. I hit the side door with an audible
thump. "Let me go, Josh," I bit out between chattering teeth.

He shook his head back and forth. "I can't," he
whined. "I have to have you. I have to, or I'll die. I know

Oh God, this couldn't be happening. Not again. And
this time I'd be awake and aware for it. I couldn't let this
happen; I couldn't let Josh do this. Especially when I suspected he
wasn't quite himself. That something I was doing was amplifying
whatever had been in his mind to begin with.

Regardless, I wasn't going to let him hurt me.

I pushed at him, as he kicked open my legs and
settled between them. Pressing me tight against the car, he moved
one hand down toward my jeans. I pummeled his back with my hands,
but it didn't help. He was much bigger than I was. A football
player used to being pushed at and beat down.

I reached up to pull his hair. Burying both hands in
his tawny streaked waves, I yanked as hard as I could. I was able
to pull his head back, and when I did I could see the wild look in
his eyes, as if he had completely abandoned reason. I pulled again
and again, filling my hands with chunks of his hair but it didn't
stop him from groping me and yanking on my jeans. One hand still
wrapped in his hair, I brought my other around to scratch at his

It was then that I noticed my nails.

I usually had short ragged nails that I chewed on
incessantly. Now they were at least two inches long, and sharp and
a dark gray color. Lifting both hands to my face, I examined them,
frightened by their implications. Was I turning into something
else, something more alien?

I was jostled out of my contemplation when Josh
covered my mouth with his, sliding his tongue between my lips. But
I sensed something shift in my mind. I was no longer afraid. I
ceased to be Salem Vale, and became something entirely different,
something more.

A reserve of power filled me. Annoyance filled me as
well as he kept poking and prodding at me. The boy certainly had to
learn some manners. I dug my newly acquired talons into his
shoulders and bit down on his tongue. The coppery taste of blood
filled my mouth.

Eyes wide, Josh tried to pull away, but I, this time
around, had a firm grip on him. Silly boy. I released his tongue
but continued to spike him in place with my nails.

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