Starry Starry Night (3 page)

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Authors: Pamela Downs

BOOK: Starry Starry Night
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“Too many lights in the heavens. You can not ever go home. We only have the rest of this night. Only lies last forever. Love is truth. It must fade away. Let me live tonight. Live with me, before our world is torn apart. There is danger on the earth tonight.”

“What danger?” She was fully awake now.

“This is the last night. Shh...don’t waste our seconds. Follow the love in your heart. Release yourself to me. Let go. The hunter will come soon.”

“What hunter? What are you talking about Vincent?”
“The rivers will turn to blood. The air will turn to ash. The earth will explode.”
“Why?” She didn’t believe him.
“Because we found each other. The dark forces won’t stand for us. Our love.”

Yeah right. Sure, whatever. This guy was doom and gloom to the max now. I liked his romantic waxing better.. We were having such a surreal time together. Such rapture. I’m changing the subject.

“Tell me about Vincent some more.”
“That’s my girl. Have you seen his Irises?”
“I have a feeling I’m about to.”

He rolled over on top of her and thrust deeper and more methodically than before. He worked her pearl with his thumb. Taking her to the brink.

“Do you want to be the only one?” He stopped thrusting and rubbing.

What does he mean?

“It’s a long way down and you’ve got to figure on a master plan. Do you want to be the last one left? Play the game, but you just won’t win. You can not be all you want to be if you insist on mortality.”

“No, I don’t want to be the last lonely one.” Images of a dry red dusty expanse caught in her mind, in her throat.
She felt them descending. Falling. Spinning. Faster. Too fast. “Stop!”
He thrust deeply. “Are you sure?”
“Then stop looking out to the future. You’ll only see the past. Nothing but lonely nights ahead.”
“I choose you. I choose your love. Take me with you. To the hunter.”

“Then fall in love with me Marie, but it’s a love that just can’t last. You know hearts were made to be broken and you will break mine. I will break yours.”

“I just don’t understand. If the hunter ends the world, if it ceases to be, then our souls will live on.”
“No. Creation began from nothing and will end in nothing. I’m trying to make you understand this is the last night.”
“Because we are making love? We’re ending the world? That’s preposterous!”

“Everyone is with their lover tonight Marie. All of the humans and vampires and shape-shifters and fishies in the sea. Can’t you hear them? Can’t you hear the hush of their enraptured hearts?”

Marie smiled. She kissed him passionately through her tears. “Then let’s make the most of it.”
He laughed. “It’s about time. Sheesh. You are a hard headed girl to get through to. This is our salvation tonight.”
A bright star lit up the sky.
“I’m done Vincent.”
“What do you mean?”
“Making love. I’m done. I’ve enjoyed my night’s worth. My life’s worth. Let’s not waste anymore time coupling up.”
“Are you ready to land then my love?”
“Are we there all ready?”
“We’ve been circling the landing strip for the past hour.”
She swatted his shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you land?”
“I had to make you understand first...Kiss me.”
They closed their eyes, living their lives in each others hearts as they came to a gentle landing.
Opening their eyes to the lights of Paris, they squeezed each other.
Vincent said, “I feel I’m waking in someone else’s dream. I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as you.”
“Back at you, lover vamp.” Marie realized she stood naked on a bridge in Paris. “I need clothes!”
“Come, let’s shop.”
“There are boutiques open in the middle of the night on the last night of time?”
“Not attended, but the doors are unlocked.”

Marie floated into the first shop. No lights inside. She squinted and grabbed the first garb she touched. Pulling it over her head, she hurried back out. “Well, how do I look?”

“Like Aphrodite.”

She hastened to a street light and glanced down. She’d selected a toga. “Sweet. Greek Goddess wear is in this spring. Well, make that summer. Come on, let’s go.”

“No, baby don’t rush. Come on let’s take our time. That’s all we have, if we rush it will be over sooner. Live in the moment. Love in the moment.”

“But I want to walk on the Champs Elysees and see the Eiffel Tower and the Leaning Tower fr Pisa and--.”
“Sweetheart, the Leaning Tower of Pisa is in Italy. I thought you were Italian, you should know that.”
“Who said I was Italian?”
“What is your accent then?”

“I’m from West Virginia. And I know very well where the leaning tower of Pisa is. Contrary to popular belief, we are not all hillbillies.”

He wrapped his arm around her waist and they strolled toward the Bastille. “Don’t forget, you borrowed General Washington’s key.”
“Oh, yeah! Let’s go and free the prisoners. All the souls ever incarcerated. Free them to be with their true lovers!”
“If you must.”
“I must. For General Washington. For the Marquis de Lafeyette. For liberty and justice for all.”

When they arrived at the prison, she held the key up and placed her lips to the cold metal. Vincent met hers on the other side. She pulled it away and stuffed it into the lock.

“Let them eat cake! Off with their heads! Long live King Louie! Ooo la la! French Fries!”

Souls swirled in the night. Like bats out of a cave. Bats out prison. Bats out of hell. Howling but in a beautiful chorus. Spawning like the coral on the Great Barrier Reef.

“The hunter comes. Do you want to let him end existence or do you want to cross the bridge with Vincent and I?” Vincent asked.
“Let’s cross the bridge.”
She grabbed his hand and smiled. He kissed her hand and sighed.
They waked one foot after the other, side by side and stepped off the end of time.


The End


Also by Pamela Downs

Diet Another Day

Son of a Preacher Man

A Town Called Night

Wish Upon a Djinn

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