Starfish Island (19 page)

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Authors: Deborah Brown

BOOK: Starfish Island
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“You really like our new neighbor, don’t you? And a whole lot, judging by the way you never take your eyes off her,” Cecilia said, laughing.

Michael glared at his sister.

“I wholeheartedly approve. Not another word, I promise.” She put her finger to her lips.

“The most important thing is to make sure she’s safe—” He broke off when he saw Nicole coming toward them.

“Cecilia, thank you so much.” Nicole hugged her. “I really had a great time. You’ve done so much to make me feel welcome. I’ll call you soon and make plans to have the Edwards family to dinner. Something casual.”

“We’d love to, wouldn’t we, Michael?”

“That depends on who’s doing the cooking,” he declared.

“Michael, that’s rude,” Cecilia said. “Nicole’s probably changed her mind already.”

“I’ll be doing the cooking.” Nicole laughed. “You’ll just have to take your chances. If you get sick, I’ll send a get-well card.”

“I’m not sure we should brave it,” he joked to Cecilia.

“Don’t pay attention to him,” Cecilia said.

Michael offered Nicole his arm. “Let’s get out of here.”      

Michael helped her into his car, leaned down, and planted a quick kiss on her lips before going around to get behind the wheel. As they drove in silence, Nicole glanced over at his profile. He exuded strength and trustworthiness. For the first time since the disturbing night of her arrival, she felt safe and protected. She let out a long sigh of relief and settled back, resting her head against the seat.

He took her hand and squeezed it. “I know a place with the most amazing views where we can have some privacy. You game? One drink, just you and me.”

“I’d like that,” she sighed happily. This was it—just the two of them, with no interruptions—she didn’t know whether to be excited or sick.

It surprised her when he shot onto the causeway and veered off at a Miami Beach exit. They drove alongside the ocean for a couple of miles before he turned into the underground parking facility of a sleek condominium complex that sat at the far end of Miami Beach. He had to swipe a card at the gate to get into the secure parking lot.

“What is this place?” Nicole asked.

“This is my private getaway for when I need time to myself.” He shut off the engine and walked around to her side of the car. “Don’t worry,” he said as he helped her out. “I won’t do anything you don’t say yes to.” His finger brushed back and forth across her lower lip. “We need a place to talk without worrying about whether or not Chester or one of my nosy siblings is listening.”

In the elevator, he inserted his card, and the car rose straight to the penthouse. The doors opened onto a small entry area with only one door, which he opened with a key. He then scooped her up in his arms, carrying her across the threshold. Michael deposited her just inside the door and pushed her up against the wall, gripping her hands above her head and devouring her mouth.

“Beautiful,” he said, looking into her eyes.

She reached out to take his hand, her nervousness lessening.

The penthouse was amazing, boasting an open floor plan with a welcoming kitchen and a granite-topped island that could easily seat six. Michael walked her over to the sliding glass doors and opened them, standing behind her. “Didn’t I tell you the view was spectacular?”

Nicole only caught the last half of the sentence; she’d been thinking about how often she thought about being alone with him. She smiled, trying to cover the fact that she hadn’t been paying full attention.

He had a panoramic view of Biscayne Bay, all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. A cruise ship was making its way through the Government Cut waterway out to the Atlantic. They stood there, Michael with his arms around her, gazing out at the rumbling ocean.

“Wine?” he whispered against her ear.

“Yes,” she murmured.

He pulled her hair off her neck and, kissing her shoulders, said, “Don’t go anywhere.”

He came back with a bottle of red wine and two glasses and pulled her out on the terrace. Outside, he opened a large storage box from which he grabbed pillows, tossing them on the chaise. After sitting, he pulled her down on his lap and handed her a glass.

“I thought you and I had an agreement that you’d call me if any problems came up,” he scolded. “Tell me what’s been going on.”

“I don’t know where to begin.” Her voice was tight, choked with emotion.

“Start at the beginning.” He rubbed her back. “Tell me as much as you can.”

“Being with you, I feel like everything’s going to be okay.” She wished she’d gotten over her embarrassment and called him right away.

“We’re going to figure out what’s going on.” He paused to clear the huskiness out of his voice, taking her glass and setting it on the table.

She put her arms around his neck and hugged him to conceal her face, which had surged with color. “To begin with, I know who tried to frighten me away that first night. Rena Grey.”

Michael gave a low whistle of astonishment. “Now that surprises me. I never guessed it would be a woman. Cecilia told me that a man chased you home from our house.” He pinned her with a stare. “Go slowly. I don’t want you to leave out any details.”

Nicole described her walk home, told him about realizing she was being followed, the arm reaching out to yank her into the bushes, and seeing the ring before she broke away. She described the footsteps pounding after her. The panic she’d felt in that moment evident in her shaky voice, she clung to him.

“Don’t worry.” He tightened his arms around her. “You’ll be safe from now on. I’ll see to it. And that’s my personal promise.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t usually fall apart like this,” she said as she drew away. It was all going much too fast, she thought; he was only being a gentleman and he had problems of his own. It was too early to throw herself in his arms and seek protection, which wasn’t something she’d normally do anyway. She chalked it up to being scared.

She continued. “I sent Chester to check the grounds, to see if anyone was still lurking around. He disappeared for a long time, then came back angrier than I’ve ever seen him; he could barely speak. He said he hadn’t seen anyone and that there was no sign that anyone had been out there, as though I’d made up the story. He had some flimsy excuse for why he had a black eye and a scratch down his face; said he’d run into a tree. I think he caught up with the man and they fought.”

“And he didn’t call the police? That would suggest that Chester knew your attacker.”

“I’m sure he did. I have so much more to tell you.”

“You have all night.”

Nicole told him about the conversation she’d overheard between the intruders in the room next to hers. Then about seeing the man climb out a window and recognizing his ring. “The best part is, the woman was Lucia Grey. I met her the next day. She’s visiting her parents and was quick to inform me that she’d become Mrs. Kirkland Alexander before he died.” Nicole went on to tell him what had transpired with the three Greys after Lucia’s announcement.

He gave her a lazy smile, pulling their bodies closer. “I want to get the facts straight. The man who chased you is or was in love with Lucia, and he confessed to knowing about the mysterious will and said he planned to blackmail her. Do I have it right?”

Nicole nodded, letting her hand run down his chest before she caught herself, happy he couldn’t see her face.

“And Chester’s still sticking to his story that he didn’t see anyone on your property that night,” he went on. “In addition, Rena Grey suggested you pay Lucia a half-million dollars. Does that sum it up?”

When she agreed, he said, “The Greys certainly don’t lack nerve. I’m not surprised about Lucia visiting her parents. I wondered when she’d show up.” He told her about how he and Sebastian had met Lucia in a club in Manhattan. “I could be wrong, but I think I know the identity of the mystery man.”

“I think I do too.” She could tell she surprised him.

“Why did you wait so long to tell me all this? Do you even remember your promise?”

“You’ve been out of town.” She’d always found it difficult to ask for help. She’d been taught from an early age to take care of her own problems. “I decided to wait until we could talk face to face. They’re my problems, and I shouldn’t be bothering you when you have troubles of your own.”

“I think we have a communication problem,” he growled. “We’re going to have to do something about that.” He turned her face to his. “In the future, call me first.”

Nicole hastened to say, “I spoke to Ellis after our talk at Lily’s. He tried to intimidate me into not cancelling the deals, but I held firm.” She related that conversation too.

There was a long pause when she finished. Finally, Michael said, “Templeton is trying to pull a land scam using Sadler and your property. That man is a piece of… but this is a new low. I’d like to know how he got an invitation to the party tonight. Cecilia would never have invited him, and if he sets foot in my house again, I’ll personally throw him out.”

After another long pause, Nicole said in an uncertain voice, “Michael?”

“You say that as though I’m going to bite you. Which isn’t a bad idea.” He ran his teeth lightly along the column of her neck.

She moaned. “I just don’t want to fight.”

“Why would we argue?” He stroked the curve of her breast, his thumb swirling the tip of her nipple until it stood erect. His hands roamed her body, moving up and down her bare skin, creating electricity everywhere they touched. “You can tell me anything.”

She wanted to pull her dress down, her breasts screaming for more thorough attention, but it might shock him to find out she had a wanton side. Instead, she tried to focus on the conversation. She cleared her throat. “It’s about Victoria.”      

“Cecilia told me about the scene she caused when she arrived at the party. I don’t care if she’s Jake’s would-be girlfriend, she can be nice or she can be banned from the house.”

“That’s what I want to explain.” Nicole had a hard time focusing with him nibbling on her neck.

“If you don’t say something, I’m going to bite,” he said and licked her neck. “Direct and to the point; that way, there won’t be misunderstandings. Complete honesty, no lies, and no half-truths. I loathe games.”

“I think Victoria has been thoroughly charmed by Greg and is falling in love,” she said. “Don’t be angry with her; she’s young, and he’s a master at manipulating women. He can be fascinating and dangerous at the same time.”

“I’m not going to stand by and let Victoria become another casualty of Templeton’s.”

Nicole smiled. Men didn’t know much about women. The more people talked against Greg, the more attractive Victoria would find him; her need to swoop in and protect him would only increase. “He’s turned her against all of us. She thinks we’re jealous and are being totally unfair to him. The more we say against him, the more she’ll defend him. She might be more receptive if the talk came from Jake.” But she doubted it.

“Do you doubt my powers of persuasion?” Michael asked. “How could Victoria be taken in by a man like that?”

“I don’t know a single woman who wouldn’t defend the man she loves,” Nicole said softly. “Greg’s made her love him and believe that he has all the qualities she wants him to have. Besides, don’t you think this is between her and Jake?”

she thought,
you’re getting too emotionally involved with the entire family.

She fought back her second thoughts and leaned into him. Putting her arms around his neck, she kissed him on the lips, their tongues touching. It was brief but enough to ignite a raging fire in them both.

Michael needed no further encouragement. He slipped one arm around her waist and put the other under her knees. Lifting her, he carried her towards the bedroom. The tension had been building all evening, and now, finally, they simply let it take over.

“This is a first for me.” Nicole giggled as he set her down. “Nobody’s ever carried me into the bedroom before.” She found that she was suddenly nervous again.

“It’s a first for me too. I’ve never brought anyone here—not ever.”

She was about to speak again when Michael pulled her close and kissed her. His tongue probed deep inside her mouth, exploring, claiming. Then, in one fluid movement, he pulled her dress up over her head. Nicole didn’t resist, not even a little. In fact, she raised her arms to make it easier for him. With her dress gone, she stood there in only her silk bra and panties.

He reached behind her with one hand, undid the clasp of her bra, and let it fall to the floor. “Tonight’s about your pleasure,” he said as he guided her back onto the bed.

Then, standing back, he ripped his shirt off, revealing a body that was toned and fit. She licked her lips at the sight of the V-line of his stomach muscles just above the waistband of his pants and the little trail of hair below his navel.

Michael knelt in front of her and eased her panties down over her thighs. “Spread your legs.”

She felt vulnerable, laid out before him like a buffet, but she quickly relaxed as his wicked mouth trailed wet kisses across her ankles, up the insides of her thighs, and on towards her core. The buildup was intense… all of it leading up to the moment when he slipped his tongue inside her. She knew he was listening to every moan she made, feeling every twitch. Her responses were impossible to suppress; Michael was skilled with his tongue and fingers. With his free hand, he teased her nipples, rolling the tips between his fingers, pinching, eliciting whimpers of pleasure. Nicole was awash in sensation, no longer in control—and she liked it. His tongue traced the seam of her lips, teasing her clit, pausing in between to push deep inside. Legs trembling, she hovered on the brink of orgasm.

Sensing that she was on the edge, Michael teased her for just a few minutes more. Suddenly, she grabbed his head, twisting her fingers in his hair, the full force of her orgasm hitting her in waves, her entire body shaking uncontrollably.

“Come here,” she moaned as her climax subsided. She crooked her finger, trying to catch her breath.

He stood and tore off his pants, revealing a rock-hard erection. Nicole could see in the dim light of the room that he was big—but more than that, he had a smooth, beautiful, straight penis. He leaned down, tracing a trail of kisses from her core all the way up to the side of her neck, where he sank his teeth in firmly.

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