Star Wars: Jedi Prince 2: The Lost City of the Jedi (8 page)

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Authors: Paul Davids,Hollace Davids

Tags: #Leia; Princess (Fictitious character), #Action & Adventure, #Fantasy, #Skywalker; Luke (Fictitious character), #Interstellar travel, #Juvenile Fiction, #Space Opera, #Fantasy & Magic, #Fiction, #Science Fiction, #Solo; Han (Fictitious character), #Life on other planets, #General

BOOK: Star Wars: Jedi Prince 2: The Lost City of the Jedi
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When Ken was a baby an unknown Jedi Knight in a brown robe took him to the Lost City and left him there for safekeeping. The chief caretaker droid of the Lost City, Dee-Jay was instructed to raise Ken and educate him.

Ken has certain Jedi abilities that have come to him naturally, such as the ability to cloud minds, to mind-read, and even the power to move small objects by concentrating on them.

Ken goes to school in the Jedi Library in the Lost City, where he is the only student.

There he is taught by Dee-Jay. Ken is not permitted by the caretaker droids to visit the surface of Yavin Four until he is old enough to defend himself against evil.

Kibo flower

A type of very rare purple flower Baji collects. The seed from the kibo flower can restore sight to the blind.

Lost City of the Jedi

An ancient, technologically advanced city built long ago by early Jedi Knights. The city is deep underground on the fourth moon of Yavin. The entrance is marked by a seven-foot wall of green marble in the shape of a circle. Inside the circle is a tubular transport that descends to the Lost City.

All the greatest secrets of the Jedi are recorded in the Lost City, stored within the master computer of the Jedi Library. For ages, droids have been in charge of taking care of the city. The only human there is twelve-year-old Ken. However, Ken does have a pet-a mooka named Zeebo.

The existence of the Lost City has long been one of the Jedi’s greatest secrets. Though Kadann knows it exists, neither he nor any other Imperial knows its location.


The planet where the Ho’Din live. It is where Baji comes from and where he has his greenhouse.

Prophets of the Dark Side

A sort of Imperial Bureau of Investigation run by black-bearded prophets with their own network of spies. The prophets have much power within the Empire. To retain their control, they make sure their prophecies come true-even if it takes force, bribery, or murder.

Space Station Scardia

A cube-shaped space station where the Prophets of the Dark Side live.


TNTs, or Treaded Neutron Torches, are tanklike vehicles that shoot fireballs. They were originally designed for use in the spice mines of Kessel, blasting into rock to open up new mine shafts. However, they work just as well as jungle vehicles, plowing their way through rain forests.


An expression that refers to the surface of the fourth moon of Yavin. When the droids of the Lost City of the Jedi talk about going Topworld, they mean taking the tubular transport to the surface.


Though Triclops doesn’t appear in this book, we have learned that he is the true son of the evil Emperor Palpatine. Triclops is a three-eyed mutant, with one eye in the back of his head.

He is shrouded in mystery. All that is known about him for certain is that the Empire considers him insane and fears disaster if he ever were to become Emperor. For some mysterious reason they still keep him alive, imprisoned in an Imperial insane asylum and a secret Imperial reprogramming institute.

The Empire has always denied Triclops’s existence, keeping him hidden away as a dark secret. But there have been so many rumors about the Emperor’s three-eyed son that to put an end to the whispers and gossip, three-eyed Trioculus falsely announces he’s really Emperor Palpatine’s son and the new ruler of the Empire.

The rumors, however, still persist.


Ken’s four-eared alien pet mooka, he has both fur and feathers.

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