Star Struck (9 page)

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Authors: Laurelin Paige

Tags: #Lights, #Camera

BOOK: Star Struck
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And when she stared up at him under hooded lids, desire brimming in her eyes, the battle was lost. With a growl that was half frustration, half lust he said, “When I fuck, I take the lead.”

His mouth came down hard against hers, devouring her lips with a frenzy he reserved for more serious relationships. He usually liked to ease into rough play, but this woman brought it out in an abundance that surprised him.

Heather, however, didn’t seem offended, but delighted. She matched his tongue’s frenetic strokes, gasping as he licked deeper into her mouth. When he’d claimed her lips at the theater, the kisses had been stolen—he’d taken what he wasn’t sure she was willing to give. Now, though, his assurance of her willingness gave him free reign so he took and took and took.

Her wriggling underneath him reminded him she had more body to explore. He licked along the trail of bites he’d left earlier. He couldn’t deny the burst of satisfaction he felt from their presence on her otherwise flawless skin. She might not be his by any stretch of the imagination, but for today—and for as long as her skin remained red from his marks—she couldn’t dispute that he’d been there. And now she was allowing him more.

At her breasts, he began his feast.

Her nipples stood at perfect attention, calling to him. He took one spire into his mouth, drawing in as much of her plump breast as he could. He sucked and pulled at her tender skin until she cried out. Then he repeated the action on her other breast. Fuck if her cries didn’t drive him to pull further, to suck harder. The woman seemed to enjoy it. So many women wanted to be treated delicately, and he often had to hold back. Heather’s body, though, begged for it—craved it. He could smell her desire wafting from her pussy, and the way she shivered and arched her back into his lips, he knew she loved it.

He lingered over her tits until they bore marks that would likely still be there in the morning. Then he slipped his hands underneath her slim thighs and pushed them forward, her panties falling off her foot from the movement. She squealed as he bent her knees into her chest opening her to him. Just him.

Jesus, her pussy was gorgeous.

She had one tiny strip of short hair that covered her clit and trailed down to her hot opening. He stared at the beautiful sight for several heated seconds. He could have stared longer, but Heather’s fingers found their way into his hair and shoved him down to her core.

“Come on,” she mumbled. “Need you.”

His conscience screamed at him, trying once more to convince him that going any farther would be utterly unscrupulous, but the buzz of his own desire drowned it out. He was too eager, too lost in his lust-filled haze to do anything but give in to Heather’s request.

He propped one of her long legs over his shoulder then lowered his mouth until he was almost touching her. “Is this what you want?” He swiped her strip with one slow brush of his tongue.

“Yes! Please!”

His eyes teased her as he lifted her other leg to drape over his other shoulder. “Should I give you more?”

“Yes, yes! Please, more!”

He adored her pleading, wanted to hear her beg for his cock. But first, he’d ease her longing. Show her he could be sweet when he wanted to. He licked her again then zeroed in on her clit, which was swollen with want. Swirling his tongue around her bud, he alternated with light and rough pressure until she was trembling beneath him. Then he went in for the kill. He plunged two fingers deep into her wet hole as he sucked her clit into his mouth with the same intensity he’d applied to her breasts.

“Fuck, yes!” Her breathing was ragged. She was close.

He couldn’t wait to see her orgasm. He knew it would drive him insane. He’d have to have her after that, have to bury his dick into the warmth of her body.

She thrust her hips upward and he plunged his fingers in again, this time crooking them to hit against the sensitive sides of her walls. He paired this latest assault with a nip of her clit.

With a violent cry, her thighs went rigid. Hot fluid spilled onto Seth’s hand as Heather rocked her hips against his mouth.

“That’s it, princess,” he said, consuming the sight of her coming apart. It was beautiful. So goddamn beautiful it made his balls ache.

He continued to lick at her tender area until her body went lax and her breathing evened out. Gently, he lowered one leg off his shoulder, then kissed along the underside of her thigh to the back of her knee before setting it on the bed. Then he repeated his kisses on her other leg before kissing up her body toward her face where he planned to kiss her fiercely, share her taste with her, stir her up again so that next time he could come with her.

And next time wouldn’t be so gentle, but it would be oh so nice.

Except at her lips he discovered her deep breathing wasn’t a sign of her post-orgasmic state of relaxation.

It was a sign she’d passed out cold.

He tapped softly at her cheek with the back of his finger. “Heather?” But she didn’t respond. She was sincerely out. Already a gentle snore accompanied her inhales.


He’d known she was drunk, but had let her convince him that she was up for sex. He was an idiot. A fucking horny as hell idiot. Add intoxicated to that list. There was no way he would have gone so far if he’d been sober.

At least, he hoped he wouldn’t.

Honestly, it was a miracle from the gods that she’d passed out. Otherwise, he probably wouldn’t have been able to stop himself, and that would make him an even bigger asshole than he already was. Besides, she would easily explain their fucking as an error in judgment made while intoxicated. When he took her for real—which he would eventually; he had no doubt of that after he’d had a taste of her—he wanted her to have full control of her actions. There was no way he’d let her dismiss their time together as a drunken mistake.

As for now, he could only blame himself for his painful erection. For half a second he considered pulling out his dick and whacking off while he could still drink in the view of her lovely naked body. Thankfully a moment of clarity hit him and he realized he was a creep for even thinking it. He didn’t need another reason to be disgusted with himself.

Instead, he swept one more gaze down her splendid form, putting it to memory so he could take care of himself later, alone. He had a feeling this memory might take him days of beating off before he even scratched the surface of his lust.

He rolled off the bed and let out a frustrated sigh, her scent still on his breath causing him to let out another. Then, in attempt to be a gentleman, he tugged the covers out from underneath her and pulled them up over her naked body. Wrapped in warmth, she curled up on her side, a content smile pasted on her sleeping face.

At least she’d been satiated. Maybe it would earn him points with her in the future. Though, now that he thought about it, their paths weren’t likely to cross again. That wasn’t something Seth could live with.

He looked down at her, scrutinizing. Sure, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. But his attraction to her was more than that. And seeing her like this, asleep and peaceful, he remembered what it was—her hidden layer of vulnerability that he yearned to expose, itched to impose on. If she opened up to him like he thought she could, he would wrap himself around her fragile side and make her forget all those things he suspected she’d buried deep inside.

At least, he’d like to give it a try.

He rearranged his stiff bulge in his jeans in an unsuccessful attempt to ease his discomfort, and opened the drawer of the nightstand in search of hotel stationary and a pen. When he found what he needed, he scrawled a quick message to Heather and left it next to her phone. He’d give her a chance to take the next step.

If she didn’t, he’d take the next step himself.

A repeated buzzing drew Heather out of a deep sleep. Not yet ready to open her eyes, she became aware of two things—she had no clothes on and her head was pounding.

Oh, and there was a buzzing. Somewhere nearby. A familiar buzzing.

Her phone.

Still not opening her eyes, she reached her hand out to the nightstand and felt around for the cell she suspected was there. When she found it, she opened one eye just long enough to read the name of the caller.
Why was Lexie calling her so early? Though, it might not even be early. Heather had yet to determine what time it was, but it felt early.

She pushed the talk button. “What?”


“I said what?” Goddammit, her head hurt. She vaguely remembered drinking a bit too much. And eating practically nothing. That explained the gurgling in her stomach.

Relief filled Lexie’s voice. “Thank God I got hold of you. I was worried. The spa called and said you didn’t make it to your appointment and you didn’t answer my calls.”

“Oh, fuck.” Heather sat up and opened her eyes, noting the vicious sway of the room as she did. “Hold on a sec.” She pressed the phone to her chest while she gathered her thoughts, remembered where she was. Oh yeah, the hotel. She was supposed to spend the day in the spa.

She glanced at the clock on the nightstand. 11:42. Her appointment had been at eleven. Raising the phone back to her face, she said, “I didn’t ask for a wakeup call or anything. Can I get in later?”

“Yeah, you prepaid for all day so whenever you want to show up is fine.”

“Awesome.” Because as soon as she got over her raging headache, a full body massage would be exquisite. Heather lowered the phone again and grabbed for one of two bottles of water on the nightstand, noticing a packet of pain relievers there as well. She tore into them, hoping they’d work quickly.

When she put the phone back to her ear, she realized Lexie had been talking. “…glad you got to sleep in, at least. You needed it.”

“Yeah, I did need it.” She couldn’t even recall what time it was when she’d made it back to her room. Or how.

Then in a series of embarrassing flashes she remembered—Seth, her throwing herself at him, her naked. And one glorious orgasm. “Oh…fuck…”

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m hung over.” She shifted and realized her upper thighs were sticky. “And I think I had sex last night.”

“Oh my God! With the carpenter?” Lexie’s excitement was evident.

It aggravated Heather’s head. She lowered the volume on her phone several notches before answering. “Um, yeah.”

“Well? How was it?”

Truth was, she had no idea. She remembered getting naked, remembered Seth doing amazing things to her body. She looked down at her breasts and noticed they were dotted with hickeys. Yeah, she remembered that. She’d practically released from that alone.

But past that, she recalled little. “I don’t know. I think I passed out.”

“That’s all sorts of wrong.”

all sorts of wrong. She’d had sex with an amazingly attractive man and she couldn’t remember any of it. God, how was it that Seth, who reminded her too much of her past as it was, could—in an instant—turn her into the slutty girl her father always thought she’d be?

That was why she had known she shouldn’t get involved with him. Yet here she’d gone and ignored her own advice.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Lexie’s voice pulled her back from her self-reprimanding. “You used a condom at least, right? Because you missed a couple days on your birth control, remember.”

A condom? “Fuck! I didn’t even think about that.” Had they? She closed her eyes and fought against her pain to try to remember details. “I’m sure we did.” They had to have. Right? “Hold on.” She got up and began searching the room, looking in the empty trash cans and on every surface she could find. She even looked under the bed and through the bed clothes. Nothing.

“Shit, Lexie, I don’t see a condom wrapper anywhere.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes! I’ve looked everywhere. There’s nothing!”

“Don’t panic.” Lexie’s calm voice was a stark contrast to Heather’s racing heart. “Morning after pill. I’ll arrange to get one for you.”

“No! I can’t.”


Heather rubbed a hand across her aching forehead and sat heavily back on the bed. “It’s like abortion. I’m Catholic.”

“You are not.” Lexie laughed. “You haven’t stepped foot in a church since I’ve known you. And Catholics are against birth control in general.”

“But birth control is not the same as killing a baby that might already be in the process of…” She let her voice drop off with a sigh. How could she possibly explain this? When she’d left the trailers, left who she was, she developed a short list of values. Things she’d never back down on, no matter what. Like, she wouldn’t do full nudity onscreen. She’d never sleep with a guy to get a role. And no abortions or morning after pills. She didn’t want to spend any part of her life in regret, and she had a feeling that erasing a would-be person could lead to some serious regret.

But she didn’t expect anyone else to understand. She sighed again. “I know, it sounds ridiculous, Lexie, but I just can’t do it. I can’t explain it.”

“You don’t have to. I get it.”

Had she mentioned in the past twenty-four hours how much she loved her assistant? She should send Lexie to the spa in her place. Or just buy her a day of her own.

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