Stanton Adore (25 page)

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Authors: T L Swan

BOOK: Stanton Adore
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Chapter 20

I wake slowly
and immediately feel the exhaustion of a tired body. I feel second hand, maybe even third hand. I feel the weight of someone watching me and I slowly open my eyes, hmm what a beautiful sight to wake up to. Joshua is naked and lying on his side next to me leaning up onto his elbow. He smiles and leans in gently for a kiss, his lips linger on mine.

“Good morning beautiful. Did you sleep well?” I smile and nod still too sleepy to find my voice. I rub my eyes and roll onto my back, I try and will myself to wake up. He stays silent watching me and after about ten minutes of watching me in silence I turn back to him.

“What,” I smile. He looks at me as if he wants to say something but is trying not to. I raise my eyebrows.

“Well,” I answer again. “Spit it out.”

He smiles and then swallows. “Are you going to leave me?” He whispers nervously.

I frown. “No dummy, are you going to give me a reason to leave you?”

“What exactly classifies as a reason to you?” he answers. I close my eyes and start to absent mindedly run my fingers up and down his arm. Why are we talking about this shit first thing in the morning? Give me a break.

“Being with another woman Josh, is the only reason I would leave you,” he nods and smiles. “What about when your parents find out, are you going to leave me then?”

I frown. “No I wouldn’t have come this far if I planned on leaving you, you big dope.”

His eyes widen “Big dope,” as he grabs me hard. I giggle and roll to get away from him as he goes to bite me on the leg. “My Precious girl you just got yourself a one way ticket.” “I laugh again as he grabs to tickle me and I make a dash to get off the bed.

“To where?” I yell.

He pulls me by the foot back towards him and I giggle. “To pound town,” he snarls. I laugh out loud and squeal as I try desperately without success to escape.

“Pound town,” I repeat.

“Yes you’re gagging for a one way ticket.” I squeal as I am dragged underneath my powerful man in a fit of giggles.

It seems I quite like destination Pound Town. I would suggest you take the scenic route.


We are in the shower and I am very relaxed, I can’t remember feeling so…………sleepy. I have told him I love him and he hasn’t run for the hills, things are looking promising. Although I did notice he didn’t say it back.

“What are the plans for today?” I ask. He kisses my shoulder and continues washing my back.

“I have to do some training, I have a fight tomorrow night.”

My eyes widen and I jerk around to face him. “Fight……… Josh. I don’t want you fighting any more………I don’t like it.”

He frowns at me. “Tough shit,” he replies. “I do.”

I’m shocked. “Tough shit.” I reply as my face drops. He nods to confirm that I heard him right. I quickly wash the soap off and exit the shower. I’ll give him tough shit………tough shit, he really should keep that big mouth of his shut more often. I quickly dress and walk out onto the balcony. He however takes his time and doesn’t join me for at least twenty minutes. By that time I am fuming. I am not dating a fucking cage fighter. No way in hell. What does he think this is? An episode of Conan the Barbarian? Annoyingly he walks out onto the balcony holding our breakfast tray, looking like he doesn’t have a care in the world. Why would he? I have just been fucked every which way in a porno………… which he produced. I’m an idiot. He smiles warmly at me as he sits down to the table and starts to remove the trays for breakfast. I cross my arms like a petulant teenager.

He raises a brow. “Are you eating?” Is he deluded? I shake my head. He hunches his shoulders and starts to tuck into his breakfast. I scowl again. He’s so annoying, he doesn’t even care I’ve got the shits. I walk over and pour myself a coffee. I really am starving and he knows it the asshole.

“Don’t you care that I’ve got the shits?” I snap.

He continues chewing his food and shrugs his shoulders. “Not really,” he smiles as he swallows. My mouth drops open, of all the arrogant………I do wide eyes at him and he has the audacity to laugh. I’m so mad but for some stupid reason I find myself mirroring his stupid smile.

“What’s funny,” I snap.

“You are,” he smirks.

“What planet are you from? I am not dating a cage fighter Josh. End of story.” He scowls.

“What planet are you from if you think I’m going to put up with your shit. You are not telling me what I can and can’t do Natasha. Just because you love me doesn’t make you the boss of me,” he snaps.

I scowl again. Oohh touché idiot, trust him to throw the love you thing in. “Why in the hell do you want to do this anyway? I don’t get it.”

“Sit and eat your breakfast,” he sighs as he points at my chair with his knife. I sit and start to eat my breakfast in silence and he smirks at me.

“Seriously Josh, I’m going to have a shiny new pair of earrings in a minute,” I hold up my butter knife and he laughs.

“Calm down psycho, I do it for exercise and the challenge,” he says.

“Challenge,” I repeat. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

He shrugs. “Apart from you, I don’t really have any challenges. Without sounding conceited, most things come easy for me. I love technology I would do it for free but it has paid me a lot more than I feel I deserve. That money has allowed me to buy the thoroughbred horses I love, so I find Polo easy as well. My cars, houses and women. Everything comes easy. But when I fight it doesn’t matter how much money I make, or what my brain can do, or how I look. It just doesn’t matter, it’s just me and my opponent and the ring and if I can’t fight then I’m going to get beaten and that feeling of being equal gives me a massive adrenaline hit. I love it.” I narrow my eyes as I listen. “I know it sounds like a head trip but that’s how it is,” he says dead pan. I suppose that does make sense. I can only imagine how it feels to be so successful. I should be so lucky. I know I’m not going to win this argument and it’s true I don’t want him to have to change to be with me.

“Fine, but I’m not supporting this, there is no way in hell I am going to another fight.”

He smiles and picks up my hand and kisses the back of it. “Deal,” he whispers. “I have no wish at all to tell you what you can and can’t do,” he raises an eyebrow.


Margaret Stanton arrives at her solicitor’s office just after nine. She has travelled to Sydney to see this solicitor, she couldn’t trust anyone in Melbourne. They all know her husband. She is shown into his office by his secretary, she nervously takes her seat.

“Can I get you a coffee Mrs Stanton?”

“No thanks dear,” she smiles. The tall grey solicitor enters and shakes her hand.

“Mrs Stanton,” he smiles.

“Yes,” she whispers.

“What can I do for you today?” he asks. She pulls out a large envelope that is sealed with a wax seal and her nerves are obvious, even to a stranger.

“I need you to put this in a safety deposit box for me,” she says nervously.

Her solicitor frowns. “You came all the way from Melbourne to put something in a safety deposit box?

She nods. “Yes, I need your utmost discretion and my husband knows too many solicitors in Melbourne.”

“I’m intrigued Mrs Stanton.”

“Please call me Margaret.”

“Ok Margaret, what are your instructions?”

She swallows the large lump in her throat. “If I go missing or am found dead, I want you to deliver this envelope directly by hand to my eldest son Joshua Stanton. Make sure he is alone when he reads it.”

The solicitor frowns. “Do you think your life is in danger Margaret?”

She smiles. “I don’t think so, but I am concerned about a current relationship my son is having and if it continues I could be.”

“We must call the police. What exactly is in the envelope? I assure you it will not leave this room?” he breathes.

“No police……please no. I don’t want to draw unnecessary attention to this matter. If I do go missing, I am just covering all bases. After Joshua has read the contents please pass it onto the police.”

“Margaret this is highly irregular and I have concerns, what exactly is in the envelope? Are you involved in criminal acts?”

She smiles. “No nothing like that. It relates to my son’s………… paternity.”

He smiles and nods. “I see.”

She smiles a nervous smile at him. “If this information gets out, it will destroy the lives of my husband and son but it will be catastrophic for a very powerful man who stands to lose everything.”

“How would this information put you in danger?”

“My son is deeply in love with his……… first cousin. I have kept this information from him for twenty seven years but if this relationship continues, I will tell him. I will not let him live a life of guilt when he doesn’t deserve to.”

“Maybe this affair will end,” the solicitor kindly smiles.

“We can only hope. He has been in love with her for seven years and they have recently reconnected. He is not letting her go this time. That I am positive of.” The solicitor writes the necessary instructions and walks Mrs Stanton out of his office.

“My discretion is assured, thank you for your trust,” she smiles and wipes the tears from her eyes. She hopes to god her son never has to see that letter. It will break his heart, he idolizes his father. Pain lances through her as she realizes Joshua is going to lose either way. The love of his life or his father. Either way it’s a loss she doesn’t know if he will be able to bear and definitely not one that he deserves.


You know what the problem with dating a very intelligent man is? Just that. He’s a smart son of a bitch. When he agreed that I didn’t have to go to his stupid fight I did have an inkling that it was all a bit too easy, he was too agreeable. So why was I surprised when Abbie, Bridget, Cam and Adrian came around to my house tonight to pick me up to go to the fight. And when I refused, drank wine with me until I was tipsy enough to be talked into anything………… Diabolical. So here I am, three hours later at the bar in Luna Park Convention Centre wincing as I watch the big screen. Thankfully Adrian and I are staying at the bar boycotting the activities. It seems Joshua made Adrian come too because he knew I would come if he did. Thankfully we are having a really good time and we are very tipsy.

“So tell me Adrian. What goes on with you? Do you have a boyfriend?” I point my wine glass at him.

He smiles and rolls his eyes dramatically. “No, sort of, yes.”

I raise my eyebrows. “What does that mean?”

He shrugs, “To be honest I don’t even know, my stupid boyfriend’s phone calls are getting less and less. When I first got here he rang me twice a day and now it’s down to once every three days.” He shrugs and talks into his wine glass “he couldn’t even wait three months.” I give him a sympathetic smile and he smiles and shrugs. “Josh hates my boyfriend.”

My eyes widen “How come?”

“Josh knew him a long time before I met him, he’s in his Polo team.”

I nod and raise my eyebrows and take another way too large gulp of my wine. “And,” I prompt.

“Josh thinks he is after my money.”

I choke on my wine. “Don’t tell me you’re fucking rich too.” I giggle as I wipe the wine from my chin.

He laughs and shakes his head. “I’m only rich because of your over generous boyfriend.”

I frown. “What do you mean?”

“Josh bought me a Condo and a Corvette and pays me three million dollars a year.”

I choke again. “Fuck off.”

He nods and smiles as he drains his glass. He nods an over exaggerated nod. “Don’t you talk, I think he paid off your mortgage yesterday.”

“What?” I snap. “Tell me you’re joking.”

“You know how over generous he is,” I frown. Weirdly enough I don’t. I point my wine glass at him again.

“So why does he hate him?” He rolls his eyes.

“Josh is just over protective because I don’t sleep around.”

I frown not understanding. “What do you mean?”

“Shit, you really do psycho analyse don’t you” I raise my glass and clink it with his. Raising my eyebrows as I smile. I really should stop drinking, I am feeling very inebriated. “I am not your normal gay guy Tash. I hate camp with a passion, hate feminine men. I find most gay men sleazebags and can think of nothing worse than going to a gay bar where everyone is wearing next to nothing and eyeing up their meat for the night.”

I nod an exaggerated nod. “Here, here,” I yell way too loud.

“So basically, I’m a gay man who loves everything heterosexual. All my friends are straight, I prefer straight bars, straight…………everything,” he shrugs. “Except women.”

I give him a sad smile. “That must suck.”

He nods. “Totally.”

“So how did you meet Josh?” he smiles a broad warm smile and I know how much he cares for him.

“I had just finished College.”

“What did you study?”

“Politics and Economics,” I nod impressed. “Anyway I got my dream job as an intern at his company. But I was only there for three weeks and both of my parents were killed in a plane crash. My mother immediately and then my father four weeks later from his injuries.”

I grab his leg. “Oh Adrian, I’m so sorry,”

“Me too, they were………are really missed. Anyway I had six months off to get my shit together and when I finally came back Josh kept me in the office next to him to keep an eye on me.” I smile as I imagine the scenario he is setting for me. “Anyway, I started doing more and more for him and then he offered me the position of his personal secretary and then two years later he promoted me to his Communications Manager.” I nod and raise my hands to signify more drinks and the bartender smiles and nods.

“What does a Communications Manager do exactly………I mean how do you earn so much frigging money?” I laugh and cover my mouth for being so intrusive.

He laughs out loud. “I run the company. I handle all of the staff management, the programming timetables, the equipment and of course all of the public speaking.”

I frown. “Of course meaning.”

“Well you know how shy Josh is, public speaking is his worst enemy.”

I screw up my face. “Is Josh shy?” How do I not know this? He frowns at me

“Are you kidding? He’s painful, haven’t you ever seen it” I shake my head. “Oh shit,” he smiles as he puts his hand over his mouth. “You two have always known each other, he wouldn’t be shy around you.” I pull a face and shrug. This information is weird. In fact there is a lot of things that we don’t know about each other. I would never have said he was shy but then I really haven’t seen him in the company of strangers.

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