Stand Of Honor (26 page)

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Authors: Cathryn Williams

BOOK: Stand Of Honor
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Melanie quickly stepped back and Macey stumbled forward when her fist only hit the air.
Melanie was able to get behind Macey and take her back to the mat. This time, Melanie didn’t waste any time with the choke hold; she slid her arm around Macey’s neck and put her just where she wanted her.

Macey fought to get out
as they turned in circles on the mat. Macey continued to punch Melanie in the head with backward jabs, but not with enough strength to force Melanie to loosen her grip. She could see Macey’s face turning red, so she tightened the hold.

The stupid bitch should tap out.
Melanie didn’t care if Macey passed out, she wasn’t letting go until the ref stopped her or the bell rang. She could feel Macey almost slip out, but Melanie wrapped her leg around Macey’s midriff and pulled her closer. She was able to look up and see the clock winding down into the final seconds.

God, she wanted to win by tap out, but fuck, Macey wasn’t giving up.

When she finally saw
Macey’s hand reach for the tap out, the damn bell rang. Damn it! It would have been better with the tap, but hell, she knew she’d just won the championship belt!

She let go and quickly stood up
, looking for Zane. He was clapping and cheering for her. She yelled in joy—she did it!

The referee called her name to the center of the cage.
Macey and she stood on either side while they listened for the official results.

“The winner by unanimous decision, Melanie Brooks!”

The referee raised her hand into the air. She tried to show good sportsmanship and looked to see if Macey would shake hands, but Macey just gave her a hard look and walked away. Melanie didn’t care; she was fine being the better person. Zane came into the cage to sweep her into a bear hug.

“You are amazing
! Great job, baby!” Zane said into her ear as he lifted her in the air.

Melanie squeezed him back.
He had helped turn her dream into a reality. She loved him so much.

When she
heard her name being called again, they were bringing her the belt. She felt her face light up like a little girl, but didn’t care. This was what she had wanted for half her life, and now it was hers. It would be the other fighters’ jobs to try and take it from her now. She planned on holding on to it for a long time.

As she stepped out of the cage,
she was approached by several journalists. She started to smile for them until she heard the first question.

“Ms. Brooks, how do you feel about your brother fighting your boyfriend?”

“Ms. Brooks, what did you think when Mr. Phillips challenged your brother?”

They were all barking out questions about Zane and Nick, none of the questions had anything to do with her own win.
She should have expected those types of questions. Journalists could be the biggest dicks, always focusing on the negative. Female sports always came in behind male sports.

“No comment.”
Melanie didn’t have a sponsor and didn’t have to worry about any obligatory interviews—she didn’t have to put up with their shit. She plowed a path through them, then Zane and she walked back up the ramp and out of the arena.

When they passed through the curtains, Nick was waiting for her.
He swept her up into a hug.

“I am so proud of you!
My sister, the champion!” Nick was beaming with pride. He reached over to Zane to give a heartfelt hand shake.

“Zane, you’re the man.
Thank you for everything,” Nick told him sincerely.

“What the hell
? I’m the one taking the punches. Why are you thanking him?” Melanie pouted.

Nick took her in for the typical big brother
head lock as she tried to punch at him to escape. “Great job, sis!” He finally let her go and made sure to protect his gut

he was quick to learn his lesson.

Melanie went to gather her things then met back up with Zane and Nick.
As they went back out front to leave the arena, she saw Trish.

“Great job
, Melanie!” Trish squealed when she saw her.

Melanie laughed
. “Thank you!”

Trish came in for a hug, although she checked Melanie for blood before closing the gap.

Melanie smirked
. “I don’t think there’s any blood today.”

Trish made a face and squeezed her tightly.
“I’m so happy for you! My best friend, a champion. How cool is that?”

“Very cool,” Melanie replied.

They all walked to the parking lot and said their good-byes. Melanie put her bag and belt in the backseat then slid into the passenger seat of Zane’s vehicle.

“You were great tonight
, Melanie. That kick was awesome. They’ll be replaying that one on YouTube,” Zane laughed, and Melanie chuckled with him.

“I know, I can’t wait to watch it,” Melanie giggled.

She relaxed her body as he finished the drive home. The exhaustion was starting to kick in. Fifteen minutes didn’t sound like a long time, but after a fight, it could take a couple days to recover.

As they reached his house, she started to feel a little better.
She had been so tense all day. It felt good releasing it all out of her system.

Once inside the house, she
headed to the bathroom to take a bath. She stripped off her clothes and stepped into the warmth of the water.

As the win started to sink in and some of the weariness started to
seep away, she hollered at Zane to come in the bathroom.

He came in a few moments later and whistled when he saw her.
She had covered herself with soap bubbles and was posing for him when we walked in.

“Take your clothes off and join me,” she commanded.

Zane quickly pulled his shirt off and dropped his pants.

“I’m not arguing with that,” he replied as he joined her in the

“You better not
. I bet I’m almost good enough to beat you.”

Zane roared with laughter
, getting into the tub of bubbles with her. Melanie narrowed her eyes at his laughter. She got out of the tub, leaving a trail of water and bubbles across the floor.

“Where are you going?” Zane yelled out.

Melanie returned a minute later holding her phone up and taking a picture of him sitting in the tub surrounded by hundreds of foaming bubbles. She gave him a mischievous grin as he sat there with his mouth hanging open. She then loaded the picture she had just taken and enlarged it, turning it around so he could see the picture.

“What were you saying?”
she asked with an evil grin.

Zane’s hand went to the
bathroom wall, tapping it twice. “You win.”

Chapter 27


Zane was waiting at the local pub to meet Nick the night before their fight.
It had been a hectic week, both of them dealing with the fact that they were finally going head to head in the cage. Along with the emotional toll it was taking, they were dealing with the press hounding both of them.

Like Melanie, he didn’t have a sponsor, so he didn’t bother talking to them
, but the same didn’t go for Nick. He had obligations and had to put up with their shitty questions. Zane had to hand it to him, though, Nick knew all the right lines and was good at putting on a show. That was one of the reasons he had so many fans

he appealed to everyone.

He was facing the door
so he saw when Nick arrived. He waved to get his attention, and Nick quickly noticed him.  Zane caught several of the patrons pointing at Nick as he walked by. A couple said his name, and Nick flashed his famous smile for them all.

He eventually made it to the table and slid into the booth across from Zane.
Zane looked into his eyes and could see the friend he had grown up with getting further and further away. The fans had no idea of the show Nick was so good at putting on for them all.

, buddy, hope you weren’t waiting long,” Nick said casually as he grabbed a menu.

“Just got here,” Zane replied as he looked over his own menu.

The waitress came up
and stumbled over her words as she repeated their drink order. Zane looked to see if there was something wrong with her, but she seemed okay. He shrugged to himself as she walked away. Zane looked across the table to see Nick staring back at him.

“How’s it going?” Zane asked Nick.

“Fine. You?” Nick deflected back to Zane.

. Just ready to take on the champion in my next fight,” Zane drawled.

Nick laughed out loud.
“Funny you say that. I’m about to try and defend my title.”

His face turned somber.
“Seriously, Zane, I’m ready for this. You’re the reason I am where I’m at today. I know Dad saw you as a punching bag, but I never did. We’ve always been a good match, and I’m glad we grew up together. I want us to go all out tomorrow, no holding back.”

Zane nodded his head in approval.
He was glad Nick looked at it the same way he did.

The waitress came back to take their order
, and they put their orders in, then chatted about casual topics while they waited for their food.

When the conversation came to a stall, Nick turned serious again.

“What do you think of Melanie?”

Zane heard the protectiveness in Nick’s voice and tried not to laugh.

“Nick, I love her. She makes me feel better than I’ve felt in my life. She’s mine—now and forever.” Zane knew it sounded fucking cheesy, however it was the damn truth. He wasn’t letting her go.

Nick nodded his head.
“Good to know.” he laughed. “Who would have thought you two would end up together? Good thing she found out about Tobias when she did. It gave her a chance to find you.”

Zane was taking a sip of beer as Nick finished his statement.
He tried not to choke, thinking that Nick would never know how they’d really reconnected. Zane knew he would have chased her down eventually, even if she had never come to his gym.

They finished the evening, ribbing each other like they usually did.
Zane was finally free from his chains and could live a normal life—well, as normal as Melanie would allow. He could enjoy a beer with a friend without wondering if he would be coming home after another job.

As they walked to their cars, they faced each other.
The next time they saw one another, it would be in the cage.

“Good luck
, Nick,” Zane said and meant it.

“Good luck to you
, too,” Nick replied.

They shook hands, not noticing the photographer in the background.

Zane went home and found Melanie asleep on the couch with the television blaring. How she slept with the volume so loud was beyond him. He turned to the TV when he heard his name and saw the image of him and Nick shaking hands after dinner.  He shook his head, fucking press.  He turned it off and looked down at her. She was beautiful, even with the dribble of drool coming out of the corner of her lips.

He smiled as he scooped her up to carry her to the bedroom.
She woke as he made his way to the bedroom.

“Hey, how’d it go?”
she mumbled sleepily.

. We’re both ready. There’s no hard feelings, which I’ve been telling you all along,” he said arrogantly.

“You’re so annoying,” Melanie grumbled.

Zane placed her on the bed and pulled the covers down for her to get underneath. As she positioned herself under the covers, he went into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

She talked to him while he brushed his teeth.

“I finally signed up to take the GRE.
I’m going to buy some study guides in the morning while you’re at the gym. Then I’ll stop by to see Nick at the gym, then head back to meet you and ride down with you for the fight,” Melanie continued talking since he couldn’t reply

he still had a mouthful of toothpaste. He grunted in response.

He finished rinsing and threw his clothes into the hamper before going back into the bedroom.
As she whistled when he walked into the room, he felt himself harden at her smoldering eyes. He hadn’t planned on fucking tonight, but he couldn’t resist those come hither eyes of hers. Plus, she was already pulling her clothes off as he approached the bed.

He pulled the covers back and dropped onto the bed. “Go slow
. I’m enjoying the show.”

Melanie grinned back at him
and his dick got even harder. She was always ready for some fun.

She turned
, wiggling her ass as she pulled her panties off. Then made a show of taking off his t-shirt that she had stolen out of his drawer. She climbed on top of the mattress, standing over him with a foot on each side of his hips. Zane lay back, enjoying the view of her pussy.

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