Stage Fright: A Hot Interracial BWWM Western Rockstar Erotic Story (Her Rocker Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Stage Fright: A Hot Interracial BWWM Western Rockstar Erotic Story (Her Rocker Book 1)
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His smile got even wider, like he knew that I was clueless. But he turned and concentrated on the drinks, taking his eyes off me and giving me a moment to get my breath back. What was it about this guy that made me act like an idiot? Him just looking at me sent shivers down my spine and made me stumble over my own tongue.


I looked around and decided to sit down, maybe that would make me feel more comfortable, instead of standing around awkwardly, not knowing where I should move or what to do with my hands.


The cushions on the couch were unexpectedly soft and I half sank half fell into it. I quickly looked up to make sure he wasn’t watching me and hadn’t seen how clumsy I was. He was still concentrating on our drinks. I breathed a mental sigh of relief. But the silence was killing me, I felt like I needed to fill it up before it consumed me.


“So, uh, do you work for the band this party is for or for the club?” I asked, straining my neck to look back at him.


His face jerked towards me, eyebrows furrowed together like he didn’t understand my question.


I waited a beat for him to answer but when no answer was forthcoming I thought that maybe I’d ask the wrong question.


I wasn’t sure what I’d said wrong but I tried to cover it, “I mean, it doesn’t matter, I appreciate you helping me whether you – “


“The band,” he said with a laugh, “I work for the band.”


He came around and handed me a drink in a cold metal cup, “Oh that must be interesting.”


“You could say that,” he muttered as he sat down on the other end of the couch.


I took a sip of my drink, it was minty and delicious, “What is this? It’s wonderful.”


“It’s a Mint Julep, not a very popular drink but my grandfather used to fix them and let me steal sips when I was a kid, so I’ve always been partial to them.”  I watched his lips move as he talked, fascinated by the sensuous arch, distracted from what he was saying by just how beautiful he was.


Then I realized I was just staring at him and he had finished talking. I searched for something to say. I was sure I used to be able to hold a casual conversation but at that moment my mind was blank, the words drying up right on my lips before I could even think of them.


My eyes flew back up to his when I realized I’d been visually devouring him and I saw that he was watching me with the same hot intensity that I felt inside myself. My throat went dry as the sparks ignited between us.


But something else played inside me too, right beside the lust that he’d kindled with nothing more than a look.


“I’ve got to go, thank you for the drink,” I said, hurriedly sitting my cup on the low table and jolting towards the door. I wasn’t prepared for the feelings that were converging inside of me.


“Wait,” amazingly he was right behind me, he put his hand up against the door, preventing me from opening it, I could feel his hot breath on the sensitive skin of my neck. Fire exploded inside my belly as I turned to face him, our lips scant centimeters from each other.


Time seemed to hang for a moment while we breathed each other’s air and then all at once his lips were on mine, we were devouring each other, and the fire inside me was being stoked higher and higher.


He pressed me up against the door and I wrapped my legs around him, my skirt riding up, loving the feel of his strong hands grasping at my thighs, the hardness pressing at my core demanding entrance.


He put his hands under my ass and carried me to the couch, lying me down and trailing kisses down my neck. My eyes closed with the sensation, this was nice, this was wonderful… but I wanted more.


I grabbed the back of his shirt I tugged until he helped me pull the material over his head. I wanted all of him bare to my touch, to my eyes, now.  Shirt gone I trailed my knuckles across the flat plains of his belly, grasping the belt buckle, intent on removing the rest of his clothing. Casually he brushed me aside and instead pinned my hands above my head, I gasped, He unbuttoned my dress, slowly, letting his lips brush against each new piece of skin that was revealed. Pulling me to him by the fabric he’d just unbuttoned his lips met mine again as he puIled the fabric down my arms and then over my hips. He threw it to the floor, his arms snaking around my back and unclasping my bra, letting that join my dress on the floor.



I’d always been self-conscious of my breasts, my mother said they were too large for good taste but he didn’t seem to mind. His hands molding themselves to them, his tongue tracing circles around the nipples before being sucked into his mouth. Then his hands ran down my sides, snagging the thin material of my panties as he hooked them with his fingers and yanked them down my legs before his mouth returned to mine.I ran my fingernails down his back, asking him silently to give me what I wanted, urging him to join me in my heedless flight towards release.


The bulge in his pants rubbed against my wet mound and I thrust my hips, wishing that his blue jeans would just magically disappear. I started unbuttoning his pants and he brushed me away, I might have whined at being denied, but he sat back and looked at me, really looked at me, and it was more sensual than anything I’d ever experienced.


“You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” his eyes drank my in, slowly working from the hair splayed out behind my, pausing at my breast, nipples taunt from the gentle abuse they’d received and then lower. Looking hungrily and the center of my, the trimmed triangle of hair that glistened from the wetness he had caused.


He knelt in front of my and kissed my knee, I hadn’t known that the knee was an erogenous zone, but he made it one. Just having him kneeling there between my legs was making my all kinds of crazy.


His mouth moved up my thigh, gently sucking and kissing the tender flesh as he went, before he came to the slick folds that were just dying to get him inside them. He slipped two fingers inside my, slowly working them in. I hadn’t been with anyone in a long time so I was very tight, even two fingers felt huge inside me. I bucked against him and groaned.


I looked down at him, my gaze pleading, but his eyes were locked on his work, hungrily enjoying the sight of my folds parting for him. And then his head dipped down and he rubbed his lips against the tiny nub at the top of my cleft.


Mental functioning shifted into a lesser gear, the only things inside me were need and want. His tongue darted out, teasing my clit and I grabbed his hair, pressing his face to me, willing him to lick harder, faster. But he kept his own slow and excruciatingly exquisite pace, I bucked and moaned like a wild thing. Lost in a sea of passion I’d never felt before in my life. He flicked his tongue out again and again, letting the pace build slow until I was right on the edge of release, right on the edge of splintering, and then he left me.


“Don’t stop, don’t stop,” I cried out, my hands grasping the quilt, trying not to actually cry. I was so close it was almost painful.


“Wait for it,” he said as he unbuckled his pants, releasing the hard bulge, taking it in hand and guiding it to my entrance.


“Yes,” I screamed, this was what I wanted, what I needed. He drove into my, pleasure and pain combining into one. I met each of his thrusts, wanting it faster and faster, wanting to feel him cum inside of me, wanting my own release to squeeze him tight from inside, never letting him go.


My breath came in gasps as he rode me hard, his hand slipping between us so that his thumb could rub the place we were joined, keeping time with our rhythm.


It was too much, my head tossed from side to side, everything inside me gathered together and expanded in a wave of intense pleasure that verged on insanity. I came so hard that I felt like my whole body was going to break in half, and I screamed so hard my throat hurt.


It seemed to go on forever, the waves of pleasure but eventually my body relaxed and I opened my eyes to see his were open as well, watching me as he still worked on top of me. I saw the look of pleasure so great that it couldn’t be described, the same look I’d probably had just moments before. I worked my hips harder against him, driving the pace faster and faster, watching for the moment that he’d slip over the edge himself, wanting to savor the way he looked on top of me, muscles straining, eyes bright and needy, body tensed and waiting.


He threw his head back and groaned as I felt him release his seed deep inside me and I shivered with the pleasure of it.


The heavy weight of his sweat covered body as it collapsed on me felt right and I wrapped my arms around him. It had never been like that for me before. Yes I’d had sex and yes, I’d orgasmed but… I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what had been so much different. Deeper. I’d lost myself completely in our lovemaking and hadn’t quite resurfaced.


“You ok?” He asked, propping himself on one elbow, looking down at me. And then what I’d done hit me like a ton of bricks, I didn’t even know this man’s name and I’d just slept with with him. Not just slept with him, I’d gone wild with him, lost my mind with him, given up a little bit of my humanity with him. Oh god, what had I done?


“I…” my mouth dried up, I didn’t know what to say to him. But as luck would have it a knock on the door kept me from saying anything.


“I’m busy, who is it?” he said, climbing off of me and grabbing his pants off the floor.


“It’s Marisol. Justin you’ve got to make an appearance soon! The crowd is getting angry.”


“I’ll be out soon Mary, just give me a few more minutes.”


“Not too long, the rest of the guys are already drunk and are going to need to be escorted out soon before they make a scene that will get plastered in every rag in the English speaking world.”


He smiled and laughed at the door, “Alright alright, I’m coming.”


I stared at him as he put first one leg then the other into his pants. Then I sat up and grabbed my dress from the floor and clutched it to my chest.


“The Justin from the band?” The stupid name of the band fled my brain, “What’s it called, the one that’s here tonight?”


He smirked, “Druid’s Fire, yeah, I’m the Justin from the band, and it looks like I’ve got to go to work.”


He straightened his shirt, wiping all the wrinkles out and ran his fingers through his hair as I sat there, naked with my  mouth hanging open. He walked to the door and looked back at me, “Stay here, I’ll be back in around an hour and we can,” his eye traveled across my skin, “continue this in my hotel room.”


The door clicked behind him and I finally closed my mouth. I didn’t know what I was going to do but waiting there for him wasn’t one of the options. I had to get away before he came back and realized what I knew, I was no one special, no one special at all.





I hope you enjoyed my story! More coming soon!

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