Stacey Espino (3 page)

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Authors: Evan's Victory

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She nodded, too focused on the deep tone of his voice and hypnotic flecks in his eyes. He moved away from her, sitting on the floor with his back to the nearest wall. The man was hung like a horse, and with her pussy still molten lava, it spelled sweet relief.

“Come here.” He sat, patting one of his thighs.

She crawled over, her breasts swaying as she moved. Cassidy moved closer to her target and then poised herself over the rigid cock. As she sank down on him, she groaned like a woman slipping into a hot bath after a hard day. Only she was about to get worked over by one of the most handsome, well-built men she’d ever laid eyes on.

“You’re so hard,” she said.

“I’m always hard for you.” He wrapped his arms around the small of her waist, pulling her closer. When her breasts pressed to his muscled chest, she began to feel that connection, more than sex. He wrapped a hand gently around the side of her neck, tilting her head so they were eye to eye. There was no humor in his gaze, just passion. But he still didn’t let go of her. He seemed obsessed with the smooth line of her neck, like a vampire admiring its next victim. It turned her on to see him so intense, yet holding back.

She clamped her pussy around his cock since neither of them had moved since she impaled herself on his erection. Evan groaned, his eyes briefly lolling back in his head. He refocused quickly.

“You tempt me,” he said.

“This isn’t tempting. I’ve given you everything.”

“Not everything. Not yet.”

Chapter Two


Evan had been dealing with his control issues. He had to keep his beast in check around the girl. She was an unmarked human, and Garret would have his head if he changed that. His alpha was proving slow to act and weak in regards to Cassidy, in his opinion. With all the dangers looming in Climax, it was best to give Cassidy the love bite, to bind them all—body and soul. If she’d had a mark, the Rockford wolves might never have kidnapped her in the first place. But he couldn’t be certain of that, not when they were so unscrupulous.

There was a battle within him that waged day and night. As a wolf-shifter with an alpha, it was Evan’s duty to follow orders. Everything was done for the good of the pack. But when it came to Cassidy, he’d been tempted on more than one occasion to steal away with her or ignore the ways of his species.

“You’re talking about the mark, aren’t you? Tell me what it is, Evan.”

Why was it so difficult to refuse her? He wanted to grant her every wish, see her smiling and happy each waking hour. “Has Garret not explained any of it?”

He knew Cassidy was still clueless as to their other identities. She didn’t know they were not just men, but also wolf-shifters. She’d been asking many questions since they last rescued her, but they always thought of satisfactory excuses or brushed her off.

If his alpha planned to make her their official mate, as he’d promised, he should have initiated her by now. It was like ripping off a Band-Aid. Garret would be smartest to show her their wolves, mark her, and then fuck her as a pack. Instead, he built their relationship but left no seeds along the way to ease her into their lifestyle. How long was he going to carry on like this?

Evan craved her blood. Once they were joined, he’d be able to find her and feel her emotions as if she were a member of the Gregor pack. His wolf was growing impatient.

“I don’t know anything. Garret just runs me around in circles.”

He lifted up her hips and let her weight sink back down. She was tight around his thick cock, bringing all his cells to life. “While Garret has sex with you, he’ll bite you.” He touched the muscle between her neck and shoulder. “Right here. It may hurt for a few seconds, but then you’ll only feel bliss.”

“But why? That’s disgusting.”

He frowned. “There’s nothing more beautiful. After Garret completes the mating, we’ll all have our turn. When the fifth pack mate marks you, it will be official. Forever.” Evan’s urge to sink his fangs into her milky white flesh was overwhelming. His cock was throbbing in her cunt, his wolf clawing within him, and his mouth salivating for her blood. He should never have come out alone to find her. Evan had no clue how his alpha showed such control around her.

“I like the forever part,” she said. “But the rest sounds painful.”

He pulled her closer, breathing in her feminine scent. Evan swore he could hear the blood rushing through her veins, singing to him, tempting him. Just one taste. Not a full bite, but a sample. What harm could it cause?

His fangs fully extended. He began to fuck her from beneath, lifting and dropping, her body jostling on his lap.

“Yes,” she cried out. Her little pussy was already contracting around him in erratic waves. The little siren was receptive.

Evan pumped in and out of her, both hands on her hips to guide her over his cock. Her waves of brown hair bounced and fluttered around her face. Her lips were swollen, her eyes half-mast. How could he not fall in love with her all over again? It was more than sexual attraction. It was the mating call. He couldn’t explain the science behind it, but when he met her, his wolf knew she was the one chosen by the gods. His pack mates felt the same thing, confirming her arrival in Climax was no coincidence.

The door to the cabin burst open. Patrick filled in the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest. “Don’t even dream it,” he said. How did they all tend to sense his weakness?

“Go away,” said Evan.

Patrick strolled in and then circled around them. He smelled of burning wood with a faint scent of diesel. His red hair was mostly hidden under his toque. When he finally stopped pacing, he grabbed a handful of Cassidy’s hair and wrenched her head back. “You like the way he fucks you?”

She nodded, her pussy spasming around Evan’s cock. The human loved to be dominated.

Patrick looked at him. “I was stuck picking up your delivery while you ran amuck. Now you get Cassidy all to yourself?” He scoffed.

“You’ll be interested to know what I found out at the logging camp. But not now.” He continued to thrust into Cassidy. He was too comfortable around his pack mates to care if one or more watched.

Patrick leaned against the wall to enjoy the show. Evan’s fangs had receded thanks to Patrick’s presence. He was glad because now he could kiss her, truly make love to her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her soft tongue lively in his mouth. He didn’t hold back, bringing her down on every inch of his cock. She liked it rough, so he gave it to her, hard.

“I can smell her. She’s ripe, Evan. Finish her,” said Red.

He was too lost to continue working her over his erection. Evan flipped them onto the floor so he looked down on her. He braced a hand on either side of her head and began to pump in and out of her slick pussy without tiring. She held his arms to keep in place. Although he could last all night, Patrick was right, she was about to come.

Cassidy squealed when her orgasm first tore free. Then she held him tight, riding out the contractions. He stared into her blue eyes as he came, silently renewing his personal vow to always love her.

They were both breathless. If they were back at their cabin in their large bed, he’d pull her into the shelter of his arm and sleep it off. Instead, he got to his feet and tugged on his jeans.

Patrick squatted next to Cassidy, his boots creaking. He had on a heavy plaid jacket despite the mild temperature outside. He watched her, not speaking. Patrick always confused him. One day Evan would swear he was in love with the girl. The next he grew cold.

Cassidy squirmed on the floor, trying to cover herself now that her body had settled back to normalcy. When she attempted to cover up, Patrick shook his head.

“What are we going to do with you?” he said reflectively.

She crawled up to her knees, bracing a hand on each of Patrick’s knees. Like a kitten sidling up to a wolf.


* * * *


Cassidy loved the dangerous look in Patrick’s eyes, knowing he’d never harm her. He’d protected her time and time again, going the extra mile for her well-being. Even though she was thoroughly sated from Evan, she wouldn’t refuse Patrick if he demanded to fuck her. She’d welcome it. He smelled like the great outdoors, his rugged appearance creating the usual flutter in her stomach.

“Hold me,” she said. Cassidy was constantly seeking his approval as if one day he’d slip away like water through her fingers. She’d even take the pain of the so-called mating bite if it meant a solid commitment from Patrick. Now that she’d finally established an intimate connection with Travis, Patrick was her only worry.

As she’d expected, her Viking wrapped his strong arms around her and held her close. He even kissed her atop the head, just another mixed signal.

“Time to bring you home. Garret says no little humans allowed at the mine for a week.”

“So I’ve heard,” she said begrudgingly. Sam Tanner would be showing up soon, taking her place. It didn’t sit well with her, especially after Garret told her to play dumb about their relationship. It was a huge red flag, in her opinion.

Ah, ah, ah.
No sneaking over either. We’ll be watching you.” He winked at her when she looked up. “I’ll tell the wolves to keep guard.”

She didn’t want to hear anything about wolves after everything she’d been through the past couple of weeks. It was surprising she still had the nerve to stay in Climax after her nightmarish experiences. But, then again, she’d sold everything to move here. It was all she had. And all she wanted.

“Don’t worry. I don’t want to be anywhere near the mine over the next week. I think all the groveling will sour my stomach.”

Patrick looked up to Evan, who’d just pulled his shirt back on. “She’s jealous.”

“Am not!”

“Very,” agreed Evan. “I’ve already told her there’s no need.”

“I like it, though. It’s cute to see her so spirited.”

She clenched her teeth and pulled out of Patrick’s embrace. Cassidy danced into her clothes with as much dignity as possible. “How would you like it?” she said. “What if I were to start spending all my time with Ryder or Corbin?”

“You hate them,” said Patrick.

“That’s not the point.” Cassidy knew she’d lose if she tried to tell them she was staying in her own cabin, so she headed out to the front porch. She needed to breathe, to calm herself before she made herself look like more of a desperado. Jealousy wasn’t an attractive color on her.

Arms snaked around her waist from behind as she stood against the porch rails, looking out into the forest. Evan’s deep voice whispered in her ear. “You can come to the mine for a visit tomorrow. You’ll see for yourself there’s nothing to worry about.” She nodded, not daring to speak and say something rude. He kissed her temple, looking off at the same view.

“I used to love the forest,” she admitted. “Now…not so much.”

“Bad things happen everywhere, Cassidy. But Gregor land is the safest place for you. We
these woods.”

“I don’t think the wolves care about dollars and cents or whose name is on a deed.”

“I wasn’t talking about that kind of ownership.” He kissed her one last time and then hopped off the porch, heading to his truck. Again with the mind games. She had no way of deciphering them and frankly couldn’t be bothered anymore. If she stressed herself out about every off-the-wall thing her men did, she’d be ready for an institution.

Patrick joined her on the porch, closing the door heavily behind him.

She turned long enough to give him a cold stare. It was true she was jealous, but she didn’t want it pointed out for her.

He chuckled, a darkly masculine sound. Before she could react, he had her turned, lifted, and sitting on the porch rail. Patrick took up residence between her legs, both hands on her ass. “You’re angry with me,” he said as he nipped her earlobe.

“Forget it. I’m just stressed.”

“I’ll take care of you tonight when I get home from the mine.” He scooped her up under the arms and held her in the air long enough to kiss her lips before setting her on her feet. His strength astounded her. These were real men, not like the sniveling jerks that worked with her in the call center back in the city.

They made her leave her car at her little house to ensure she couldn’t run off and get into trouble when she was housebound at their place. She rode with Evan, and Patrick followed in another company truck. The familiar bumpy roads calmed her ragged nerves, making her feel alive. The light filtered down through the network of leaves tangled above the roadway, creating an array of images on the dashboard.

“I should really start to fix up my house. I haven’t done anything to it since I arrived besides clean it.”

Evan continued to watch the road as he drove. “Garret wouldn’t approve. There’s no point in fixing it if you’re staying with us.”

She sighed.
Garret says.
“Yes, but it’s good for a woman to be independent. What if something happened between us? I’d be stranded out here with a worthless shack.”

“Nothing will happen. We mate for life, Cassidy.”

She laughed out loud. He sounded like an animal. “Swans mate for life, right?” She tried to stifle her chuckle when Evan continued to look serious.

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