Spring Training (16 page)

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Authors: Roz Lee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Sports, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Spring Training
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Cathy’s laugh was rich and deep. “Well, I’m glad to hear that. I’ve had more than an earful of complaints over the years. Goes with the territory, I suppose.”

“I guess it does.” Brooke’s admiration for the woman grew. “I’m just getting the hang of being on the arm of a baseball player. Todd’s the hero today, but tomorrow he might be the villain. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the ups and downs of the game.”

“Stick around long enough, Brooke, and you will. The secret is knowing the man behind the public persona. As long as he’s
hero, day in and day out, that’s all that matters. Keep that in mind, and you’ll be fine.”

“Todd is my hero,” she said. “It just hurts when people say things about him as if he failed in some way. It isn’t like he wasn’t trying his best.”

“I know how you feel,” Carrie said. “I’m still pretty new to this, too. It’s hard to ignore the insults and nasty comments from the media and, sometimes, the fans. I try not to listen. Jason takes it all in stride, but I can’t help but want to shield him from everything. He’s a good man. He doesn’t deserve to be vilified for trying to do his best. That’s what riles me.”

“Ladies, ignoring it is all you can do, and, of course, being there to support your man when it becomes too much for him. And it will eventually. I can’t tell you how many times Doyle has come home in a rant over something said about him. I let him vent, then remind him of the man he really is.”

“How do you do that? I mean...how do you remind him?” Brooke asked.

The older woman raised her eyebrows. “Girl, if I have to tell you that, then we need to have a talk. Somewhere private.”

Carrie burst out laughing. Understanding dawned, and Brooke joined her.

“Laugh, you two, but it works every time.”

They were still laughing when a young man joined them. From his damp hair, Brooke assumed he was one of the players fresh out of the locker room. “Excuse me, ladies. Mrs. Walker, have you seen my wife?” He scanned the room.

“No, I don’t think I have. I didn’t know she was in Arizona.”

“She came in this week.” Apparently not seeing the woman in question, he turned his attention to Brooke and Carrie. “Mrs. Holder. Nice to see you again.”

“Chip.” Carrie inclined her head. “Have you met Brooke? She’s Todd’s girlfriend.”

Brooke felt like squirming under his gaze. Though he smiled, there was something almost malicious in his eyes when he looked at her. “It’s nice to meet you,” she said, not offering to shake his hand. The idea of him touching her sent a shiver down her spine.

“I didn’t know Stevens had a girlfriend.”

“I do.” Relief flooded her body as Todd insinuated himself between her and the other man. Todd’s arm around her waist was a welcome reminder of his protective streak where she was concerned. “Why don’t you run along now?”

The man sneered at Todd. Turning a smile on Mrs. Walker, he took his leave with a polite word.

“What was that all about?” Cathy asked Todd.

“Nothing. We just don’t have much to say to each other.”

“Well, I can see that he’s no friend of yours,” the older woman said. “And here I thought you were a mild-mannered man, Todd.”

“Not where he’s concerned. You’d all do well to steer clear of him.”

“He’s married, isn’t he?” Carrie asked.

“Boggles the mind, but yep. As a matter of fact, there’s his wife now.” He nodded toward the door where a woman stood, casserole dish in hand, looking around for direction.

“She’s beautiful,” Brooke said. “And she’s married to Chip? Poor thing.”

Mrs. Walker cleared her throat. “Remember what I said, ladies? I suspect she sees a different person than you do. She sleeps with the man after all.”

They all broke out laughing except Todd, who looked at them as if they were nuts.

“Private joke,” Carrie said by way of explanation.

“Let me in on it,” her husband said, coming up to gather her in his arms from behind.

“Later, Jason.” She leaned to one side to kiss his cheek. “Good game.”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Could have been better. Good thing we had superman here—” He nodded at Todd. “—to save our asses.”

“Superman?” Brooke loved the way Todd flushed at the compliment. “Yeah, he’s a superman alright.”

“Cut it out, all of you.” Todd glanced around the room. “Where’s the birthday boy? I’m starving.”







Todd kept Brooke by his side the entire evening as if he were afraid he might lose her in the crowd. After dinner, he took her around, introducing her to everyone as his girlfriend. He was constantly touching her in some way, holding her hand or keeping her close with a hand on her hip. She felt cherished and more than a little possessed by him. She kept reminding herself that, in this place, she was only a girlfriend, not the slave her heart told her she was.

Coaxing him to the dessert table, she finally had him all to herself for a few moments. She filled a plate for him then ushered him to one of the few places in the room that wasn’t filled with people. Forking up a bite of her new chocolate cake, she held it to his lips. “Try this. Tell me what you think.”

His eyes widened as he chewed. Swallowing, he smiled. “More, slave. Next to you, that’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted.”

Heat rose to her cheeks. “Shh,” she scolded with a laugh. “Someone might hear you.” At his raised eyebrow, she added, “Sir.”

“That’s better.” He withdrew something from the pocket of his chinos, and taking the plate from her, pressed it into her palm. “Go to the ladies room. Take off your panties and put this in your pussy. Bring your panties back to me.”

Her heart raced as she closed her fist over the small object. Somehow, he’d known she needed a deeper connection to him, even in this public setting. “Yes, Sir,” she said, turning to locate the restrooms.

“Through there.” Todd pointed to a door across the room. “Don’t be long. If I have to come looking for you, your punishment won’t be pretty.”

She hurried to do his bidding.

He watched his slave’s ass wiggle through the crowd. She looked like an angel in her white strapless sundress. Her skin was flawless, the last of the marks inflicted by Mistress Lola having faded away days ago. He was insane to tease her so in a place like this, but he couldn’t help himself. He’d dreamed of doing this for ages, but they’d had few opportunities to be in social situations since they’d taken their relationship outside The Dungeon.

Jason Holder came up beside him just as Todd ate the last bite of cake on his plate.

“What do you suppose those two have to talk about?” he asked, tipping his beer bottle toward two couples in the far corner of the room.

The men had their heads together, talking, while the women stood by quietly. The women’s lack of conversation was curious enough, but it was the men who interested Todd. Matthews didn’t have many friends on the team, and his conversation with the man who had taken Sean Flannery’s place at first base looked intense.

“Beats me,” he said, looking around for a place to discard his empty paper plate. He tossed it in a nearby trash bin. “Come on. Let’s get closer.”

Jason followed him as they made their way across the room. Brooke would return soon, so he didn’t have much time to find out what was going on between the two men. He and Jason managed to get within hearing distance without being noticed. With their backs to the two couples, they swigged fresh beers they’d scored from an ice bucket they’d passed.

Eyes scanning the gathering as if they didn’t have a care in the world, the two men listened in on the conversation. Due to the noise level in the room, Todd didn’t catch everything, but he overheard enough. He elbowed Jason, who nodded in agreement. They stepped back into the crowd.

“Good to know my ears weren’t playing tricks on me,” he said. “They say your hearing is the first thing to go.”

“I don’t fucking believe it, man. Those two? Wife swapping?”

“I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t heard it myself.” Todd drained his beer. A movement in the hallway caught his attention. Brooke. He fingered the remote in his pocket. She paused, a look of pure shock on her face. She put her hand on the wall for support. He smiled.

“You know this solves your problem, right?” Jason nudged him in the side to get his attention.

“Yeah, I guess it does, though I hate to resort to blackmail. I’d rather just get the asshole traded to another team—let him turn his nasty accusations on someone else.”

Brooke regained her composure. She spotted him. He inclined his head to let her know it was okay to come to him.

“That would work, too.”

His slave joined them. “You have something for me?” he asked her.

She held out her fisted hand. “Yes, Sir.”

He took the white thong from her and stuffed it in his pants pocket.

“Excellent.” He snaked an arm around her waist, triggering the vibrator in her pussy with his other hand. Her eyes glazed, but, otherwise, she didn’t give anything away.

Jason chuckled. “Good God, Todd. Do you have any idea where we are?”

“I know exactly where we are. That’s why I brought some entertainment. You know these parties can put a man to sleep.”

“Don’t I know it? Why do you think I have these?” Todd followed his friend’s gaze to the flash of royal blue lace he pulled from his pocket. “Knowing Carrie isn’t wearing them keeps me from snoozing off.”

Todd laughed. “Yeah, I thought so. At least I let Brooke go to the restroom. Carrie took them off half an hour ago behind that support post, didn’t she?” He pointed to a paneled area that jutted out from the wall near the back of the room.

“Yep. How’d you know?”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure no one else noticed. I was thinking of having Brooke do the same then I saw Carrie wander over there and disappear for a few seconds. She looked nervous when she came back out.” He shrugged. “I assumed.”

“Adds a bit of excitement to the evening.”

“That it does, doesn’t it, Brooke?” He keyed the remote again. She clamped her thighs together and moaned.

“Geez, Todd. Get a room.” Jason smiled as he walked away, presumably in search of his wife.

“Ready to go?” Todd pulled Brooke tighter against him. He’d played enough games for one night.

Others were starting to leave, so they made their excuses and headed out. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on his slave. Teasing had only added to his need for her.

Thankfully, the prospect of a trade hadn’t come up in conversation during the evening. He’d yet to mention the possibility to her, thinking what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her, but, still, he should tell her in case someone mentioned it. Some asshole like Matthews, out to further his own career without a care for anyone else.

The jerk had made a fatal mistake tonight. He’d failed to notice the people around him—not surprising for a narcissist. Todd was armed with information he could use to control the man for years to come, if he chose to. Arranging to have him traded held more appeal. Let some other team deal with his self-centered personality.

“Earth to Todd.” Brooke laid her hand on his thigh, instantly bringing him to attention, physically and mentally.

“I’m sorry, babe. Were you talking to me?”

“I said I had a good time tonight.”

He smiled, loving the way she fit into his life on every level. “I’m glad you did. Everyone on the team loves you, and since you brought that chocolate cake, they’ll be your slaves for life.”

“It was pretty awesome, wasn’t it?”

“It was out of this world. I heard Jeff’s wife call it orgasmic.”

“Hmm. I need a name for it. How about Jeff’s Wife’s Orgasm?”

He chuckled. “Better not. How about Chocolate Orgasm? Brooke’s Orgasmic Chocolate? Fuck Me, That’s Orgasmic?”

Her fingers crept closer to his crotch. His cock leapt in anticipation. “I like Chocolate Orgasm, though that might be a bit much for the bakery crowd. I’ll have to think about it.”

“You put that creation in the case, and Baked by Brooke will be so busy you’ll have to open another location.”

“Wouldn’t that be something? A whole string of bakeries with my name on them across the country?”

“You can do anything you set your mind to, babe. You’re up there with the best of them, and that’s not just my bias speaking. Everyone tonight was talking about the desserts you brought.”

“Everyone was talking about you. All I heard was Todd this and Todd that.” She inched her hand up until her fingers stroked his fly. “They all wanted to be your slaves, but I was the one following you around on my knees, figuratively, wanting to suck your cock.”

It was all he could do to keep the car on the road. “Hold that thought, slave.” He placed one hand over hers, molding her fingers around his erection. “We’re almost home.”

He pulled into the complex, carefully navigated to his reserved parking spot, and cut the engine. Low voltage lighting along the sidewalks provided weak illumination that didn’t reach the interior of the car. Todd hesitated all of two seconds before he slid his seat as far back as it would go. Reclining the seat back a few inches, he spread his legs. “I’ve wanted you all fucking day, slave.”

Her smile was brighter than all the landscape lighting combined. Her fingers danced along his fly until they found the button at the top. She’d had plenty of practice, as daily blow jobs to take the edge off were part of their ritual. He hissed as she freed his cock, wrapping her small hand around the base. When she swiped her tongue across the head, he closed his eyes, groaning.

“Fuck, woman. You’re killing me.”

Her mouth felt like heaven, wet and hot and abso-fucking-perfect. In seconds, she had him panting. He slipped his hands around her head, loving the feel of her hair sliding through his fingers, brushing his belly. Damn, she was good. As she took him deep, he swore to himself there was nothing on the planet that could possibly entice him to walk away from her. Not now. Not ever.




They had another appointment with Mistress Lola. Todd could hardly believe the six weeks were coming to a close. Since Brooke arrived, time had flown by. Coming home to her was everything he’d ever dreamed of. He was even getting the hang of the Master/slave relationship now. He’d instituted a discipline-based program where the rules were clear. As a result, Brooke seemed calmer. The few times she fell short of his expectations, he hadn’t shied away from punishing her.

She was learning, and so was he. Serving as a sub, even for a few weeks, had given him valuable insight into what Brooke felt. Watching his slave with the Domme gave him more. The two women had developed a special bond in the short period of time they’d known each other. Believing it could only help strengthen his relationship with Brooke, he had given her permission to see the other woman socially while he was at work. Today was the first day Mistress Lola had asked permission to scene with Brooke before his arrival.

He’d thought to refuse the request, but his slave’s pleasure was always foremost in his mind. Admitting he had less time than usual to see to her needs due to several charitable appearances arranged by the team, he’d acquiesced. There was no reason for them to wait for him.

Arriving at Mistress Lola’s alone, he had no idea what to expect. Carrying the bag containing his leathers and his newest toy, a cat-‘o-nine-tails with tiny knots on the ends, he entered the converted downtown warehouse. Quickly changing, he went in search of his slave.

He came to a halt in the doorway to the main playroom, his breath hitching as his blood rushed south. Brooke was strung up on the spider web, her body glistening with sweat. Her arms were out to her sides at shoulder level. Leather cuffs at her armpits, elbows, wrists, and another around her waist, supported her. Her knees were drawn up, wide leather cuffs just above her knees exposing her cunt. Weighted clamps tortured her rosy nipples. A wide band fastened around her neck and clipped in the back to the chain web held her chin up high. Her face was serene. From the faraway look in her eyes, she was nearing subspace, if not already there.

She was the most stunning human sacrifice he’d ever seen.

“Beautiful, isn’t she?”

The woman’s voice drew his attention to the far corner where Mistress Lola, dressed as a Dominatrix, lounged in an overstuffed chair where she could observe her charge.

“We’ve been waiting for you, haven’t we, Brooke?”

“Yes, Mistress.” Brooke’s voice was strong, but held the respect he’d come to expect from her.

“You’re stunning, slave,” he said, tossing his new flogger aside to touch her with both hands. Up close, her arousal was evident. Plunging two fingers in her tight channel, he teased her until she whimpered then withdrew. “How long has she been clamped?”

“Not long.” Mistress Lola joined him at the web. She flicked one of the dangling weights, causing Brooke to cry out. “I see you’ve brought a toy.”

“Yes.” Todd retrieved the discarded flogger. “I thought I might try it out tonight. She’s recovered nicely from the whipping you gave her on her first night.”

The leather-clad woman ran a red-tipped finger along Brooke’s inner thigh. “Are you thinking to take her that deep again?”

“I was, but it can wait. It appears she hasn’t got far to go.”

“No, I think not. A few throws with that—” She motioned to the flogger he’d brought and discarded. “—and she’ll be ours to do with as we please.” She placed her palm flat on his slave’s stomach then, with infinite care, moved her hand over Brooke’s skin, caressing her nude body.

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